853 33,6
686 27,0
Product data sheet
PFWE 7150
Dimensions in mm [inch]
136 5,3
462 18,2
120 4,7354 13,9
859 33,8
180 7,1
276 10,8
126 4,9
670 - 1320 [ 26,4 - 52 ]
: This document and specifications herein are confidential and the exclusive property of Vogel's Products b.v. Neither this design nor any information
contained in this drawing may be reproduced or disclosed to others without written consent of Vogel's Products b.v. The design and information will not be
reproduced, copied or used, either in part or in its entirety, as the basis for the manufacture or sale of items without written permission.
Please study all instructions and illustrations carefully before installation.
Information in this document is subject to change without further notice.
300 11,850 2,0
Product data sheet