Vocera T1000, B2000, B1000A User Manual

Vocera User Guide
Version 4.1
ii ··· Vocera User Guide
Copyright © 2002-2008 Vocera Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. Protected by US Patent Numbers D486,806; D486,807; 6,892,083; 6,901,255; 7,190,802; 7,206,594; 7,248,881; 7,257,415; 7,310,541; AU Patent Number AU 2002332828 B2; CA Patent Number 2,459,955; and EEC Patent Number ED 7513.
Vocera® is a registered trademark of Vocera Communications, Inc.
This software is licensed, not sold, by Vocera Communications, Inc. (“Vocera”). The reference text of the license governing this software can be found at www.vocera.com/legal. The version legally binding on you (which includes limitations of warranty, limitations of remedy and liability, and other provisions) is as agreed between Vocera and the reseller from whom your system was acquired and is available from that reseller.
Certain portions of Vocera’s product are derived from software licensed by the third parties as described at http://www.vocera.com/legal/.
Java and all Java-based marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States and other countries.
Microsoft® Windows®, Windows® 2000 Server, Windows Server™ 2003, Windows® XP, Microsoft® Internet Explorer, and Microsoft® Excel are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.
All other trademarks, service marks, registered trademarks, or registered service marks are the property of their respective owner/s. All other brands and/or product names are the trademarks (or registered trademarks) and property of their respective owner/s.
Vocera Communications, Inc. www.vocera.com tel :: +1 408 882 5100 fax :: +1 408 882 5101 Part No :: 930-01755 Rev B, 06-Oct-2008 Build 2088
Contents ··· iii
What's New .............................................................................. 13
Welcome to Vocera .................................................................. 15
Getting Started with a Badge ..................................................... 16
Getting Started with a T1000 Phone ........................................... 18
Device Features ........................................................................ 21
Badge Features ......................................................................... 23
Call Button ............................................................................... 24
Hold/DND Button ...................................................................... 24
Microphone and Speaker ........................................................... 25
Display Screen ........................................................................... 25
The Badge Menus ..................................................................... 26
Main Screen ....................................................................... 26
Messages ............................................................................ 28
Font ................................................................................... 28
Volume .............................................................................. 28
Power Off .......................................................................... 28
Info .................................................................................... 29
Custom Settings ........................................................................ 30
Adjusting the Message Font ................................................. 30
Adjusting the Volume .......................................................... 31
Indicator Lights ......................................................................... 32
Anti-Microbial Protection ............................................................ 33
Protective Sleeves ...................................................................... 33
T1000 Phone Features ............................................................. 35
Keypad ..................................................................................... 36
Navigation Key .......................................................................... 37
Left and Right Soft Keys ............................................................ 37
Call Button ......................................................................... 37
DND Button ........................................................................ 38
iv ··· Vocera User Guide
Send Key .................................................................................. 38
Power/End Key .......................................................................... 38
Volume Controls ....................................................................... 38
Display Screen ........................................................................... 39
The Phone Menus ..................................................................... 39
Messages Menu .................................................................. 39
Lookup Menu ..................................................................... 39
Info Menu .......................................................................... 39
Sound Menu ....................................................................... 40
Config Menu ...................................................................... 40
Polycarbonate Shell ................................................................... 40
Protective Sleeves ...................................................................... 40
Anti-Microbial Protection ............................................................ 41
Common Features .................................................................... 43
Headset Jack ............................................................................. 43
Alert Tones and Notifications ...................................................... 43
Commands ................................................................................ 45
Basic Calling ............................................................................. 47
Logging In and Out ................................................................... 47
Recording Names and Greetings ................................................. 48
Using the Welcome Tutorial on the Badge .................................... 48
Placing and Receiving Calls ......................................................... 49
Calling Other Users ............................................................. 49
Using Speak or Spell ............................................................ 50
Calling Inner Circle Members ................................................ 51
Calling with Department Names ........................................... 52
Calling a Group Member ..................................................... 52
Training the Genie ............................................................... 53
Answering a Call ................................................................. 56
Ending a Call ...................................................................... 57
Using Buttons to Answer "Yes" or "No" ............................... 57
Call Waiting ........................................................................ 57
Putting a Caller on Hold and Releasing the Hold ..................... 58
Using Do Not Disturb .......................................................... 58
Sending and Receiving Messages ................................................ 59
Sending a Voice Message ..................................................... 60
Sending a Voice Email ......................................................... 61
Listening to Messages .......................................................... 62
Reading Messages ............................................................... 65
Using Voice Commands to Set Device Properties ........................... 68
Contents ··· v
Using the Auto Answer Commands ...................................... 68
Using the Announce through Speaker Commands .................. 68
Advanced Commands .............................................................. 71
Calling Telephone Numbers ........................................................ 71
Calling an Address Book Entry or Buddy ...................................... 72
Sending and Receiving Numeric Pages ......................................... 73
Redialing Phone Numbers .......................................................... 75
Using Instant Conferences .......................................................... 76
Joining and Leaving a Conference ......................................... 76
Using the Vocera Badge or Phone in a Conference .................. 77
Summary of Conference Commands ..................................... 77
Broadcasting to a Group ............................................................ 78
Summoning Help in an Emergency ........................................ 79
Forwarding Your Calls ................................................................ 80
Placing a Three-Way Conference Call .......................................... 81
Unsupervised Conferencing .................................................. 82
Supervised Conferencing ...................................................... 82
Issuing Urgent Commands ......................................................... 83
Joining or Leaving a Group ........................................................ 85
Locating a Badge User or Group Member .................................... 86
Recording Your Voiceprint .......................................................... 87
Blocking and Accepting Calls ...................................................... 87
Recording a Dictation Session ..................................................... 88
Getting Other Information ......................................................... 89
Navigating IVR Phone Trees with a Badge .................................... 89
Possible Touch-Tone Responses ............................................. 90
Special Features ........................................................................ 93
Communicating with Multiple Sites ....................................... 95
About Sites ............................................................................... 95
Types of Sites ............................................................................ 95
Using Sites in Voice Commands .................................................. 96
Logging In at a Site you are Visiting ...................................... 97
Placing a Three-Way Conference Call Between Different Sites
.......................................................................................... 98
Commands for Group Managers ............................................ 99
Group Manager Capabilities ....................................................... 99
Adding and Removing Group Members ..................................... 100
Recording Names and Greetings for a Group .............................. 100
vi ··· Vocera User Guide
Sending Text Messages to Vocera Devices ........................... 103
Sending a Text Message from a T1000 Phone ............................. 103
Sending a Text Message from an Email Program .......................... 103
Sending a Text Message from the User Console .......................... 104
Using a Standard Phone to Access the Genie ...................... 107
Types of Access to the Genie .................................................... 107
Software and Configuration Requirements ................................. 108
Starting a Genie Session from a Phone ...................................... 109
Starting a Genie Session at Another Site .................................... 110
Phone Access Special Keys ....................................................... 111
Announcements for Calls from a Phone ..................................... 112
Commands Not Supported from a Phone ................................... 112
Other Functionality Not Supported on a Phone ..................... 113
Training the Genie from a Phone ............................................... 114
The User Console ................................................................... 115
User Console Features .............................................................. 115
Maintenance ........................................................................... 117
Maintaining Your Badge ....................................................... 119
When to Charge the Battery .................................................... 119
Preparing the Charger .............................................................. 119
Charging the Battery ............................................................... 120
Charging the Battery Without the Badge ............................. 120
Charging the Battery With the Badge .................................. 122
Cleaning the Badge ................................................................. 122
Maintaining Your T1000 Phone ............................................ 125
When to Charge the Battery .................................................... 125
Preparing the Charger .............................................................. 125
Charging the Battery ............................................................... 127
Cleaning the T1000 Phone ....................................................... 127
Reference ................................................................................ 129
Frquently Asked Questions ................................................... 131
General Questions ................................................................... 131
Why does the Genie have trouble understanding me? ............ 131
Contents ··· vii
Why is my device chirping or beeping? ................................ 132
Why does my device beep when I'm talking to someone? ....... 133
Why does my device display say "Searching for Server"? ........ 134
How can I stop getting logged out when I charge my device?
......................................................................................... 134
Why does the Genie ask me to wait when I press Call? .......... 134
Why can't I receive calls or messages? ................................. 134
Why do some text messages begin with strange characters?
......................................................................................... 134
Badge Questions ..................................................................... 134
Why does my badge beep and then restart? ......................... 134
What can I do if badge buttons are not working? ................. 134
T1000 Questions ..................................................................... 135
Why does my T1000 display say "Searching for Gateway"?
......................................................................................... 135
Agreements, Specifications, and Notices ............................. 137
Third-Party Software Agreements .............................................. 137
System Specifications ............................................................... 137
System Specifications for B1000A ........................................ 137
System Specifications for B2000 .......................................... 140
System Specifications for T1000 .......................................... 142
Regulatory Notices ................................................................... 145
B1000A and B2000 Regulatory Notices ................................ 145
T1000 Regulatory Notices ................................................... 149
Important Safety Instructions ............................................... 153
Vocera Badge Safety Instructions ............................................... 153
Badge and Battery Charger Safety ....................................... 153
Additional Instructions Related to Battery Safety .................... 155
Important Information About Use in Certain Areas ................ 156
Vocera T1000 Phone Safety Instructions ..................................... 157
Phone and Battery Charger Safety ....................................... 157
Additional Instructions Related to Battery Safety .................... 158
Important Information About Use in Certain Areas ................ 160
Command Reference .............................................................. 161
Summon and Dismiss the Genie ................................................ 161
Log In and Log Out ................................................................. 161
Record Your Name, Greeting, and Voiceprint .............................. 162
Call a User or Group Member ................................................... 162
Dial a Telephone Number ......................................................... 163
Broadcast to a Group .............................................................. 163
Forward a Call ........................................................................ 164
viii ··· Vocera User Guide
Transfer a Call ......................................................................... 165
Use Instant Conferences ........................................................... 165
Send and Receive Numeric Pages .............................................. 166
Block and Accept Calls ............................................................ 166
Send Messages ....................................................................... 167
Play Messages ......................................................................... 167
Locate Users and Groups ......................................................... 168
Work With Your Groups .......................................................... 168
Manage Groups ...................................................................... 169
Place a Three-Way Conference Call ........................................... 169
Work with Sites ...................................................................... 171
Dictation ................................................................................. 171
Miscellaneous .......................................................................... 171
Index ....................................................................................... 173
Contents ··· ix
List of Figures
1. Connecting badge attachments ................................................... 16
2. Installing the battery on a badge ................................................. 16
3. Proper ways to wear the badge .................................................. 17
4. Installing the battery on a T1000 phone ....................................... 18
5. Badge features .......................................................................... 23
6. Badge display with typical nurse call message ............................... 25
7. Badge selection buttons ............................................................. 26
8. Badge main screen .................................................................... 26
9. Badge screen with message status ............................................... 27
10. Messages icon ........................................................................... 28
11. Font icon .................................................................................. 28
12. Volume icon .............................................................................. 28
13. Power Off icon .......................................................................... 29
14. Info icon ................................................................................... 29
15. Font icon .................................................................................. 30
16. Font menu ................................................................................ 30
17. Volume icon .............................................................................. 31
18. Volume menu ............................................................................ 31
19. Speaker volume icon .................................................................. 31
20. Adjusting speaker volume ........................................................... 32
21. Badge protective sleeves ............................................................. 33
22. T1000 phone features (front) ...................................................... 35
23. T1000 phone features (back) ...................................................... 36
24. T1000 keypad ........................................................................... 37
25. Phone polycarbonate shell .......................................................... 40
26. Phone protective sleeves ............................................................. 41
27. Messages icon ........................................................................... 65
28. Send Text page ........................................................................ 105
29. Special keys for phone access to the Genie ................................. 111
30. Personal Information page ........................................................ 115
31. Send a Text Message page ........................................................ 116
32. Battery-level indicator ............................................................... 119
33. Preparing the charger ............................................................... 120
34. Removing the battery ............................................................... 121
35. Inserting the battery into the charger ......................................... 121
x ··· Vocera User Guide
36. Placing the battery onto the badge ............................................ 122
37. Charging the battery with the badge ......................................... 122
38. Wiping the badge .................................................................... 123
39. Do not immerse the badge in water .......................................... 123
40. Battery-level indicator ............................................................... 125
41. Phone in a single-bay charger ................................................... 126
42. Phones in a 6-bay charger ........................................................ 126
43. Charging the phone ................................................................. 127
44. Wiping the phone .................................................................... 127
45. Do not immerse the phone in water .......................................... 128
46. Signal strength indicator ........................................................... 132
47. Battery-level indicator ............................................................... 133
48. Message status icons ................................................................ 133
Contents ··· xi
List of Tables
1. Status messages ........................................................................ 27
2. Indicator lights .......................................................................... 32
3. Device alert tones ...................................................................... 43
4. Device reminders ....................................................................... 44
5. Logging in and out .................................................................... 47
6. Recording names and greetings ................................................... 48
7. Playing the Welcome tutorial ...................................................... 49
8. Calling other users ..................................................................... 49
9. Calling with department names .................................................. 52
10. Calling a group member ............................................................ 53
11. Training the Genie ..................................................................... 55
12. Recording voice messages ........................................................... 60
13. Sending a voice email ................................................................ 61
14. Working with voice messages ..................................................... 62
15. Working with text messages ....................................................... 64
16. Using the "from" modifier to play or delete text messages ............. 64
17. Commands during message playback ........................................... 65
18. Using Auto Answer commands ................................................... 68
19. Announce through Speaker commands ........................................ 69
20. Calling telephone numbers ......................................................... 71
21. Calling an Address Book entry or buddy ....................................... 73
22. Sending a page ......................................................................... 74
23. Enabling and disabling pages ...................................................... 75
24. Redialing a phone number .......................................................... 75
25. Conference commands ............................................................... 78
26. Broadcasting to a group ............................................................. 79
27. Forwarding your calls ................................................................. 81
28. Conference call commands ......................................................... 83
29. Issuing urgent commands ........................................................... 84
30. Joining or leaving a group .......................................................... 85
31. Asking the Genie about groups ................................................... 86
32. Locating a user or group member ............................................... 86
33. Recording or erasing your voiceprint ............................................ 87
34. Blocking and accepting calls ....................................................... 88
35. Recording a dictation session ...................................................... 89
xii ··· Vocera User Guide
36. Getting other information ........................................................... 89
37. Touch tone responses ................................................................. 90
38. Using sites in "call" voice commands ........................................... 96
39. Logging in at a site you are visiting ............................................. 97
40. Placing a three-way conference call between different sites ............. 98
41. Adding and removing group members ....................................... 100
42. Recording group names and greetings ....................................... 101
43. Types of access to the Genie ..................................................... 108
44. Commands not supported from a phone .................................... 112
45. Badge indicator lights ............................................................... 120
46. Charger indicator lights ............................................................ 126
47. B1000A badge specifications ..................................................... 138
48. B1000A network specifications .................................................. 138
49. B1000A electrical specifications ................................................. 139
50. B1000A environmental specifications ......................................... 139
51. B2000 badge specifications ....................................................... 140
52. B2000 network specifications .................................................... 140
53. B2000 electrical specifications ................................................... 141
54. B2000 environmental specifications ........................................... 142
55. T1000 device specifications ....................................................... 143
56. T1000 network specifications .................................................... 143
57. T1000 electrical specifications ................................................... 144
58. T1000 environmental specifications ............................................ 145
59. EU Declaration of Conformity (DoC) .......................................... 148
60. EU Declaration of Conformity (DoC) .......................................... 151
61. Summoning and dismissing the Genie ........................................ 161
62. Logging in and logging out ...................................................... 161
63. Recording name, greeting, and voiceprint ................................... 162
64. Calling a user or group member ................................................ 162
65. Dialing a telephone .................................................................. 163
66. Broadcasting to a group ........................................................... 163
67. Forwarding a call ..................................................................... 164
68. Transferring a call .................................................................... 165
69. Using instant conferences ......................................................... 165
70. Sending and receiving numeric pages ......................................... 166
71. Blocking and accepting calls ...................................................... 166
72. Sending messages .................................................................... 167
73. Playing messages ..................................................................... 167
74. Locating users and groups ........................................................ 168
75. Working with your groups ........................................................ 168
76. Managing groups ..................................................................... 169
77. Placing a three-way conference call ............................................ 169
78. Working with sites ................................................................... 171
79. Dictation ................................................................................. 171
80. Miscellaneous commands ......................................................... 171
What's New ··· 13
What's New
Vocera 4.1 provides significant enhancements to the previous version of Vocera. The following topics summarize the new features.
See the Release Notes for a complete list of changes for this version.
New Voice Commands – Vocera 4.1 provides the following new voice commands:
• Page GroupName.
• Add me to multiple groups.
• Remove me from multiple groups.
• Start dictation.
For more information about using the badge to record a dictation session, see the Vocera Dictation User Guide. For information about the other new commands, see Advanced Commands on page 71.
Phone Access to the Genie – With the appropriate Vocera software and licenses, you can access the Genie from a phone and use many of the same voice commands available from a badge, a key feature for workers who work remotely or who commute long distances.
For more information, see Using a Standard Phone to Access the Genie on page 107.
14 ··· Vocera User Guide
Welcome to Vocera ··· 15
Welcome to Vocera
Your Vocera badge or phone provides fast, simple, person-to-person communication over your company's wireless network. You don't need to memorize a number, and you don't need to page someone and wait for a response. Using voice commands, Vocera instantly connects you to the people you need to reach, reducing phone tag, overhead paging, and physically searching for a person. It also gives you the freedom to be mobile, even when you are expecting an important call.
The Vocera badge has a built-in speaker, microphone, and radio, plus a display that shows caller ID and messages. Attachment options for the badge allow hands-free operation.
The Vocera T1000 phone provides the one-touch, instant communication capability of the Vocera badge in a familiar phone form factor. With the T1000, users have the additional flexibility to use keypad dialing if necessary.
Vocera devices communicate through your in-house wireless local area network (WLAN). This design permits people to reach you even in areas where cellular phones experience what people call dead spots. Also, since Vocera devices transmit and receive calls in a different frequency range than cellular phones, you can use a Vocera devices in areas where cellular phones are prohibited because of concerns about interference with other equipment.
A central computer, the Vocera Server, controls all Vocera device communications. If you have a Vocera phone, it communicates with the Vocera Server through a separate Vocera Client Gateway. As you use your Vocera badge or phone, you are prompted by the Genie, which is the voice interface to the server. The Genie recognizes simple commands in verb-noun format. For example:
"Call Charles Jones."
"Record a message for Tech Support."
"Block all calls."
Getting Started with a Badge
16 ··· Vocera User Guide
Because Vocera devices uses voice commands, the system is easy to learn, and you can start using your badge or phone immediately.
Getting Started with a Badge
If this is the first time you are using a Vocera badge, you can get started right away by following these simple steps:
1. Charge the battery, if necessary.
New batteries must be charged before use. If the badge has already been used by someone else, check the battery level indicator on the badge display to make sure the battery has sufficient power.
See Maintaining Your Badge on page 119 for other ways to determine whether the battery needs charging and for instructions on how to charge the battery with or without the badge.
2. Choose the lanyard, pocket clip, or universal clip attachment, and connect it to the badge.
Connect attachments before you install the battery.
Figure 1. Connecting badge attachments
3. Install the battery. To do this, slide the holes in the top of the battery over the small pegs at the top of the badge's battery compartment, and then press down gently to seat the battery.
Figure 2. Installing the battery on a badge
Getting Started with a Badge
Welcome to Vocera ··· 17
The badge will begin a startup sequence. Wait until the badge display reads Logged Out or shows someone's name.
4. Put the badge on, and make sure it is in the proper position.
To get the best possible speech recognition, the microphone on the top of the badge should point toward your mouth and should be 6 to 8 inches (15 to 20 centimeters) from your mouth.
Figure 3. Proper ways to wear the badge
5. Log in: Press the Call button and wait for the Genie to answer.
If the Genie asks for your name, say your first and last names.
If the Genie answers by saying "Vocera" or by playing a tone, say
"Log me in as your first and last name" (for example, "Log me in as John Smith").
6. Record your name: Press the Call button, wait for the Genie to answer, and then say "Record my name."
The Genie will prompt you to record your name. If you do not record your name, the Vocera system uses speech synthesis to say your name.
7. Adjust the volume on the badge, if necessary. (See Adjusting the Volume on page 31).
Your badge is now ready to use. You can press the Call button at any time, wait for the Genie to answer, and then give the Genie a voice command, such as:
"Call Jim Olsen."
"Record my greeting."
"Play my messages."
For more information about Vocera commands, see Basic Calling on page 47 and Advanced Commands on page 71.
Getting Started with a T1000 Phone
18 ··· Vocera User Guide
Getting Started with a T1000 Phone
If this is the first time you are using a Vocera T1000 phonebadge, you can get started right away by following these simple steps:
1. Charge the battery, if necessary.
New batteries must be charged before use. If the badge has already been used by someone else, check the battery level indicator on the phone display to make sure the battery has sufficient power.
See Maintaining Your T1000 Phone on page 125 for other ways to determine whether the battery needs charging and for instructions on how to charge the battery.
2. Install the battery. To do this, slide the holes in the top of the battery over the small pegs at the top of the badge's battery compartment, and then press down gently to seat the battery.
Figure 4. Installing the battery on a T1000 phone
Press and hold the Power/End key for five seconds to turn on the phone. Wait until the phone display reads Logged Out or shows someone's name.
4. Log in: Press the Call button, and hold the phone to your ear. Wait for the Genie to answer.
If the Genie asks for your name, say your first and last names.
If the Genie answers by saying "Vocera" or by playing a tone, say
"Log me in as your first and last name" (for example, "Log me in as John Smith").
5. Record your name: Press the Call button, wait for the Genie to answer, and then say "Record my name."
The Genie will prompt you to record your name. If you do not record your name, the Vocera system uses speech synthesis to say your name.
6. Adjust the volume on the phone, if necessary. (See Volume Controls on page 38).
Getting Started with a T1000 Phone
Welcome to Vocera ··· 19
Your phone is now ready to use. You can press the Call button at any time, wait for the Genie to answer, and then give the Genie a voice command, such as:
"Call Jim Olsen."
"Record my greeting."
"Play my messages."
For more information about Vocera commands, see Basic Calling on page 47 and Advanced Commands on page 71.
Getting Started with a T1000 Phone
20 ··· Vocera User Guide
Device Features ··· 21
Device Features
The following topics explain the basic features of the Vocera badge and T1000 phone:
Badge Features on page 23
T1000 Phone Features on page 35
Common Features on page 43
22 ··· Vocera User Guide
Badge Features ··· 23
Badge Features
The design of the Vocera badge is simple, so you can communicate quickly and easily and keep your hands free to do other tasks. The information in this chapter will help you become familiar with the badge features.
Figure 5. Badge features
Call Button
24 ··· Vocera User Guide
Call Button
Press the Call button to begin and end all voice communications, such as making calls, sending and listening to messages, and recording your name and greeting. The Call button also has these other uses:
• If the badge power is off, you can press the Call button to turn it on.
• If the Genie asks you a question that requires a yes or no response, you can press the Call button to answer "yes."
• If you are on a call and you hear a Call Waiting tone, press the Call button to put the current call on hold and connect to the new call. To disconnect from the second call and return to the call on hold, press the Call button again.
Hold/DND Button
The Hold/DND button places calls on hold, puts the badge in Do Not Disturb (DND) mode, and turns the badge power off:
• To hold a call, press the Hold/DND button while the call is in progress. To release the hold, press the button again.
While a call is on hold, you can press the Call button to summon the Genie. When the Genie answers, you can call another user, check for new messages, or issue any other command. Once the command has been carried out and the operation is finished, the Genie automatically reconnects you with the person on hold.
• To put the badge in Do Not Disturb mode, press the Hold/DND button when no call is in progress. Callers are told that you are unavailable, and they are invited to leave a message, or else their call is forwarded to another destination if forwarding is active for your badge.
• The Hold/DND button can turn the badge off. Press and hold the Hold/DND button for at least 5 seconds to turn off the badge power.
A small yellow indicator light on the Hold/DND button blinks when the badge is in Hold or Do Not Disturb mode.
The Hold/DND button also has these other uses:
• Press the Hold/DND button to cancel a command. For example, if you are calling someone, leaving a message, or recording your name and you change your mind, press Hold/DND to cancel the action.
• If the Genie asks you a question that requires a yes or no response, press the Hold/DND button to answer "no." (To answer "yes," use the Call button.)
Microphone and Speaker
Badge Features ··· 25
Microphone and Speaker
The unidirectional design of the microphone enables it to gather and transmit speech, yet minimizes the amount of background noise that is picked up.
You can adjust the speaker volume by using the buttons on the left side of the badge. See Adjusting the Volume on page 31.
Display Screen
The display screen on the back of the badge provides status information and a menu allowing you to view badge information and customize settings. The display screen also allows you to view text messages sent by email, the Vocera User Console, or an application that integrates with the Vocera system, such as a nurse call system. See The Badge Menus on page 26 for information about each of the screens in the badge menu.
The B2000 badge features a high-contrast, high-resolution display with an extensive grey-scale to provide greater readability. This display allows for fonts that use both upper- and lower-case characters.
Figure 6. Badge display with typical nurse call message
The B2000 badge automatically launches a screen saver when its display is inactive. The screen saver shows your first name and the first initial of your last name, along with an icon indicating the remaining battery life. The badge dismisses this screen saver immediately if the display needs to become active—for example, if you receive a call or a message.
You can manually interrupt the screen saver and return the badge to its previous display by using any of the badge buttons:
• Pressing a side button dismisses the screen saver without taking any additional action.
• Pressing the Call button dismisses the screen saver and also initiates a call.
The Badge Menus
26 ··· Vocera User Guide
• Pressing the DND/Hold button dismisses the screen saver and either places the badge in DND mode or puts a call on hold.
The Badge Menus
The display on the back of the badge shows a series of menu screens that comprise the top level of the menu system. To navigate through the menu system, you use the Up, Select, and Down buttons on the side of the badge:
Figure 7. Badge selection buttons
Use the Select button to choose a displayed item. To return to the main screen at any time, press and hold the Select button until the badge beeps.
If you press the Up button to scroll through the top-level menu, you see the following choices: Messages, Font, Volume, Power Off, and Info (the Font menu is not available on the B1000A badge). If you press the Up button once more, the display returns to the main screen. Press the Down button to navigate in the reverse direction.
The following sections describe your badge's display menu choices.
Main Screen
The main screen appears when you turn on the badge. This screen has a status message area with symbols that show you the wireless network signal strength and the battery charge level.
Figure 8. Badge main screen
Main Screen
Badge Features ··· 27
In addition, when you have unread text messages, the envelope symbol appears, and when you have unplayed voice messages, the telephone symbol appears, as this illustration shows:
Figure 9. Badge screen with message status
The status message area may show one of the following alerts:
Table 1. Status messages
Status Message Meaning
Name—not blinking The name of the person who is logged in to the Vocera
system using this badge.
Name—blinking If someone is trying to call you, this shows you the
name of the person who is calling. If you are already on a call, this shows the name of the person with whom you are currently speaking. If you are already on a call and you hear the Call Waiting tone, this displays the name of the person who is trying to call you.
If you are in a conference, this shows its name. If you are receiving a broadcast, this shows the name of the person making the broadcast.
If you received a message, this shows the name of the person who sent the message for 15 seconds.
Vocera Your badge is communicating with the Genie.
Logged out No one is logged in with this badge.
Searching for Access Points or Off Network
The badge is out of network range or is not able to connect with the network. If you are sure you are within range of your network, contact your system administrator.
Searching for Server The badge is within network range, but it is not
communicating with the Vocera Server. See Why does
my device display say "Searching for Server"? on
page 134.
28 ··· Vocera User Guide
Your badge can display text messages that were sent from email accounts, the Vocera User Console, or an application that integrates with the Vocera system, such as a nurse call system.
Figure 10. Messages icon
When you select Messages, the display shows one subject line for each text message. A closed envelope symbol next to a subject means you have not yet read that message; an open envelope means you have already read that message. See Sending and Receiving Messages on page 59 for more information.
The Font menu (not available on the B1000A badge) allows you to adjust the size of the font the badge uses for text messages.
Figure 11. Font icon
See Adjusting the Message Font on page 30 for instructions.
The Volume control independently adjusts the sound level of the speaker on your badge and also the sound level of a headset or managed lanyard.
Figure 12. Volume icon
See Adjusting the Volume on page 31 for instructions.
Power Off
Power Off turns off all power to the badge and the badge display to preserve the battery charge when you are away from the network.
Badge Features ··· 29
Figure 13. Power Off icon
Press the Call button to turn the power on again.
The Info feature gives you information about the badge you are using and how it is connected to the network.
Figure 14. Info icon
Most of this information is intended to be used by your system administrator for diagnostic purposes.
The Info menu provides the following information:
• Battery. The battery strength is given in volts (V). The badge operates correctly when the battery level is 3.5 V or greater.
• Badge MAC. The MAC address is a unique identifier for your badge that the Vocera server uses as the Badge ID.
• Location. The name of the location or the physical network address of the access point with which your badge is currently communicating.
• Badge IP. The Internet Protocol (IP) network address of the badge.
• Version. The version of the Vocera Server you are connected to and the firmware that your badge is using.
• Server IP. The IP network address of the Vocera Server or the active node of the Vocera Server cluster.
• Cluster. The IP network addresses of the nodes in the Vocera Server cluster, if one exists.
• AP MAC. The physical ID of the access point to which the badge is currently connected.
• User. The name of the person who is currently logged in to your network with this badge.
• Radio. If the badge is connected to the network, displays the message "Connected" and the channel that the radio is using; otherwise, displays the message "Powering off."
Custom Settings
30 ··· Vocera User Guide
In the B2000 badge, this screen also displays the signal-to-noise ration (SNR) of the connection and plays a beep for the built-in survey tool that is used to configure badges.
In the B1000A badge, this screen displays the proprietary CQ value that is used to configure badges.
• SSID. The SSID of the access point the badge is connected to.
Custom Settings
The B2000 lets you customize the following badge settings:
• The message font.
See Adjusting the Message Font on page 30.
• The volume.
See Adjusting the Volume on page 31.
The B1000A badge lets you customize the volume only.
Adjusting the Message Font
You can adjust the way that the badge displays text messages. If you receive a lot of text messages—for example, if your site integrates with a messaging system such as a Nurse Call System—you may want to choose the display that is most readable for you.
To adjust the font used by badge messages:
1. Turn the badge over, so you can see the display.
2. Press the Up button until you see the Font icon.
Figure 15. Font icon
3. Press the Select button to choose the Font feature.
The display prompts you to select either all uppercase letters (UPPERCASE MSG ON) or sentence-style mixed case letters (UPPERCASE MSG OFF).
Figure 16. Font menu
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