VoCALL Compact
5 Line Fire Telephone &
Disabled Refuge System
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User Manual & Log Book

VoCALL Compact User Guide & Log Book
An EVCS is a fixed, secure, bi-directional, full duplex voice communication system to assist fire fighters
in an emergency in high rise buildings or large sites where Radio communication may not work, and
covers the operation of both fire telephones and disabled refuge systems.
The VoCALL Compact Emergency Voice Communications System (EVCS) is designed to fully comply
with BS5839-Part 9:2003 (abb. Pt9) for use as a Fire Telephone system, Disabled Refuge Call system
or as a combined system when both Fire Telephones and Disabled Refuge Points are required.
Fire telephone systems are recommended for all public buildings and multi story buildings over four
floors by BS5588.
Disabled Refuge systems are required in buildings where the public or disabled staff gain access to any
floor other than the ground floor using lifts.
Product Overview
A VoCALL EVCS comprises of two functional blocks, the master handset and outstations, (type A, type
B or Jack points), with the quantities of these basic units being adjusted to suit the application.
The VoCALL Compact EVCS has been designed on a star topology; in the most cases this will reduce
the cable requirements from all ring-based systems. The topology consists of a spur formed from either
1 off two core core 1mm CSA cables (soft skin enhanced up to 500m per leg, MICC 200m per leg) to
each outstation.
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VoCALL Compact User Guide & Log Book
All conversations on the VoCALL Compact system are under the command of the control handset,
Pt9 envisages the majority of calls to be made by lifting the handset of an outstation (type A) or pressing
the call button (type B).
Receiving a Call:
Lift the receiver; press the Zone key where the green LED is flashing. When connected the green LED
will go steady and the outstation will be connected to the handset.
To end Hang-up receiver or press the Zone key again to place the outstation on HOLD (the zone led will
flash slowly when held).
Making a Call:
Lift the receiver; press the Zone key for the required outstation, the green LED on the zone key will
flash. When the outstation answers the call the green zone LED will go steady and the handset will
connect to the called outstation.
To end the call, Hang-up receiver or press the Zone key again to place the outstation on HOLD (the
zone led will flash slowly when held).
Conference Call:
Up-to five calls can be conference called, by answering the calls or dialling the calls as described above
the master handset must be involved in the call and only one conference group is allowed.
Accepting Faults:
Note the fault in the log book, then Press the Mute Buzzer key this will silence the “waterfall” tone, while
the fault exists the fault buzzer will “beep” once every 15 seconds until the fault is rectified. The buzzer
will resound on each new fault.
Panel Test:
Press and hold the Mute Buzzer key for 5 seconds, the fault Buzzer will sound and all status LEDs will
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Indications and Controls
Health Indicators (Green)
Healthy The system is ready for use and fault free.
AC Indicates healthy AC mains available.
DC Indicates the battery supply is available.
Fault Indicators (Yellow)
Zone Fault (! Led on each zone Key) steady indicated short circuit, flashing indicated
open circuit.
General Fault ( on the mute buzzer Key) A fault exists on the system.
CPU Fault The processor, main phone or watchdog timer have tripped, engineer
assistance is required.
Supply Fault Either the AC supply or DC supply is unavailable, or a fuse has ruptured.
VoCALL Compact User Guide & Log Book
It is a requirement of BS5839pt9 that a maintenance agreement be in place for the EVCS, the
maintenance schedule should be as follows.
Weekly: Lift a different handset on the system each week and make a call to the control,
repeat each week until all points are tested, record results in the site log.
Monthly: Test one handset on each exchange by lifting the handset, followed by the master
calling the line, record results in the site log.
Quarterly: Engineer Call to check system operation.
Yearly: Engineer Call to check system operation and check Battery Health.
5 Yearly: Engineer Call to check system operation and replace the batteries.
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