b. Many video cards can easily provide upto 4x 3840x1080 outputs for G-602
c. Each PC output is fed into one G-602, then to two projectors. 4 outputs will be fed to 8 projectors.
d. If the overlap pixels is 250, then it can provide a video wall with 13,610x1080 output resolutions.
e. If the watching distance is 5m, the video pixel pitch can be about 5mm. In this case, the total screen
size can be up to 13610x5mm=68m and still keep acceptable video quality.
f. The display card should have the function to set overlapped pixels between two output ports. In the
case of four output display card, PC should be able to set overlapped pixels between output P2/P3,
P4/P5 and P6/P7. The overlapped pixels should be up to about 20%-25% of the output resolution. The
rest overlap areas (P1/P2, P3/P4, P5/P6, P7/P8) can be set by GeoBox.
g. If the display card doesn’t have above mentioned overlap setting function, then user needs to create a
content with some overlapped pixels up to about 20%-25% between outputs.
h. GeoBox can do geometry alignment, split the image, assign image for each projector and capture the
right size of the image for edge blending.
i. If one output can be connected to two G-602 through daisy chain connection, one 3840x1080 output
can be connected to 4 projectors and total projectors will become 16. If one PC output can be daisy
chain connection to 3x G-602, then 4 output will connect up to 24 projectors and the total video wall
can be more than 50m and still with good video quality.
j. The advantage for this kind of application is high output resolution. However, it still has some
The major input source shall come from multiple PC, PC with multiple windows disply card or
media player with cascade function (such as Bright Sign).
The PC shall have enough processing power to handle multiple output windows. More video
output ports from display card will occupy more PC resource.
Different playing contents (compressed types) may also require different CPU resource. User
needs to test before implement this kind of display system.
The output aspect ratio will be changed depending on the display system. User needs to take
care of the aspect ratio in the source content in advance.
k. Edge blending will increase the total resolution. Usually, the video quality will be good enough for most
of the applications if output resolution in each projector can reach XGA/WXGA resolution.
l. User can connect with other signal sources like Blue Ray or Media Player to other input ports in G-602.
By selecting different input ports and applying different GeoBox settings, it will provide different display
modes. For example, for 3 projector edge blending, user can set all three edge blending, two projector
edge blending and one has discrete display or each projector has independent content.
m. GeoBox can reduce the CPU loading in PC and reserve more CPU resource to handle interactive or
other operation without image lag.
5.4 Case D: “L/M” shape video wall with edge blending
Below is example of the application in restaurant with “L” shape video wall:
a. 3x WXGA projectors: two projectors edge blending on the front screen and another projector is located
at side wall.
b. The image is met at the corner. It is not necessary to do edge blending at the corner. User just needs to