VMware View - 4.5 Administrator’s Guide

VMware View Administrator's Guide
View 4.5
View Manager 4.5
View Composer 2.5
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VMware View Administrator's Guide
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About This Book
Configuring View Connection Server 9
Using View Administrator 9
Configuring vCenter Server and View Composer
Backing Up View Connection Server 16
Configuring Settings for Client Sessions 17
Disable or Enable View Connection Server 20
Edit an External URL 21
View LDAP Directory 21
Configuring View Connection Server Settings 22
Configuring Role-Based Delegated Administration 23
Understanding Roles and Privileges 23
Using Folders to Delegate Administration 24
Understanding Permissions 25
Manage Administrators 26
Manage and Review Permissions 27
Manage and Review Folders 29
Manage Custom Roles 31
Predefined Roles and Privileges 32
Required Privileges for Common Tasks 35
Best Practices for Administrator Users and Groups 37
Preparing Unmanaged Desktop Sources 39
Prepare an Unmanaged Desktop Source for View Desktop Deployment 39
Install View Agent on an Unmanaged Desktop Source 39
Creating and Preparing Virtual Machines 43
Creating Virtual Machines for View Desktop Deployment 43
Install View Agent on a Virtual Machine 47
Install View Agent Silently 49
Configure a Virtual Machine with Multiple NICs for View Agent 54
Optimize Windows Guest Operating System Performance 54
Optimize Windows 7 Guest Operating System Performance 55
Optimizing Windows 7 for Linked-Clone Desktops 56
Preparing Virtual Machines for View Composer 62
Creating Virtual Machine Templates 67
Creating Customization Specifications 68
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Creating Desktop Pools 69
Automated Pools That Contain Full Virtual Machines 70
Linked-Clone Desktop Pools
Manual Desktop Pools 92
Microsoft Terminal Services Pools 96
Provisioning Desktop Pools 98
Setting Power Policies for Desktop Pools 107
Entitling Users and Groups 113
Add Entitlements to Desktop Pools 113
Remove Entitlements from a Desktop Pool 113
Review Desktop Pool Entitlements 114
Restricting View Desktop Access 114
Setting Up User Authentication 119
Using Smart Card Authentication 119
Using Smart Card Certificate Revocation Checking 127
Using RSA SecurID Authentication 131
Using the Log in as Current User Feature 133
Configuring Policies 135
Setting Policies in View Administrator 135
Using Active Directory Group Policies 139
Using the View Group Policy Administrative Template Files 140
Setting Up Location-Based Printing 153
Using Terminal Services Group Policies 156
Active Directory Group Policy Example 157
Managing Linked-Clone Desktops 161
Reduce Linked-Clone Size with Desktop Refresh 161
Update Linked-Clone Desktops 163
Rebalance Linked-Clone Desktops 168
Manage View Composer Persistent Disks 170
Managing Desktops and Desktop Pools 175
Managing Desktop Pools 175
Reducing Adobe Flash Bandwidth 180
Managing Virtual-Machine Desktops 182
Export View Information to External Files 187
Managing Physical Computers and Terminal Servers 189
Add an Unmanaged Desktop Source to a Pool 189
Remove an Unmanaged Desktop Source from a Pool 190
Delete a Pool That Contains Unmanaged Desktops 190
Unregister an Unmanaged Desktop Source 191
Desktop Status of Physical Computers and Terminal Servers 191
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Managing ThinApp Applications in View Administrator 193
View Requirements for ThinApp Applications 193
Capturing and Storing Application Packages
Assigning ThinApp Applications to Desktops and Pools 197
Maintaining ThinApp Applications in View Administrator 203
Monitoring and Troubleshooting ThinApp Applications in View Administrator 206
ThinApp Configuration Example 209
Managing Local Desktops 211
Benefits of Using View Desktops in Local Mode 211
Managing View Transfer Server 217
Managing the Transfer Server Repository 221
Managing Data Transfers 227
Configure Security and Optimization for Local Desktop Operations 231
Configuring Endpoint Resource Usage 236
Configuring an HTTP Cache to Provision Local Desktops Over a WAN 240
Configuring the Heartbeat Interval for Local Desktop Client Computers 243
Manually Downloading a Local Desktop to a Location with Poor Network Connections 245
Troubleshooting View Transfer Server and Local Desktop Operations 248
Maintaining View Components 257
Backing Up and Restoring View Configuration Data 257
Monitor View Components 262
Monitor Desktop Status 263
Understanding View Manager Services 263
Add Licenses to VMware View 266
Update General User Information from Active Directory 266
Migrating View Composer with an Existing Database 266
Troubleshooting View Components 269
Monitoring System Health 270
Monitor Events in View Manager 270
Send Messages to Desktop Users 271
Display Desktops with Suspected Problems 271
Manage Desktops and Policies for Unentitled Users 272
Collecting Diagnostic Information for VMware View 272
Update Support Requests 276
Further Troubleshooting Information 276
Troubleshooting Network Connection Problems 276
Troubleshooting Desktop Pool Creation Problems 278
Troubleshooting USB Redirection Problems 282
Troubleshooting QuickPrep Customization Problems 283
View Composer Provisioning Errors 284
Windows XP Linked Clones Fail to Join the Domain 285
Using the vdmadmin Command 287
vdmadmin Command Usage 288
Configuring Logging in View Agent Using the -A Option 291
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Overriding IP Addresses Using the -A Option 292
Setting the Name of a View Connection Server Group Using the -C Option
Updating Foreign Security Principals Using the -F Option 294
Listing and Displaying Health Monitors Using the -H Option 294
Listing and Displaying Reports of View Manager Operation Using the -I Option 295
Assigning Dedicated Desktops Using the -L Option 296
Displaying Information About Machines Using the -M Option 297
Configuring Domain Filters Using the -N Option 298
Configuring Domain Filters 300
Displaying the Desktops and Policies of Unentitled Users Using the -O and -P Options 304
Configuring Clients in Kiosk Mode Using the -Q Option 305
Displaying the First User of a Desktop Using the -R Option 309
Removing the Entry for a View Connection Server Instance Using the -S Option 309
Setting the Split Limit for Publishing View Transfer Server Packages Using the -T Option 310
Displaying Information About Users Using the -U Option 310
Decrypting the Virtual Machine of a Local Desktop Using the -V Option 311
Unlocking or Locking Virtual Machines Using the -V Option 312
Setting Up Clients in Kiosk Mode 315
Configure Clients in Kiosk Mode 316
Running View Client from the Command Line 325
View Client Command Usage 325
View Client Configuration File 327
View Client Registry Settings 327
View Client Exit Codes 328
Index 331
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About This Book

The VMware how to configure View Connection Server, create administrators, provision and deploy View desktops, set up user authentication, configure policies, and manage VMware ThinApp™ applications in View Administrator. This guide also describes how to maintain and troubleshoot VMware View components.
View Administrator's Guide describes how to configure and administer VMware View™, including
Intended Audience
This guide is intended for anyone who wants to configure and administer VMware View. The information in this guide is written for experienced Windows or Linux system administrators who are familiar with virtual machine technology and datacenter operations.
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Configuring View Connection Server 1

After you install and perform initial configuration of View Connection Server, you can add vCenter Server instances and schedule backups of your configuration data.
This chapter includes the following topics:

Using View Administrator

and View Composer services to View Manager, set up roles to delegate administrator responsibilities,
“Using View Administrator,” on page 9
“Configuring vCenter Server and View Composer,” on page 12
“Backing Up View Connection Server,” on page 16
“Configuring Settings for Client Sessions,” on page 17
“Disable or Enable View Connection Server,” on page 20
“Edit an External URL,” on page 21
“View LDAP Directory,” on page 21
“Configuring View Connection Server Settings,” on page 22
View Administrator is the Web interface through which you configure View Connection Server and manage your View desktops.
For a comparison of the operations that you can perform with View Administrator, View cmdlets, and
vdmadmin, see the VMware View Integration Guide.

View Administrator and View Connection Server

View Administrator provides a management interface for View Manager.
Depending on your View deployment, you use one or more View Administrator interfaces.
Use one View Administrator interface to manage the View components that are associated with a single, standalone View Connection Server instance or a group of replicated View Connection Server instances.
You can use the IP address of any replicated instance to log in to View Administrator.
You must use a separate View Administrator interface to manage the View components for each single, standalone View Connection Server instance and each group of replicated View Connection Server instances.
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You also use View Administrator to manage security servers and View Transfer Server instances associated with View Connection Server.
Each security server is associated with one View Connection Server instance.
Each View Transfer Server instance can communicate with any View Connection Server instance in a group of replicated instances.

Log In to View Administrator

To perform initial configuration tasks, you must log in to View Administrator.
Verify that View Connection Server is installed on a dedicated computer.
Verify that you are using a Web browser supported by View Administrator. For View Administrator requirements, see the VMware View Installation Guide.
1 Open
your Web browser and enter the following URL, where server is the host name or IP address of the
View Connection Server instance.
You access View Administrator by using a secure (SSL) connection. When you first connect, your Web browser might display a page warning that the security certificate associated with the address is not issued by a trusted certificate authority. This response is expected behavior because the default certificate supplied with View Connection Server is self-signed.
2 Click Ignore to continue using the current SSL certificate.
3 Log in using administrator credentials on the View Connection Server computer.
Initially, all users who are members of the local Administrators group (BUILTIN\Administrators) on the View Connection Server computer are allowed to log in to View Administrator.
After you log in to View Administrator, you can use View Configuration > Administrators to change the list of View Manager administrators.

Tips for Using the View Administrator Interface

You can use View Administrator user-interface features to navigate View Pages and to find, filter, and sort View objects.
View Administrator includes many common user interface features. For example, the navigation pane on the left side of each page directs you to other View Administrator pages. The search filters let you select filtering criteria that are related to the objects you are searching for.
Table 1-1 describes a few additional features that can help you to use View Administrator.
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Table 1-1. View Administrator Navigation and Display Features
View Administrator Feature Description
Chapter 1 Configuring View Connection Server
Navigating backward and forward in View Administrator pages.
Multicolumn sorting You can sort View objects in a variety of ways by using multicolumn sorting.
Selecting View objects and displaying View object details
Expanding dialog boxes to view details You can expand View Administrator dialog boxes to view details such as
Click the Back button in the upper left corner of a View Administrator page to go to the previously displayed View Administrator page. Click the Forward button to return to the current page.
Do not use your browser's Back button. This button displays the View Administrator log-in page.
Click a heading in the top row of a View Administrator table to sort the View objects in alphabetical order based on that heading.
For example, in the Inventory > Desktops page, you can click Pool to sort desktops by the pools that contain them.
The number 1 appears next to the heading to indicate that it is the primary sorting column. You can click the heading again to reverse the sorting order, indicated by an up or down arrow.
To sort the View objects by a secondary item, Ctrl+click another heading.
For example, in the Desktops table, you can click Users to perform a secondary sort by users to whom the desktops are dedicated. A number 2 appears next to the secondary heading. In this example, desktops are sorted by pool and by users within each pool.
You can continue to Ctrl+click to sort all the columns in a table in descending order of importance.
Press Ctrl+Shift and click to deselect a sort item.
For example, you might want to display the desktops in a pool that are in a particular state and are stored on a particular datastore. You can click Inventory > Pools, click the pool ID, click the Datastore heading, and Ctrl+click the Status heading.
In View Administrator tables that list View objects, you can select an object or display object details.
To select an object, click anywhere in the object's row in the table. At the top of the page, menus and commands that manage the object become active.
To display object details, double-click the left cell in the object's row. A new page displays the object's details.
For example, on the Inventory > Pools page, click anywhere in an individual pool's row to activate commands that affect the pool.
Double-click the Pool ID cell in the left column to display a new page that contains details about the pool.
desktop names and user names in table columns.
To expand a dialog box, place your mouse over the dots in the lower right corner of the dialog box and drag the corner.

Troubleshooting Access to View Administrator Without a Secure SSL Connection

You cannot log in to View Administrator through a Web browser when the SSL setting for your View clients is not consistent with the URL you use to connect to View Administrator. If you deselect the SSL setting, you cannot use https in the URL.
The URL that you use to log in to View Administrator no longer works. A connection failure occurs.
By default, View Manager uses SSL to create secure connections between View clients and View Connection Server. This setting also applies to computers that connect to View Administrator through a Web browser.
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This problem occurs when you change this setting in View Administrator by navigating to View > Global Settings and deselecting the Require SSL for client connections and View Administrator check box.
Use the following URL to connect to View Administrator, where server is the host name or IP address of the View Connection Server instance.

Troubleshooting the Text Display in View Administrator

If your Web browser runs on a non-Windows operating system such as Linux, UNIX, or Mac OS, the text in View Administrator does not display properly.
The text in the View Administrator interface is garbled. For example, spaces occur in the middle of words.
View Administrator requires Microsoft-specific fonts.
Install Microsoft-specific fonts on your computer.
Currently, the Microsoft Web site does not distribute Microsoft fonts, but you can download them from independent Web sites.

Configuring vCenter Server and View Composer

To use virtual machines as desktop sources, you must configure View Manager to communicate with vCenter Server. To create and manage linked-clone desktops, you must configure View Composer settings in View Manager.

Add vCenter Server Instances to View Manager

You must configure View Manager to connect to the vCenter Server instances in your View deployment. vCenter Server creates and manages the virtual machines that View Manager uses as desktop sources.
Install the View Connection Server product license key.
Prepare a vCenter Server user with permission to perform the operations in vCenter Server that are necessary to support View Manager. To use View Composer, you must give the user additional privileges. To manage desktops that are used in local mode, you must give the user privileges in addition to those that are required for View Manager and View Composer.
For details about configuring a vCenter Server user for View Manager, see the VMware View Installation Guide.
1 In View Administrator, click View Configuration > Servers.
2 In the vCenter Servers panel, click Add.
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Chapter 1 Configuring View Connection Server
3 In
the server address text box, type the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) or IP address of the vCenter
Server instance.
The FQDN includes the host name and domain name. For example, in the FQDN
is the host name and
.com is the domain.
NOTE If you enter a server by using a DNS name or URL, View Manager does not perform a DNS lookup to verify whether an administrator previously added this server to View Manager by using its IP address. A conflict arises if you add a vCenter Server with both its DNS name and its IP address.
4 Type the name of the vCenter Server user.
Type the vCenter Server user password.
6 (Optional) Type a description for this vCenter Server instance.
7 To connect to the vCenter Server instance using a secure channel (SSL), make sure that Connect using SSL
is selected. SSL connection is the default setting.
8 Type the TCP port number.
The default port is 443.
9 (Optional) Click Advanced to configure the maximum concurrent pool operations in vCenter Server.
a Set the maximum number of concurrent provisioning operations.
This setting determines the largest number of concurrent requests that View Manager can make to provision full virtual machines in this vCenter Server instance. The default value is eight. This setting does not control linked-clone provisioning.
b Set the maximum number of concurrent power operations.
This setting determines the largest number of power operations (startup, shutdown, suspend, and so on) that can take place simultaneously on full virtual machines managed by View Manager in this vCenter Server instance. The default value is five. This setting controls power operations for full virtual machines and linked clones.
10 Choose whether to configure View Composer.
You are not using View Composer
You are using View Composer
Click OK.
Configure the View Composer settings.
What to do next
this View Connection Server instance or group of replicated View Connection Server instances uses multiple
vCenter Server instances, repeat this procedure to add the other vCenter Server instances.

Remove a vCenter Server Instance from View Manager

You can remove the connection between View Manager and a vCenter Server instance. When you do so, View Manager no longer manages the View desktops created in that vCenter Server instance.
Delete all the View desktops that are associated with the vCenter Server instance. See “Delete a Desktop Pool
from View Manager,” on page 179.
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Click View Configuration > Servers.
2 In the vCenter Servers panel, select the vCenter Server instance.
3 Click Remove.
A dialog warns you that View Manager will no longer have access to the virtual machines that are managed by this vCenter Server instance.
4 Click OK.
View Manager can no longer access the virtual machines created in the vCenter Server instance.

Create a User Account for View Composer

If you use View Composer, you must create a user account in Active Directory to use with View Composer. View Composer requires this account to join linked-clone desktops to your Active Directory domain.
To ensure security, you should create a separate user account to use with View Composer. By creating a separate account, you can guarantee that it does not have additional privileges that are defined for another purpose. You can give the account the minimum privileges that it needs to create and remove computer objects in a specified Active Directory container. For example, the View Composer account does not require domain administrator privileges.
1 In Active Directory, create a user account in the same domain as your View Connection Server host or in
a trusted domain.
2 Add the Create Computer Objects, Delete Computer Objects, and Write All Properties permissions to
the account in the Active Directory container in which the linked-clone computer accounts are created or to which the linked-clone computer accounts are moved.
The following list shows all the required permissions for the user account, including permissions that are assigned by default:
List Contents
Read All Properties
Write All Properties
Read Permissions
Create Computer Objects
Delete Computer Objects
3 Make sure that the user account's permissions apply to the Active Directory container and to all child
objects of the container.
What to do next
Specify the account in View Administrator when you configure View Composer for vCenter Server and when you configure and deploy linked-clone desktop pools.

Configure View Composer Settings for vCenter Server

To use View Composer, you must configure View Manager with initial settings that match the settings for the View Composer service that is installed in vCenter Server. View Composer is a feature of View Manager, but its service operates directly on virtual machines in vCenter Server.
NOTE If you are not using View Composer, you can skip this task.
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Chapter 1 Configuring View Connection Server
Verify that you created a user in Active Directory with permission to add and remove virtual machines from
the Active Directory domain that contains your linked clones. See “Create a User Account for View
Composer,” on page 14.
Verify that you configured View Manager to connect to vCenter Server. See “Add vCenter Server Instances
to View Manager,” on page 12.
1 In View Administrator, open the Edit vCenter Server dialog box.
a Click View Configuration > Servers.
b In the vCenter Servers panel, select the vCenter Server entry.
c Click Edit.
2 Select Enable View Composer and make sure that the port number is the same as the port that you
specified when you installed the View Composer service on vCenter Server.
View Manager verifies that the View Composer service is running on vCenter Server.
3 Click Add to add the domain user for View Composer account information.
a Type the domain name of the Active Directory domain.
For example: domain.com
b Type the domain user name, including the domain name.
For example: domain.com\admin
c Type the account password.
d Click OK.
e To add domain user accounts with privileges in other Active Directory domains in which you deploy
linked-clone pools, repeat the preceding steps.
4 Click OK to close the Edit vCenter Server dialog box.
What to do next
Repeat this procedure for each vCenter Server instance in which View Composer services are installed.

Remove View Composer from View Manager

You can remove the connection between View Manager and the View Composer service installed in a vCenter Server instance. When you do so, View Manager no longer manages the linked-clone desktops created by View Composer in the vCenter Server instance.
Before you disable the connection to View Composer, you must remove from View Manager all the linked­clone desktops that were created by View Composer. After the connection to View Composer is disabled, View Manager cannot provision, manage, or delete the linked clones. View Manager does not force you to delete the linked clones. You must take this action on your own.
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Remove the linked-clone pools that were created by View Composer.
a In View Administrator, click Inventory > Pools.
b Select a linked-clone pool and click Delete.
A dialog box warns that you will permanently delete the linked-clone pool from View Manager. The virtual machines are deleted from vCenter Server. In addition, the associated View Composer database entries and the replicas that were created by View Composer are removed.
c Click OK.
d Repeat these steps for each linked-clone pool that was created by View Composer.
2 Click View Configuration > Servers.
3 In the vCenter Servers panel, select the vCenter Server instance in which View Composer is installed.
4 Click Edit.
5 In the View Composer Settings panel, deselect Enable View Composer and click OK.
You can no longer create linked-clone desktops in this vCenter Server instance, but you can continue to create and manage full virtual-machine desktop pools in the vCenter Server instance.
If linked-clone desktops were not deleted before you disabled the connection to View Composer, you can try enabling the connection to View Composer, deleting the linked clones, and disabling the connection to View Composer again. For details about enabling View Composer, see “Configure View Composer Settings for
vCenter Server,” on page 14.

Conflicting vCenter Server Unique IDs

If you have multiple vCenter Server instances configured in your environment, an attempt to add a new instance might fail because of conflicting unique IDs.
You try to add a vCenter Server instance to View Manager, but the unique ID of the new vCenter Server instance conflicts with an existing instance.
Two vCenter Server instances cannot use the same unique ID. By default, a vCenter Server unique ID is randomly generated, but you can edit it.
1 In vSphere Client, click Administration > vCenter Server Settings > Runtime Settings.
2 Type a new unique ID and click OK.
For details about editing vCenter Server unique ID values, see the vSphere documentation.

Backing Up View Connection Server

After you complete the initial configuration of View Connection Server, you should schedule regular backups of your View Manager and View Composer configuration data.
For information about backing up and restoring your View configuration, see “Backing Up and Restoring View
Configuration Data,” on page 257.
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Configuring Settings for Client Sessions

can configure global settings that affect the client sessions that are managed by a View Connection Server
You instance or replicated group. You can set the session-timeout length, require SSL for client connections and View Administrator, display prelogin and warning messages, and set other client-connection options.

Set Options for Client Sessions and Connections

You configure global settings to determine the way client sessions and connections work.
The global settings are not specific to a single View Connection Server instance. They affect all client sessions that are managed by a standalone View Connection Server instance or a group of replicated instances.
You can also configure View Connection Server instances to use direct, nontunneled connections between View clients and View desktops. See “Configure the Tunnel Connection,” on page 20 for information about configuring direct connections.
Familiarize yourself with the global settings. See “Global Settings for Client Sessions and Connections,” on page 18.
Chapter 1 Configuring View Connection Server
1 In View Administrator, click View Configuration > Global Settings.
2 Click Edit.
3 Configure the global settings.
4 Click OK.
What to do next
If you change one of the following global settings, you must restart the View Connection Server service to make your changes take effect.
Require SSL for client connections and View Administrator
Reauthenticate secure VPN connections after network interruption
Display a pre-login message
In a group of replicated View Connection Server instances, you must restart the View Connection Server service on all instances in the group. You do not have to restart the Windows Server computer where View Connection Server is installed.
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Global Settings for Client Sessions and Connections

Global settings determine session time-out length and whether SSL is used, clients are reauthenticated after interruptions, View components use secure internal communications, prelogin and warning messages are displayed, and SSO is used for local-desktop operations.
Table 1-2. Global Settings for Client Sessions and Connections
Setting Description
Session timeout Determines how long a user can keep a session open after logging in to
View Connection Server.
The value is set in minutes. You must type a value. The default is 600 minutes.
Require SSL for client connections and View Administrator
Reauthenticate secure VPN connections after network interruption
Message security mode Determines the security of communications between View Manager
Disable Single Sign-on for Local Mode operations
Enable automatic status updates Determines if View Manager updates the global status pane in the upper
Determines if a secure SSL communication channel is used between View Connection Server and View desktop clients, and between View Connection Server and clients that access View Administrator.
When you select this setting, clients must use SSL connections.
You must select this setting if you use smart card authentication.
After you change this setting, you must restart the View Connection Server service to make your change take effect.
Determines if user credentials must be reauthenticated after a network interruption when you use tunneled, secure VPN connections to the client.
This setting has no effect when you use direct connection.
After you change this setting, you must restart the View Connection Server service to make your change take effect.
components. Specifically, determines if signing and verification of the JMS messages passed between View Manager components takes place. For details, see “Message Security Mode for View Components,” on page 19.
Determines if single sign-on is enabled when users log in to their local desktops.
If you disable this setting, users must manually log in to their desktops to start their Windows sessions after they log in.
When you change this setting, the change takes effect for each user at the next user operation.
left corner of View Administrator every few minutes. The dashboard page of View Administrator is also updated every few minutes.
When you enable this setting, idle sessions do not time out for any user who is logged into View Administrator.
IMPORTANT Disabling idle-session timeouts increases the risk of unauthorized use of View Administrator. Use caution when you enable this setting.
By default, this setting is not enabled. Idle-session timeouts do occur.
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Chapter 1 Configuring View Connection Server
Table 1-2. Global Settings for Client Sessions and Connections
Display a pre-login message Displays a disclaimer or another message to View Client users when
Display warning before forced logoff Displays a warning message when users are forced to log off because a
they log in.
Type your information or instructions in the text box in the Global Settings dialog window.
To display no message, leave the text box blank.
After you change this setting, you must restart the View Connection Server service to make your change take effect.
scheduled or immediate update such as a desktop-refresh operation is about to start. This setting also determines how long to wait after the warning is shown before the user is logged off.
Check the box to display a warning message.
Type the number of minutes to wait after the warning is displayed and before logging off the user. The default is five minutes.
Type your warning message. You can use the default message:
Your desktop is scheduled for an important update and will be restarted in 5 minutes. Please save any unsaved work now.

Message Security Mode for View Components

You can set the level of security for communications between View components. This setting determines whether to sign and verify JMS messages that are passed between View Manager components. Enabling this setting prevents control messages that did not come from an authorized source from being processed.
any component in your View environment predates View Manager 3.0, signing and verification cannot take
Table 1-3 shows the options you can select to configure the message security level. To set an option, select it
from the Message security mode list in the Global Settings dialog window.
Table 1-3. Message Security Mode Options
Disabled Message security mode is disabled.
Mixed Message security mode is enabled but not enforced.
Enabled Message security mode is enabled. Unsigned messages are rejected by View components.
You can use this mode to detect components in your View environment that predate View Manager 3.0. The log files generated by View Connection Server contain references to these components.
NOTE View components that predate View Manager 3.0 are not allowed to communicate with other View components
Message security mode is supported in View Manager 3.1 and later. If you change the message security mode from Disabled or Mixed to Enabled, you cannot launch a desktop with a View Agent from Virtual Desktop Manager version 2.1 or earlier. If you then change the message security mode from Enabled to Mixed to Disabled, the desktop still fails to launch. To launch a desktop after you change the message security mode from Enabled to Mixed to Disabled, you must restart the desktop.
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Configure the Tunnel Connection

the tunnel connection is enabled, View Client makes a second HTTPS connection to the View Connection
Server or security server host when users connect to a View desktop with the Microsoft RDP display protocol.
When the tunnel connection is disabled, View desktop sessions are established directly between the client system and the View desktop virtual machine, bypassing the View Connection Server or security server host. This type of connection is called a direct connection.
NOTE Clients that use the PCoIP and HP RGS display protocols do not use the tunnel connection.
In View Administrator, click View Configuration > Servers.
2 In the View Connection Servers panel, select a View Connection Server instance and click Edit.
Disable the tunnel connection
Enable the tunnel connection
Deselect Use secure tunnel connection to desktop.
Select Use secure tunnel connection to desktop.
The tunnel connection is enabled by default.
Click OK to save your changes.

Disable or Enable View Connection Server

You can disable a View Connection Server instance to prevent users from logging in to their View desktops. After you disable an instance, you can enable it again.
When you disable a View Connection Server instance, users who are currently logged in to View desktops are not affected.
Your View Manager deployment determines how users are affected by disabling an instance.
If this is a single, standalone View Connection Server instance, users cannot log in to their desktops. They cannot connect to View Connection Server.
If this is a replicated View Connection Server instance, your network topology determines whether users can be routed to another replicated instance. If users can access another instance, they can log in to their desktops.
1 In View Administrator, click View Configuration > Servers.
2 In the View Connection Servers panel, select the View Connection Server instance.
3 Click Disable.
You can enable the instance again by clicking Enable.
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Edit an External URL

You can use View Administrator to edit external URLs for View Connection Server instances and security servers.
default, a View Connection Server or security server host can be contacted only by tunnel clients that reside
By within the same network. Tunnel clients that run outside of your network must use an externally resolvable URL to connect to a View Connection Server instance.
NOTE You cannot edit the external URL for a security server that has not been upgraded to View Connection Server 4.5.
In View Administrator, click View Configuration > Servers.
Chapter 1 Configuring View Connection Server
View Connection Server instance
Security server
Type the external URL in the External URL text box.
The URL must contain the protocol, externally resolvable host name, and port number.
For example: https://view.example.com:443
3 Click OK to save your changes.
The external URL is updated immediately. You do not need to restart the View Connection Server service or the security server service for the change to take effect.

View LDAP Directory

View LDAP is the data repository for all View Manager configuration information. View LDAP is an embedded Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) directory that is provided with the View Connection Server installation.
View LDAP contains standard LDAP directory components that are used by View Manager.
View Manager schema definitions
Directory information tree (DIT) definitions
Select the View Connection Server instance in the View Connection Servers panel and click Edit.
Select the security server in the Security Servers panel and click Edit.
Access control lists (ACLs)
View LDAP contains directory entries that represent View Manager objects.
View desktop entries that represent each accessible desktop. Each entry contains references to the Foreign Security Principal (FSP) entries of Windows users and groups in Active Directory who are authorized to use the desktop.
View desktop pool entries that represent multiple desktops managed together
Virtual machine entries that represent the vCenter Server virtual machine for each desktop
View Manager component entries that store configuration settings
View LDAP also contains a set of View Manager plug-in DLLs that provide automation and notification services for other View Manager components.
NOTE Security server instances do not contain a View LDAP directory.
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Configuring View Connection Server Settings

You can use View Administrator to modify configuration settings for View Connection Server instances.
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Configuring Role-Based Delegated
Administration 2
One key management task in a View environment is to determine who can use View Administrator and what tasks those users are authorized to perform. With role-based delegated administration, you can selectively assign administrative rights by assigning administrator roles to specific Active Directory users and groups.
This chapter includes the following topics:
“Understanding Roles and Privileges,” on page 23
“Using Folders to Delegate Administration,” on page 24
“Understanding Permissions,” on page 25
“Manage Administrators,” on page 26
“Manage and Review Permissions,” on page 27
“Manage and Review Folders,” on page 29
“Manage Custom Roles,” on page 31
“Predefined Roles and Privileges,” on page 32
“Required Privileges for Common Tasks,” on page 35
“Best Practices for Administrator Users and Groups,” on page 37

Understanding Roles and Privileges

The ability to perform tasks in View Administrator is governed by an access control system that consists of administrator roles and privileges. This system is similar to the vCenter Server access control system.
administrator role is a collection of privileges. Privileges grant the ability to perform specific actions, such as entitling a user to a desktop pool. Privileges also control what an administrator can see in View Administrator. For example, if an administrator does not have privileges to view or modify global policies, the Global Policies setting is not visible in the navigation panel when the administrator logs in to View Administrator.
Administrator privileges are either global or object-specific. Global privileges control system-wide operations, such as viewing and changing global settings. Object-specific privileges control operations on specific types of inventory objects.
Administrator roles typically combine all of the individual privileges required to perform a higher-level administration task. View Administrator includes predefined roles that contain the privileges required to perform common administration tasks. You can assign these predefined roles to your administrator users and groups, or you can create your own roles by combining selected privileges. You cannot modify the predefined roles.
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To create administrators, you select users and groups from your Active Directory users and groups and assign administrator roles. Administrators obtain privileges through their role assignments. You cannot assign privileges
directly to administrators. An administrator that has multiple role assignments acquires the sum of
all the privileges contained in those roles.

Using Folders to Delegate Administration

By default, desktop pools are created in the root folder, which appears as / or Root(/) in View Administrator. You can create folders under the root folder to subdivide your desktop pools and then delegate the administration of specific desktop pools to different administrators.
A desktop inherits the folder from its pool. An attached persistent disk inherits the folder from its desktop. You can have a maximum of 100 folders, including the root folder.
You configure administrator access to the resources in a folder by assigning a role to an administrator on that folder. Administrators can access the resources that reside only in folders for which they have assigned roles. The role that an administrator has on a folder determines the level of access that the administrator has to the resources in that folder.
Because roles are inherited from the root folder, an administrator that has a role on the root folder has that role on all folders. Administrators that have the Administrators role on the root folder are super administrators because they have full access to all of the inventory objects in the system.
A role must contain at least one object-specific privilege to apply to a folder. Roles that contain only global privileges cannot be applied to folders.
You can use View Administrator to create folders and to move existing pools to folders. You can also select a folder when you create a desktop pool. If you do not select a folder during pool creation, the pool is created in the root folder by default.
Different Administrators for Different Folders on page 24
You can create a different administrator to manage each folder in your configuration.
Different Administrators for the Same Folder on page 25
You can create different administrators to manage the same folder.

Different Administrators for Different Folders

You can create a different administrator to manage each folder in your configuration.
For example, if your corporate desktop pools are in one folder and your desktop pools for software developers are in another folder, you can create different administrators to manage the resources in each folder.
Table 2-1 shows an example of this type of configuration.
Table 2-1. Different Administrators for Different Folders
view-domain.com\Admin1 Inventory Administrators
view-domain.com\Admin2 Inventory Administrators
In this example, the administrator called Admin1 has the Inventory Administrators role on the folder called
CorporateDesktops and the administrator called Admin2 has the Inventory Administrators role on the folder
called DeveloperDesktops.
Role Folder
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Different Administrators for the Same Folder

You can create different administrators to manage the same folder.
example, if your corporate desktop pools are in one folder, you can create one administrator that can view
and modify those pools and another administrator that can only view them.
Table 2-2 shows an example of this type of configuration.
Table 2-2. Different Administrators for the Same Folder
view-domain.com\Admin1 Inventory Administrators
view-domain.com\Admin2 Inventory Administrators (Read only)
Role Folder
In this example, the administrator called Admin1 has the Inventory Administrators role on the folder called
CorporateDesktops and the administrator called Admin2 has the Inventory Administrators (Read only) role
on the same folder.

Understanding Permissions

View Administrator presents the combination of a role, an administrator user or group, and a folder as a permission. The role defines the actions that can be performed, the user or group indicates who can perform the action, and the folder contains the objects that are the target of the action.
Chapter 2 Configuring Role-Based Delegated Administration
appear differently in View Administrator depending on whether you select an administrator user
or group, a folder, or a role.
Table 2-3 shows how permissions appear in View Administrator when you select an administrator user or
group. The administrator user is called Admin 1 and it has two permissions.
Table 2-3. Permissions on the Administrators and Groups Tab for Admin 1
Inventory Administrators
Administrators (Read only)
The first permission shows that Admin 1 has the Inventory Administrators role on the folder called
MarketingDesktops. The second permission shows that Admin 1 has the Administrators (Read only) role on
the root folder.
Table 2-4 shows how the same permissions appear in View Administrator when you select the
MarketingDesktops folder.
Table 2-4. Permissions on the Folders Tab for MarketingDesktops
view-domain.com\Admin1 Inventory Administrators
view-domain.com\Admin1 Administrators (Read only) Yes
The first permission is the same as the first permission shown in Table 2-3.
Role Inherited
The second permission is inherited
from the second permission shown in Table 2-3. Because folders inherit permissions from the root folder, Admin1 has the Administrators (Read only) role on the MarketingDesktops folder. When a permission is inherited, Yes appears in the Inherited column.
Table 2-5 shows how the first permission in Table 2-3 appears in View Administrator when you select the
Inventory Administrators role.
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Table 2-5. Permissions on the Role Tab for Inventory Administrators
Administrator Folder

Manage Administrators

Users who have the Administrators role can use View Administrator to add and remove administrator users and groups.
The Administrators role is the most powerful role in View Administrator. Initially, members of the local Administrators group (BUILTIN\Administrators) on your View Connection Server host are given the Administrators role in View Administrator.
NOTE By default, the Domain Admins group is a member of the local Administrators group. If you do not
domain administrators to have full access to inventory objects and View configuration settings, you must
want remove the Domain Admins group from the local Administrators group.
Create an Administrator on page 26
To create an administrator, you select a user or group from your Active Directory users and groups in View Administrator and assign an administrator role.
Remove an Administrator on page 27
You can remove an administrator user or group. You cannot remove the last super administrator in the system. A super administrator is an administrator that has the Administrators role on the root folder.

Create an Administrator

To create an administrator, you select a user or group from your Active Directory users and groups in View Administrator and assign an administrator role.
Familiarize yourself with the predefined administrator roles. See “Predefined Roles and Privileges,” on page 32.
Familiarize yourself with the best practices for creating administrator users and groups. See “Best Practices
for Administrator Users and Groups,” on page 37.
To assign a custom role to the administrator, create the custom role. See “Add a Custom Role,” on page 31.
To create an administrator that can manage specific desktop pools, create a folder and move the desktop pools to that folder. See “Manage and Review Folders,” on page 29.
1 In View Administrator, select View Configuration > Administrators.
2 On the Administrators and Groups tab, click Add User or Group.
3 Click Add, select one or more search criteria, and click Find to filter Active Directory users or groups based
on your search criteria.
4 Select the Active Directory user or group that you want to be an administrator user or group, click OK
and click Next.
You can press the Ctrl and Shift keys to select multiple users and groups.
26 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 2 Configuring Role-Based Delegated Administration
5 Select a role to assign to the administrator user or group.
The Apply to Folder column indicates whether a role applies to folders. Only roles that contain object­specific privileges apply to folders. Roles that contain only global privileges do not apply to folders.
Option Action
The role you selected applies to folders
You want the permission to apply to all folders
Select one or more folders and click Next.
Select the root folder and click Next.
Click Finish to create the administrator user or group.
The new administrator user or group appears in the left pane and the role and folder that you selected appear in the right pane on the Administrators and Groups tab.

Remove an Administrator

You can remove an administrator user or group. You cannot remove the last super administrator in the system. A super administrator is an administrator that has the Administrators role on the root folder.
1 In View Administrator, select View Configuration > Administrators.
2 On the Administrators and Groups tab, select the administrator user or group, click Remove User or
Group, and click OK.
The administrator user or group no longer appears on the Administrators and Groups tab.

Manage and Review Permissions

You can use View Administrator to add, delete, and review permissions for specific administrator users and groups, for specific roles, and for specific folders.
Add a Permission on page 28
You can add a permission that includes a specific administrator user or group, a specific role, or a specific folder.
Delete a Permission on page 28
You can delete a permission that includes a specific administrator user or group, a specific role, or a specific folder.
Review Permissions on page 29
You can review the permissions that include a specific administrator or group, a specific role, or a specific folder.
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Add a Permission

You can add a permission that includes a specific administrator user or group, a specific role, or a specific folder.
In View Administrator, select View Configuration > Administrators.
2 Create the permission.
Create a permission that includes a specific administrator user or group
Create a permission that includes a specific role
Create a permission that includes a specific folder
a On the Administrators and Groups tab, select the administrator or
group and click Add Permission.
Select a role.
c If the role does not apply to folders, click Finish.
d If the role applies to folders, click Next, select one or more folders, and
click Finish. A role must contain at least one object-specific privilege to apply to a folder.
a On the Roles tab, select the role, click Permissions, and click Add
b Click Add, select one or more search criteria, and click Find to find
administrator users or groups that match your search criteria.
c Select an administrator user or group to include in the permission and
click OK. You can press the Ctrl and Shift keys to select multiple users and groups.
d If the role does not apply to folders, click Finish.
e If the role applies to folders, click Next, select one or more folders, and
click Finish. A role must contain at least one object-specific privilege to apply to a folder.
a On the Folders tab, select the folder and click Add Permission.
b Click Add, select one or more search criteria, and click Find to find
administrator users or groups that match your search criteria.
c Select an administrator user or group to include in the permission and
click OK. You can press the Ctrl and Shift keys to select multiple users and groups.
d Click Next, select a role, and click Finish. A role must contain at least
one object-specific privilege to apply to a folder.

Delete a Permission

You can delete a permission that includes a specific administrator user or group, a specific role, or a specific folder.
you remove the last permission for an administrator user or group, that administrator user or group is also removed. Because at least one administrator must have the Administrators role on the root folder, you cannot remove a permission that would cause that administrator to be removed. You cannot delete an inherited permission.
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Chapter 2 Configuring Role-Based Delegated Administration
In View Administrator, select View Configuration > Administrators.
2 Select the permission to delete.
Delete a permission that applies to a specific administrator or group
Delete a permission that applies to a specific role
Delete a permission that applies to a specific folder
Select the administrator or group on the Administrators and Groups tab.
Select the role on the Roles tab.
Select the folder on the Folders tab.
Select the permission and click Delete Permission.

Review Permissions

You can review the permissions that include a specific administrator or group, a specific role, or a specific folder.
1 Select View Configuration > Administrators.
2 Review the permissions.
Review the permissions that include a specific administrator or group
Review the permissions that include a specific role
Review the permissions that include a specific folder
Select the administrator or group on the Administrators and Groups tab.
Select the role on the Roles tab and click Permissions.
Select the folder on the Folders tab.

Manage and Review Folders

can use View Administrator to add and delete folders and to review the desktop pools and desktops in a
particular folder.
Add a Folder on page 30
If you want to delegate the administration of specific desktops or pools to different administrators, you must create folders to subdivide your desktops or pools. If you do not create folders, all desktops and pools reside in the root folder.
Move a Desktop Pool to a Different Folder on page 30
After you create a folder to subdivide your desktop pools, you must manually move desktop pools to the new folder. If you decide to change the way your desktop pools are subdivided, you can move desktops pools from one folder to another.
Remove a Folder on page 30
You can remove a folder if it does not contain inventory objects. You cannot remove the root folder.
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Review the Desktop Pools in a Folder on page 31
You can see all of the desktop pools in a particular folder in View Administrator.
Review the Desktops in a Folder on page 31
can see all of the desktops in a particular folder in View Administrator. A desktop inherits the folder
You from its pool.

Add a Folder

If you want to delegate the administration of specific desktops or pools to different administrators, you must create folders to subdivide your desktops or pools. If you do not create folders, all desktops and pools reside in the root folder.
You can have a maximum of 100 folders, including the root folder.
1 In View Administrator, select Inventory > Pools.
2 From the Folder drop-down menu on the command bar, select New Folder.
3 Type a name and description for the folder and click OK.
The description is optional.
What to do next
Move one or more desktop pools to the folder.

Move a Desktop Pool to a Different Folder

After you create a folder to subdivide your desktop pools, you must manually move desktop pools to the new folder. If you decide to change the way your desktop pools are subdivided, you can move desktops pools from one folder to another.
1 In View Administrator, select Inventory > Pools and select the pool.
2 From the Folder drop-down menu, select Change Folder.
3 Select the folder and click OK.
View Administrator moves the pool to the folder that you selected.

Remove a Folder

You can remove a folder if it does not contain inventory objects. You cannot remove the root folder.
If the folder contains inventory objects, move the objects to another folder or to the root folder. See “Move a
Desktop Pool to a Different Folder,” on page 30.
1 In View Administrator, select View Configuration > Administrators.
2 On the Folders tab, select the folder and click Remove Folder.
3 Click OK to remove the folder.
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