VMware vCenter Configuration Manager - 5.7 User Manual

Software Content Repository Tool 5.0 Guide
Software Content Repository Tool 5.0
vCenter Configuration Manager 5.7
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About This Book 5
Introduction to the Software Content Repository Tool 7
Preparing for SCRTool Installation 9
Installing the VCM Agent on the Linux and UNIX Machines to be Managed 9 Selecting and Preparing the Host Machine 9 Establish User Credentials 11 Place Trusted Certificates in the Key Store 11 Verifying Access to External Sites 11
Installing the Prerequisite Software for the SCRTool 13
Install the SCR Tool Software 13 Download the Java Runtime Environment 14 Test the Java Runtime Environment Installation 14 Download the Java Cryptography Extension 14
Configuring the Red Hat Host Machine 17
Review the Directory Structure 17 Grant Permission to the Repository 18 Update the Properties Files 18
Properties File Parameters 19 Connect the VCM Managed Machines to the SCRTool 25 Set Logging Levels and Output File Names 25
Managing Patch Content with the SCR Tool 27
Download the Patch Content 27 Schedule Downloads 28 Maintain the Software Content Repository 29
Troubleshooting the SCR Tool 31
Out of Memory Error 31 Content Download Network Connection Error 32 Cannot Connect to Red Hat Account 32 Session Login to Red Hat Fails 33 Download from Red Hat Fails 33 HP-UX Service Authentication Fails 35 Download from HP Fails 35 Proxy Server Configuration Fails 35 Mismatch in Number of Patches 37 OS Vendor Does Not Accept Credentials 37 OS Vendor Errors 37 Patch Download Errors 38 Obsolete Patches Cause the Download to Fail 39 HTTP Errors Are Not Marked as SEVERE 39 Connection Refused Errors 40 Null Pointer Exception Errors 40
Index 43
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Software Content Repository Tool 5.0 Guide
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About This Book

The VMware vCenter Configuration Manager Software Content Repository Tool Guide provides information about the following topics.
Preparing the host machine for components and tools.
Installing and configure components and tools.
Using the tool to download patch content.
Troubleshooting errors that might occur.
Intended Audience
This document contains information intended for system administrators who must patch machines in their network.
To use this information effectively, you must have a basic understanding of how to configure network resources. You also must fully understand your network’s topology and resource naming conventions.
Document Feedback
VMware welcomes your suggestions for improving our documentation. If you have comments, send your feedback to docfeedback@vmware.com.
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Software Content Repository Tool 5.0 Guide
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Introduction to the Software Content Repository Tool

The Software Content Repository (SCR) Tool is a standalone Java client software application that builds a repository of Linux and UNIX patches and downloads operating system(OS) vendor patch content to the repository.
The SCR Tool downloads patch content from vendor Web sites, which you use to patch Linux and UNIX machines. These files include patch signature files (.pls), and OS vendor patch content files (.rpm, .gz, .tar, .zip) used in the patching background processes. Deployment package files (.plp) are included and used for patch deployment on Mac OS X. The .plp files contain the vendor patch, which is extracted based on the properties file settings.
You run the SCR Tool on a Red Hat machine and use the VCM Patching functionality in VMware vCenter Configuration Manager (VCM) to deploy patches to the VCM managed machines.
To ensure that all patch dependencies are met when VCM deploys the patches, the SCR Tool downloads all of the necessary patches, except for patches that have been superseded. VCM Patching handles all the dependencies when the patches are deployed. If the patch was available when the SCR Tool was installed and configured, the patch downloads. If the patch was not available, or the SCR Tool was last run, the patch will not be available. If the patch is still available from the OS vendor, it will be available for download using the SCR Tool patch replication process.
The SCR Toolis not used to run patch assessments or deployments. The SCRTool also does not assess the machine configuration or the downloaded patch content that is used for patch deployment.
The SCRTool downloads the patch signature files and OS-vendor patch content from the Content Download Network (CDN), and downloads subscription-only content from the OS Vendor Content Web sites. The patches must be accessible to the VCM managed machines through an NFS mount to the repository on the machine that hosts the SCRTool. For a diagram of the components and workflow, see
"How to Download Patches with the SCRTool" on page 8.
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Software Content Repository Tool 5.0 Guide
Figure 1–1. How to Download Patches with the SCRTool
After you download patches from the vendor Web site, you must use VCM to assess your Linux and UNIX machines and deploy the patches using the machine group mapping in VCM Patching. For information about assessments, see the VCM Administration Guide and the VCM online Help.
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Preparing for SCRTool Installation
Before you install the SCR Tool, you must complete several prerequisite tasks.
This chapter includes the following topics:
Installing the VCM Agent on the Linux and UNIX Machines to be Managed 9
Selecting and Preparing the Host Machine 9
Establish User Credentials 11
Place Trusted Certificates in the Key Store 11
Verifying Access to External Sites 11

Installing the VCM Agent on the Linux and UNIX Machines to be Managed

VCM managed machines use an NFS mount to connect to the host machine where the SCRTool is installed, to obtain the Linux and UNIX patches for deployment to the managed machines. After the managed machines obtain the patches, VCM Patching can deploy the patches to those managed machines.
The following VCM managed machines can connect to the SCR Tool host machine.
Red Hat
Verify that the Linux and UNIX machines to be managed by VCM meet the system requirements. See the VCM Installation Guide. Then review the VCM Agent installation procedures and install the VCM Agent on the platform as described in the VCM Administration Guide

Selecting and Preparing the Host Machine

Install the SCR Tool on supported host machines. After the host machine meets all of the requirements, it can run as a guest in a virtualized environment.
You can install the SCR Tool on a 64-bit Red HatEnterprise Linux Server machine running version 6.
IMPORTANT Use the host machine exclusively to run the SCR Tool and serve as the patch repository.
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Software Content Repository Tool 5.0 Guide
To download content for each supported platform for patch deployment, the minimum recommended storage is 810GB.
Table 2–1. Estimated Host Support for Patch Storage on Platforms
Supp orted Platform Minimum Storag e Required
Mac OSX 210GB
Red Hat 70GB
Solaris 325GB
If you install the SCR Tool on a 64-bit Red Hat machine, verify that 64-bit Java is installed. If it is not installed, you must install it.
for Patch Content F iles and Payload
1. Select a 64-bit Red HatEnterprise Linux Server machine to use as the host machine for the SCR Tool.
2. Remove any non-Oracle Java versions.
3. Verify that the host machine has Internet access.
4. Verify that the host machine has adequate storage to download the patch content for each platform to support patch deployment to all of the machines.
5. Verify that the host machine has Oracle Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 1.6 or later, 64-bit only, installed.
6. Ensure that your JAVA_HOME and PATHenvironments are set to the correct Java instance.
For example:
export PATH=/usr/java/jdk1.6.0_
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.6.0_24/jre
7. Verify that the SCR Tool host machine has Oracle Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files corresponding to the JRE version installed.
The JCE is required for the encryption of credentials to the OS vendor sites.
8. If you download Red Hat content, verify that the Red Hat Network (RHN) Management and Update entitlements are available and associated with the credentials so that SCR can download the RHN content.
9. Verify that the SCR Tool host machine has sufficient memory for the replicated files.
Linux files require up to 2GB of memory. All other machines require 1GB by default.
10. Allow additional memory for the overhead of host OS operations, which vary depending on your environment.
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What to do next
As your patch content increases because of downloads and storing patch content files and payload, you must monitor the available disk space on the SCR Tool host machine to avoid disk space problems. The patch content grows over time as vendors release new patches and content.
Verify that the Linux and UNIX machines to be managed by VCM meet the system requirements. See the VCM Installation Guide.

Establish User Credentials

To download OS-vendor subscription-only content for Red Hat, Solaris, SUSE, and HP-UXmachines, you must establish user credentials to the OS vendor sites.
1. Contact the vendor to obtain a subscription to the patch content.
2. Establish your login and password to the vendor site.

Place Trusted Certificates in the Key Store

The Software Content Repository (SCR) Tool requires authentication to the HP-UX Software Assistant Web site. For the SCR Tool to download recommended patches, and before you use VCM to deploy patches to HP-UX managed machines, you must follow the HP recommendation to install the trusted certificate to the key store.
Preparing for SCRTool Inst allation
The HP-UX Software Assistant site checks certificates to ensure a secure connection, and validates authentication by using a trusted certificate. If you do not install the trusted certificate, the HP-UX service authentication fails, which causes the patch download to fail.
To install intermediate certificates for Software Assistant, see http://kb.vmware.com/kb/2051577.

Verifying Access to External Sites

Depending on the supported platform, the SCR Tool must have access to vendor sites from which to download patches and payloads.
For sites that are hosted by Akamai, use the URL instead of the resolved IP address. Sites hosted by Akamai might change IP addresses based on location.
The following sites are hosted by Akamai.
Table 2–2. Access from SCR Tool to External Sites
Platform SCR To ol must Access
All platforms
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Red Hat
Software Content Repository Tool 5.0 Guide
Platform SCR To ol must Access
Solaris https://getupdates.oracle.com/
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Installing the Prerequisite Software for the SCRTool
The SCR Tool uses several types of software. You must install and test the required software on a supported host machine, then you install the Software Content Repository Tool on the host machine.
This chapter includes the following topics:
Install the SCR Tool Software 13
Download the Java Runtime Environment 14
Test the Java Runtime Environment Installation 14
Download the Java Cryptography Extension 14
To support the downloads and storing the patch files and payload, and patch deployment, you must install and test the following software.
SCR Tool software
Java Runtime Environment
(Optional) Java Cryptography Extension

Install the SCR Tool Software

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After you install the supporting software, you can install the Software Content Repository Tool software on the host machine.
Complete the preparatory tasks. See "Preparing for SCRTool Installation" on page 9.
1. Access the Download VMware vCenter Configuration Manager Web site at
2. Click VMware vCenter Configuration Manager.
3. Click the Drivers &Tools tab.
4. Click VMware vCenter Configuration Manager - Tools for 5.5 or later.
5. In the Components section, click Show Details and verify that the version of the SCR Tool is 5.0.
6. Click Download.
7. Unzip the SCR Tool files from SCR-5.0-vmware-linux.tar.gz to the directory where the application files will reside on the host machine.
Software Content Repository Tool 5.0 Guide
After you extract the SCR Tool files, a root directory contains the subdirectories and files for the supported Linux and UNIX platforms. This information refers to the root directory as scr_root.

Download the Java Runtime Environment

You download the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) to support the SCR Tool on the host machine.
Verify that you can access http://www.java.com.
1. Access the Java Web site.
2. Click Downloads.
3. Locate and install Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 1.6 or later.
4. Use the platform-specific link to display detailed installation instructions for your platform.

Test the Java Runtime Environment Installation

To verify that the Java Runtime Environment installation on the Red Hat host machine works properly, you can test it.
Locate the article titled, "How do I test whether Java is working on my computer?" at
1. Verify that the JRE is installed.
2. (Optional) Display the currently installed version of Java.
a. Open a terminal session on the SCR Tool host machine.
b. Run the command java -version.

Download the Java Cryptography Extension

The Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) is required for HP-UX, Red Hat, Solaris, and SUSE. You must download and install the JCE installation on the SCR Tool host machine. The JCE encrypts passwords when you use third party credentials in the properties files used to download patch content.
IMPORTANT If multiple Java SE (Standard Edition) Development Kit (JDK) or JRE installations exist on the same machine, make sure that you update the correct JDK or JRE instance.
Locate the Java SE downloads page at http://www.oracle.com.
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