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VMware vCenter AppSpeed Installation and Upgrade Guide
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Import the OVF File to the vSphere Client 9
Configure AppSpeed Server 10
Installing the AppSpeed Plug-In and Probes 11
Install the AppSpeed Plug-In 11
Configure an AppSpeed Plug-In to Directly Access an AppSpeed Server 11
Define AppSpeed Users 12
Add a License 13
Deploy the AppSpeed Probes 13
Verify the Installation 15
View Unmapped Traffic 16
Manage SSL Keys 16
Configure AppSpeed with vNetwork Distributed Switching 17
Multiple AppSpeed Servers 22
Select a Server and Switch Between Servers 22
Limitations when You Use Multiple Servers 22
Extracting SSL Files 23
Extract SSL Files from an Apache Server 23
Extract SSL Files from a Microsoft IIS 6.0 Server 23
Extract SSL Files from a Microsoft IIS 7.0 Server 23
Upgrading AppSpeed 24
Overview of the Upgrade Process 24
Upgrade AppSpeed 24
Uninstalling AppSpeed and Removing the AppSpeed Plug-In 25
Troubleshooting 26
AppSpeed Setup Errors 26
AppSpeed User Interface Loading Problems 27
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VMware vCenter AppSpeed Installation and Upgrade Guide
4VMware, Inc.
About This Book
This book, the VMware vCenter AppSpeed Installation and Upgrade Guide, describes the procedures for installing
the VMware vCenter AppSpeed™ virtual appliance and plug-in, including how to configure the AppSpeed
Server and how to deploy the AppSpeed probes on the VMware host machines within the datacenter network.
Intended Audience
This guide is intended for anyone who wants to install the AppSpeed virtual appliance and plug-in on a
vSphere™ Server. The vSphere Server is an upgrade from vCenter Server 2.5. All the procedures described in
this guide are also relevant when AppSpeed is being installed on a vCenter Server, however some of the user
interface terminology and locations of user interface components might differ.
The information is written for experienced Windows or Linux system administrators who are familiar with
virtual appliance technology and datacenter operations.
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VMware vCenter AppSpeed Installation and Upgrade Guide
6VMware, Inc.
VMware vCenter AppSpeed Inst allation
AppSpeed Installation Overview
VMware vCenter AppSpeed provides performance management and service-level reporting for applications
running within virtual appliances. AppSpeed analyzes the traffic that flows between end users, Web
applications, and back-end servers. This analysis provides visibility into multitier applications. The analysis
enables rapid identification of performance problems that originate from inadequate resource allocation and
application problems.
AppSpeed is installed on a VMware host machine that resides within the data center network and integrates
with the VMware vSphere™ Client. AppSpeed is installed on a centralized server, with one or more AppSpeed
probes installed on each host to be monitored.
This chapter includes the following topics:
“Installation Workflow” on page 7
“Installation Prerequisites” on page 8
“Installing and Configuring AppSpeed Server” on page 9
“Installing the AppSpeed Plug-In and Probes” on page 11
“Multiple AppSpeed Servers” on page 22
“Upgrading AppSpeed” on page 24
“Extracting SSL Files” on page 23
“Uninstalling AppSpeed and Removing the AppSpeed Plug-In” on page 25
“Troubleshooting” on page 26
Installation Workflow
AppSpeed is a virtual appliance in Open Virtualization Format (OVF). The AppSpeed plug-in is installed in
the vSphere Client.
You perform the installation and setup process in the following stages:
Import the OVF file and configure AppSpeed Server (see “Installing and Configuring AppSpeed Server”
on page 9)
Install the AppSpeed plug-in in the Client (see “Install the AppSpeed Plug-In” on page 11)
Add a valid AppSpeed license key (see “Ad d a L i c en s e ” on page 13)
Install the AppSpeed probes by using the AppSpeed user interface in the Client (see “Deploy the
AppSpeed Probes” on page 13)
Verify the successful deployment of the probes (see “Verify the Installation” on page 15)
To upgrade to the most recent version of AppSpeed, see “Upgrading AppSpeed” on page 24.
VMware, Inc.7
VMware vCenter AppSpeed Installation and Upgrade Guide
Installation Prerequisites
The following VMware ESX™ and vCenter versions support AppSpeed:
ESX, version 3.0.x, 3.5.x, or 4.0x
vCenter Server, version 2.5x, or vSphere 4.0
System Requirements
Review the following system requirements before you install AppSpeed:
You must have admin-level access to vCenter Server for the automated installation process.
You must define routable IP addresses for servers and probes.
VMware recommends that you do not use DHCP because the IP address of AppSpeed Server might
change after setup is complete. However, if you do use DHCP, you do not need routable IP addresses.
If HTTPS sites are to be monitored, you require the SSL private keys.
You must have Administrator privileges on the Client machine to install Adobe Flash Player 10.
VMware recommends that you synchronize the time on the hosts on which AppSpeed Server and the
AppSpeed probes will be installed. If the time is not synchronized, AppSpeed might lose data and
experience delays in the mapping process. You can synchronize the time by setting an NTP server in the
Configuring Time option for each ESX host in vCenter.
Deployment Considerations
When you plan your AppSpeed deployment, consider the following system resource requirements:
2 vCPUs
Virtual CPUs are created as part of the AppSpeed deployment. Two vCPUs require no more than the
equivalent resources of a single physical CPU.
2 vCPUs
Virtual CPUs are created as part of the AppSpeed deployment. Two vCPUs require no more than the
equivalent res ource s of a s ingle physical CPU. AppSpeed configures resource limits to ensur e that no
more resources than are available on the physical CPU are required at any time.
8VMware, Inc.
Open Port Requirements
AppSpeed requires that the following ports be open on your firewall:.
Table 1. Open Port Requirements
Server ConnectionRequired Open Ports
AppSpeed Server to vCenter Server
TCP port 443 to connect to vCenter Server for the vCenter
Port 443 is the vCenter default Web service port, but you can
configure a different TCP port in vCenter.
TCP port 80 to connect to vCenter Server for the vCenter proxy
This port is used only during setup to verify that the vCenter
proxy is configured correctly.
Port 80 is the vCenter default proxy service port, but you can
configure a different TCP port in vCenter.
vCenter Server to AppSpeed Server
TCP port 80 to connect to AppSpeed Server (Web interface).
AppSpeed Server and probe communication
TCP port 1194 to connect to AppSpeed Server (OpenVPN over a
TCP connection).
UDP port 123 to connect to AppSpeed Server (NTP).
TCP port 22 to connect to the probes if you want to access the
probes from outside the VPN.
vSphere to vCenter Server
TCP port 80 to connect to vCenter Server (vCenter proxy
Port 80 is the vCenter default proxy service port, but you can
configure a different TCP port in vCenter.
VMware vCenter AppSpeed Installatio n
Installing and Configuring AppSpeed Server
You can install AppSpeed Server on any ESX host that is managed by vCenter Server for the environment you
want to monitor. AppSpeed is provided as an OVF file.
Import the OVF File to the vSphere Client
The first step in the installation process is to import the OVF file in the installation package to the
vSphere Client. You must have administrator privileges to import the OVF file.
1Save the OVF file in the same location as the other files in the installation package, which must be a
location that you can access from the vSphere Client.
2In the vSphere Client, select File > Deploy OVF Template.
3Select Deploy from File and click Browse to locate the OVF file.
4Click Next and click Next again.
5Read and accept the End User License Agreement, and click Next.
6Type a name for the virtual appliance server in the Name text box.
The name must be unique in the vSphere Client.
VMware, Inc.9
VMware vCenter AppSpeed Installation and Upgrade Guide
7Select the location for the deployed template and click Next.
8From the Host/Cluster tree in the upper-right pane, select the ESX host on which to install the virtual
appliance, and click Next.
The host must be managed by vCenter Server for the environment that you want to monitor.
If you select a cluster, you might be required to select a specific host in that cluster.
9(Optional) Select the datastore on which to store the files for the virtual appliance, and click Next.
10 From the Management Network menu, select a network that has access to the other machines and to
vCenter Server to use to manage the probes.
AppSpeed Server uses this network to deploy and communicate with probes deployed on other hosts.
11 Click Next.
12 Review the installation summary and click Finish to begin installation.
When the installation is complete, the virtual appliance is added in the vSphere Client.
13 In the vSphere Client, select File > Inventory > Files and Clusters, and in the Basic Tasks pane click Power
on the virtual appliance to start the virtual appliance.
Configure AppSpeed Server
You configure AppSpeed Server from the vSphere Client. The first time you access the console you are
prompted to configure AppSpeed Server.
As part of the configuration process, AppSpeed performs the following actions in vCenter:
Creates a snapshot of the AppSpeed Server virtual machine
Registers the AppSpeed plug-in as a vCenter Client extension
Registers the redirection of AppSpeed in the vCenter proxy
Registers AppSpeed Server to start automatically when a host starts up
Registers the AppSpeed Server power-off settings so that AppSpeed is properly shut down when
powering off
Adds an AppSpeed User role and AppSpeed User privileges that enable access, view and management
privileges for the AppSpeed plug-in to be assigned to users
Reserves CPU allocation to optimize AppSpeed performance
1Power on the server virtual appliance and open the AppSpeed Server console.
When the virtual appliance starts, the console is displayed.
2At the login prompt, type setup.
3(Optional) If you need to exit the console after you begin the setup, press Ctrl+C to exit the setup, and
press Ctrl+C again to reinitiate the setup.
4Press Enter to accept the default value, or specify an alternative value.
The default, or previously defined, value for each parameter appears in brackets.
5(Optional) Select a setting for the network management card.
aType Y to use DHCP settings.
bType N to set a fixed IP address.
You are prompted to set the IP address, netmask, and gateway for the management card.
c(Optional) If you do not want to specify the gateway, type
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