VMIC reserves the right to make any changes, without notice, to this or any of VMIC’s products to improve reliability,
performance, function, or design.
VMIC does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit described herein; nor
does VMIC convey any license under its patent rights or the rights of others.
For warranty and rep air policies, refer to VMIC’s Standard Conditions of Sale.
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trademarks and The I/O Experts, The I/O Systems Experts, The Soft Logic Experts, and The Total Solutions Provider are
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The I/O man figure, IOWorks, IOWorks man figure, UIOC, Visual IOWorks, the VMIC logo, and
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ActiveX, Microsoft, Microsoft Access, MS-DOS, Visual Basic, Visual C++, Win32, Windows, Windows NT, and XENIX
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Celeron and MMX are trademarks, and Intel and Pentium are registered trademarks of Intel Corporation.
PICMG and CompactPCI are regi stered trademarks of PCI Industrial Com puter Manufacturers’ Group.
Other regist ered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Table 1-1PCI bus Commands and Encoding Types
Table 1-2PCI Configuration Register Map
Table 1-3PCI SCSI Vendor I D (VID) Register Bit Map
Table 1-4PCI SCSI Device ID (DID) Register Bit Map
Table 1-5PCI Status/Command Register Bit Map
Table 1-6PCI Class Code/Revision ID Register Bit Map
Table 1-7PCI BIST/Header/Latency /Cache Line Size Register Bit Ma p
Table 1-8I/O Base Address Register Bit Map
Table 1-9Mem0 Base Address Low Register Bit Map
Table 1-10Mem0 Base Address High Register Bit Map
Table 1-11Subsystem Vendor ID Register Bit Map
Table 1-12Subsystem ID Register Bit Map
Table 1-13Expansion ROM Base Address Register Bit Map
Table 1-14Capability Pointer Register Bit Map
Table 1-15Interrupt Line Register Bit Map
Table 1-16Interrupt Pin Register Bit Map
Table 1-17Capability ID Register Bit Map
Table 1-18Next Item Pointer Register Bit Map
Table 1-19Power Management Capabilities Register Bit Map
Table 1-20Power Management Control/Status Register Bit Map
Table 1-21SCSI Register Map
Table 2-1Comparative Matri x
The VMIPMC-5790 is an Dual-Channel Ultra16 0 SCSI Host Adapter built around the
LSI Symbios® SYM53C1010 highly integrated PCI Dual-Channel Ultra160 SCSI
controller. The IC is ideal for embedded applications that requ ire high throughput.
The VMIPMC-5790 maximizes thro ughput while minimizing transfer latency and
host processor overhead. The host BIOS configures the VMIPMC-5790 as two
independent Ultra160 SCSI channels.
The two independent Ultra160 channels support wide Ultra160 SCSI synchronous
transfer rates up to 160 Mbyte/s on a Low Voltage Differential (LVD) SC SI bus.
Integrated L V Dlink™ transceive rs support both LVD and single-ended si gnals with
no external transceivers required. Fas t SCSI, Ultra SCSI, Ultra2 SCSI, and Ultra160
SCSI are all supported by the VMIPMC-5790. The 8 Kbyte of internal RAM per
channel for SCRIPTS™ instructio n sto rage allow all acc esses to remain int ernal,
reducing the time spent on the PCI bus. A 944-byt e DMA FIFO on each channel
allows the VMIPMC-5790 to effi ci en tl y burst up to 512 bytes across the PCI bus. SCSI
bus phase mismatches ar e hand l e d in SCRIPTS, reducing CPU utili zation.
Ultra160 SCSI Hardware Features:
• 64-bit, 33/66 MHz PCI interface
• No external me mory required
• Double transition cl ocking for 160 Mbyte/s throughput on each channel
• 64-bit addressin g supported through Dual Ad dress Cycles (DACs)
• Complaint with PCI 2.2, PCI Power Management 1.1 and PC99
The VMIPMC-5790 Dual-Channel Ultra160 SCSI Host Adapter incorporates the
Symbios® SYM53C1010, which is a highly integrated PCI Dual-Channel Ultra160
SCSI controlle r. The SYM53C1010 is 100 percent compatible with the Ultra 160 SCSI
initiative and provides additional features that ensure robust Ultra160 system
operation. Fast SCSI, Ultra SCSI, Ultra2 SCSI and Ultra160 SCSI are all supported by
the SYM53C1010. Double transition clocking enables throughput of up to
160 Mbyte/s on each channel for a total of 320 MBps, without increasing the interface
clock rate.
The SYM53C1010 uses the same proven CRC algorithm used by FDDI, Ethernet and
Fibre Channel, and detec ts all single bit errors, double bit errors, odd number of
errors, and all burst errors up to 32 bits long. To provide complete end-to-end
protection of the SCSI I/O, AIP protects all non-data phases, augmenting the CRC
feature of Ultra160. SureLINK™ domain validation technology detects the
configuration of the SCSI bus and automatically tests and adjusts the SCSI transfer
rate to optimize inter-operability. The SYM53C1010 controller and Ultra160 provide
Basic (Level 1) and Enhanced (Level 2) domain vali dation, while the SYM53C1010 has
an added feature of Margi ning (Lev el 3) domain validation. Figure 1 on page 16
shows the functi onal block diagram for the SYM53C1010.
The Ultra160 SCSI PCI Interface complies with PCI Local Bus Specification Revision 2.2,
and implements a 64-bit/66 MHz PCI bus. It is backward compatible with 32-bit/33
MHz buses. The SYM53C1010 is a true PCI multifunction dev ice in that it presents
one electrical load to the PCI bus. It uses one REQ/-GNT/pair to arbitrate for PCI bus
mastership, and separate
SCSI Function B for maximum performance. The SYM53C1010 complies with PCI Power Management Interface Specification Revision 1.1 and PC 99, supporting power
states D0, D1 , D2, D3hot and D3cold, power management capabilities registers, and
programmable values for PCI Subsystem Vendor ID and Subsystem ID. Extended
access cycles (Memory Read Line, Memory Read Multiple, and Memory Write and
Invalidate) are also supported.
Ultra160 SCSI Memory
The SYM53C1010 supports up to 1 Mbyte of external expansion ROM through a
parallel interface. For ease of software development and field upgrades of the ROM,
the interface supports local programming of FLASH memory. A serial 2-wire interfa ce
on each SCSI channel provi des a connection to an external serial EEPROM for storing
the Subsystem Vendor ID and Subsystem ID.
interrupt sig nals are generated for SCSI Function A and
Ultra160 SCSI Processor
The SYM53C1010 provides two independent Ultra160 SCSI controllers on a single
chip. Each controller supports wide Ultra160 SCSI sy nch ronous transfer rates up to
160 Mbyte/s on a LVD SCSI bus. Integrated LVDlink™ transceivers support bot h LVD
and single-en ded signal s wi th no external transceiv ers req uir ed. Fast SCSI, Ultra SCSI,
Ultra2 SCSI and Ultra160 SCSI are all supported by the SYM53C1010. An on-chip
SCSI clock quadr upler allows the chip to achieve Ultra160 SC SI transfer rates with an
input frequency of 40 MHz. The 8 Kbytes of internal RAM per channel for SCRIPTS
instr uc t ion storage all ow all accesses to r emain internal , reducing the time spent on
the PCI bus. A 944-byte DMA FIFO on each ch annel allows the device to efficiently
burst up to 512 bytes across the PCI bus. SCSI bus phase mismat ches are handled in
SCRIPT S, reducing CPU utilization.
Ultra160 SCSI Termination
All SCSI buses require a termination network at each end to functio n properly.
Specific termination requirements differ, depending on which types of SCSI devices
are pre sent on the bus. The SCS I Host Adapt er uses the UCC5630A ter minati on ICs to
automatically sense the SCSI bus and switch the termination to either single ended
(SE) or low voltage differential (LVD) SCSI, dependent on which type of devices are
connected to the bus. The UCC5630A termination IC is used in multi-mode active
termination applications, where single ended (SE) and low voltage differential (LVD)
devices might coexist. The UC C5630A has both SE and LVD terminati on networks
integrated into a single monolithic component. The correct network is automatically
determined by the SCSI bus “DIFSENS” signal. The SCSI bus DIFSENS signal line is
used to identify which types of SCSI devices are present on the bus. On power-up, the
UCC5630A DIFSENS drivers will att empt to deliver 1.3V to the DIFSENS line.
If only LVD devices are present, the DIFSENS line will be successfully driven to 1.3 V
and the terminators will conf igur e for LVD operation. If any single ended devices are
present, they will pr esent a short to ground on the DIFSENS line, signaling the
UCC5630A(s) to configure i nto th e SE mode, accommodating the SE devices. Or, if
any high voltage differential (HVD) devices are present, the DIFSENS line is pulled
high and the terminator will enter a high impedance state, effectively disconnecting
from the bus. Header E1 pins 3 & 4 enables automatic termination on the SCSI Host
Adapter to di sable the termin ation remove th e shorting strap.
Media Connection
The VMIPMC-5790 supports dual 68-pin VHDCI external connectors.
Software Drivers
To optimize performance of this PCI-based adapter card, the VMIPMC-5790 is
availabl e wi th software drivers compatible with the Windows NT operating syste m.
The software driver s for the VMIPMC-5790 are available through the VMIC website
(see web addr es s belo w). Aft er do wnl oadi ng the dri ver of choi c e, go to t he r ea dme. t xt
file for instructions on how to load the driver.
VMIC website: www.vmicnet.com
For drivers that are not available on the website, contact VMIC Customer Service.
VMIC Customer Service is availabl e at: 1-800 -240-7 782.
Or E-mail VMIC at customer.service@vmic.com
Refer to PCI Local Bus Specification f or a detailed explanation of the PCI Local bus.
The PCI Local bus Specification is available from t he following source:
PCI Special Interest Group
P.O. Box 14070
Portland, OR 97214
U.S.: (800) 433-5177
International: (503) 797-4207
FAX: (503) 234-6762
For a detailed explanation of SCSI, refer to ‘Basics of SCSI’ Fourth Edition.
Ancot Corpor atio n
115 Constitution Dr.
Mento Park, CA 94025
(650) 322-5322
fax (650) 322-0455
For a detailed explanati on of th e SYM 5301010 Dual Channel Ultra3 SCSI Controll e r
refer to ‘Symbios® SYM53C1010 PCI to Dual Channel Ultra 3 SCSI Multifunction
Document DB14-000083 -000, First Edition Version 1.0
LSI Logic Cor p .
1551 McCarthy Blvd.
Milpitas, CA 95035
800.433.8778 (in the United States)
408.433.8000 (outside the United States)
Fax 408.433.8989
For a detailed explanati on of th e UNITRODE UCC5630A Multimode SCSI 9 Line
Terminator, refer to: ‘UCC5630A Data Sheet’, Document Number: SLUS322A.
The following general safety precautions must be observed during all phases of the
operati on, ser vic e and r e pair of t his pr odu ct. F ail ur e to comply wi t h thes e pr ecau tion s
or with speci fic warnings e lsewhere in thi s manual violate s safety standar ds of
design, man u f a cture and intended use of this prod uct.
VMIC assumes no liability for the customer’s failure to comply with these
Ground the System
To minimize shock hazard, the chassis and system cabinet must be connected to an
electrical ground. A three-cond ucto r AC power cable should be used. The power
cable must either be plugged into an approved three-contact electrical outlet or used
with a thre e- c o n ta c t to two-conta ct adapter wi t h the g rou nding wire (gree n) firmly
connected to an electrical ground (safety ground) at the power outlet.
Do Not Operate in an Explosive Atmosphere
Do not operate the system in the presence of flammable gases or fumes. Operation of
any electrical system in such an environment constitutes a definite safety hazard.
Keep Away from Live Circuits
Operating personnel must not remove product covers. Component replacement and
internal adjustm e nt s must be made by qu a l if ie d m aintenance per sonnel. Do no t
replace components with power cable connected. Under certain conditions,
dangerous voltages may exist even with the power cable removed. To avoid injuries,
always disconnect power and discharge circuits before touching them.
Do Not Service or Adjust Alone
Do not attempt internal service or adjustment unless another person, cap a b le of
rendering first aid and resuscitation, is present.
Do Not Substitute Parts or Modify System
Because of the danger of introd u cing additional hazards, do not ins tall substitute
parts or per for m any unau thor ize d mod ific atio n to th e pr odu ct. Ret urn the p rod uct to
VMIC for service and repair to ensure that safety features are maintain ed .
Dangerous Procedure Warnings
W a rnings, such as the example below, precede only potentially dangerous procedures
throu g hout this manual. I nstructions contained in the war nings must be followed.
STOP: Dangerous voltages, capable of causing death, are present in this system. Use
extreme caution when handling, testing, and adjusting.
Indicates dangerous voltage (terminals fed from the interior by voltage exceeding
1000 V are so marked).
Protec ti ve co nd ucto r te rmin al. For protection agains t elect ri cal shoc k i n case o f a f aul t.
Used with field wiring terminals to indicate the terminal which must be connected to
ground before operating equipment.
Low-noise or noiseless, clean ground (earth) ter min al . Used for a signal co mmon, as
well as providing protection against electrical shock in case of a fault. Befor e
operating the equipment, terminal marked with this symbol must be connected to
ground in the manner described in the installation (operation) manual.
Frame or c hassi s ter min al. A c on necti on t o t he f ra me (c hassi s) of t he e quipme nt whi ch
normally includes all exposed metal str uctures.
Alternating current (power line).
Direct current (power line).
Alternating or direct current (power line).
STOP: This symbol informs the ope rator that a practic e or procedure should not be
Actions could result in injury or death to personnel, or could result in
damage to or destruction of part or all of the system.
WARNING: This sign denotes a hazard. It calls atten ti on to a procedure, a practice or
a condition, which, if not correctly performed or adhered to, could result in injury or
death to personnel.
CAUTION: This sign denotes a hazard. It call s attention to an operating procedur e, a
practice or a condition, which, if not correctly performed or adhered to, could result in
damage to or destruction of part or all of the system.
NOTE: Calls attention to a procedure, a practice, a condition or the like, which is
essential to highlight.