VMI X-Viber Instrument Manual

Instrument Manual
Ver. 1.01
12 April 2007
X-Viber manual
CONTENTS ..................................................................................................................... III
HANDLING SECURITY ................................................................................................... V
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ................................................................................................ V
WARRANTY DISCLAIMER ............................................................................................. V
DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY ................................................................................ VI
SWITCHING THE INSTRUMENT ON AND OFF ............................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 1
ROUTE MEASUREMENT ................................................................................................. 2
A POINT IN THE ROUTE IN TIME OF MEASUREMENT .................................................................. 2
TOTAL VIBRATION ................................................................................................................ 2
A MEASURED POINT IN THE ROUTE ........................................................................................ 3
VIEW ALL ASSOCIATED MEASUREMENTS STORED IN THIS POINT .............................................. 3
TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENTS IN THE ROUTE ...................................................................... 4
SPEED IN THE ROUTE ........................................................................................................... 5
VIEW ALL POINTS OR MOVE BACK- AND FORWARDS IN THE ROUTE .......................................... 5
RE-MEASURE A SINGLE POINT IN THE ROUTE ......................................................................... 6
SPECTRA IN THE ROUTE (OPTIONAL) ..................................................................................... 6
DELETE ALL THE MEASUREMENTS IN THE ROUTE ................................................................... 7
TRANSFERRING A ROUTE TO THE X-TREND SOFTWARE .......................................................... 7
THE ROUTE SETTINGS MENU ................................................................................................ 8
OFF ROUTE MEASUREMENTS ....................................................................................... 9
MAIN MENU SETTINGS..................................................................................................... 10
MEASUREMENT SETTINGS MENU ......................................................................................... 10
TOTAL LEVEL .................................................................................................................... 11
THE TOTAL VALUE SETTINGS MENU ......................................................................... 12
X-Viber manual
BEARING CONDITION ................................................................................................... 13
RECOMMENDED BEARING CONDITION LEVELS ...................................................................... 14
BEARING CONDITION SETTINGS MENU ................................................................................. 15
ENVELOPE ........................................................................................................................ 16
ENVELOPE SETTINGS MENU ............................................................................................... 17
SPEED .............................................................................................................................. 18
SPEED SETTINGS MENU ..................................................................................................... 19
TEMPERATURE .................................................................................................................. 20
TEMPERATURE SETTINGS MENU ......................................................................................... 22
HOW TO INTERPRET VIBRATION LEVELS.................................................................. 23
ISO STANDARD 10816-3 ................................................................................................... 23
LOOSENESS...................................................................................................................... 25
RECOMMENDED VIBRATION LEVELS IN MM/S AND COMMON FINDINGS .................................... 25
RESONANCE ..................................................................................................................... 26
ANALYSIS ...................................................................................................................... 27
ANALYSIS SETTINGS MENU ................................................................................................. 29
BALANCING ................................................................................................................... 30
BALANCING WITH X-VIBER ................................................................................................. 30
SCHEMATIC OF THE VIBRATION INPUT ..................................................................... 38
BATTERY ....................................................................................................................... 38
INSTRUMENT INFO MENU ............................................................................................ 39
BACKUP BATTERY ............................................................................................................. 40
RESETTING THE INSTRUMENT .................................................................................... 40
X-VIBER DEFAULT SETTINGS AFTER RESTART ....................................................... 41
X-Viber manual
Handling security
Safety precautions
Vibration measurement and balancing involves measurement on rotating machines. Always keep a safe distance to rotating parts and secure transducers and transducer cables from rotating parts.
Balancing involves mounting of trial and balancing weights on the rotor. Always secure the start switch with a locker and also use the emergency switch for double safety before working with the rotor. This is especially important when the machine is remote controlled.
VMI AB can not take responsibility for any accidents on people and machines.
VMI AB and our authorized dealers will take no responsibility for damages on machines
and plants as the result of the use of X-ViberTM measurements.
Even though great efforts are made to make the information in this manual free from errors and to make the information complete for the user, there could be things we have missed, because of the large amount of information. As a result of this, we might change and correct these things in later issues without further information. Also changes in the X-ViberTM equipment may take place that affect the accuracy of the information.
Warranty disclaimer
VMI AB warrants the products to be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service within two years from the date of purchase and which from our examination shall disclose to our reasonable satisfaction to be defective. Warranty claimed products shall be returned prepaid to VMI AB for service. We reserve the right to repair or to replace defective products. Always try to explain the nature of any service problem, at best by fax, e-mail or letter. Check first all natural problems, like empty batteries, broken cables, etc. When returning the product, be sure to indicate that the purpose is to make repairs and indicate the original invoice number and date of shipment to you, if possible.
X-Viber manual
Declaration of conformity
Declaration of Conformity
Equipment: X-Viber
VMI AB declares that the X-ViberTM is manufactured in conformity with national and international regulations.
The system complies with and is tested according to, following requirements:
EMC Directive: 89/336/EEC Low Voltage Directive: 73/23/EEC including amendments by Directive 93/68/EEC.
Switching the instrument ON and OFF
Keep the ON/OFF button pressed until the instrument starts. Do this also, if the
instrument of some other reason is switch of or the display is empty.
Keep the ON/OFF button pressed in three seconds until the instrument is switched off.
Thank you for buying X-Viber: We have put a lot of efforts to make this instrument easy to use and to give you valuable measuring results. The instrument is manly intended for predictive maintenance work without the need for frequency analysis and “expert” interpretation.
X-Viber has two main functions:
Route downloaded from the X-Trend PC software. With this function you can
measure 999 different measuring points and transferring the data back to the X­Trend software for trend analysis and comparison with preset alarm values. The address to the each measuring point is shown on the display. In route you can measure and store:
The total vibration level within the selected frequency range  The total Bearing condition value within the selected frequency range  The total Envelope value within the selected frequency range  The speed of the machine because vibrations are highly dependent of the
Bearing temperature
Analysis is a function to make temporary measurement on the machine but the
values are not stored. In analysis you can measure:
The total vibration level within the selected frequency range  Analysis of the 5 highest vibrations with level and frequency. With this
function it is possible to make a simple analysis of the cause of the vibration.
The total Bearing condition value within the selected frequency range  The total Envelope value within the selected frequency range  The speed of the machine because vibrations are highly dependent of the
Bearing temperature
X-Viber manual
Route measurement
Move the black line over
Route with the Up or the Down button and press the OK button.
A measuring point in the route that has not yet been measured
Press the OK button to start the measurement.
A point in the route in time of measurement
Total vibration
Press the OK button to save the measurement and move to next measurement.
This window shows the address to the measuring
This window shows that this point has not been
This window shows the selected unit and average for this point.
This window shows the point number in the route list.
This window shows the total number of points in the route.
A star here shows that also associated measurement will follow.
This window shows the changes in percent compared with previous measurement of the same point.
The measurement is unstable while the text “Autoranging” appear. Waite until this message disappears before pressing the OK button.
This window shows the current value compared with the alarm level. A happy face = below A sad face = above
Current vibration value with the unit and average below
X-Viber manual
A measured point in the route
Both the Bearing condition value and the Envelope value are measured at the same time as the Vibration value if the instrument is set to measure these values in the X-Trend route settings.
View all associated measurements stored in this point
The star indicates that there are associated measurements together with the Total vibration value.
To view also the other values the Bearing condition and Envelope values you have to
press the AUX (or MODE ) button. Then use Left or RIGHT arrow button to browse between the measurements.
Press the ESC button to exit to the normal route function.
The stored vibration value
The stored value compared with the alarm level. A happy face = below A sad face = above
A star here indicates that there are also associated measurements.
Note! Because it is impossible to re-calculate a total velocity value to acceleration or displacement X-Viber is always measuring and storing all these three values on the same measuring point. These three values are also transferred to the X-Trend software so the user can change the unit at a later stage. In METRIC mode the values are stored with the units “g”, mm/s and m. In IMPERIAL mode the values are stored with the units “g”, in/s and mils.
X-Viber manual
Temperature measurements in the route
A temperature measurement is a separate point on the bearing level because it is enough to measure once on each bearing.
Press the OK
button and the laser will start.
Direct the laser towards the surface you want to measure. Keep a distance of approximately 200-500mm between the instrument and the object. Make the distance between the object and the instrument shorter the smaller the surface you want to measure is.
Measuring surface related to distance 8:1
Move the laser point slowly until you find the highest temperature reading.
Press the OK button and the measurement is stored.
The unit for temperature °C or °F indicates that the measurement is temperature.
Warning! This instrument is radiating laser light. Do not stare into the beam and do not direct the laser beam to someones face.
Note! This temperature sensor is measuring the heat radiating from the object. A shiny or white surface will radiate less and will thus give a lower value. To compensate for this the emissisivity factor can be changed but must be set in the Temperature Settings in X-Trend and can not be adjusted in the Route.
X-Viber manual
Speed in the route
A speed measurement is a separate point on the bearing level because it is enough to measure once on each shaft.
Press the OK
button and the laser will start.
Direct the laser beam towards the reflex mark on the shaft. Keep a distance of approximately 200-500mm between the instrument and the shaft.
Move the laser point slowly until you find the stabile speed reading.
Press the OK button and the measurement is stored.
View all points or move back- and forwards in the route
You can move in the route in all levels.
Select the level you want to move within by moving the black line with the
Up or Down buttons.
The higher level you choose the larger is the steps in the Route.
Department level
Machine level
Bearing level
Direction level
The unit for speed rpm or Hz indicates that the measurement is speed.
Warning! This instrument is radiating laser light. Do not stare into the beam and do not direct the laser beam to someones face.
Note! Direct the laser light in an angle towards the shaft reflex mark. This will give a more stabile reading. Avoid directing the light in a perpendicular angle towards the surface.
X-Viber manual
Press Left or Right buttons to move in the route. With the Left button you will move backwards and with the Right button you will move
forwards in the route. In the lowest level you will pass all directions in the route.
This message will appear when you move backwards and you reach the first point in the route.
Press the OK button and this message
This message will appear when you move forwards and you reach the last point in the route.
Press the OK button and this message
Re-measure a single point in the route
Move to the point you want to measure again.
Press the OK button and this message will
Change to Yes with Left or Right buttons and press the OK button and the instrument starts to measure.
Spectra in the route (optional)
To be able to see more than ten frequencies, the function must be activated. Do the following:
From the main menu select Route Go to the line Direction
Press the Menu
Go to the line Spectra:
With the Left or the Right
button select
YES and press OK.
Press the Escape button twice to come
back to the main menu
X-Viber manual
Delete all the measurements in the route
If you are measuring the same machines repeatedly and you seldom change to another route you can keep the route in the instrument and only delete the measurements.
Press the Info button while you are
somewhere in the route and this window will appear.
Move the line with the Up or the Down
button to Clear measurement and change
to Yes with Left or Right button and press the OK
Transferring a route to the X-Trend software
Start the transfer program in X-Trend.
Move the line with the Up Or the Down button in the
MAIN MENU to Communication
and press the OK button.
Note! When the measurements are deleted in this way, the comparison with previous measurements will be false, because they will not be updated. The update can only happen, when a new route is downloaded from the X-Trend software.
This message will appear if the communication fails. Check that the cables are connected and that the USB driver for X-Viber is installed.
X-Viber manual
The Route settings menu
Press the Info button while you are somewhere in the route and this window will
Move the line with the Up or the Down button to the function you want to change. Press the Left or Right button to change the settings.
Move the line with the Up or the Down
button to Spectra.
Press the Left or the Right button
to change to YES.
The X-Viber will not store the spectra in route if NO is selected.
Press the ESC button to exit to the normal route function.
Press the ESC button to leave the route function and go back to the Main
Turns the backlight ON or OFF
Change the contrast ratio. A low number gives a higher ratio.
When enabled, the instrument will automatically move to the next point after the measurements are finished.
Clear measurements are already described on previous page.
Note! If you have the option with spectra in route this function must be activated.
Note! You can not see a spectrum in route in the X-Viber, but after transferring to the SpectraPro software it is available.
X-Viber manual
This bar will appear when there are more lines than shown in the window.
Off Route Measurements
Move the line with the Up or the Down button in the MAIN MENU to
Measurements and press the OK
In the Measurements window you can select between the following functions:
Total value, this value is the RMS average of all vibrations within the selected
frequency range. You can select both unit and frequency range.
Bearing condition, this value is the RMS average in “g” of all high frequencies
within the selected frequency range.
Envelope, this value is the RMS average in “gE” within the frequency range 2-
1000Hz of the low pass filtered and rectified high frequencies between 500 to 7200Hz. You can select between different frequency ranges.
Speed, X-Viber is remotely measuring the shaft speed between 30 to 12000
rpm by sensing the infrared reflex from a target on the shaft. The target can be any reflex tape.
Temperature, X-Viber is remotely measuring the object temperature within the
temperature range 0-120°C or -32 to 184°F by sensing the infrared radiation.
Analysis, This function is similar to the Total value but with an additional
analysis of the 5 dominating frequencies in the signal. This function is especially useful to find the cause of the vibration and at balancing. You can select both unit and frequency range.
Warning! You can not store the measurements made in the Measurements mode. This part is only for temporary measurements. Take notes if you want to record some measurements.
X-Viber manual
MAIN MENU settings
Press the Info button and this window will appear. Move the line with the Up or the Down buttons to the function you want to change. Press the Left or the Right button to change the settings.
The settings in the MAIN MENU settings menu will automatically be used as soon as this window is closed.
Press the ESC or OK button to exit to the MAIN MENU.
Measurement settings menu
Press the Info button and this window will appear. Move the line with the Up or the Down button to the function you want to change. Press the Left or Right button to change the settings.
Turns the backlight ON or OFF
Changes the contrast ratio: A low number gives a higher ratio.
Changes ON time of the instrument
´The ON time can be changed between 1, 3, 5, 10 min and Never.
Changes the units between Metric and Imperial
Selects the language
Change the sensitivity mV/unit so it corresponds to the connected transducer sensitivity.
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