Vmar F5E Tiger II Assembly & Operation Manual

Model airplanes, model engines, model engine fuel, pro­pellers and related accessories, tools and equipment can be hazardous if improperly used. Be cautious and follow all safe­ty recommendations when using your VMAR model airplane. Keep hands, tools, clothing and all foreign objects well clear of engines when they are operating. Take particular care to safe­guard and protect your eyes and fingers and the eyes and fin­gers of other persons who may be nearby. Use only a good quality propeller that has no cracks or flaws. Stay clear of the propeller and stay clear of the plane of rotation defined by the propeller. The Manufacturer, Distributor, Retailer and/or other
suppliers of this product expressly disclaim any warranties or representations, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of fitness for the purposes of achieving and sustaining remotely controlled flight. In no event will the Manufacturer, Distributor, Retailer and/or other suppli­ers of this product have any obligation arising from contract or tort, or for loss of revenue or profit, or for indirect, special, inci­dental, consequential or other damages arising from the use of this product. In purchasing and/or using this product, the user accepts all responsibility for its use and accepts all liability associated with such use.
A Remote Control Model Aircraft is not a toy. It is a fly­ing model that functions much like a full size airplane. If you do not assemble and operate this product properly you can cause injury to yourself and others and damage property. DO NOT FLY this model if you are not qualified.
You are entirely responsible for the mechanical,
aeronautical and electrical integrity of this model and it's structure, control surfaces, hinges, linkages, covering, engine, radio, wiring, battery and all other components. Check all components before and after each flight.
Don't fly until it's right!
Proceeding with assembly and use of this product indicates
Agreement With & Acceptance of the following Liability Disclaimer
Please review this manual thoroughly before assembling or operating this model
1B- Aileron & aileron servo locations
Aileron servo cavity
1A- Prepare the servos by fitting the rubber grommets & ferrules supplied with your servos
To install the aileron servos into the wing you will need the following items:
- Servos
- Servo mounting screws and grommets as supplied with servos
- Servo control arms as supplied with servos
- Two aileron control rod assemblies supplied with the kit The assemblies consist of a metal rod with a clevis on each end
- Low tack masking tape
- 2 aileron control horn assemblies
Step 1.1 Turn the wing upside down and locate the aileron servo cavities. See 1B Step 1.2 Trial fit the aileron servos into their servo mounting cavities. You may have to modify the cavity slightly to pro­vide clearance for the servo and servo wires. Use a hobby knife to modify the cavity as required. Most servos have their output shaft closer to one end than the other. We recom­mend locating the servo so that the output shaft is as close to the front of the wing as possible. See 1C Step 1.3 Screw the servos into place with the screws and grommets supplied. It is important to install the grommets and screws correctly. See the manual that came with your radio for instructions about your particular servo grommets. See 1C Step 1.4 Fasten the screws down according to the servo manufacturers recommended tightness.
Step 1.5 Repeat this procedure for both wing servos.
1C- Mount the aileron servos into the wing
Step 2.1 Consult your radio instruction manual and center each aileron servo by plugging it into the aileron channel in
the receiver. Turn on the transmitter and then the receiver. Center the aileron trim lever on the transmitter. Remove the servo arm mounting screw and the servo arm. Step 2.2 Mount the servo arm back on the servo. Position the arm to be parallel with the back edge of the wing. Screw the arm into place with the servo arm mounting screw supplied with the servo. Locate the two aileron control rods in the hardware bag. See 2A. Ensure the clevises are screwed well onto the threaded portion of the rod. Rotate and tug aggres­sively on the clevises and ensure that they are not loose on the rods. Tape the ailerons into their neutral position so that they are even with the trailing edge of the wing and not pointing either up or down. Step 2.3 Ensure that the aileron control horns are screwed onto the threaded aileron control horn bolts and that both con­trol horns are in approximately the same place on their respective bolts. See2B Step 2.4 Connect the aileron servo rods to the aileron control horns. Connect the control rod to the servo output arm using a clevis. See 2C
Step 2.5 Connect the other end of the control rod to the control horn using the second clevis. See 2C Step 2.6 Remove the masking tape holding the aileron. Step 2.7 In the case of computer radios couple the servos together electronically by connecting them to the appropriate
receiver channels. In the case of analog radios couple the servos together using a Y harness.
Step 2.8 Turn on your radio and activate the ailerons, using the aileron stick and ensure a smooth full motion can be achieved. Step 2.9 With the wing top side up and viewed from the back, ensure that moving the transmitter aileron stick to the left raises the left aileron and lowers the right aileron. Movement of the stick to the left will roll the aircraft to the left. (Counterclockwise roll of the wing when viewed from the back). Step 2.10 With the wing top side up and viewed from the back, ensure that moving the transmitter aileron stick to the right raises the right aileron and lowers the left aileron. Movement of the stick to the right will roll the aircraft to the right
2A- Aileron control rod assembly
2B- Aileron control horn installed
2C- Aileron control rod installed
To install the stabilizers into the fuselage you will need:
- Fuselage
- Vertical stabilizer with pre-installed rudder and torque rod
- Horizontal stabilizer with pre-installed elevators
3A- The fuselage slot for the vertical stabilizer
4A- Horizontal stabilizer bottom face
3B- Vertical stabilizer with pre­installed rudder and torque rod
4B- Install the horizontal stabilizer onto the fuselage by using three 3-40 [mm] hex bolts and three wooden washer
3C- Horizontal stabilizer with pre­installed elevators & servo rails
4C- Horizontal stabilizer attached to the fuselage
Vertical slot
60 mm (2-1/3 in.)
Mounting holes
Step 4.1 Attach the horizontal stabilizer to the fuselage
using three 3 x 40 [mm] hex bolts and three wood washers (supplied). See 4A, 4B and 4C
To install the vertical stabilizer you will need:
- Vertical stabilizer with pre-installed rudder and torque rod
- 30 minute epoxy
Step 5.4 Peal away the covering from the contact area in preparation for applying 30 minute epoxy. See 5D Step 5.5 Apply sufficient 30 minute epoxy to the lower sta­bilizer tonque (See 5E) and the bottom of the vertical stabi­lizer (see 5F) and to the exposed contact area on the top of the fuselage (See 5D).
Step 5.6 Press the vertical stabilizer into place in the fuse­lage slot and wipe away any excess epoxy (See 5G). Step 5.7 Align the vertical stabilizer perpendicular (90 degrees) to the horizontal stabilizer and hold in position with low tack masking tape until the epoxy cures (See 5H).
Step 5.1 Trial fit the vertical stabilizer into the fuselage slot. See 5A Step 5.2 Use a water soluble non-per­manent marker to outline the area where the vertical stabilizer contacts the top of the fuselage. See 5B Step 5.3 Use a ruler & sharp hobby knife to cut the covering just inboard of the outline marks. See 5C
5C- Use a ruler and sharp hobby knife to cut the covering just inboard of the out­line marks
5D- Remove the covering from the fuselage
5E- Apply sufficient 30 minute epoxy to the lower stabilizer tonque. Avoid the control rod
5A- Trial fit the vertical stabilizer to the fuselage
5B- Mark an outline around the area where the vertical stabilizer contacts the top of the fuselage
5G- Carefully press the vertical stabilizer into place and remove any excess epoxy
5H- 90 degree angle between the hori­zontal and the vertical stabilizer
5F- Apply more 30 minute epoxy to the bottom of vertical stabilizer
Donot apply the
epoxy here
The F5E TIGER II has a tricycle gear configuration (trike gear) using a steerable nose wheel and main landing gear.
Step 7.1 Turn over the wing to locate the pre-drilled main landing gear mount­ing cavities. See 7B Step 7.2 Insert the pre-assembled main landing gear into place. Use 4 of the sheet metal screws to mount each of the main landing gear assemblies to the wing. See 7C and 7D
7A- Pre-assembled main landing gear and the sheet metal mounting screws
Identify the main landing gear components shown below:
- 2 pre-bent main landing gear sets pre-assembled with struts, wheels and
mounting plates.
- 8 sheet metal screws (3x15 mm)
The F5E flaps can function as flaps and/or air brakes. Air brakes can be quite useful during touchdown and roll out. Consult an experienced RC pilot before using the air brakes. Do NOT attempt the use of air brakes on first flights.
25D- For each flap, connect a control rod between the servo arm and the flap control horn
25F- Flap deployed
After the wing has been attached to the fuselage, install the wing cover plate.
Step 8.1 Remove the steering arm from the nose gear assembly . Insert the nose gear push rod through the EZ-connector. Do not tighten yet. See 8B Step 8.2 Slide the nose gear wire through the nose gear bearing in the fuselage, passing the wire through the steering arm. Secure the steering arm to the nose gear wire by tightening the steering arm set screw. See 8C Step 8.3 Secure the EZ-connector to the nose gear push rod by tightening the EZ-connector set screw. See 8D
8B- Insert the nose gear push rod
through the steering arm EZ-connec­tor. Do not tighten yet
8C- Secure the steering arm to the
nose gear wire by tightening the steering arm set screw
8D- Secure the EZ-connector to the
nose gear push rod by tightening the EZ-connector set screw
8A- Nose gear assembly
Identify the nose gear components per illustration 8A
- 1 completed nose gear assembly with strut and wheel
- 1 steering arm with pre-installed EZ-connector
9B- Fuel tank and stopper assembly (front view)
To assemble the fuel tank you will need the following items:
- The fuel tank and fuel stopper assembly (supplied)
- 2 clunks (supplied)
- About 10 in. (25.4 cm) of medium ID silicone fuel line (DUB-197 or DUB-222 or similar)
9A- Use 2 in. (50 mm) for the pressure line and 4 in. (100 mm) for the refuel line
Pressure line
Pressure line
Fuel line
Fuel line
Refuel and empty line
Refuel line
7B- Main landing gear location
7C- Mounting the main landing gear to the wing
7D- Main landing gear mounted to both wings
Main landing gear location
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