‧Thanks for purc has ing C ent er Ar mre st Mo nit or. This
manual will hel p you u se th e exa ctl y fea tur es of y our
new monitor.
‧Please read all s afe ty an d ope rat ing i nst ruc tio ns
in this manual ca ref ull y, and keep this manu al fo r
future refere nce .
Safety Instructions
Be sure to observ e the f oll owi ng in str uct ion s and
precautions t o ens ure s afe u sin g of th is mo nit or. If you
or other third pa rti es us e thi s pro duc t in a no n-c orr ectly
way and cause the p rod uct b rea kdo wn or d ama ge, a s
to law, the re is n o responsibil ity f or co mpe nsa tio n.
We wi ll no t be re spo nsible for it, pl eas e und ers tan din g.
This symbol mea ns "P lease be sure to ob ser ve."
Fai lur e to heed them can re sul t in in jury or material
propert y damage.
Do not re pair, alt er or dis assemble by yours elf.
Doing so may resu lt in a n acc ide nt, f ire o r ele ctr ic
shock. Consul t a ret ail er or s erv ice t ech nic ian f or
inspections a nd re pai rs, i f mai nte nan ce is n eed ed.
Halt us e immediately if an u nusua l state s appea rs.
Fai lur e to do s o may c aus e personal inju ry or d ama ge
to the product. R etu rn it t o you r aut hor ize d dea ler o r
nearest servi ce ce nte r for r epa iri ng.
Kee p finge rs away w hile the motorize d front
panel o r moving monitor is i n motio n.
Fai lur e to do s o may r esu lt in personal in jur y or
damage to the pro duc t.
Do not st rike or make this mon itor dr ops str ongly.
Doing so may resu lt in p ers ona l inj ury o r sla sh.
Do not le ave the disc in the car o r unit fo r a long
Never expose th e dis c to di rec t sun lig ht. H eat a nd
humidity may da mag e the d isc a nd yo u may n ot be
able to play it aga in.
Do not to uch pick-up head.
Fai lur e to do s o may r esu lt in damage to the p rod uct .
This symbol mea ns "Forb ids t his b ehavior."
Fai lur e to heed them can re sul t in se rious injury
or death.
Do not op erate any functio n that ta kes you r
atten tion away from safe ty driv ing you r
vehic les.
Any function th at re qui res d riv er' s pro lon ged a tte ntion
should only be pe rfo rme d aft er co min g to a co mpl ete
stop. Always st op th e veh icl e in a sa fe lo cat ion b efo re
performing th ese f unc tio ns. Failure t o do so m ay re sul t
in an accident.
Do not to uch the screen when m eet a str ike
stron gly.
If liquid cryst al to uch es ha nds , fee t or cl oth es
incautious, p lea se wa sh wi th th e neu tra l det erg ent o r
consult a physi cia n if ne ces sar y.
Do not ex pose this monitor t o high hu midit y
level s.
Fai lur e to do s o may r esu lt in fire or elect ric s hoc k.
Do not ex pose this monitor t o dripp ing or
splas hing.
Doing so may resu lt in e lec tri c sho ck.
Do not op erate this monito r with we t hands .
Fai lur e to do s o may r esu lt in electric sh ock .
Do not us e this monitor agai n when th e power
cord is d amaged.
Doing so may resu lt in f ire o r ele ctr ic sh ock .
Use onl y in cars with A 12 Volt negative g round .
(C hec k with your deale r if yo u are n ot su re. )
Use for other tha n its d esi gne d app lic ati on ma y res ult
in fire, electr ic sh ock o r oth er in jur y.
Kee p small o bject s such as batteries o ut of the
reach o f children.
Swallowing them ma y res ult i n ser iou s inj ury.
If swallowed, c ons ult a p hys ici an im med iat ely.
Do not bl ock vents or radiat or pane ls.
Doing so may caus e hea t to bu ild u p ins ide a nd ma y
result in fire.
Do not pl ace hands, finger s or fore ign obj ects in
inser tion slots or ga ps.
Fai lur e to do s o may r esu lt in personal in jur y or da mag e
to the product.
Rear-S eat E ntert ainment
Operating Ins truc tions
Please read all safety and operati ng instructions
in this manual carefully, and keep this manual
for future reference.
Personal Safety
The ba ck seat passenger mu st tie th e
safe ty belt before opera ting this mon itor.
‧Do not insert the USB while dri ving .
Failure to do so ma y result in personal
inju ry.
Do not op erat e your unit in ambi ent tem perature
above +50°C (+ 122°F) or be low 0°C (+ 32°F).
‧Plea se inquire to yo ur reta iling shop to contact t he
spec ialized engineer or technical st aff for in stal lation.
‧Be sur e to comply with th is manu al whil e
conn ecting the cab les. Failure to do so may res ult in
dama ge to the pr oduct.
‧Be sur e the stabilit y of the sig nal cab le whil e insta llin g.
Failu re to do so ma y cause fire or ele ctric shock du e to
the wea r of the signal cable.
‧Be sur e to collect the ca bles we ll afte r insta llat ion.
Failu re to do so ma y cause fire or ele ctric shock.
If you ha ve problems , do not att empt to repair the unit by
your self. Doing so may result in pers onal in jury or d amage
to the pr oduc t. Retu rn it to you r retai ling sh op for re pairing.
Characteristics of LCD Panel
‧After turning the sy stem of f, a sligh t ghost o f the imag e
will re main tempor arily. This is an eff ect pec uliar to LCD
tech nology and is normal.
‧Unde r cold te mperature condit ions , the scre en may
lose co ntra st temp orarily. After a short warm-up period ,
it will r eturn to norma l.
‧The LC D panel is manufactur ed usin g an extremely
high pr ecis ion man ufacturin g techn olog y. Its effec tive
pixe l ratio is over 99. 99%. Th is mean s that 0. 01% of the
pixe ls coul d be either always ON or OFF.
Using the remote control
‧Point the remo te cont rol at th e remot e senso rs with in 2
mete rs.
‧It may no t be poss ible to operat e the remote control if
the rem ote control sensor is exposed to dire ct sunl ight
or inte rfer e with objects .
Product Cleaning
Use a sof t dry clo th for periodi c clean ing of th e
product. Fo r more severe stains, please dampen the
cloth with wa ter onl y. Anythi ng else has the cha nce of
diss olvi ng the paint or dam aging the plas tic.
Placi ng Discs
Make sure the lab el si de is f aci ng yo u whe n you
place the disc.
‧Your p lay er ac cep ts on ly on e dis c at a ti me fo r play back. Do not atte mpt t o pla ce mo re th an on e dis c.
‧Playing a disc wh ile d riv ing o n a ver y bum py ro ad
may result in ski ps, b ut th is wi ll no t scr atc h the d isc
or damage the pla yer.
Damag e Discs
Do not attempt to p lay c rac ked , war ped , or da mag ed
discs. Playin g a bad d isc c oul d sev ere ly da mag e the
playback mech ani sm.
Irreg ular Shaped Discs
Be sure to use roun d sha ped d isc s onl y for t his u nit
and never use any s pec ial s hap ed di scs . Use o f
special shape d dis cs ma y cau se da mag e to th e
Corre ct Handling
‧Do not drop the dis c whi le ha ndl ing .
‧Hold the disc so yo u wil l not l eav e fin ger pri nts o n
the surface.
‧Do not affix tape , pap er, or gu mme d lab els t o the
‧Do not write on the d isc .
‧Do not touch the su rfa ce.
‧Do not expose the disc t o dir ect s unl igh t.
‧Clean the disc when it i s dus ty.
‧Make sure that th e dis c is sm oot h and f lat .
‧Do not use commer cia lly a vai lab le di sc ac ces sor ies .
Disc Cl eaning
Fingerprints, du st, o r soi l on th e sur fac e of th e dis c
could cause the p lay er to s kip . For rout ine c lea nin g,
wipe the playing sur fac e wit h a cle an, s oft c lot h
from the center o f the d isc t o the o ute r edg e. If t he
surface is heav ily s oil ed, d amp en a cl ean , sof t clo th
in a solution of mi ld ne utr al de ter gen t bef ore
cleaning the di sc.
Cente r Arm rest Mo nitor
Monitor Function Overview
Getting St arted
1 2 35 6 7
- Press PWR button to turn on or off the unit.
- Press SRC button to switch the display source.
- Press MUTE button to disable or enable audio output.
IR Transmitter and Receiver
The receiving angle is about 30 degrees and the
receiving distance is about 2M.
- Press PREV button to skip backward. (chapter).
- Press NEXT button to skip forward. (chapter).
- Press once to start playing. Press twice to pause
The first time
remove the plastic tape before using.
when you use the remote control, ple ase
Pla stic Tape
Battery Replacement
1. Opening the battery case.
Pull out the bat tery tr ay.
2. Replacing the battery. (CR-2025)
Put the battery in the ca se with th e (+) ind ication
upwa rd as show in the illustra tion.
‧Battery typ e : Mercur y Battery - CR 2025.‧Plac ing a battery in ba ckwards way ma y cause a
malf unction.
3. Closing the cover.
Push the battery tra y as illus trat ed unti l a click is
hear d.
Cr202 5
CR2 025
Remote Control Function Overview
‧Poi nt th e rem ote c ont rol a t the I R Reciver
2 meters.
‧It may not be possi ble t o ope rat e the r emo te
control if the re mot e con tro l sen sor i s exp ose d
to direct sunli ght o r int erf ere w ith o bje cts .
‧The remote cont rol i s a sma ll, l igh twe igh t
precision dev ice . To avoid damage, sho rt ba tte ry
life, operati ona l err ors a nd po or re spo nse ,
observe the fol low ing .
-D o not s ubject the remo te co ntr ol to e xce ssi ve
-D o not p ut in a trouser poc ket .
-K eep a way f rom f ood , moi sture and dirt.
-D o not p lace in direct su nsh ine .
‧Remove the battery i f it’ s not b ein g use d for a
long time.
‧Batteries con tai n che mic al su bst anc e, so t hey
should be dispo sed o f pro per ly.
0/1 0
Do not op erate any functio n that ta kes you r
atten tion away from safe ty driv ing you r
vehic le.
Any function th at re qui res y our p rol ong ed at ten tion
should only be pe rfo rme d aft er co min g to a
complete stop . Alw ays s top t he ve hic le in a s afe
location befo re pe rfo rmi ng th ese f unc tio ns.
Fai lur e to do s o may r esu lt in an accident .
Cente r Arm rest Mo nitor
Getting St arted
SLO W (3)
ZOO M (4)
A-B ( 5)
TIT LE (7)
ANG LE (9)
OSD Menu
FM Modulator (Option)
IR Sensor
Display Source
Stop Playback
DVD Setup Men u
Disc Menu
Cursor Buttons
Skip / Backward Forward
Play/Pause/En ter
Search Backward / Forward
Volume Incre ase / Decrease
Number Key Pad
Return (1)
Dimmer (2)
Slow (3)
Zoom (4)
A-B (5)
Random (6)
Title (7)
Display (8)
Angle (9)
Switch monitor po wer ON/ OFF
Enter or exit on-scr een display menu sys tem.
Switch Number / Function mo de.
(1) Pr ess Onc e : Switch FM ON/OFF. ( 87.7 MHz to 88 .9MHz)
(2) Pr ess Twice : Switch IR ON/ OFF.
Switch DVD / USB / Me mory Card mode.
Switch display so urce. (DVD→AV IN1 AV IN2)
(1) Pr ess Onc e: PRE- STOP di sc play back .
(2) Pr ess Twice : STOP playback com pletely.
Enter or exit the disc DV D setup menu.
Return to dis c conte nts menu.
(For VC D with PB C feature, PB C must be turned off.)
Move between the fun ctio n items in the menu .
Skip to the previous or next chapter / ti tle / tra ck.
(1) Pr ess Onc e : Start pl ayba ck.
(2) Pr ess Twice : Pause playb ack.
Select desired subtitle to disp lay.
Select desired audio lan guage to display.
Select desired search ba ckward / forward speed.
2X → 4X → 8X → 16X → 32X →
2X → 4X → 8X → 16X → 32X →
Select desired repeat mo de.
(1) DVD Disc : Cha pter → Titl e → All→Repe at Off
(2) CD / VCD Disc : Repeat 1 → Repeat All → Rep eat Off
Disable or en able au dio output.
Increase / De crease volu me.
Press to swit ch numb er key pa d to input data for disc.
Returns to th e previ ous display.
Select differen t LCD pan el back- ligh t brigh tness.
Select differen t slow pl ayback mode s for a VCD/ DVD.
81 6
Enlarge a pic ture or a ctive image on the scre en.
2X 3X 4X
Repeat playback o f a specific section wi thin a chapter of DVD or
a trac k.
Select to pla ybac k the chapter / tra ck randomly.
Go to disc title.
Display current i nformatio n during playback.
※JPEG: Change the bro wsin g effec ts during playback .
Select desired viewing angle. (If a DVD dis c conta ins multi-a ngle
feature, viewin g angles may be selected.)
81 6
Rear-S eat E ntert ainment
Basic Operations
Monitor Set up
Before Using the MMD
Before using the MMD, please remove the card from th e
Multi Media Driver (MMD).
Car d
Turning Power ON/ OF
1. P res sto t urn O N.
2. To turn of f the p owe r, pres s and h old a gain.
Placing Discs
1. Tur n on th e pow er be for e pla cin g dis cs.
2. P lac e the d isc w ith t he label side fac ing y ou.
Once the disc is pa rti all y pla ced , it is d raw n in
automatical ly. Pla yba ck starts.
‧Be sure to put DVD in t o the m ort ise , to en sur e the
normal operat ion o f the D VD.
If wrong disc, up sid e-d own d isc o r dir ty di sc ha ve
been inserted . ”NO D ISC ” is displayed .
Switching Source
1. P res s “SR C” to cyc le through the di ffe ren t sou rce s.
‧OSD (On Screen Di spl ay) w ill b e tur ned o ff
automatical ly, whe n not o perating m ore t han 1 0
FM/IR (On/Off)
FM ON/O FF (Option)
1. P res s onc e: To tur n ON/ OFF t he FM t ran smi tte r.
2. W hen y ou tu rn on t he FM, press or to
select desire d FM fr equ enc y 87. 7MH z ~ 88.9MHz or
1. P res s twi ce: To tu rn ON /OF F the I R.
2. W hen y ou tu rn on t he IR, press or to
select ON or OFF.
Adjusting OSD
Visual bright nes s, color are adjus tab le.
Each source is in dep end ent ly ad jus tab le.
‧Make adjustme nts w ith in 6 se con ds, o the rwi se th e
OSD (On Screen Di spl ay) w ill t urn o ff au tom ati cal ly.
Adjusting Brightness
1.Pr ess t o sel ect Brightness.
contrast and
2.Pr ess o r to ad just the bri ght nes s.
Brightne ss ca n be ad jus ted fro m -20 ( MIN ) to +2 0
Brigh tness
Adjusting Contrast
1.Pr ess t o sel ect Contrast.
2.Pr ess o r to ad just the con tra st.
Contrast c an be a dju ste d from -2 0 (LOW ) to +20
Contr ast
Adjusting Color Density
1.Pr ess t o sel ect Color.
2.Pr ess o r to ad just the col or de nsi ty.
Change dep th ca n be ad jus ted fro m -20 ( MIN ) to
+20 (R MAX).
Adjusting Hue
1.Pr ess t o sel ect Hue.
2.Pr ess o r to ad just the hue .
Hue tone can b e adj ust ed fr om -20 (G M IN) t o
+20 (G MAX).
Resetting Picture Adjustment
1.Pr ess t o sel ect Res et.
2.Pr ess o r to re setting ad jus tme nt.
Reset will b e set u p in 00 (me dian) . To save a dju stm ent or wa it 10 s eco nds u ntil OSD disappea r, the ad justment w ill b e sav e aut omati cal ly.
Cente r Arm rest Mo nitor
MMD Operations
Not all f unc tion wi ll oper ate f or ever y DVD.
See the i ndi vidua l MMD’s i nst ructi ons f or
detai ls on t he feat ures su ppo rted.
‧Finge rpr ints on a d isc may a dve rsely a ffe ct
playb ack . If a prob lem occ urs , remov e the
disc an d che ck for fi ngerp rin ts on the p lay back si de. C lean th e disc if n ece ssary.
‧When us ing t he remo te cont rol , be care ful t o
press a b utt on at tim e. Pres sin g multi ple
butto ns at t he same t ime may c aus e
erron eou s opera tion.
‧If you sw itc h the pow er or ign iti on key OF F
durin g pla yback , playb ack w ill con tin ue
where y ou le ft off wh en you re sum e play back.
‧If you tr y to pe rform a n inval id op erati on
(base d on th e type of d isc bei ng pl ayed) ,
the mes sag e “ ” will be d ispla yed o n the
monit or sc reen.
‧A disc ty pe mu st matc h the set tin g of the
syste m. If a w rong ty pe disc i s ins erted , the
messa ge “N O DISC” wil l be disp lay ed, and
playb ack i s not ava ilabl e.
Playing DVD/VCD/CD
Place a d isc with the label si de faci ng you.
To load d isc s, se e “Pl aci ng Di sc” on page 7. Play bac k
The reverse sid e of a di sc wi ll no t be pl aye d
automatical ly. Rem ove t he disc, turn it ov er an d
replace it.
‧It may take some ti me be for e pla yba ck st art s aft er
placing a disc.
Disc Auto Play
The disc will pla y aut oma tic all y wit hou t pre ssi ng
when disc is plac ed.
MMD Men u
1. P res s to di spl ay MMD Menu.
Stopping Playback (PRE-STOP)
1. P res s dur ing p layback.“ PRE SS PL AY
KEY TO CONTINUE ” is di spl aye d, an d pla yba ck
That position i s sto red i n mem ory.
2. P res s in th e PRE -ST OP mo de to r etu rn to
normal playba ck.
Playback star ts fr om th e pos iti on at w hic h it wa s
stopped may not b e acc ura te.
Fo r som e dis c, th e pos iti on at w hic h pla yback was
Stopping Playback
1. P res s twi ce du ring playback .
“ ” is displayed, a nd pl ayb ack s top s.
2. P res s in th e STO P mode to return to n orm al
Playback star ts fr om th e beg inn ing .
Playing Still Frames (Pause)
1. D uri ng pl ayb ack, press to pau se.
“ ” is displayed.
2. P res s aga in to r esume playbac k.
‧No sound appear s dur ing t he st ill m ode .
‧The image or soun d may s top t emp ora ril y whe n
playback star ts fr om th e pau se mo de. T his i s not a
malfunction .
Fast-forwarding / Fast-reversing
1. D uri ng pl ayb ack , press and ho ld or
to set search spe ed (× 2/ ×4 / ×8/ x 16/ x 32 )
forwarded or re ver sed .
2X 4X 8 X 16X32X
2X 4X 8 X 16X32X
2. P res s to select the des ire d
item, then pres s to co nfi rm a se lec tio n.
‧Fo r som e dis cs it i s pos sib le to s ele ct it ems directly
from the menu scr een u sin g the n umb er ke ys (“ 0” to “ 9”) .
MMD Men u
Press to displa y Vid eo Me nu.
Press to select t he de sir ed it em, a nd
then press agai n to co nfi rm a se lec tio n.
2. R ele ase o r to pa use, then press
return to norma l pla yba ck.
‧No sound appear s dur ing f ast-fo rwa rd / fa st-
‧Fa st-forwardin g / fas t-reversi ng of a v ide o CD is o nly
function if the d isc i nco rpo rat es pl ayb ack c ont rol.
‧Fo r DVD a nd vi deo C Ds wi th pl ayb ack c ont rol ,
the menu screen m ay re app ear d uri ng fa st forwarding / fa st-reversing .
Rear-S eat E ntert ainment
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