Vitrek Xitron 2801, Xitron 2802 User Manual

Advanced Single and Dual-Channel Power Analyzers
2 2801/2802 Power Analyzer User Guide
Warranty 3
The Vitrek instrument is warranted against defects in material and workmanship for a period of two years after the date of purchase. Vitrek agrees to repair or replace any assembly or component (except batteries) found to be defective, under normal use, during the warranty period. Vitrek’s obligation under this warranty is limited solely to repairing any such instrument, which in Vitreks sole opinion proves to be defective within the scope of the warranty, when returned to the factory or to an authorized service center. Transportation to the factory or service center is to be prepaid by the purchaser. Shipment should not be made without prior authorization by Vitrek.
The warranty does not apply to any products repaired or altered by persons not authorized by Vitrek, or not in accordance with instructions provided by Vitrek. If the instrument is defective as a result of misuse, improper repair, or abnormal conditions or operations, repairs will be billed at cost.
Vitrek assumes no responsibility for its product being used in a hazardous or dangerous manner, either alone or in conjunction with other equipment. Special disclaimers apply to this instrument. Vitrek assumes no liability for secondary charges or consequential damages, and, in any event, Vitrek' liability for breach of warranty under any contract or otherwise, shall not exceed the original purchase price of the specific instrument shipped and against which a claim is made.
Any recommendations made by Vitrek or its Representatives, for use of its products are based upon tests believed to be reliable, but Vitrek makes no warranties of the results to be obtained. This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, and no representative or person is authorized to represent or assume for Vitrek any liability in connection with the sale of Vitrek products other than set forth herein.
Instrument Serial Number: __________________________________
4 2801/2802 Power Analyzer User Guide
Document Part Number: MO-2801/2802-M Revision A Print date: June 28, 2007
Copyright© 2007 Vitrek All rights reserved.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language in any form without prior written consent from Vitrek. This product manual is copyrighted and contains proprietary information, which is subject to change without notice. The product's displays and manual text may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of the license agreement.
XiTRON is a trademark of Vitrek. All other trademarks or registered trademarks are acknowledged as the exclusive property of their respective owners.
In the interest of continued product development, Vitrek reserves the right to make changes in this guide and the product it describes at any time, without notice or obligation.
Manufacturers of Engineering & Production Test Equipment
12169 Kirkham Road Poway, California 9206 USA
Telephone: (858) 689-2755 Fax: (858) 689-2760
Contents 5
INTRODUCTION ____________________________________________________ 15
Scope _________________________________________________________ 15
Features _______________________________________________________ 16
FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION _________________________________________ 17
Theory of Operation ______________________________________________ 17
Analog Channel Board ________________________________________ 18
Interfaces ______________________________________________________ 23
Front Panel _________________________________________________ 23
IEEE488 ___________________________________________________ 23
USB Device_________________________________________________ 23
USB Host __________________________________________________ 24
RS-232 ____________________________________________________ 24
Digital I/O __________________________________________________ 24
Ethernet____________________________________________________ 24
USING THE POWER ANALYZER ______________________________________ 25
Setting Up______________________________________________________ 25
Using the Front Panel Interface _____________________________________ 26
Grounding of the Analyzer _________________________________________ 29
Rear Panel Connections - 2801 and 2802 _____________________________ 31
Power Requirements _________________________________________ 31
2801 Rear Panel Connections ______________________________________ 32
Single-Channel Measurements of a Power Source: Connection Method 1 34
Single-Channel Measurements of a Power Source: Connection Method 2 35
Single-Channel Measurements of a Load: Connection Method 1 _______ 36
Single-Channel Measurements of a Load: Connection Method 2 _______ 37
Measurements of a Power Source:Connection Method 1 – Ext CT ______ 38
6 2801/2802 Power Analyzer User Guide
2802 Rear Panel Connections ______________________________________ 39
Measurements of a Power Source: Connection Method 1 _____________ 39 Measurements of a Power Source: Connection Method 1 _____________ 40 Measurements of a Power Source: Connection Method 2 _____________ 41 Measurements of a Load: Connection Method 1 ____________________ 42 Measurements of a Load: Connection Method 2 ____________________ 43 Measurements of a Power Source and Load: Method 1, Two Ind. Chnls _44 Measurement: 3P-3W 2 Meter Connection, Method 1 ________________ 45
Measurements of a Power Source: Connection Method 1 – Ext CT _____ 47 Using an External Current Transducer________________________________ 48 Starting the Analyzer _____________________________________________ 50 Configuring the Power Analyzer 2801/2802____________________________ 51
Getting Started ______________________________________________ 52
Channel Configuration (2802 Only) ______________________________ 53 Configuring the Analyzer Measurement Results ________________________ 54
Setting Up the Measurement Configuration ________________________ 56
Setting Up the Ch2 Measurement Configuration (2802 Only) __________ 71 Setup System ___________________________________________________ 71 Configuration Storage ____________________________________________ 74 Perform DC Zero ________________________________________________ 75 Diagnostics_____________________________________________________ 75 About _________________________________________________________ 77 Default Settings _________________________________________________ 78 Using the Line Switch and Inrush Capabilities __________________________ 79
DISPLAY SCREENS _________________________________________________ 82
Viewing Measurement Results______________________________________ 82
Numeric Display Screens ______________________________________ 82 Chart Displays __________________________________________________ 88 Starting Startup and Inrush Charts___________________________________ 88
Line Switch Disabled and Inrush Detection Disabled _________________ 88
Line Switch Disabled and Inrush Detection Enabled _________________ 88
Line Switch Enabled and Inrush Detection Disabled _________________ 88
Line Switch Enabled and Inrush Detection Enabled __________________ 89
Chart Formats _______________________________________________ 89
Introduction 7
PRINTING RESULTS ________________________________________________ 99
Sample Printouts ________________________________________________ 99
SENDING COMMANDS AND INTERROGATIVES ________________________ 108
Operating using Multiple Interfaces _________________________________ 108 Interrogatives __________________________________________________ 108
USB______________________________________________________ 109
RS232 ____________________________________________________ 109
IEEE488 __________________________________________________ 109 Remote / Local Operation ________________________________________ 109 Resetting the Instrument _________________________________________ 110 Initializing an Interface ___________________________________________ 110 Identifying the Instrument _________________________________________ 110 Querying the Date or Time________________________________________ 110 Setting the Date or Time _________________________________________ 111 Setting the Interface & Front Panel Language _________________________ 111 Storing and Recalling Configurations ________________________________ 111 IEEE488 Status Byte Commands __________________________________ 112 Commands which affect the measurement process ____________________ 112 Commanding and Controlling a DC Zero _____________________________ 115 Controlling the Line Switch________________________________________ 115 Controlling the Display Backlight & Contrast __________________________ 115 Configuring Measurements _______________________________________ 116
APPLICATION – Application___________________________________ 116
RESULTAVG – Result Averaging Period _________________________ 117
MSRTYPE – Measurement Type _______________________________ 117
FILTERTYPE – HF Cutoff Filter ________________________________ 118
FILTERFREQ – HF Filter Cutoff Frequency _______________________ 118
CURRENTSYNC – Use current synchronization ___________________ 118
MINFUND – Minimum Fundamental Frequency____________________ 118
MAXFUND – Maximum Fundamental Frequency___________________ 119
MAXHARMS – Maximum Number of Measured Harmonics __________ 119
GENDNRANGEDLY – User Set Minimum Downrange Delay _________ 119
MSRDCRIPPLE – DC Ripple Measurement Method ________________ 119
RIPPLEFREQ – DC Ripple Base Frequency ______________________ 120
8 2801/2802 Power Analyzer User Guide
DCDNRANGEDLY – User Set Minimum Downrange Delay __________ 120
VRANGE – Select a Voltage Input Range ________________________ 120
AINPUT – Select the Current Input Mode_________________________ 120
ARANGE – Select a Current Input Range (Shunt Input Only) _________ 121
TRANGE – Select a Current Input Range (Transducer Input Only) _____ 121
STRICTRANGING – Forces the App. of the Requested Fixed Range___ 121
SHUNTRATIO1 and SHUNTRATIO2 – Sets A input CT Ratio ________ 122
TRANSRATIO1 and TRANSRATIO2 –sets T input CT Ratio__________ 122
MSRSOURCE – Sets Whether the Pwr Source / Load is to be Meas.___ 123
WIRINGCOMP – Enables Wiring Impedance Compensations_________ 123
WIRINGLOSS – Sets the Wiring Loss Impedance Value _____________ 123
WIRINGLOSSN – Neutral Wiring Loss (2802 only) _________________ 123
WIRINGLOSSG – Ground Wiring Loss (2802 only) _________________ 123
VBURDENCOMP – Enables Voltage Burden Compensation _________ 124
REVERSEV – Enables Reversal of Voltage Measurement Polarities ___ 124
REVERSEA – Enables Reversal of Current Measurement Polarities ___ 124
LINECONTROL – Configures the Line Switch _____________________ 124
LINEPHASE – Internal Line Switch Turn On Phase_________________ 124
INRUSHARNG – Sets the A input Inrush Range ___________________ 125
INRUSHTRNG – Sets the T input Inrush Range ___________________ 125
FILTEREDINRUSH –Filtered or Unfilt. Signal is Captured During Inrush 125
WAVETRIG – Sets the Method of Triggering Waveform Capture ______ 125
TRIGVOLTS – Sets the Voltage for Waveform Capture Triggering _____ 126
TRIGAMPS – Sets the Current for Waveform Capture Triggering ______ 126 READ and UPDATE commands ___________________________________ 127
Normal Results –____________________________________________ 129
Highest Measurement During an Inrush & Startup __________________ 138
Integrated Results (scaling in unit.Hours) _________________________ 139
Integrated Average Results ___________________________________ 139
Measurement Extents during Integration _________________________ 140
Charge & Discharge data (scaled in unit.Hours) ___________________ 143
Special Data _______________________________________________ 143
APPENDIX A - PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS____________________________ 146
General_______________________________________________________ 146
Environment _______________________________________________ 146
Introduction 9
Altitude Equivalent __________________________________________ 146
Warm Up __________________________________________________ 146
Accuracy __________________________________________________ 146
Autorange _________________________________________________ 148
Ranging___________________________________________________ 148
Input Filtering ______________________________________________ 148
Low Frequencies____________________________________________ 148
Measurement Rate Frequency _________________________________ 148
Non-Harmonics _____________________________________________ 149
Harmonics _________________________________________________ 149
DC Input Offset Compensation _________________________________ 149
Frequency Measurements ____________________________________ 149
Harmonic Analysis __________________________________________ 149
Result Averaging____________________________________________ 150
Input Sampling _____________________________________________ 150
Integration _________________________________________________ 150
History Charts ______________________________________________ 150
Startup Charts ______________________________________________ 151
Waveform Data _____________________________________________ 151
Captured Waveforms ________________________________________ 151
Inrush Waveforms___________________________________________ 151
Line Switch ________________________________________________ 151
Voltage Input Specifications _______________________________________ 154
Transducer (15V) Input Specifications ___________________________ 157
Power Factor Specifications ___________________________________ 158
10 2801/2802 Power Analyzer User Guide
Introduction 11
Figure 1. Overall Block Diagram ____________________________________ 17
Figure 2. Voltage Input Attenuator Block Diagram_______________________ 19
Figure 3. Transducer Input Attenuator Block Diagram____________________ 20
Figure 4. Current and Line Switch Block Diagram _______________________ 21
Figure 5. Benchtop Version of 2801 Power Analyzer ____________________ 25
Figure 6. Benchtop Version of 2802 Power Analyzer ____________________ 26
Figure 7. 2801 Front Panel Interface Detail ____________________________ 27
Figure 8. 2802 Front Panel Interface Detail ____________________________ 27
Figure 9. Sample Display __________________________________________ 27
Figure 10. Rear Connection Panel ___________________________________ 33
Figure 11. Measuring a Power Source, Method 1 _______________________ 34
Figure 12. Measuring a Power Source, Method 2 _______________________ 35
Figure 13. Measuring a Load, Method 1 ______________________________ 36
Figure 14. Measuring a Load, Method 2 ______________________________ 37
Figure 15. Measuring a Source Using a CT, Method 1 ___________________ 38
Figure 16. Rear Connection Panel ___________________________________ 39
Figure 17. Measuring a Power Source, Method 1 _______________________ 40
Figure 18. Measuring a Power Source, Method 2 _______________________ 41
Figure 19. Measuring a Load, Method 1 ______________________________ 42
Figure 20. Measuring a Load, Method 2 ______________________________ 43
Figure 21. Measuring a Power Source and Load, Method 1, Two Ind. Chnls __ 44
Figure 22. Measure 3P-3W 2 Meter Connection, Method 1 _______________ 45
Figure 23. Measuring a Source Using a CT, Method 1 ___________________ 47
Figure 24. External Transducer Test Connections ______________________ 48
Figure 25. Startup Screen 2801 and 2802 _____________________________ 50
12 2801/2802 Power Analyzer User Guide
Figure 26. Main Menu Screen ______________________________________ 51Figure 27. Measurement Configuration Screen _________________________ 56
Figure 28. Measurement Configuration Screen _________________________ 56
Figure 29. Wiring Adjustments Menu Screen___________________________ 63
Figure 30. System Menu Screen ____________________________________ 72
Figure 31. LOAD/SAVE Main Menu Screen ___________________________ 74
Figure 32. Load Configuration Selection Screen ________________________ 74
Figure 33 Erase Configuration Selection Screen ________________________ 75
Figure 34. DC Zero Screen ________________________________________ 75
Figure 35. Diagnostic Menu Screen__________________________________ 76
Figure 36. Performance Screen _____________________________________ 77
Figure 37. About Screen __________________________________________ 77
Figure 38. ACDC Normal __________________________________________ 82
Figure 39. ACDC Inrush___________________________________________ 83
Figure 40. ACDC Integrated________________________________________ 83
Figure 41. DC Normal ____________________________________________ 84
Figure 42. Rectified Normal ________________________________________ 84
Figure 43. Fundamental Normal ____________________________________ 85 Figure 44. ΣHarmonics Normal _____________________________________ 85
 
Figure 45. DC Charge & Discharge __________________________________ 85
Figure 46. DC Charge & Discharge __________________________________ 86
Figure 47. Harmonics % Log in Bar Chart _____________________________ 86
Figure 48. Harmonics Absolute in List Form ___________________________ 87
Figure 49. Real-time Waveform _____________________________________ 87
Figure 50. Distortion Waveform _____________________________________ 87
Figure 51. No Inrush Detected ______________________________________ 91
Figure 52. History of Amps ACDC, Trend in Full View____________________ 92
Figure 53. History of Amps ACDC, Extents in Full View __________________ 92
Figure 54. History of Amps ACDC, Trend in Zoom Mode _________________ 92
Figure 55. History of Amps ACDC, Trend; Scrolled ______________________ 92
Figure 56. History of Amps ACDC, Extents in Zoom Mode ________________ 93
Figure 57. Startup in Full View, Trend ________________________________ 95
Figure 58. Startup in Full View, Extents _______________________________ 95
Figure 59. Startup, Partial, Extents __________________________________ 95
Introduction 13
Figure 60. Startup, Partial, Extents __________________________________ 95Figure 61. Startup in Zoom Mode ___________________________________ 96
Figure 62. Range Change _________________________________________ 97
Figure 63. Amps Inrush in Normal Mode ______________________________ 98
Figure 64. Inrush in Zoom Mode ____________________________________ 98
Figure 65. Inrush in Zoom Mode, Additional Zoom Level _________________ 98
Figure 66. Configuration Printout ___________________________________ 101
Figure 67. Waveform Channel 1 Real-time ___________________________ 102
Figure 68. Waveform Channe1 Distortion ____________________________ 103
Figure 69. History Chart VOLTS ACDC, Trends View ___________________ 104
Figure 70. History Chart AMPS PERCENT THD Extents View ____________ 105
Figure 71. Harmonics Listing page 1 ________________________________ 106
Figure 72. Harmonics Listing page 2 ________________________________ 107
Figure 73. AC Voltage, Autorange __________________________________ 160
Figure 74. AC Voltage, Fixed Range, Low Frequency___________________ 161
Figure 75. AC Voltage, Autorange, High Frequency ____________________ 162
Figure 76. AC Voltage, Fixed Range, High Frequency __________________ 163
Figure 77. AC Current, Autorange, Low Frequency_____________________ 164
Figure 78. AC Current, Fixed Range, Low Frequency ___________________ 165
Figure 79. AC Current, Autorange, High Frequency ____________________ 166
Figure 80. AC Current, Fixed Range, High Frequency __________________ 167
Figure 81. DC Voltage, Autorange __________________________________ 168
Figure 82. DC Voltage, Fixed Range ________________________________ 169
Figure 83. DC Current, Autorange __________________________________ 170
Figure 84. DC Current, Fixed Range ________________________________ 171
Figure 85. AC Voltage (Transducer), Autorange, Line or LF Measurements _ 172
Figure 86. AC Voltage, (Transducer), Fixed Range, Line or LF Measurements173
Figure 87. AC Voltage, (Transducer), Autorange, HF Measurements_______ 174
Figure 88. AC Voltage, (Transducer), Fixed Range, HF Measurements _____ 175
Figure 89. DC Voltage, (Transducer), Autorange ______________________ 176
Figure 90. DC Voltage, (Transducer), Fixed Range_____________________ 177
Figure 91. Power, Autorange ______________________________________ 178
Figure 92. Power, Fixed Range ____________________________________ 179
14 2801/2802 Power Analyzer User Guide
Figure 93 VAR vs. Frequency _____________________________________ 180Figure 94. Watts vs. Frequency ____________________________________ 181
Figure 95. Power Factor vs. Frequency ______________________________ 182
Introduction 15


The purpose of this user guide is to describe the use and capabilities of the 2801/2802 Advanced Single and Dual-Channel Power Analyzers.


The 2801/2802 Advanced Single and Dual-Channel Power Analyzers incorporate the ideal combination of precision, speed and ease-of-use in instruments so economical they can be on every bench.
With an extended measurement range from micro-amps to hundreds of amps and millivolts to kilovolts, the 2801/2802 is the ideal analyzer for efficiency, standby power or ENERGY STAR testing. In addition to numerical results, the 2801/2802 analyzer captures waveforms with true 512-point precision. Results and waveforms can be displayed, read via the communication ports, or sent directly at full resolution to a USB printer. Power and amplitude measurements with an accuracy of <0.1% are automatically synchronized to the fundamental frequency. Peak, RMS, rectified, and DC measurements of voltage, current and power are provided including continuous, inrush, startup and history modes, plus an integration mode for W-Hr, A-Hr, VA-Hr, as well as integrated average power. The analyzer also provides waveform peak and glitch capture modes.
16 2801/2802 Power Analyzer User Guide


The 2801/2802 Power Analyzer’s features include the following—
Highest Performance-to-Cost ratio in the industry
Up to 2000V peak and 150A peak measurable internally (also external CT
Base accuracy <0.08%. Current and voltage accuracies specified to less
than 1mArms and 1Vrms respectively (<0.2%)
Measures and displays volts, current, power, frequency, harmonics, THD,
PF, CF, K-Factor, Triplens, inrush, distortion, glitches, and much more.
Integrated line switch and inrush waveforms
Source or load measurements with wiring loss and voltage burden
DC charge and discharge measurements
Frequency Range: DC and 20mHz – 200kHz
Graphics display shows numerical results, waveforms, bar graphs, startup
& history plots
16-bit A/D converters at 235ksps
12 User-configurable digital I/O
USB Flash drive support for data logging*
Communications interfaces include GPIB (IEEE488), RS-232, and USB
(host and device) all standard.
* Planned feature
Functional Description 17

Functional Description

This chapter describes the circuitry and interfaces of the 2801/2802 Power Analyzer.

Theory of Operation

Figure 1. Overall Block Diagram
18 2801/2802 Power Analyzer User Guide

Analog Channel Board

The 2801 is built with one and the 2802 is built with two Analog Channel Boards fitted. The block diagrams of this circuitry are shown below.
Voltage Input Attenuator Notes
The primary voltage-reducing element formed by the 1 Mohm portion of the attenuator is comprised of several lesser value resistors in series:
a) To assure the input remains safe when a single resistor fails to a short
b) To reduce the voltage coefficient of the attenuator caused by self heating
when high voltages are applied; and
c) To ensure that the input can withstand high voltages in excess of the
maximum specified to the user.
Transducer Input Attenuator Notes
The Transducer input attenuator is similar to the Voltage input attenuator but with a much lower primary resistance value and a slightly higher output impedance. Since the input voltages specified are low, only a single primary attenuator resistor is used as there are no single fault safety issues with this input.
Functional Description 19
Voltage Input Attenuator
Figure 2. Voltage Input Attenuator Block Diagram
20 2801/2802 Power Analyzer User Guide
Transducer Input Attenuator
Figure 3. Transducer Input Attenuator Block Diagram
Functional Description 21
Current and Line Switch
Figure 4. Current and Line Switch Block Diagram
Line Switch Notes
The TRIAC and relay are controlled directly by the Channel MCU as
commanded by the DSP.
The timing of the turn on sequence when operating with AC voltages is
accomplished by the MCU delaying turning on the TRIAC (after being commanded to do so by the DSP) by an amount commanded by the DSP from the active edge of the “squared” signal from the comparator in the Voltage Input circuitry. When set for DC voltage operation, the TRIAC is turned on immediately after being commanded to do so without reference to this signal.
22 2801/2802 Power Analyzer User Guide
Other than the delay noted above, the turn on sequence in either AC or DC
voltage modes is the same and is timed by the Channel MCU. Nominally 50ms after the TRIAC is turned on, the parallel relay is engaged, and then nominally 20ms after that the TRIAC has its control signal removed. Since the relay has a low voltage drop, there is insufficient current flowing through the TRIAC to hold it in the on state, and thus only the relay conducts from this point onwards.
When configured for DC voltage operation, the turn off sequence
(controlled by the channel MCU) is simply to turn off the relay immediately after being commanded to do so by the DSP.
When configured for AC voltage operation the timing sequence during turn
off is as follows. Immediately after being commanded to turn off the switch, the MCU turns on the control signal to the TRIAC. After nominally 20ms the relay is turned off, and after a further nominally 40ms the TRIAC control signal is removed. In this manner the actual load turn off is controlled by the TRIAC rather than the relay.
If the switch is used in high dV/dT situations (e.g. inductive loads), then it
may be required that the user add an external snubber circuit. This circuitry cannot be included internally, as it is dependent on the actual load characteristics and its presence will directly affect the off characteristics of the switch.
Since the relay is normally the current carrying device, the TRIAC does not
limit the continuous current capability of the switch as the thermal issues with the TRIAC are not present. The TRIAC is only used to withstand the turn on surge of the load, and to withstand any reverse “kick” when an AC load is turned off. Similarly, the relay is not required to withstand the surge current of the load during turn on, nor is it required to withstand the turn off surge of an inductive AC load, so the requirements on the relay are reduced.
DC Offset Adjustment DACs (all inputs)
The DC Offset adjustment DACs are adjusted by the DSP (via the Channel MCUs) to produce a zero DC reading when commanded to do so by the user. This is accomplished independently for each input, each range, and each current shunt selection. The DAC settings required to produce each zero DC reading is stored independently for each combination in the Channel MCU in non-volatile memory.
Functional Description 23
Isolation (all inputs except the Transducer input)
The digital signals are all passed through digital isolation barriers. This
provides the required isolation between the measurement circuitry and the chassis ground of the product.
A further area of isolation, not specifically shown on the block diagrams is
that of power to the analog circuitry in each input.


Note: Specifications are subject to change without notice.

Front Panel

Liquid Crystal Display—240 x 64 high-speed graphics LCD with CCFL backlight (5" x 1.35" viewing area)
Keyboard—Seven fixed-purpose keys + four softkeys


Interface— IEEE488.1 (Certain commands conform to IEEE488.2)
Addressing— Single address, user selectable via front panel between 0 and 29 inclusive
Capabilities— SH1 AH1 T6 L4 SR1 RL1 PP0 DC1 DT1 C0 E2 (350ns min. T1)
Max. Talk Data Rate— >300,000 bytes per second
Max. Listen Data Rate— >100,000 bytes per second
Command Set— All front panel capabilities are provided via ASCII textual command sequences.
Any results may be obtained at any time from the interface as ASCII textual numerical data. Additionally, status and state interrogatives are provided for on-the-fly determination of product status.

USB Device

USB 2.0 compliant, full-speed, multiple endpoint interface to a host.
24 2801/2802 Power Analyzer User Guide
Driver provided with instrument is for PC compatible computers running Windows 2000 or later

USB Host

USB 2.0 compliant, low or full-speed (as selected by the device). Compatible with all printers supporting either the PCL3 (or higher) language or supporting unformatted text transfers.
Printer must be directly connected to the 2802 (hubs are not supported).


RTS/CTS hardware handshaking. Also supports the DTR and DSR signals. Baud rate user selectable as 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200 or 230400baud.
8 bits per character, no parity, 1 stop bit transmission format.

Digital I/O

The Digital I/O port can be used to control the internal line switch or to control integration..


Not yet available.
Using the Power Analyzer 25

Using the Power Analyzer

The purpose of this chapter is to describe how to set up and use the 2802. This chapter covers—
Setting up the analyzer
Using the front panel interface
Rear panel connections
Power testing

Setting Up

The power analyzer is made to sit on the bench. The viewing angle can be optimized by adjusting the handle and the viewing brightness enhanced by adjusting the DISPLAY CONTRAST. An optional rack adapter is available.
Figure 5. Benchtop Version of 2801 Power Analyzer
26 2801/2802 Power Analyzer User Guide
Figure 6. Benchtop Version of 2802 Power Analyzer
To adjust the handle—
Press and hold the buttons located on the rear side where the handle attaches to the case sides. Rotate the hand
le until it clicks into place.

Using the Front Panel Interface

Use the 2801/2802 front panel interface to select and setup the desired tests and to read the test results. The interface includes a power switch; LCD display; two keys used for scrolling; a shift key to alter the softkey functions; a line switch key; and separate keys used to pull up menus, to make selections, and to print. Additionally, there are four softkeys. The four LEDs function as indicators. Figure 7 shows the front panel interface display, keys and LEDs.
Using the Power Analyzer 27
Figure 7. 2801 Front Panel Interface Detail
Figure 8. 2802 Front Panel Interface Detail
The highlighted menu item will be initiated by pressing the ENTER key.
Figure 9. Sample Display
28 2801/2802 Power Analyzer User Guide
The display is used to view and select the various menu options and to review the power measurement results numerically and graphically, as shown in the section on Viewing Results.
The display contains helpful navigational symbols, such as, the softkey labels; and on the right there may be an arrow pointing either up or down, if additional line items are available. The F1 through F4 softkey labels correlate with each display and are used to modify setups and to expand on existing numerical and graphical measurement results.
If the LED above the power key is yellow, it indicates power has been connected. To power up the analyzer, hold the power key until the LED turns green. It requires that the key be pressed for 500 milliseconds. When turning it off the LED turns from green to yellow.
Use the and (up and down arrow) keys to scroll a
highlight bar through options in a menu, to bring up the various measurement results for viewing, and to view additional measurement results. The up arrow key moves the display to the previously viewed screen or item. The down arrow key moves to the next viewable screen or item.
The SHIFT key provides additional options for softkeys F1
through F4 when applicable. This feature is most valuable when viewing charts.
Use the ENTER key to make a selection. Press ENTER
when the desired menu option or measurement selection is highlighted.
Use the MENU key to access the MAIN MENU. The
MENU key is also used to move from submenus to higher level menus and from the MAIN MENU to Measurement Results.
The four softkeys, F1 through F4, change functionality
within a display and correlate with that specific menu or Measurement Results display.
Using the Power Analyzer 29
The LEDs designated OVERLOAD V and A indicate the
CH 1 CH 2
selected current/voltage threshold has been exceeded, such as, an input signal is greater than the selected range value, above strict ranging or the selected maximum range. Note that when either of these LEDs remains lighted, changes to the test device’s signal input or values in the SETUP MEASUREMENTS MENU are required.
2802 is shown, 2801 only has CH1 Overload LEDs
A lighted LED at LINE ON/OFF indicates that power has
been turned on to the device connected to the analyzer for testing/measuring.
Hold the LINE ON/OFF key for a few milliseconds to power up or power down the test device. Note that this line switch is ENABLED or DISABLED from within the SETUP MEASUREMENTS MENU.
The PRINT key allows the user to print a full page of data
reflecting the display results. The formatting of the printout is either graphical or numerical tabulation.
The F1, F2, F3 and F4 keys are softkeys. They correlate with labels given on the display. The softkey labels indicate other options available or the status of the display. An ellipsis (…) following the label indicates additional choices available. See below.

Grounding of the Analyzer

There are two distinct grounded areas built into the 2801/2802 Power Analyzer.
Chassis Ground This comprises the entire external and internal chassis mechanical components, the outside shells of all interface connectors, and the shield connection in the IEEE488 interface connector. An external protective ground terminal is directly connected to this ground.
Internal Electronic Ground This comprises all grounded circuitry within the product and is the reference
30 2801/2802 Power Analyzer User Guide
for all interface signals within the interface connectors except for the Ethernet connections (which are transformer isolated according to the applicable Ethernet standards). This area is electrically connected to the negative side of the DC power input via an RF pi filter network having a low DC resistance.
Notes on Grounding:
Between the two ground areas there is a 50ohm (1%) power resistor in
parallel with a 1000pF/50V ceramic capacitor for RF filtering.
The T input connections are isolated from the Internal Electronic Ground
via a nominally 50ohm (1%) power resistor. An isolating current transducer having sufficient safety rating for the signals being measured MUST be used when using this input.
The A and Line Switch connections are fully isolated from the Internal
Electronic Ground using transformer isolation to the requirements of EN61010. This isolation is 100% tested to 4.5kV peak.
The V connections are fully isolated from the Internal Electronic Ground
using transformer isolation to the requirements of IEC61010. This isolation is 100% tested to 4.5kV peak.
The V connections are resistively isolated from each other with nominally
1Mohm to the requirements of EN61010 in no fault, single fault and dual fault conditions. This isolation is 100% tested to 2kV peak.
Mechanical isolation is provided between the V connections and the A and
Line Switch connections, which is well in excess of the class ratings of either set of terminals, there are no electrical signals between these connections.
Because of the use of transformer isolation, there is very little current
flowing between the UUT terminals and the ground of the product. The isolation impedance is >10
ohms and the capacitance is typically a few
10s of pF.
The EN61010 ratings in each application category for each terminal are
stated on the rear panel of the product next to the terminals.
+ 152 hidden pages