VITESSE VSC8144QQ Datasheet

Product Summary
2.488Gb/s 4:1 SONET/SDH Transceiver with Integrated Clock Generator
Multi-Rate Transceiver for SONET OC-48, OC-24, OC-12, OC-3, and Gigabit Ethernet Rates
4-Bit LV DS Low-Speed Interfa ce
On-Chip PLL-Based Clock Generator
High-Speed Clock Output
The VSC8144 is a S ONET/SDH co mpatible m ulti-ra te transcei ver with integrate d clock gene rator for use in SONET/SDH systems operating at OC-48, OC-24, OC-12, OC-3, or Gigabit Ethernet data rates. The internal clock generator uses a Phase Locked Loop (PLL) to multiply either a 77.76MHz, 155.52MHz, or 622.08MHz reference clock for internal logic and output retiming. The 4-bit parallel LVDS interface incorporates an on-board FIFO to address loop timing design issues. Facility and Equipment Loopbacks can be configured separately or simultaneously. The device operates with 2.5 W maximum power and is packaged in a thermally enhanced 100-pin PQFP package.
Block Diagram
Equipment, Facility and Split Loopback Modes
Exceeds Bellcore Jitter Performance
Single 3.3V Power Supply
2.5 W Maximum Power Dissipation
100-Pin PQFP (14x14x2mm)
High-Speed Data
High-Speed Clock
High-Speed Loopback
OC-48/12/3 GbE Control
High-Speed Data
High-Speed Clock
Order Informatio n
Product Package
Low-Speed Data
Low-Speed Clock
Low-Speed Loopback
Reference Clock
Low-Speed Data
Low-Speed Clock
Low-Speed Clock
VSC8144QQ 100-Pin PQFP
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Vitesse products are not intended for use in life support appliances, devices or systems. Use of a Vitesse product in such applications without written consent is prohib­ited.
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