VITESSE VSC8123 Datasheet

Product Summary
10Mb/s to 2.7Gb/s Rate Agile,
Adaptive Clock and Data Recovery
• Continuous NRZ Frequency Coverage from 10Mb/s to 2.7Gb/s data rates
• Programmable Acquisition and Tuning of Frequency, Phase and Voltage—No Reference Clock Required
• Built-In Bit L evel Error Rat e Monitoring Opera te s Independently of In-Service Data Channel
• User-Definable Control Algorithms fo r Acquisition, Tracking, and Error Profiling
• Integrated High-Gain AGC Front End with Offset Correction and On-Die Termination
• Secondary High-Level Input for Backup Data Input or hint/LOS Clock
• 80-Pin PQFP Package
General Description
The VSC8123 is a universal clock and data recovery system designed for a broad range of system applica­tions. The integrated frequency synthesizer provides continuous coverage from 10Mb/s to OC-48+FEC data rates with SONET quality output. In addition to its broadband capability, the VSC8123 is designed for the most demanding applications, where signal integrity is low and the absolute maximum voltage and timing margin is required. The VSC8123 offers signal acquisition capabilities far beyond what conventional CDRs offer, in a highly monolithic form.
In addition to the bro adband synt hesize r capab ility, the VSC8123 also has the ability to dynamical ly modif y its acquisition point in both voltage and phase. This enables the VSC8123 to acquire data in the presence of sig­nificant symmetry distortion or “bad spots” in the data eye. Integrated voltag e and phase adjust ment is pr o v id ed to offset the sampling point over the entire voltage and phase range of the input data eye. Additional circuitry is provided to measure relative bit-error rates without affecting the integrity of the active data stream. Using an external controll er, the VSC8123 can acq uire fre quency, scan the incoming data eye and au tomati cally se t its position to optimize margin in both vol ta ge and phase. T hi s opt i mization can be one-time on power-up, or set t o continuously repeat without taking the d ata stream off-line—no errors will be introduced into the output data stream as the chip tracks the center of the data eye.
Through the controller interface, the VSC8123 can provide telemetry on the condition of the incoming data eye and the quality of the acquisition without taking the data off-line, enabling eye profiling, Q-testing, signal strength measurements, and bit-level error detection/prediction—all non-invasively.
System Block Diagram
Vitesse Semiconductor Corporation (“Vitesse”) provides this document for informational purposes only. This document contains pre-production information about Vitesse products in their concept, development and/or testing phase. All information in this document, including descriptions of features, function s, performance, technical specification s and availability, is subject to change without notice at any time. Nothing co nta ine d in this document shall be construed as extending any warrant y or pr omis e, express or im plie d, tha t any Vitesse produ ct wi ll be available as descr ibe d or wi ll be su itable for or will accomplish any particular task. Vitesse Semiconductor Corporations products are not intended for use in life support appliances, devices or systems. Use of a Vitesse product in such appli­cations without written consent is pr ohi bited.
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© VITESSE SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION • 741 Calle Plano • Camarillo, CA 93012
Transceiver or
VSC8145 VSC8141
System Interface