• 10 Bit TTL Interface for Transmit and
Receive Data
• TTL or PECL Reference Clock
• Automatic Lock-to-Reference
• RX Cable Equalization and Signal Detect
• JTAG Access Port for Testability
• 64-pin, 10mm PQFP Packaging
• Single +3.3V Supply, 650 mW
General Description
The VSC7133 is a full-speed Fibre Channel and Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver with industry-standard
pinouts. It accepts 10-bit 8B/10B encoded transmit data, latches it on the rising edge of the TTL/PECL REFCLK and serializes it onto th e TX PE CL differentia l output s at a baud rate whi ch is te n times the REFC LK frequency. Serial data input on the RX PECL differential inputs is resampled by the Clock Recovery Unit,
deserialized onto the 10-bit receive data bus synchronously to complementary divide-by-twenty clocks. The
VSC7133 receiver detects “Comma” characters for frame alignment. An analog/digital signal detection circuit
indicates that a valid sig nal is pre sent on the RX input. A cab le equal izer compen sates for Inter Symbol Interference in order to increase maximum cable distances. The VSC713 3 contains PLL cir cuitry for synthes is of the
baud-rate transmit clock, and extra ction of the clock from th e received serial stream. The VSC7133 is similar to
the VSC7123 but has either a TTL or a PECL reference clock.
VSC7133 Block Diagram
G52187-0 Rev. 2.4
1/17/00741 Calle Plano, Camarillo, CA 93012 • 805/388-3700 • FAX: 805/987-5896
x10 Clock
Serial to
to Serial
NOT SHOWN: JTAG Boundary Scan
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10-bit Transceiver for Fibre
Channel and Gigabit Ethernet
Advance Product Information
Functional Description
Clock Synthesizer
The VSC7133 clock synthesizer multiplies the reference frequency provided on the REFCLK pin by 10 to
achieve a baud rate clock between 0.98 and 1.36 GHz. The on-chip PLL uses a single external 0.1uF capacitor
to control the Loop Filter. The REFCLK is either TTL or LV PECL. If TTL, connect the TTL input to
REFLKP and leave REFCLKN open, it is biased for a TTL swi tc h level. If PECL, connect both REFCLKP and
The VSC7133 accepts TTL input data as a parallel 10 bit character on the T(0:9) bus, which is latched into
the input register on t he ri sin g edge of REFCLK. This data is serialized an d tr an smit ted on t he T X PECL d ifferential outputs at a baud rate that is ten times the frequency of the REFCLK, with bit T0 transmitted first. User
data should be encoded using 8B/10B block code or equivalent.
Transmission Character Interface
An encoded byte is 10 bits and is referred to as a transmission character. The 10 bit interface on the
VSC7133 corresponds to a transmission character. This mapping is illustrated in Figure 1.
Figure 1: T ransmission Order and Mapping of an 8B/10B Character
Parallel Data Bits
8B/10B Bit Position
Comma Character
Last Data Bit Transmitted
Clock Recovery
The VSC7133 accepts differential high speed serial inputs on the RX+/RX- pins, extracts the clock and
retimes the data. Equalizers are included in the receiver to open the da ta eye and compen sate for Inter Symbol
Interference (ISI) which may be present in the incoming data. The serial bit stream should be encoded so as to
provide DC balance and limited run length by an 8B/10B encoding scheme. The Clock Recovery Unit (CRU) is
completely monolithic and requires no external components. For proper operation, the baud rate of the data
stream to be recovered should be within +200 ppm of ten times the REFCLK frequency. For example, Gigabit
Ethernet systems would use 125 MHz oscillators with a +/-100ppm accuracy resulting in +/-200 ppm between
VSC7133 pairs.
j hgf i edcba
First Data Bit Transmitted
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741 Calle Plano, Camarillo, CA 93012 • 805/388-3700 • FAX: 805/987-58961/17/00
G52187-0 Rev. 2.4
Advance Product Information
The recovered serial bit stream is converted into a 10-bit parallel output character. The VSC7133 provides
complementary TTL recovered clocks, RCLK and RCLKN, which are o ne twent i eth o f the seri al baud rate. The
clocks are generated by dividing down the high-speed recovered clock which is phase locked to the serial data.
The serial data is retimed, deseriali zed and output on R(0 :9). The parallel data will be cap tured by the adjoin ing protocol logic on the rising edges of RCLK and RCLKN.
If serial input data is not prese nt, or does not meet the required baud rate, the VS C7133 will c ontinue to
produce a recovered clock so that downstream logic may continue to function. The RCLK/RCLKN output frequency under these circumstances will differ from its expected frequency by no more than +1%.
Word Alignment
The VSC7133 provides 7-bit comma character recognition and data word alignment. Word synchronization
is enabled by asserting ENCDET HIGH. When synchronization is enabled, the receiver examines the recovered
serial data for the presence of the “Comma” character. This pattern is “0011111XXX”, where the leading zero
corresponds to the first bit received. The comma sequence is not contained in any normal 8B/10B coded data
character or pair of adjacent characters. It occurs only within special ch aracters, known as K28.1, K28.5 and
K28.7, which are defined for synchronization purposes. Improper alignment of the comma character is defined
as any of the following conditions:
1) The comma is not aligned within the 10-bit transmission character such that R(0..6) = “0011111”.
2) The comma straddles the boundary between two 10-bit transmission characters.
3) The comma is properly aligned but occurs in the received character presented during the rising edge of
RCLK rather than RCLKN.
When ENCDET is HIGH and an improperly aligned comma is encountered, the recovered clock is
stretched, nev er sl ivered, so that the comma charact er and recovered clocks are aligned prop erly to R(0 :9). This
results in proper character and word alignment. When the parallel data alignment changes in response to a
improperly aligned comma pat tern , some da ta wh ich wo ul d have been presented on t he p aral lel ou tp ut port may
be lost. Also, the first Comma pattern may be lost or corrupted. Subsequent data will be output correctly and
properly aligned. When ENCDET is LOW, the current alignment of the serial data is maintained indefinitely,
regardless of data pattern.
On encountering a comma character, COMDET is dri ven HIGH. The COMDET pulse is presented simultaneously with the comma character and has a duration equ al to t he dat a, or ha lf of an RCLK peri od . T he COMDET signal is timed such that it can be captured by the adjoining protocol logic on the rising edge of RCLKN.
Functional waveforms for synchronization are given in Figure 2 and Figure 3. Figure 2 shows the case when a
comma character is detected and no phase adjustmen t is necessary. It illustrates the position of the COMDET
pulse in relation to the comma character on R(0:9). Figure 3 shows the case where the K28.5 is detected, but it
is misaligned so a change in the output data alignment is required. Note that up to three characters prior to the
comma character may be corrupted by the realignment process.
10-bit Transceiver for Fibre
Channel and Gig abit Ethernet
G52187-0 Rev. 2.4
1/17/00741 Calle Plano, Camarillo, CA 93012 • 805/388-3700 • FAX: 805/987-5896
Page 3
10-bit Transceiver for Fibre
Channel and Gigabit Ethernet
Signal Detection:
The receiver has an output, SIGDET, indicating, when HIGH, that the RX input contains a valid Fibre
Channel or Gigabit Ethernet signal. A combination of one analog and three digital checks are used to determine
if the incoming signal contains valid data. SIGDET is updated every four RCLKs. If during the current period,
all the four criteria are met, SIGDET will be HIGH during the next 4 RCLK per iod. If during the current period,
any of the four criteria is not met, SIGDET will be LOW during the next 4 RCLK period.
1.) Analog transition detection is performe d on the input to verify that the signal swin gs are of adequa te
amplitude. The RX+/- input buffer contains a differential voltage comparator which will go high if the differential peak-to-peak amplitude is greater than 400m V or LOW if under 200mV. If the amplitu de is between 200
and 400mV, the output is indeterminate.
2.) Data on R(0:9) is monitored for all zeros (0000000000). If this pattern is encountered during the current
RCLK interval, the SIGDET output will go LOW during the next four RCLK interval.
3.) Data on R(0:9) is monitored for all ones (1111111111). If this pattern is encountered during the current
RCLK interval, the SIGDET output will go LOW during the next four RCLK interval.
4.) Data on R(0:9) is monitored for K28.5- (0011111010). Unlike previous patterns, the interval during
which a K28.5- must occur is 64K+24 10-bi t char act ers in l eng th. Valid Fibre Channel or Gigabit Ethernet data
will contain a K28.5- character during any period of this length. If a K28.5- is not detected during the monitoring period , SIGDET will go LOW during the next period.
The behavior of SIGDET is affected by EWRAP and ENCDET as shown below.