Advance Product Information
Cable Driver at 1.485 Gb/s
SMPTE-292M Reclocker and
Page 2
741 Calle Plano, Camarillo, CA 93012 • 805/388-3700 • FAX: 805/987-5896 4/10/00
G52310-0, Rev. 2.0
Draft Copy
Reclocker Functional Description
Clock Multiplier Unit (CMU)
The CMU generates the internal 1.485 GHz baud rate clock from the 74.25 MHz TTL REFCLK input. The
rising edges of the REFCLK are used by a PLL which multiplies the frequency by a factor of 20. An off-chip
0.1uF capacitor sets the loop bandwidth of the CMU. REFCLK should be a high quality, low jitter signal with
sharp rise times in order t o mini mi ze the amount of jitter tr ansf err ed f r om the REFCLK through the CMU to t he
serializer. Although not shown on the block diagram, the digital CRU requires the baud rate clock of the CMU
for proper operation.
REFCLK is also buffered onto the RCLK output allowing multiple devices to be daisy-chained in order to
simplify REFCLK distribution to an array of devices.
Serial Input
The differential PE CL-sty le i np ut , SDI/S DI, is t he i np ut source f or 1.485 Gb/s SMPTE 292M data. An analog signal detector monitors the input signal for valid amplitude and outputs status on the SIGDET pin. If SIGDET is HIGH, the differential input swing is greater than 400 mV. If SIGDET is LOW, the differential swing is
below 200 mV. If the input swing is between 200 and 400 mV, the SIGDET output is indeterminate. The SIGDET function is disabled in Serializer mode and will output a LOW.
Clock Recovery Unit
The serial data on the SDI /SDI inpu t is sent to the digital Clock Recovery Unit (CRU) which extracts the
clock and retimes the data. This dig ital CRU is completely monol ithic and re quires no external comp onents.
Furthermore, it automaticall y locks ont o dat a when present and lo cks to REFCLK when data i s not presen t. This
eliminates the need for the system to control the CRU.
Descrambler and NRZI Decoder
The VSC6501 contains a descrambler whic h processes the recovered serial data and outputs u nscrambled
serial data from the deserialize r. The serial scrambled data is descrambled/NRZ I decoded assu ming data ha s
NRZI encoded with the following combined generator polynomial: G(x)=(x
+1)(x+1). Descrambling is
enabled with the SCREN input is HIGH and disabled when LOW.
Pattern Detector
The VSC6501 monitors the serial data stream for SAV/EAV characters. These characters should be located
within each line of video data. If SAV/EAV is not det ect ed wi th in t he p eriod of one l in e, th e Framer send s a signal to the Deserializer to shift the data one bit. The Frame then looks for SAV/EAV and the process repeats until
properly detected. Without these patterns, serial data is not aligned in a ny way with the parallel outputs. The
Framer outputs a once-per-line (LINE) and a once-per-frame (FRAME) signal indicating the detection of the
proper synchronization pulse in the data.