We l iv e h ea lth y
“Vitesse France S.A.R.L” (Витессе, Франция)
91 Руе Де Фоборг Сант Хонор, Париж 75008, Франция
Сделано в Китае
Dear Customer!
You have made an excellent decision. Vitesse home range offers you an exclusive,
high quality range of appliances for your ultimate home luxury and healthy living.
1. Safety i nst ruc tions
1.1 Dange r of el ect ric shocks
• Before plugging the app lia nces pl eas e ma ke sure i t is i n co mpl ian ce w ith
the specifica tio ns men tioned on t he adapter with the voltage of your
power soc ket .
• Do not subm erg e the a ppliance in wat er or o the r liquids.
• Never us e the a ppl iance in t he bat h or sh owe r. Do no t keep the appliance
in places f rom w hic h it could fall int o the b ath tub or wash basin .
• Do not use th e app lia nce if there is any d ama ge to t he power cord or pl ug.
• Do not carry t he applian ce by the power cord and nev er use th e power
cord as a han dle .
• Do n ot to uch t he ap pli ance if it h as fa lle n int o wat er: i mme dia tely unplug
the cord fr om th e pow er socket.
• Never use t he ap pli ance outdoors .
• Never ope n the a ppl iance casing.
1.2 fire ha zar d
• Keep the ap pli anc e and its cord away f rom h ot su rfaces.
• Never cov er th e app liance when in us e.
1.3 risk of i nju ry
• Keep the ap pli anc e out of reach of chi ldr en.
• Use only th e att ach ments that come w ith a ppl iance.
• Do not use th e app lia nce on wounds or ra she s on fi ngers or toes.
2. Proper u se
• This manic ure/pedicur e set is suite d to car ing for and filing fin gernails
a nd to ena ils a nd is strict ly in ten ded for private u se on ly.
3. Adapter s pec ifi cations
• Input: …… …23 0Vac 50H z
• Output: . ... ... ..3.0Vdc 5 00m A
4. Applian ce de scr iption
① Screen/ cap
② Battery c har gin g light
③ Five-po sit ion s witch for contr oll ing
speed and s pin d ire ction.
④ Hand set fo r var iab le attachment s.
⑤ Attachme nts
⑥ UV lamp
⑦ Packagi ng- /st orage box
⑧ Nail poli sh dr yer
⑨ Adapter so cke t
⑩ Adapter
5. Operat ion
5.1 charg ing t he ba ttery
• Charge th e battery fo r 16 ho urs bef ore t he very f irs t use of the app lia nce
to make sur e the b att ery is fully char ged .
• Normal ch arg ing t ime is approxim ate ly 8 ho urs.
• The casing ser ves a lso a s a battery charg ing s tat ion.
Switch the five-posit ion swi tch ③ to po sit ion 0 (o ff) and pla ce the hand
set in the pr ovi ded a ppliance.
Insert the adapter cable in t he soc ket on the casing ⑦ an d t he pow er cor d
in the powe r soc ket .
The cha rgi ng lig ht ② re mai ns lit whil e the battery is loa din g. Unplug the
power cor d bef ore u sing the hand set .
5.2 using t he ha nd se t
• You ma y now begin the ma nic ure/pedicur e. Ther e are two spe ed levels
and two spin dir ect ion sett ings availabl e, regul ate d by th e fiv e-p osition
switch③ . With the fiv e-p osi tio n swit ch set to the right , the atta chm ent
spins clockwi se. Wi th the five- pos iti on swi tch se t to the lef t, the
Attachm ent s pin s anti-clockw ise .
The posit ion s ’I’ and ‘II ’ re gulate the spee d.
Positio n I = slo w
Positio n II = fa st
Positio n 0 = off
P/1 P/2