Vitesse VS-244 User Manual [ru]

We l iv e h ea lth y
“Vitesse France S.A.R.L” (Витессе, Франция)
91 Руе Де Фоборг Сант Хонор, Париж 75008, Франция
Сделано в Китае
Dear Customer!
You have made an excellent decision. Vitesse® “Nouveau” home range offers you an exclusive, high quality range of appliances for your ultimate
home luxury and healthy living.
A. Switch I
B. Switch II
C. Motor unit
D. Whisk
E. Blender Stick F. Beaker
Please re ad the in structions caref ully and completely be for e using the applianc e.
1. Befor e plugging into a socket, check w h ether y o u r volt a g e correspo nds t o the r ating label of the ap pli ance.
2. Alway s unpl ug the appliance before assemb lin g, dis ass embling,
cleaning .
3. Don’t plug t he a ppl ian ce i nto the po wer sup ply until it i s fully assemble d a nd always unplug be for e d isassembling the ap pli ance or handle the b lad e.
4. Do not op erate an y ap pliance wit h a damag ed cord or pl ug or aft er the appliance malfunctions , or is dro pped o r damaged in any man ner. Return a ppl iance to the nea rest autho riz ed service fa cility for examinat ion , rep air or electrical o r mec hanical adjustment .
5. Don’t let ex cess co rd hang over t he e dge of the table o r workt op or touch hot su rfa ce.
6. The bla des a re ve ry sharp! Handle ca ref ull y!
7. Keep ha nds and utens ils out of container while blend ing to reduce the risk o f seve re injury to persons or damage to the ble nde r. A scraper may be u sed bu t m ust be used only when t he ble nder i s n ot running (does not apply to an acceptable scr ape r integral wit h the applianc e.)
8. To protect against risk of electrica l shock do not put motor unit, cord,
or plug in wat er or o the r liquid.
9. This appliance should not be use d by children and car e sho uld be
taken when u sed n ear c hildren,
10. Avoid contacting m ovi ng parts.
11. Do not let cor d con tac t hot surface, incl udi ng th e stove.
12. Do n ot bl end hot liquids.
13. Ne ith er the me asu ring beaker, nor the choppi ng bowl i s microwave proof.
14. Sh ort - t ime operating. Use the a ppl iance to operate soft fo od fo r no longer than 1 minut e, and ope rate hard food for no longer tha n 15 seconds.
15. TO reduce the r isk of inju ry, never plac e cutting blad e on base without fi rst p utt ing bowl properly i n pla ce.
16. Be certain cover is securely l ocked in place be for e operating applianc e.
17. Ke ep han ds, ha ir, clo thing, as well as spa tulas and other utensils away from beaters durin g oper ati on to red uce th e risk of injur y to persons.
18. Ke ep h and s an d utens ils awa y from the cutting blade while chopping food to reduce the risk of s evere injury to persons or damage to the food cho ppe r. A scraper may be us ed but only when the f ood ch opper is not runni ng.
19. Th is appliance ha s a polarized pl ug (one blade is wid er than the other). To reduce the ri sk of electric s hoc k, this plug wil l fit in a polarize d out let only one way. If the plug d oes n ot fit fully in th e outlet, reverse the plug. If it still d oes n ot fi t, co ntact a qu ali fied electrician. Do not modif y the p lug i n any way.
How to use the hand blen der
The hand blender is perfec tly su ite d f or pre paring dips, sauces , soup s, mayonnai se an d bab y food as well as for mix ing a nd milkshakes.
1. Turn the blender st ick o n the m otor unit until it lo cks .
2. Intro duc e the han d blender in the v essel. Then pre ss the sw itc hor switch.
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