Vitek VT-1984 VT User manual

VT-1984 VT
Personal scale
Весы напольные
VT-1984.indd 1 07.09.2016 9:03:02
VT-1984.indd 2 07.09.2016 9:03:02
The scale is intended for measuring body weight and percentage of fat, water and muscle and bone tissue in a human body.
This scale uses bioelectric body impedance analysis «BIA» method that allows to pre­cisely calculate the percentage of fat, muscle and bone tissue, and water. The calculation is based on personal data (height, age, sex) entered into the unit’s memory.
1. Platform
2. Contact areas
3. Display
4. Data selection touch buttons «/»
5. Data selection and confirmation touch
button «SET»
6. Measurement units selection button
7. Battery compartment lid
Before using the unit, read this instruction care­fully. Keep this instruction for future reference. Use the unit for intended purposes only, as speci­fied in this manual. Mishandling the unit can lead to its breakage and cause harm to the user or damage to his/her property.
Handle your scale with care as it is a precision
instrument, do not expose it to high or low temperatures, high humidity, never expose it to direct sunlight and do not drop it.
Use the scale away from heating units.
Do not use the scale outdoors.
Avoid getting of liquid into the scale body,
this appliance is not waterproof. Do not leave or use the scale in a room with high humidity (above 80%), make sure that the scale body does not come into contact with water or other liquids as this may cause failure of scale indi­cation or its damage.
Remove the protective film from the scale (if
there is any) before use to avoid a static effect.
Place the scale on a flat, dry and non-slip sur-
Do not use the scale on carpets or rugs.
Do not step on the scale with wet feet or if the
scale surface is damp. You can slip and get injured.
Be careful while stepping on the scale: step
on the scale first with one foot; make sure that
the scale is steady and only then step on it with both feet.
Step on the scale and dispose your weight
Stand still while weighing. Do not jump on the
scale surface.
For children safety reasons do not leave poly-
ethylene bags used as a packaging unattended.
Attention! Do not allow children to play with poly­ethylene bags or packaging film. Danger of suf­focation!
Do not leave children unattended to prevent
using the unit as a toy.
This unit is not intended for usage by children,
place the unit away from children.
The unit is not intended for usage by physi-
cally or mentally disabled persons (including children) or by persons lacking experience or knowledge if they are not under supervision of a person who is responsible for their safety or if they are not instructed by this person on the usage of the unit.
To avoid damages, transport the unit in the
original package only.
If you are not planning to use the scale for a
long time, remove the batteries from the bat­tery compartment.
Strictly follow the polarity according to the
markings when installing batteries.
Replace the batteries in time.
Do not attempt to repair the unit by your-
self. Do not disassemble the unit by your­self, if any malfunction is detected or after it was dropped, unplug the unit and apply to any authorized service center at the contact addresses given in the warranty certificate and on the website
Keep the unit in a dry cool place out of reach of
children and disabled persons.
IMPORTANT: Electromagnetic compatibility
The electronic scale can be sensitive to elec­tromagnetic emission of other units located in close proximity (such as mobile phones, portable radio transmitters, radio controllers and micro­wave ovens). In case of such influence (false or inconsistent data indication on the display), use the scale away from the source of interference.
VT-1984.indd 3 07.09.2016 9:03:02
After unit transportation or storage at low temperature, it is necessary to keep it for at least 3 hours at room temperature before switching on.
If there is a protective film on the scale sur-
face, remove it.
Clean the scale with a soft, slightly damp cloth
and then wipe it dry.
Remove the battery compartment lid (7) and
insert 2 «AAA» batteries (supplied with the unit), strictly following the polarity.
Place the battery compartment lid (7) back to
its place.
Note: The unit can be supplied with the batteries installed in the battery compartment. In this case an isolation insert is inserted preventing dis­charge. If there is an isolation insert in the battery compartment, remove the battery compartment lid (7), remove the isolation insert and install the lid back to its place.
Battery replacement
When the battery is low, the symbol «Lo» will
appear on the display (3).
Open the battery compartment lid (7), replace
the «AAA» batteries with new ones, strictly fol­lowing the polarity, and close the lid (7).
If you do not use the scale for a long time,
remove the batteries from the battery com­partment.
It is generally known that excessive body weight can negatively affect health. Excess weight can cause obesity, heart problems, facilitate atherosclerosis and osteoporosis; but deficient body weight may also lead to osteoporosis. (Osteoporosis is a sys­temic skeleton disease characterized by reduced bone density and impairment of bone tissue micro­architectonics and leading to increased bone fra­gility and risk of fracture by minimal trauma or even without it). Physical exercises and a moderate diet help to lose excess weight and this scale will help to con­trol your weight. It is known that in case of low weight muscles and body tissues contain more water than fat. Electric current passes through water better than through fat. Sending weak current through the body, the
scale quickly and easily calculates the percentage of fat and water in a human body. You can control your weight relying on the results of the calculation.
Weigh yourself at the same time of the day.It is recommended to measure fat and water
percentage in the evening before supper.
At least 2-3 hours should pass after the meal.At least 10-12 hours should pass after inten-
sive physical exercises.
Percentage of fat in the body depends on dif-
ferent factors and can change during the day.
When calculating fat and water percentage of
children under 10 years of age, the results may be inaccurate.
Professional sportsmen, people inclined to
edemas and people with nonstandard body proportions can show inaccurate results of calculation.
Note: Fat, bone and muscle tissue and water percentage can be calculated only if personal data (sex, age, height) are entered correctly and if you step on the scale barefoot.
Place the scale on a flat solid surface; if the
floor is uneven or covered with a carpet or rug, the weighing accuracy decreases.
The scale is switched on when a weight over
5 kg is placed on the platform or by touching the «SET» button (5).
Switch the scale on using one of the options
described above.
To select weight measurement units, press the
«kg/lb/st» button (6) repeatedly.
Measurement units are shown on the display (3):
«kg» – weight is measured in kilograms; «lb» – weight is measured in pounds; «st/lb» – weight is measured in stones and
Step on the scale to switch it on.Keep your feet parallel to each other and dis-
tribute your weight evenly.
Stay still while weighing. During weight mea-
surement the weight values will be flashing on the display (3), and after measurement they will glow constantly.
VT-1984.indd 4 07.09.2016 9:03:02
If a symbol «Err» appears on the display (3), it
means that the scale is overloaded. Step off the scale immediately to avoid its damage.
The scale will be switched off automatically
in about 45 seconds after weight measure­ment.
Touch the «SET» button (5), one of the user
numbers «P-01», «P-02».., «P-12» will be flashing on the display.
Select the necessary user number using the but-
tons (4) «▲/▼» . You can enter data for 12 users. Confirm your selection with the «SET» button (5).
Then the flashing symbol of the sex will be
shown on display. Use the buttons (4) «▲/▼» to select the
symbol for women or the
symbol for men. Confirm your selection by the «SET» button (5).
Then the height values in centimeters will be
flashing on the display. Set the height in the range from 100 to 220 cm using the buttons (4) «/», press the «SET» button (5) to confirm your settings.
The age values (age) will be flashing on the
display. Set the age in the range from 10 to 80 years using the buttons (4) «/». Touch the «SET» button (5) to save the age data.
Then the zero weight value «0.0» will be shown
on the display, it means that the scale is ready to calculate your parameters.
Touch the «SET» button (5).Select a user number with the buttons (4)
«/». User data entered earlier (sex, height, age) will be shown on the display.
Wait until the symbols «0.0» are shown on the
Step with your bare feet on the scale so that both
feet are on the contact areas (2) at the same
time. Stay still during the weight measurement and wait till the weight indications appear.
Keep standing on the scale. After calculation the
following data will be shown on the display (3):
the user’s weight in selected weight units;fat percentage (BF), water percentage (BW), bone weight percentage (BON). muscle weight percentage (MUS).
recommended level of daily calorie intake
The weight and results of calculation will be
shown several times more, then the unit will be switched off automatically.
Note: IT IS NECESSARY to enter personal data into the unit memory before measuring fat, water percentage, etc. Wait till the fat percentage is shown before you step off the scale. If a symbol «Err» appears on the display (3), it means that the scale is overloaded. Step off the scale immediately to avoid its damage. Maximum weight capacity of the scale is 180 kg. The symbol «Err2» shows that an error occurred during calculation. Step off the scale, make sure that the data is entered cor­rectly and repeat weighting.
Change of fat percentage in a human body during the day
The indications of fat percentage in a human body are affected by such factors as lifestyle, physical activity, health condition, and also water percent­age in the body. You should take into account the following factors:
the fat percentage indications may be less if
measured after taking a bath or a shower,
the fat percentage indications may be higher if
measured after having meal or drinking,
percentage of liquid in a human body may
decrease and thus change the fat percentage indications during and after illness and after physical exercises.
Women Men
Underweight Normal
Obesity Underweight Normal
10-39 14-20 21-25 26-31 32-38 11-17 18-23 24-29 30-36 40-55 15-21 22-26 27-32 33-38 12-18 19-24 25-30 31-37 56-80 16-22 23-27 28-33 34-38 13-19 20-25 26-31 32-38
VT-1984.indd 5 07.09.2016 9:03:02
Water percentage in a human body (BW)
Water percentage in a human body (BW) is the percentage ratio of liquid in the human body and the total weight. Water is of primary importance for functioning of human tissues and organs, since 50-65% of our body consist of water, with this scale you can control the percentage of water in your body and correct this important charac­teristic.
Age Women Men
10- 15 57-67 58-72 16-30 47-57 52-67 31-60 42-52 47-61 61-80 37-47 42-56
What is muscle bulk (MUS)?
The muscle bulk (MUS) value shows the weight of locomotor system muscles, smooth muscles (heart and digestive system) and water in these muscles. Control of muscle bulk is especially important for people with excessive weight. Weight loss may lead to decrease of fat tissues, but only if you gain muscle bulk at the same time.
What is bone mass (BON)?
Bone tissues are the base of human skeleton; they are solid and resistant to external stress, protect­ing internal organs, and together with the mus­cle tissue the bone tissues provide the ability of a human to move. Bone mass measurement is based on calculating the minerals mass in a human body (calcium or other matters). Research has showed that devel­opment of muscle tissues makes the skeleton stronger. This fact should be taken into account when making up a diet and calculating physical activity to maintain the bones strong and healthy. Bone mass (BON) practically doesn’t change; however, some decrease is possible due to many factors (weight, height, age, sex). That’s why this manual does not contain standard values and rec­ommendations concerning the bone mass.
Recommended level of daily calorie intake (KCAL)
The level of daily calorie intake (KCAL) is the amount of energy required by a human body at rest to maintain its vital functions (for instance, if
you merely stay in bed for 24 hours). The required amount of calories significantly depends on the weight, height and age of a person. This amount of calories is required by the human body and it should be regained by means of food. If you receive less calories for a long time, it may harm your health.
Analysis of weighing results
As a rule, short-term changes of weight within several days are the result of minor loss of liquid in your body tissues. Analyze the results of regu­lar weight measurements taken throughout a long time. Evaluation of the results is based on changes of total weight and tissue percentage and depends on the duration of the period within which the mea­surements have been taken. Short-term indication changes during a day can be significantly different from the indication changes within a week or a month. As a rule, short-term indication changes are connected with percentage of liquid in body tis­sues, and medium- and long-term changes are caused by changes in the amount of fat and muscle bulk.
For instance, short-term weight loss and
simultaneous growth or constant amount of fat in body tissues may be caused by decreased amount of liquid as a result of physical exer­cises, visiting sauna or may happen at quick weight loss.
Medium-term increase of weight, decrease
of fat amount or constant fat amount in body tissues may be caused by increase of mus­cle bulk.
If you notice simultaneous decrease of total
weight and fat percentage, it means that your diet works.
The best results are achieved if you
combine diet with various physical exercises, in this case you can observe the medium-term increase of muscle mass in body tissues.
Clean the scale with a soft, slightly damp cloth
and then wipe it dry.
Never use abrasives or solvents.Do not immerse the scale into water or any
other liquids, do not wash it in a dishwashing machine.
Keep the scale away from children in a dry
cool place.
VT-1984.indd 6 07.09.2016 9:03:02
1. Scale – 1 pc.
2. «AAA» batteries - 2 pcs.
3. Instruction manual – 1 pc.
Power supply: 2 «AAA» type batteries, 2 x 1,5 V Maximum weight: 180 kg
The manufacturer reserves the right to change the design and the specifications of the unit with­out a preliminary notification
Unit operating life is 3 years
Details regarding guarantee conditions can be obtained from the dealer from whom the appli­ance was purchased. The bill of sale or receipt must be produced when making any claim under the terms of this guarantee.
This product conforms to the EMC­Requirements as laid down by the Council Directive 2004/108/ЕС and to the Low Voltage Regulation (2006/95/ЕС)
VT-1984.indd 7 07.09.2016 9:03:03
Весы предназначены для измерения массы тела, а также для определения содержания жира, воды, костной и мышечной тканей в организме человека.
В данной модели весов использован метод биоэлектрического анализа пол­ного сопротивления тела (импеданса) «BIA», позволяющий с высокой точно­стью вычислить процентное содер­жание жировой, мышечной и костной ткани, а также воды. Вычисления про­водятся с учётом введённых в память устройства личных данных (рост, воз­раст, пол).
1. Платформа
2. Контактные площадки
3. Дисплей
4. Сенсорные кнопки выбора данных
5. Сенсорная кнопка выбора
и подтверждения ввода данных «SET»
6. Кнопка выбора единиц измерения
7. Крышка батарейного отсека
Перед началом эксплуатации прибора вни­мательно прочитайте настоящую инструкцию по эксплуатации и сохраните её для исполь­зования в качестве справочного материала. Используйте устройство только по его пря­мому назначению, как изложено в данной инструкции. Неправильное обращение с устройством может привести к его поломке, причинению вреда пользователю или его имуществу.
Обращайтесь с весами аккуратно, как
с любым измерительным прибором, не подвергайте весы воздействию высо­ких или низких температур, повышенной влажности, не допускайте воздействия прямых солнечных лучей и не роняйте весы.
Используйте весы вдали от нагреватель-
ных приборов.
Не используйте весы вне помещений.
Не допускайте попадания жидкости
внутрь корпуса весов, данное устрой­ство не является водонепроницаемым.
Запрещается оставлять или использо­вать весы в местах с повышенной влаж­ностью (более 80%), не допускайте контакта корпуса весов с водой или с дру­гими жидкостями во избежание наруше­ния правильности показаний весов или выхода их из строя.
Перед использованием во избежание
возникновения статического эффекта удалите с весов защитную плёнку (при наличии плёнки).
Размещайте весы на ровной, сухой и
нескользкой поверхности.
Не пользуйтесь весами на коврах или ков-
ровых покрытиях.
Не вставайте на весы мокрыми ногами
или если поверхность весов влажная. Вы можете поскользнуться и получить травму.
Соблюдайте осторожность, когда вста-
ёте на весы: встаньте на весы сначала одной ногой, убедитесь в их устойчиво­сти, и только после этого можно поставить вторую ногу.
Встаньте на весы и равномерно распре-
делите свой вес.
Во время процесса взвешивания стойте
неподвижно. Запрещается прыгать на поверхности весов.
Из соображений безопасности детей
не оставляйте полиэтиленовые пакеты, используемые в качестве упаковки, без надзора.
Внимание! Не разрешайте детям играть с полиэтиленовыми пакетами или упаковоч­ной плёнкой. Опасность удушья!
Осуществляйте надзор за детьми, чтобы
не допустить использования устройства в качестве игрушки.
Данное устройство не предназначено
для использования детьми, размещайте устройство в местах, недоступных для детей.
Прибор не предназначен для использо-
вания лицами (включая детей) с пони­женными физическими, психическими или умственными способностями или при отсутствии у них опыта или знаний, если они не находятся под контролем или не проинструктированы об использова­нии прибора лицом, ответственным за их безопасность.
VT-1984.indd 8 07.09.2016 9:03:03
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