Vitek VT-1938 User Manual

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FAN  VT-1938
The fan is intended for artificial ventilation of the room.
1. Grid screw and nut
2. Front safety grid
3. Front grid clamps (5 pcs.)
4. Blades
5. Blades binding screw
6. Rear grid fastening screws (4 pcs.)
7. Rear grid with the carrying handle
8. Motor axis
9. Motor unit
10. Fan oscillation mode on button
11. Operation mode switch «0-1-2-3»
12. Power cord
13. Motor unit fastening screw
14. Motor unit tilt lock
15. Fastening screw lock knob
16. Telescopic bar
17. Telescopic bar clamp
18. Lower part of the telescopic bar
19. Base
20. Weighting compound
21. Flat washer
22. Base clamp
Before using the fan, read this instruction manual carefully and keep it for further reference.
Use the unit for its intended purpose only as
specified in this manual.
Mishandling the unit can lead to its breakage
and cause harm to the user or damage to his/ her property.
Before switching the unit on for the first time
make sure that your home mains voltage cor­responds to the unit operating voltage.
Before using the fan examine the power cord
closely and make sure that it is not damaged. If you find that the power cord is damaged, do not use the unit.
Do not use the fan outdoors.
Place the unit on a flat, dry and steady sur-
face away from sources of heat or open flame.
Do not use the unit near containers filled with
water, next to a kitchen sink, in wet basements or near a swimming pool.
Do not immerse the fan, power cord and
power plug into water or any other liquids.
Do not touch the unit body and the power plug
with wet hands.
If the fan falls into water, unplug it before
touching it and only then you may take the fan out of water. Apply to the nearest authorized service center for testing or repairing the unit at the contact addresses given in the warranty certificate and on the website
Make sure that the power cord does not con-
tact with hot surfaces and sharp furniture edges.
Do not switch the unassembled fan on.
Do not insert any foreign objects into the
openings of the fan protective grids to avoid injuries or unit damage.
Do not touch the rotating blades during the
fan operation.
Do not place the fan near curtains or house
It is not recommended to stay under the air
flow coming from the fan for a long time (especially for children and elderly people).
Never leave the operating unit unattended.
Unplug the fan before cleaning and when you
do not use the unit or before moving it to a new place.
When unplugging the fan pull the plug but not
the cord.
Clean the unit regularly.
Do not leave children unattended to avoid
them using the unit as a toy.
For children safety reasons do not leave poly-
ethylene bags used as packaging unattended.
Attention! Do not allow children to play with polyethylene bags or packaging film. Danger of
Do not allow children to touch the unit and the
power cord during the unit operation.
The unit is not intended to be used by peo-
ple with physical, sensory or mental disabili­ties (including children) or by persons lacking experience or knowledge if they are not under supervision of a person who is responsible for their safety or if they are not instructed by this person on the usage of the unit.
Do not use the fan if the blades, the power
cord or the power plug are damaged, if the fan works improperly, after it was dropped or was damaged in some other way.
If the power cord is damaged, it should be
replaced by the manufacturer, a maintenance
service or similar qualified personnel to avoid danger.
Do not attempt to repair the unit. Do not disas­semble the unit by yourself, if any malfunction is detected or after it has fallen, unplug the unit and apply to any authorized service center at the contact addresses given in the warranty certificate and on the website
Transport the unit in the original package.
Keep the unit in a dry cool place out of reach
of children and people with disabilities.
Install the blades (4) on the motor axis (8),
match the groove on the motor axis (8) with the fastening screw (5) and fasten the screw (5) clockwise until bumping. Make sure that the blades (4) are fixed properly.
Open 5 clamps (3) on the front grid (2).
Match the clamp groove on the front grid (2) with the strengthening rib on the upper part of the rear grid (7), match the openings in the lower parts of the grids (2 and 7) and insert the screw (1) into the opening. Fix the grids (2 and 7) with the clamps (3).
Wind the nut on around the screw (1) and
tighten the grids (2, 7) holding the nut, fasten the screw clockwise.
The fan is ready for operation.
After the unit transportation or storage at low temperature keep it for at least three hours at room temperature before switching on.
Fan assembling 
Unpack the fan and remove any advertising
stickers that can prevent its operation.
Check the unit for damages, do not use it in
case of damages.
Unscrew the clamp (22) from the lower part
of the bar (18), remove the flat washer (21).
Insert the lower part of the bar (18) into the
base (19), install the weighting compound (20) on the lower part of the base (19), place the flat washer (21) on the clamp (22) and thread the clamp (22) clockwise. Make sure that the base (19) is fixed firmly.
Unscrew the clamp (17) and extend the bar
(16) to the desired height and fix it by tighten­ing the clamp (17) with a slight effort as you turn it clockwise.
Install the motor unit (9) on the telescopic
bar (16), insert the fastening screw (13) into the opening, thread the lock knob (15) clock­wise and thread the motor unit (9) tilt lock (14) clockwise.
Install the rear grid (7) on the motor unit (9),
the carrying handle on the rear grid (7) should be turned upwards.
Fix the rear grid (7) on the motor unit (9) with 4
fastening screws (6) by screwing them clock­wise until bumping.
Unscrew the fastening screw (5) halfway from
the blades (4).
Before switching the fan on, make sure that
the mains voltage corresponds to the unit operating voltage.
Make sure that the fan is switched off. To do
this, set the switch (11) to the position «0».
You can change the tilt angle of the motor unit
(9). Turn the lock (14) counterclockwise to loosen it and set the desired tilt angle of the motor unit (9), fix the selected tilt angle turn­ing the lock (14) clockwise.
Insert the power plug (12) into the mains socket.
Select the required blades (4) rotation speed
by turning the operation mode switch (11): «0» - fan is switched off; «1» - low blades rotation speed; «2» - medium blades rotation speed; «3» - high blades rotation speed.
Press the button (10) to switch horizontal rota-
tion of the motor unit on. To switch the rotation mode off, pull the button (10) upwards.
To switch the fan off, set the operation mode
switch (11) to the position «0».
Remove the power plug (12) from the mains
Before cleaning the fan switch it off by setting
the operation mode switch (11) to the position «0» and disconnect the power plug (12) from the mains socket.
Do not use abrasive cleaners and solvents to
clean the fan.
Clean the motor unit (9) body with a slightly
damp cloth and then wipe it dry.
To clean the blades (4) unscrew the fasten-
ing screw (1), open 5 clamps (3) on the front grid (2), remove the front grid (2) and wipe the blades (4) with a slightly damp cloth. Install the front grid (2) on the rear grid (7), fix them with the clamps (3).
Wind the nut on around the screw (1) and
tighten the grids (2, 7) holding the nut, fasten the screw clockwise.
You may clean the fan grids with a vacuum
cleaner using a proper attachment.
Do not immerse the motor unit (9) into water
or any other liquids. Make sure that no liq­uids get into the motor unit body (8) to avoid its damage and prevent risk of electric shock.
Unplug the fan and clean it.
If necessary, disassemble the fan.
Remove the front grid (2), to do this lift the
clamps (3), unscrew the screw (1), unscrew the blade clamp (5) by turning it counter­clockwise, remove the blades (4), unscrew the fastening screws (6) of the rear grid (7) and remove the grid (7).
Unscrew the lock (14).
Unscrew the lock knob (15), remove the screw
(13) and remove the motor unit (9) from the telescopic bar (16).
Unscrew the clamp (22), remove the weight-
ing compound (20), remove the bar (18) from the base (19).
Pack the fan into the original package and put
it away for storage in a dry cool place away from children and disabled persons.
Motor unit – 1 pc. Front grid – 1 pc. Blades – 1 pc. Rear grid – 1 pc. Telescopic bar – 1 pc. Base – 1 pc. Weighting compound – 1 pc. Flat washer – 1 pc. Clamp – 1 pc. Manual – 1 pc.
Power supply: 220-240 V ~ 50 Hz Rated input power: 50 W Blades diameter: 40 cm (16”)
For environment protection do not throw out the unit and the batteries (if included), do not discard the unit and the batteries with usual household waste after the service life expiration; apply to specialized centers for further recycling. The waste generated during the disposal of the unit is subject to mandatory collection and con­sequent disposal in the prescribed manner. For further information about recycling of this product apply to a local municipal administration, a disposal service or to the shop where you pur­chased this product.
The manufacturer preserves the right to change design, structure and specifications not affect­ing general principles of the unit opera­tion without a preliminary notification due to which insignificant differences between the manual and product may be observed. If the user reveals such differences, please report them via e-mail for receipt of an updated manual.
The unit operating life is 3 years
Details regarding guarantee conditions can be obtained from the dealer from whom the appli­ance was purchased. The bill of sale or receipt must be produced when making any claim under the terms of this guarantee.
This product conforms to the EMC Directive 2014/30/EU and to the Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU.
Вентилятор предназначен для искусственной вентиляции помещений.
1. Винт и гайка для скрепления решёток
2. Передняя защитная решётка
3. Фиксаторы передней решётки (5 шт.)
4. Лопасти
5. Винт фиксатор лопастей
6. Винты крепления задней решётки (4 шт.)
7. Задняя решётка с ручкой для переноски
8. Ось электромотора
9. Моторный блок
10. Кнопка включения режима поворота вентилятора
11. Переключатель режимов работы «0-1-2-3»
12. Сетевой шнур
13. Крепёжный болт моторного блока
14. Фиксатор наклона моторного блока
15. Ручка-гайка крепёжного болта
16. Выдвижная штанга
17. Фиксатор выдвижной штанги
18. Нижняя часть штанги
19. Напольная опора
20. Утяжелитель
21. Шайба
22. Фиксатор напольной опоры
Перед началом эксплуатации вентилятора вни­мательно прочитайте настоящую инструкцию по эксплуатации и сохраните её для использо­вания в качестве справочного материала.
Используйте устройство только по его пря­мому назначению, как изложено в данной инструкции.
Неправильное обращение с устройством может привести к его поломке, причинению вреда пользователю или его имуществу.
Перед первым включением убедитесь в том, что напряжение электрической сети соответствует рабочему напряжению устройства.
Перед использованием вентилятора вни­мательно осмотрите сетевой шнур и убе­дитесь в том, что он не повреждён. Если вы обнаружили повреждение сетевого шнура, не пользуйтесь устройством.
Запрещается использовать вентилятор вне помещений.
Устанавливайте устройство на ровной, сухой и устойчивой поверхности, вдали от источников тепла или открытого пламени.
Не используйте устройство вблизи ёмко­стей с водой, в непосредственной близости
от кухонной раковины, в сырых подвальных помещениях или рядом с бассейном.
Не погружайте вентилятор, сетевой шнур и вилку сетевого шнура в воду или любые другие жидкости.
Не прикасайтесь к корпусу устройства и к вилке сетевого шнура мокрыми руками.
Если вентилятор упал в воду, то прежде чем достать его из воды, необходимо вынуть вилку сетевого шнура из электриче­ской розетки, и только после этого можно извлечь вентилятор из воды. Обратитесь в ближайший авторизованный (уполномо­ченный) сервисный центр для осмотра или ремонта вентилятора, по контактным адре­сам, указанным в гарантийном талоне и на сайте
Не допускайте соприкосновения сете­вого шнура с горячими поверхностями и острыми кромками мебели.
Запрещается включать несобранный вен­тилятор.
Во избежание получения травм или повреж­дения устройства запрещается вставлять посторонние предметы в отверстия защит­ных решёток вентилятора.
Запрещается прикасаться к вращающимся лопастям во время работы вентилятора.
Не размещайте вентилятор вблизи штор, занавесок или комнатных растений.
Не рекомендуется находиться под потоком воздуха от вентилятора в течение продол­жительного периода времени (особенно детям и людям пожилого возраста).
Никогда не оставляйте включённое устрой­ство без присмотра.
Отключайте вентилятор от электрической сети перед чисткой, а также в том случае, если вы не пользуетесь устройством или перед тем, как перенести его в новое место.
Отключая вентилятор от электрической сети, не тяните за сетевой шнур, а держи­тесь за вилку сетевого шнура.
Регулярно производите чистку устройства.
Дети должны находиться под присмотром для недопущения игр с прибором.
Из соображений безопасности детей не оставляйте полиэтиленовые пакеты, используемые в качестве упаковки, без присмотра.
Внимание! Не разрешайте детям играть с полиэтиленовыми пакетами или упаковоч­ной плёнкой. Опасность удушья!
Не разрешайте детям прикасаться к устрой­ству и к сетевому шнуру во время работы устройства.
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