(1) Available recording resolution shall be:
a. One-point-two (1.2) megapixel resolution (1280H x 960V) and three-dimensional (3D)
scan conversion to enable jitter-free stabilized pictures in a single frame at ninety (90)
frames per second.
b. Zero-point-nine-two (0.92) megapixel resolution (1280H x 720V) and three-dimensional
(3D) scan conversion to enable jitter-free stabilized pictures in a single frame at one
hundred twenty (120) frames per second.
c. VGA resolution (640H x 480V) sampling and three-dimens iona l (3D ) s c an conversion to
enable jitter-free stabilized pictures in a single frame at one-hundred-twenty (120)
frames per second.
d. Half VGA resolution (640H x 240V) sampling at one hundred twenty (120) pictures per
e. CIF resolution (352H x 240V) sampling at one hundred twenty (120) pictures per
(2) Image quality shall be provided from one (1) through thirty (30), thirty (30) being the highest
(3) Include Event (Motion Detection, Sensor Detection, Video Loss and Audio Detection),
Schedule, Emergency and Manual Recording Modes.
(4) Motion detection area shall be customizable in rectangular or any shape in any number of
customizable areas.
(5) Motion Sensitivity shall range from zero (0) to two hundred fifty-five (255), where higher
number means more sensitivity.
(6) Motion detection shall include night motion detection.
(7) Night motion detection shall be programmable in hourly increments.
(8) Night motion detection sensitivity shall range from zero (0) to two hundred fifty-five (255),
where higher number means more sensitivity.
(9) Each camera shall support individual recording rate and image quality settings for Event,
Schedule, Emergency and Manual Recording Modes.
(10) Event recording modes shall provide the option of selecting any channel of choice to begin
recording when an event is detected.
(11) Furnish On-Screen Display (OSD) on the monitor and also recording of the following
information: year, month, day, hour, minute and second.
(12) Furnish OSD on the monitor and also recording of alphanumeric camera channel location
description without a limit on alpha numeric characters
(13) Furnish OSD on the monitor and also recording of alphanumeric event title.
(14) Include up to five (5) seconds of pre-event recording buffer for all individual camera
(15) Include up to nine hundred ninety-nine (999) seconds or frames of post--event recording
buffer for all individual camera channels.
(16) Include panic record mode without limit.
(17) Audio quality shall be 8 KHz, 11 KHz, 16 KHz and 22 KHz selectable.
(18) Audio shall be assignable to any channels.
C. Searc h an d P l ay ba c k
(1) Include Continuous, Motion, Sensor, Audio and Smart Search.
(2) Playback shall provide a smooth, continuous forward playback and fast forward up to
twice (2x) normal playback speed in single channel display mode.
(3) Playback shall provide a smooth, continuous reverse playback and rewind up to twice (2x)
normal playback speed in single channel display mode.