Visual Productions LPU-1, LPU-2 User manual

Revision History
Revision Date Author(s) Description
1 31.03.2015 ME Initial version.
8 07.01.2019 BZ Added revision history. Updated web-
site addresses. Updated showfile and personality file location. Clarified sub­fixtures not being supported in Per­sonalities chapter. Clarified wheel lim­itation. Added Minimal requirements chapter. Added Kiosc section to ap­pendices. Updated API appendix.
9 22.07.2020 BZ Updated various images. Corrected
and Changed API messages to be easier to understand. Added vMan­ager Tablet version. Added Protocols chapter.
1 Introduction 6
2 Protocols 14
3 Quickstart 17
4 Setting up 20
5 Cuety App 23
6 Remote App 34
7 Personalities 37
8 vManager 39
9 Minimum Requirements 41
Appendices 42
A API 43
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We, manufacturer Visual Productions BV, herby declare under sole responsibility, that the following devices:
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Chapter 1


Thank you for choosing the Cuety lighting controller. This manual will discuss setting up the hardware and software as well as programming your light show.
1.1 System
The Cuety system consists of the LPU hardware and the Cuety App. This App is available on iOS and Android, as well as Windows, macOS and Ubuntu Linux. In order for the LPU and the App to communicate you need to provide a Wi-Fi access point yourself. You can expand the system by also running the Remote App on your phone. See figure 1.1.
Figure 1.1: System
1.2 Hardware
The LPU hardware device is the brain of your Cuety system. This box takes care of all the calculation of DMX levels, cue timing and FX engine. Therefore, all the information about the patch and cues are stored in this device. In a way, the Apps are just ’user interface’. This means that when the communica­tion between the LPU and the App is interrupted, perhaps because of a Wi-Fi problem, then your show will continue to run.
This also means that when you use the LPU for lighting in a permanent in­stallation then you only need to connect the (Remote) App when you want to change to a different cue. When not connected to an App, the LPU will just continue to run the currently active cues.
1.3 Saving data to memory
This manual will describe how to configure the LPU and program playbacks, cues, etc. The Cuety App is used for editing these kinds of elements. When changes are made, these changes are directly stored in the RAM memory of the LPU and the programming will directly influence the behaviour of the unit. RAM memory is, however, volatile and its content will be lost through a power cycle. For this reason the LPU will copy any changes in the RAM memory to its onboard flash memory. Flash memory retains its data even when not powered. The LPU will load all its data back from the flash memory upon startup.
This memory copy process is conducted automatically by the LPU and should not be of any concern of the user. One point of consideration is, however, that after making a change the unit should be given time to perform the copy to flash. As a rule of thumb, do not disconnect the power from the device within 30 seconds from making a programming change.
1.4 LPU-1 vs LPU-2
The LPU is available in two versions, the LPU-1 and the LPU-2. The difference between the two units is that the LPU-2 has additional options to connect to external systems. Only the LPU-2 has support for OSC, TCP, UDP and HTTP protocols, making it very suitable to be integrated in permanent systems. Appendix A discusses the LPU-2’s connectivity in detail.
Market Entertainment Installation
DMX Channels 512 512
Fixtures 64 64
Sub-fixtures - -
Playbacks 64 64
Cues per Playback 48 48
FX Generator yes yes
Personality Files 3500+ 3500+
Art-Net yes yes
sACN yes yes
OSC - yes
UDP - yes
TCP - yes
HTTP - yes
Web-interface - yes
The LPU-2 web-interface is read-only. It is useful for checking the device’s status and monitoring incoming and outgoing network messages. The web-interface does not allow for modifying the LPU-2.
1.5 Apps
The main App is the Cuety App, designed for tablets. This App allows you to create a patch (the list of fixtures you are controlling), program cues and FX and operate the playbacks like a live lighting console.
Figure 1.2: Cuety and Cuety Remote Apps
In some situations you might not need the ability to modify all the details of your light show; sometimes you just want a simple way of choosing between the pre-programmed cues. In this case you can use the Remote App, designed for phones.
The Remote App is also useful to give to other users of your lighting that have less privileges; the Remote App does not enable the user to make any changes to the patch or cues.
(a) iOS
(b) Android
Figure 1.3: App stores
Both Apps are available for iOS and Android and can be obtained via the Apple App Store and Google Play store. See figure 1.3.
Figure 1.4: Download page
The Cuety and Cuety Remote software is also available on desktop operating systems Windows, macOS and Ubuntu Linux. These releases can be downloaded from (figure 1.4). Please bear in mind that the Cuety app is designed for a tablet; the portrait view requires a screen with a minimum of 1080 pixels in height.
1.6 What’s in the box?
The LPU packaging contains the following items (see figure 1.5):
Ethernet cable
Power supply
4x international plug
Info card
Figure 1.5: LPU box contents
1.7 Versions
At the time of writing this manual the Cuety App was at version 1.14, the Cuety Remote App was at version 1.09 and the LPU firmware at version 1.25.
1.8 Further Help
We have prepared you several instruction videos on our YouTube channel (fig­ure 1.6) at These tu­torials address network-setup, programming cues, importing personality files, upgrading firmware, etc.
Figure 1.6: YouTube channel
If you have further questions then please consult the online forum at http:// for more technical support. See figure
Figure 1.7: Forum
Chapter 2


The LPU-1 and LPU-2 support the output of DMX via the 3-pole XLR connec­tor on the device. Art-Net and sACN output can also be enabled to transmit the DMX data over the network. The following chapter will explain what these three protocols are. The LPU-1 and LPU-2 support 1 universe, that can be output simultaneously via DMX, ArtNet and sACN. It is important to note that only output is supported.
2.1 DMX-512
DMX-512 is the standard communication protocol for stage lighting. One DMX network contains 512 channels which is called a ’universe’. Each lighting fixture connected to this universe will use one or more of these channels. On the lighting fixture itself the DMX address can be set. This address corresponds to the first channel that this fixture will listen.
As shown in figure 2.1 a simple RGB light might use 3 channels. Setting this light to DMX address 1 will mean that the first three channels of the universe control the red, green, and blue values of this light. When adding a second RGB light, it would commonly be set to the next free address. In this case, that would be address 4. It will then listen to channels 4, 5 and 6 for red, green and blue.
Figure 2.1: DMX example
How many channels a lighting fixture uses will always depend on the manufac­turer/model. Often a light can have different operating modes. For example, a simple RGB light can have a 3-channel mode where it uses 3 channels for red, green and blue. But it might have a 4 channel mode for red, green, blue and intensity. Maybe it even has a 5-channel mode, adding a channel for strobe. In­formation about DMX and operating modes can usually be found in the manual of the lighting fixture.
It is advised to use a shielded twisted pair cable for DMX cabling. The cable should be terminated with an 120 Ohm resistor.
DMX-512 is a very successful protocol with, however, a few limitations. The maximum number of attached devices is limited to 32 and they all have to be connected in bus-topology having one cable running via each device. Further­more, a DMX-512 cable should not be longer than 300 meters.
2.2 Art-Net
The Art-Net protocol primarily transfers DMX-512 data over Ethernet. The high bandwidth of an Ethernet connection allows Art-Net to transfer up to 256 universes.
The data sent out for Art-Net does put a certain load on the network, therefore it is recommended to disable Art-Net when not in use.
Art-Net output can be enabled or disabled in the Options menu, see section 5.1.
2.3 sACN
The streaming Architecture of Control Networks (sACN) protocol uses a method of transporting DMX-512 information over TCP/IP networks. The protocol is specified in the ANSI E1.31-2009 standard.
The sACN protocol supports multi-cast in order to take efficient use of the network’s bandwidth.
sACN output can be enabled or disabled in the Options menu, see section 5.1.
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