Visual Land V-Clip Pro Quick Start Manual

Quickstart Guide
The VClip Pro is a dig ital audio player of a new g eneratio n. It suppor ts var ious fil e forma ts such as MP3, WMA, and WAV. With great soun d and tone quality, and a sleek appearance the V-CLIP PRO is grea t for ever yone. We hope that you enjoy your MP3 pla yer.
The built -in li thium batt ery can be charged when it is connect ed to your comput er’s USB port (your player must be in the ON posi tion to charge) . You may also char ge the play er with a USB wall char ger (sold sep aratel y).
The player empl oys a mu ltilev el batt erymo nitoring i con. If all the bars are prese nt then the player is fully charged. As the bars vanish the play er is using up its power. When all the bars are gone, the player should be rechar ged.
Powering o n and off the player
To turn your player on you must slide the on/off sw itch to th e “ON” position.
3-Line Bac klit LCD Suppor t MP3, WMA, music forma ts Built- in Clip Built- in Speaker MicroSD C ard Slot FM Radio Voice Recor der
To turn o ff th e player slide t he on/off swit ch to t he “OFF” position. If you d o not plan on using the player for an ext ended amount of t ime you should also r emember to swi tch of f the player t o prolong th e battery life.
Uploading Musi c
In order to upload music you mus t firs t make sure that your play er is swit ched on and connect ed to your comput ers USB port. (Note: If your comput er is running a p re Windows 98 oper ating sy stem t hen you w ill need to insta ll the drivers from our websit e.) You should then be ab le t o find the MP3 player liste d as on e o f your drive s. (You can generally find the device by going to the star t menu, clicking on “My Compute r” and then looking for a remova ble disk driv e.)
Aft er you have found your device you can open it by double clic king the icon. Now you can simply dr ag your Audio file int o the device’s ope n window. You can also cr eate subfo lders in orde r to bett er organiz e your music.
Playing Musi c
Music can be playe d in two diffe rent ways using t he V-CLIP PRO. The first way is through the ROOT direc tory (the fir st window open t hrough window s) and t he second way is throug h subfolders (f olders pla ced withi n the ROOT Dire ctory) .
The easiest way to p lay the music is by plac ing the music within the ROO T direc tory and playin g it from there, althou gh subfo lders al low for a more eff icient way of organizing y our music files. Ple ase remembe r that you cannot p lace folder s within folder s because the pla yer will not re cognize any music placed more tha n one folder deep.
To play music you want to star t in the main menu of y our player.
1. Select the musi c icon by using th e naviga tional key unt il the word “Musi c” appear s then hit the me nu butto n.
2. Select th e song that you would like to list en to by using t he navigat ional keys.
3. Hit the play button and enjoy.
If you would like to move betw een folder s that you have placed in the ROOT Dire ctory t hen
1. Make sure that you are in the music funct ion.
2. Make s ure tha t your VCL IP PRO is not play ing music.
3. Do a short pr ess on the Menu butt on.
4. Select loca l folder, y ou will then b e given a list of all the folde rs t hat y ou have placed in the player’s ROOT Direc tory. Once you have found the folder that y ou wo uld like y ou ca n hi t the Menu bu tton to s elect tha t folder.
5. You can now move be tween songs with the navi gational keys. Once you have found the s ong tha t you are looking for hit play t o listen t o the song
of your cho ice.
NOTE: Long press on the menu butt on to get in to the main men u.
Play Modes
When playing music and recorded files di fferen t modes can be selected (Repeat, shuffle, et c.) The first op tion in the play subm enu is Play Mode. The player will play files accor ding to the mode sele cted.
Voice Recor d
The VCLIP PRO has a great r ecording option. You can u se t he “Record” featu re, which will a llow you to record direc tly f rom th e built in mic rophone. To record sound s you want to st art of in the main me nu of your play er.
1. Select the record ic on by using the naviga tional key until the wor d “Record” appears then hit the menu butt on.
2. O nce you are in the record menu just do a shor t press on the pl ay butt on to sta rt recor ding.
3. To pause r ecording do a shor t press on t he play key.
4. To s top r ecording do a long press on the play k ey.
Choose t he recordin g quality:
1. Short press on the menu key to enter t he rec. submenu
2. Sel ect “REC Type” then do a short press on t he menu key.
3. Select the record sty le that you would like t he do a short press on the menu.
FM Radio
1. From the main menu Selec t FM Mode then do a short press on t he menu but ton.
2. You can mov e between sta tions by using a shor t press on t he skip key s.
3. To do an aut o searc h you can do a long press on the skip keys. If you would like to stop the search do a short p ress on the sk ip keys.
4. To save a ra dio station hit menu while the radio is play ing. Then select “save” in the FM Sub Menu, t he stat ion should now b e saved.
5. To listen to the saved sta tion simply do a short press on the play button while listeni ng to the radio. If there are mor e than one saved radio
stat ions you c an do more shor t press es on the play but ton and the player sh ould move thr ough the saved s tations in sequence.
NOTE: You can also recor d fr om t he FM radio. To do this do a sho rt press on the menu k ey while list ening to the FM R adio. Whi le in the FM su bmenu select ei ther “Long REC” or “Fine REC” depending on the qualit y of re cording you need by d oing a short press on the menu ke y. You wil l then be taken to record mode, but you will be able to contin ue listenin g to the FM Radio.
BuiltIn Spe aker
By de fault the buil tin s peaker i s acti vated. To deactiva te the builti n speaker the headp hones mus t b e plugged in to the play er.
System Se ttings
To get to the system se ttings go fro m the main menu and s elect sy stem sett ings. Within system setti ng you will find mos t of the options rela ted to the e veryday use of your V-C LIP PRO. There are many diffe rent to ols wit hin syst em sett ings that can a lter the
funct ionalit y of the player. It is not recomm ended to chang e the syst em sett ings unless you are confident wi th MP3 player.
For fur ther details on how to use your player, consult the full PDF manual locat ed inside the pla yer or download it from our webs ite:
If you hav e a problem wi th your play er please visit our website and v iew ou r suppor t pages.
Copyr ight © 2011 Visual Land Inc.