Press the MENU but ton to ente r t he
Record Sub Menu. Hold to return to the
main menu. Pres s MENU in record Sub
Menu to confirm an option. Press MENU
aft er record ing to save y our recor ding.
and : Sub men u only. Scroll through
optio ns.
: Start and pause recordin g. From this
sub men u, you can s elect w here you would
like fil es to be save d and the reco rd type.
Record Type s
Fine Recording: WAV For mat, high sound
qualit y.
Long Record ing: ACT Format, consis tent
qualit y.
Fine VOR: WAV Forma t, sound cont rol.
Long VOR: AC T Format, so und contr ol.
(VOR mode i s a sound act ivated r ecording)
Press t he MENU butt on to enter t he Photo
Sub Menu. Hold MENU to return to the
main menu.
Press the MENU button in the Photo Sub
Menu to co nfirm an op tion.
and : Scro ll through y our pictu res.
: View th e current s elected p icture.
From this sub men u, you can select a
diff erent folde r to view, delet e files, and
star t the sli deshow op tion thr ough Play
Press the MENU but ton to enter the E-book
Sub Menu. When the desired text file has
been highli ghted pres s the MENU button to
view it .
and : Scro ll through t he text .
: Read the cu rrent te xt file
Set Up
Below are br ief descrip tions of the set tings
that can be ch anged fr om the Set Up
Date & Ti me: set the t ime and date
LCD Set: change the bright ness and the
time (in second s) before the scree n will
turn dar k when idle.
Languag e: cha nge t he lan guage of the
Power Sav ing: change the time (in seconds)
befor e the player w ill turn of f when idle.
Replay M ode: choos e betwe en manual an d
auto r eplay
Memory Info : vi ew h ow m uch m emory
remain s.
Firmw are Version: view the f irmware
versi on.
Video Co nversion
In o rder to be able to play vi deo f iles, y ou
will need to use the pro gram that is locat ed
in th e playe r. Connect your pl ayer to yo ur
comput er via the USB c able. Once your
player is de tected, loc ate the AMV
Conver sion Tools folde r in the playe r and
simply r un the SETUP f ile to inst all the
progr am.
1. Once the setup is c omplete, locate the
newly instal led MP3 Pl ayer Ut ilities in your
Star t Menu and clic k on AMV conve rt tool.
2. Cl ick o n the "Input file" icon to f ind the
file that you are look ing to convert and click
on the “Outpu t file” icon and save the file to
your com puter.
3. Now click on the icon with two arrow
(tool tip will show "Begin" if you put your
curso r on the ar rows) to s tart the
conver sion. Once the conversion is done
the pro gram will pla yback the A MV file.
Note: Pleas e cli ck on help for furt her
infor mation; it is the squa re box next to the
two ar rows.
4. To transfe r the converte d AMV file onto
your player, f irst connect the Visual Land
player to yo ur compute r and copy and
past e the AMV file i nto the pla yer folder.
5. To access t he AMV fil e from yo ur Visual
Land player, go into the "Movie" menu of the
player, the file sh ould show up. Press "Pla y"
to view y our file.
AMV Conve rter Soft ware
Troubleshoot ing
Cannot f it more than 99 file s onto the
To fix thi s problem, c reate a new folder on
your pl ayer and ins ert you r files th ere.
Please do no t i nsert a subf older withi n a
subfol der, as the player w ill not read i t.
Short b atter y life:
The scr een can drain t he batt ery life o f
your player. To incre ase the batter y life, we
sugges t that yo u change th e bright ness to
a lo wer se tting & low er the time i t tak es
for the p layer scre en to turn o ff when idl e.
Unable to d ownload mu sic files:
Check whe ther the USB is conn ected
prope rly or damage d.
Try rest arting th e computer o r using a
diff erent USB po rt.
Ensure t he player’s me mory is not f ull.
For fur ther det ails on how to use y our
player, con sult the full PDF man ual locat ed
inside the p layer or downloa d it from our
websi te: http://www.visual-
If you ha ve a proble m with yo ur player
please visi t o ur w ebsite and view our
suppor t pages.
Copyr ight © 2011 Visual Land Inc.
Click to s elect “Input Fil e” to be conve rted
Click to s elect “Outpu t Folder” and “File name”
Click to c hange “Setti ngs”
Click to b egin “Convers ion”
“Conve rsion” pro gress st atus
Files to b e converted