Visual Land DAZE Quick Start Manual

Quickstart Guide
Thank you for purchasi ng this Visual L and Player. Please rea d t hrough the user manual in order to understa nd t he funct ions of your n ew player.
Adding Your File s to the Player
When connec ted t o a PC, t he pl ayer acts as a standa rd USB-Disk drive, supportin g Window s 98SE/ME/2000/X P/Vis ta. Once your player is detect ed, you simply drag and drop or cu t and paste the files that you wish to save to the playe r’s internal memor y.
Charging th e Player
Your play er can b e charge d throu gh eithe r a USB wall charger or by bei ng directl y connec ted to the computer. Please note that char ging times va ry betwe en these two methods, t he wall charger is the quicker m ethod. NOTE: M ake sure that yo ur playe r is in t he “ON” po sition in ord er for charging to t ake place.
To access the vario us functio ns of the player, simply hol d down or press the player butt ons as descr ibed below : MENU: Ent er sub men us or selec t optio ns. Holding down th e menu button will let you retu rn to the main m enu. and : Scroll t hrough yo ur music, vid eo and othe r options. VOL: Adjus t the volume. : Star t and stop music or vi deos. Holding down th is butto n will shut down the pla yer.
Video Pla yback MP3/WMA Play back Jpeg Pic ture View er Voice Reco rding Various Pl ayback Mode s Multip le Language Su pport
Turning on the Playe r
To turn on the player, simply swi tch the player to the “ON ” positi on. The on/off swit ch is located on the top lef t of the player. If your playe r is already swit ched on, hold dow n the play but ton.
Main Menu
Below are the sub menu’s that can be found on your pla yer’s main menu : Music: Li sten to yo ur music fil es Movie: P lays the vi deos you have s aved Record : Record with the bui lt-in microp hone Voice: Pla ys your rec ordings Photo : Displays yo ur pictur es Setup : Change the se ttings o n your player E-Book : Read tex t files To se lect an option from the ma in m enu, scroll to the option and press the MENU butt on. To enter t he sub menus, p ress the menu but ton afte r selecting an opt ion from the main me nu.
To En ter the Music S ub Menu, press the MENU butt on on ce, t o se lect any option s while in the Music Sub M enu, also press the MENU bu tton. and : Scroll throug h your music selec tion. VOL: Allow s you to ent er the volum e menu. : Star ts and paus es your music
Changing Fold er/Playback Funct ions
While music play back is stopped, pres s the MENU butt on once, this will take you to the folder se lect option. The MENU butt on is used to select any fold er and or song you wish to pl ayback. While music is play ing, press ing the MENU b utton w ill take y ou to the p layback options menu. You can change the repeat options and equalize r sett ings. Use t he MENU button to select optio ns.
NOTE: In or der to view yo ur video file s, you must first conver t the f ile and movie s ize. Please see t he se ction titled “Video Conver sion” for mo re inform ation. To Ent er t he Mo vie Sub M enu, pr ess the MENU but ton once, to s elect any op tions while in the Music Sub M enu, al so p ress the MENU bu tton. and : Scro ll through y our video f iles. VOL: Pr ess onc e to enter the men u, then using the s croll butto ns to raise or l ower the v olume, fi nd your desired sett ing, and press VOL agai n to exit. You can only enter this men u when a video is n ot playing. : Star t and pause yo ur video.
Sub Menu You can select a fol der to play or delete files fr om the sub menu by press ing MENU once whi le music is not p laying.
Power Sw itch
Headphon e
USB Port
Press the MENU but ton to ente r t he Record Sub Menu. Hold to return to the main menu. Pres s MENU in record Sub Menu to confirm an option. Press MENU aft er record ing to save y our recor ding. and : Sub men u only. Scroll through optio ns. : Start and pause recordin g. From this sub men u, you can s elect w here you would like fil es to be save d and the reco rd type.
Record Type s
Fine Recording: WAV For mat, high sound qualit y. Long Record ing: ACT Format, consis tent qualit y. Fine VOR: WAV Forma t, sound cont rol. Long VOR: AC T Format, so und contr ol. (VOR mode i s a sound act ivated r ecording)
Press t he MENU butt on to enter t he Photo Sub Menu. Hold MENU to return to the main menu. Press the MENU button in the Photo Sub Menu to co nfirm an op tion. and : Scro ll through y our pictu res. : View th e current s elected p icture. From this sub men u, you can select a diff erent folde r to view, delet e files, and star t the sli deshow op tion thr ough Play Set.
Press the MENU but ton to enter the E-book Sub Menu. When the desired text file has been highli ghted pres s the MENU button to view it . and : Scro ll through t he text . : Read the cu rrent te xt file
Set Up
Below are br ief descrip tions of the set tings that can be ch anged fr om the Set Up menu. Date & Ti me: set the t ime and date LCD Set: change the bright ness and the time (in second s) before the scree n will turn dar k when idle. Languag e: cha nge t he lan guage of the player Power Sav ing: change the time (in seconds) befor e the player w ill turn of f when idle. Replay M ode: choos e betwe en manual an d auto r eplay Memory Info : vi ew h ow m uch m emory remain s. Firmw are Version: view the f irmware versi on.
Video Co nversion
In o rder to be able to play vi deo f iles, y ou will need to use the pro gram that is locat ed in th e playe r. Connect your pl ayer to yo ur comput er via the USB c able. Once your player is de tected, loc ate the AMV Conver sion Tools folde r in the playe r and
simply r un the SETUP f ile to inst all the progr am.
1. Once the setup is c omplete, locate the newly instal led MP3 Pl ayer Ut ilities in your Star t Menu and clic k on AMV conve rt tool.
2. Cl ick o n the "Input file" icon to f ind the file that you are look ing to convert and click on the “Outpu t file” icon and save the file to your com puter.
3. Now click on the icon with two arrow (tool tip will show "Begin" if you put your curso r on the ar rows) to s tart the conver sion. Once the conversion is done the pro gram will pla yback the A MV file. Note: Pleas e cli ck on help for furt her infor mation; it is the squa re box next to the two ar rows.
4. To transfe r the converte d AMV file onto your player, f irst connect the Visual Land player to yo ur compute r and copy and past e the AMV file i nto the pla yer folder.
5. To access t he AMV fil e from yo ur Visual Land player, go into the "Movie" menu of the player, the file sh ould show up. Press "Pla y" to view y our file.
AMV Conve rter Soft ware
Troubleshoot ing
Cannot f it more than 99 file s onto the player: To fix thi s problem, c reate a new folder on your pl ayer and ins ert you r files th ere. Please do no t i nsert a subf older withi n a subfol der, as the player w ill not read i t.
Short b atter y life: The scr een can drain t he batt ery life o f your player. To incre ase the batter y life, we sugges t that yo u change th e bright ness to a lo wer se tting & low er the time i t tak es for the p layer scre en to turn o ff when idl e.
Unable to d ownload mu sic files: Check whe ther the USB is conn ected prope rly or damage d. Try rest arting th e computer o r using a diff erent USB po rt. Ensure t he player’s me mory is not f ull.
For fur ther det ails on how to use y our player, con sult the full PDF man ual locat ed inside the p layer or downloa d it from our websi te: http://www.visual-
If you ha ve a proble m with yo ur player please visi t o ur w ebsite and view our suppor t pages.
Copyr ight © 2011 Visual Land Inc.
Click to s elect “Input Fil e” to be conve rted
Click to s elect “Outpu t Folder” and “File name”
Click to c hange “Setti ngs”
Click to b egin “Convers ion”
“Conve rsion” pro gress st atus
Files to b e converted