19 March, 2003 V1615om1.doc/ A Page 2 of 5
The V1615 and V1615N are serial digital distribution amplifier s, norm ally with eight active outputs. They
can process both SDI and ASI signals, but only four of the outputs have the correct polarity for ASI.
Thus all eight outputs can be used for SDI, but only four for ASI. There is a s imilar pair of com panion
modules, the V1614 and V1614N, which provide 8 outputs all of which are ASI compatible.
The V1615 re-clocks the input SDI signal while the V1615N is a non-r eclock er. In som e installations the
use of a non-reclocking amplifier is preferred since it does not lock jitter errors into a signal.
There is an existing V1615 in the V1600 range which provides sim ilar facilities, but it is replac ed by this
new unit. This new unit is simpler, more reliable, and has better remote indication facilities over DART.
These units are part of the V1600 range of interface modules and are built on a 3U high Eurocard so
they can be fitted into either a V1601 1U Chassis or V1606 3U Chassis. (T he earlier V1603 3U c hassis
can also be used, so it can be retro-fitted into earlier installations.) A suitable passive rear module, either
1U or 3U as required, should be used. The m odules receive all their power and signals from the rack
and rear modules.
The V1615 reclocking DA is nor mally set to pass only the most widely used 270Mbit/s. This avoids the
problem of the re-cloc ker losing lock and hunting for other bit rates with highly com pressed ASI signals.
For SDI data rates other than 270Mbit/s a link can be set so the unit will automatically lock to any of them
– 143, 177, 360 or 540 Mbit/s. In exceptional cases the unit can be fixed to operate at one of these other
data rates.
The V1615N, non reclocking DA, will pass any of the SDI digital bit rates.
The DART remote monitoring and control system will indicate unit type, Reclocking or non re-clocking,
signal present and the operating data rate.