Visonicom RealCast Instruction Manual

Instruction Manual RealCast Superior WiFi Display Dongle www.
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RReeaallCCaasstt SSuuppeerriioorr WWiiFFii DDiissppllaayy DDoonnggllee
FFoorr AAiirrPPllaayy,, MMiirraaccaasstt,, aanndd DDLLNNAA
IInnssttrruuccttiioonn MMaannuuaall
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Instruction Manual RealCast Superior WiFi Display Dongle www.
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Thanks for using RealCast Superior WiFi display dongle, which supports AirPlay, Miracast and DLNA for both local and online content mirroring and pushing perfectly by simple steps.
This is the universal instruction manual for Visonicom RealCast WiFi display dongles, which is to show the basic operations of RealCast dongle for Android and iOS users. Though actual operations for each user may differ for the pictures, illustrations and descriptions as shown in this manual due to different Android/iOS devices and versions Android and iOS, we hope this manual can help you to enjoy your amazing RealCast AirPlay Miracast DLNA dongle.
For larger font of this quick installation guide, please read online version:
Always visit our portfolio site http://www. for more product info, demo, upgrading.
Instruction Manual RealCast Superior WiFi Display Dongle www.
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1. Product I/O Interface.............................................................................................4
2. Physical Connection..............................................................................................5
3. Mirroring/Pushing Local Content.........................................................................5
3.1 AirPlay Mirroring...............................................................................................5
3.2 Miracast Mirroring.............................................................................................9
3.3 DLNA Pushing....................................................................................................11
3.3.1 Get ready for DLNA....................................................................................11
3.3.2 Pushing Local Content...............................................................................13
4. Mirroring/Pushing Online Content..........................................................................14
4.1 Miracast...........................................................................................................14
4.2 AirPlay and DLNA............................................................................................14
Instruction Manual RealCast Superior WiFi Display Dongle www.
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1. Product I/O Interface (Back to Index)
This is the typical interface/mechanics of our RealCast Superior WiFi Display Dongles, though some of our dongles come with built-in WiFi antenna, and some with external WiFi module bundling with the USB cable.
Instruction Manual RealCast Superior WiFi Display Dongle www.
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2. Physical Connection (Back to Index)
1. Turn on the TV and make sure the input is HDMI or proper HDMI port, in case there are
multiple HDMI ports.
2. Plug the RealCast Superior WiFi Display Dongle into the HDMI port of the TV. A
male-female HDMI extension cable/adapter can be applied when necessary.
3. Connect Micro-USB end of USB cable to the Dongle for power supply, and the other end
(Type A) to the USB port of TV, or to a USB charger.
4. Then the RealCast dongle boots up with the LED indictor on.
3. Mirroring and Pushing Local Content (Back to Index)
3.1 AirPlay Mirroring The default operation mode of the RealCast dongle is DLNA (for DLNA, also for AirPlay mirroring, and DLNA pushing). On the TV screen or projector screen, the DLNA mode is highlighted. If not, please press the [Fn] button of the RealCast dongle to switch to DLNA Mode
Enable WiFi on iPhone(or iPad), in the AP list we can see the SSID of the RealCast dongle
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