Automatic Telephone Dialer
The Visonic Ltd. DL-125B Automatic Telephone Dialer initiates
telephone communications upon receipt of a tr igger pulse, and is
intended for unattended operation at a remote location. It dials
preprogrammed numbers and then t ransmits ei ther an identif ying
alarm code or an optional voice message from an external
source. A non-volatile memory includes 9 memory cells for
retaining 9 telephone numbers (Cell s 1 to 9) and a s ingl e memor y
cell (Cell 0) for s tor ing one of 10 poss ible identi fic ation codes . An
identification code contains a sequence of swept-tone bursts –
from 1 to 10 bursts – as programmed by the installer. This
sequence is repeated at 3-second intervals within a 60-second
time frame. The Dialer 's operation routi ne is as follows:
1. When The DL-125B receives an input trigger pulse, it
disconnects any telephones that are connected to the
telephone line via its SET terminals, and dials the
programmed number in Memory Cell No 1.
2a. If no external audio devic e is connect ed, the di aler repeat edly
transmits i ts identifi cation code for approximately one mi nute.
If that code consist s, for example, of three ris ing tone bursts
(Code 3), three 1/2 s ec bursts are tr ansmitted, separat ed by
intervals of 1/2 sec (1 Hz). The three bursts are repeated at
3-second intervals for one minute.
Installation Instructions
2b. If a source of external audio, such as a cas sette player or an
electronic speech processor is connected, it is switched on
and the recorded message i s transmitted.
3. The dialer then hangs up and swi tc hes off the audio sourc e, if
used, and immediately dial s the telephone number in Memor y
Cell No. 2. It transmits its identification code or audio
message for approximately one minute, as in Step 2. A
closed-loop cassette should be used in the tape recorder.
4. The dialer repeats Step 3 for the t hird telephone number and
so on until it compl etes the pr ocess wi th the last programmed
telephone number.
5. The entire cycle is repeated once more for all of the
programmed telephone numbers, and then the dialer
disconnects itself and reconnects the telephones sharing the
line with it.
Note: The shortest complete cycle occurs if a single telephone
number is programmed: that number is dialed twice. The longes t
cycle consists of nine telephone numbers: 18 numbers are
dialed. If the same number is programmed into all 9 available
memory cells, that number is dialed 18 times.
Input voltage: 10.5 to 16 VDC
Standby input current: none.
Operating input current: 120 mA at 12 VDC
Dimensions: 7 x 10 cm
Dialing method: Pulse, 10 pps
Telephone numbers: 1 to 9, with programmable prioriti es
Digits per telephone number: 1 t o 16, programmable
External audio input impedance: Approximatel y 500 ohms,
capacitor coupled
External audio input level: 0 dBm nominal
Duration of audio input signal: 45 seconds maximum
External audio switching contacts: 24 VDC, 2 A maximum
Ground An external ground terminal, to establish a protective
ground for the telephone lines. This terminal is
electrically isolated from the circuit ground of the
Automatic Dialer.
LINE Terminal pair for connecting any standard telephone line
utilizing pulse dialing. The four SET, LINE and ground
terminals are isolated from the other terminals of the
Automatic Dialer.
SET Terminal pair for connecting rotary or pushbutton
telephone sets, using the line to which the Automatic
Dialer is connec ted. Ensure that all telephone s ets are
connected to the li ne only via the SET ter minals! One
terminal is c ommon to both SET and LINE.
REM Connect a normally open switch between this terminal
and the 12V (+) terminal . Closing t he switch f or at leas t
100 ms (0.1 sec) actuates the Automatic Dialer; to
reduce false triggering, shorter closures are ignored.
12 V Terminal pair for connecting a source of 12 VDC.
AUD Connect this ter minal to an optional source of external
audio, usually the c enter c onduc tor of t he ear phone jac k
of a cassette player . Bring the outer conductor to t he
12V (–) negative supply t erminal.
TAPE These are floating, normall y open contac ts , to s witc h on
an external audio source (a cassette player or an
electronic s peech proces sor). I f such a devi ce is used,
install a jumper across the two TAPE pins on the printed
circuit boar d. If a source of external audi o is not used,
place the TAPE jumper on a single pi n to pr event l osi ng
PROG Connect this ter minal to the 12V (+) to switch the dial er
to the programming mode. The same res ult is obtained
by placing a jumper acros s the two PROG pins on the
printed circuit board.
DE5802 1
The Automatic Dialer i s shi pped alr eady pr ogrammed f or s ending
a sequence of 10 tone bursts over the l ine (code 10) but has no
telephone number programmed; it will not func tion until at least
one number is programmed. Each tel ephone number is entered
into a memory cell, numbered from 1 to 9. No. 1 has highest
priority and is dial ed fi r st , whereas No. 9 is dial ed las t . To dial the
same number more than twic e, enter it into two or more memor y
1. Connect a pulse dialing telephone to the dialer's SET
terminals (most probably such a telephone set is already
connected to the SET terminals).
2. Apply power to the Automatic Dialer, and either install the
PROG jumper across its two pins or supply +12V to the
PROG terminal. After approximately two seconds, the red
light-emitti ng diode (LED) l ights . Wai t at l east three seconds
before proceeding to step 3.
3. After the red LED has been l it for at least thr ee seconds, lift
the telephone handset from its cradle.
4. To program a telephone number, simply dial the desired
number, followed by another, single digit from 1 to 9 to def ine
the memory cell which will retain that telephone number.
Thus, to program the number 936 2611 and to save it in
memory cell No. 9, dial 936 2611 9. Put t he handset back in
its cradle and wai t 2 sec onds bef ore pr oceedi ng. If you use a
pushbutton telephone, listen to ensure that dialing is
completed before hanging up.
5. To program other telephone numbers, repeat the procedure
outlined in step 4 above.
6. To program a new identification code instead of the factory
programmed 10 swept-tone burst s, lift the tel ephone handset
once more and dial a single digit defining the number of
desired tone bursts, followed by the digit 0 , so that the
number of bursts would be s aved in the cor rec t memory c ell –
Cell 0. For example, dial 30 to spec ify 3 tone bur sts, or 70 to
specify 7 tone bursts. To save the new code in memory, put
the handset back in its cradle and wait 2 seconds
8. To delete a telephone number, li ft the telephone handset and
dial the single digi t from 1 to 9, denoting the number of t he
memory cell in which the undes ired number is r etained. Hang
up the telephone handset for at least two seconds, as in the
previous steps.
9. When programming is c ompl eted, remove t he jumper f rom t he
PROG pins (or remove +12V from the PROG terminal).
during programming, the red LED blinks and further
programming is not possible. To clear t he error and r esume
programming: hang up the telephone handset, wait
approximately three seconds after t he LED stops blinking, lift
the handset, and resume programming.
The DL-125B Automatic Dial er should be tested after it has been
installed, connected and programmed. To test it:
1. Apply power to the dialer and momentarily connect the two
REM terminals together. The dialer will per form its routine.
2. When the entire operat ing cycle is finished, c all all numbers
programmed in the dialer's memory and verify with all call
recipients that the dialer's calls were received and that the
identification code or voice message was fully and clearly
received. If a progr amming error is dis covered, repr ogram the
dialer, careful ly following the written programming instructions.
Visonic Ltd. and/or its subsidiaries and its affiliates ("the Manufacturer") warrants its
products hereinafter referred to as "the Product" or "Products" to be in conformance with
its own plans and specifications and to be free of defects in materials and workmanship
under normal use and service for a period of twelve months from the date of shipment by
the Manufacturer. The Manufacturer's obligations shall be limited within the warranty
period, at its option, to repair or replace the product or any part thereof. The Manufacturer
shall not be responsible for dismantling and/or reinstallation charges. To exercise the
warranty the product must be returned to the Manufacturer freight prepaid and insured.
This warranty does not apply in the following cases: improper installation, misuse,
failure to follow installation and operating instructions, alteration, abuse, accident or
tampering, and repair by anyone other than the Manufacturer.
This warranty is exclusive and expressly in lieu of all other warranties, obligations or
liabilities, whether written, oral, express or implied, including any warranty of
merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, or otherwise. In no case shall the
Manufacturer be liable to anyone for any consequential or incidental damages for breach
of this warranty or any other warranties whatsoever, as aforesaid.
This warranty shall not be modified, varied or extended, and the Manufacturer does not
authorize any person to act on its behalf in the modification, variation or extension of this
warranty. This warranty shall apply to the Product only. All products, accessories or
attachments of others used in conjunction with the Product, including batteries, shall be
covered solely by their own warranty, if any. The Manufacturer shall not be liable for any
damage or loss whatsoever, whether directly, indirectly, incidentally, consequentially or
otherwise, caused by the malfunction of the Product due to products, accessories, or
attachments of others, including batteries, used in conjunction with the Products.
The Manufacturer does not represent that its Product may not be compromised and/or
circumvented, or that the Product will prevent any death, personal and/or bodily injury
and/or damage to property resulting from burglary, robbery, fire or otherwise, or that the
Product will in all cases provide adequate warning or protection. User understands that a
properly installed and maintained alarm may only reduce the risk of events such as
burglary, robbery, and fire without warning, but it is not insurance or a guarantee that such
will not occur or that there will be no death, personal damage and/or damage to property
as a result.
The Manufacturer shall have no liability for any death, personal and/or bodily injury
and/or damage to property or other loss whether direct, indirect, incidental,
consequential or otherwise, based on a claim that the Product failed to function.
However, if the Manufacturer is held liable, whether directly or indirectly, for any loss or
damage arising under this limited warranty or otherwise, regardless of cause or origin, the
Manufacturer's maximum liability shall not in any case exceed the purchase price of the
Product, which shall be fixed as liquidated damages and not as a penalty, and shall be the
complete and exclusive remedy against the Manufacturer.
Warning: The user should follow the installation and operation instructions and among
other things test the Product and the whole system at least once a week. For various
reasons, including, but not limited to, changes in environmental conditions, electric or
electronic disruptions and tampering, the Product may not perform as expected. The user
is advised to take all necessary precautions for his /her safety and the protection of
his/her property.
VISONIC LTD. (ISRAEL): P.O.B 22020 TEL-AVIV 61220 ISRAEL. PHONE: (972-3) 645-6789, FAX: (972-3) 645-6788
VISONIC INC. (U.S.A.): 10 NORTHWOOD DRIVE, BLOOMFIELD CT. 06002-1911. PHONE: (860) 243-0833, (800) 223-0020 FAX: (860) 242-8094
VISONIC LTD. 1998 DL-125B D-5802-0 NEW : DE5802- (REV. 2, 4/98)
2 DE5802