2 DE4040
Repeaters programmed to operate at any level above LEVEL 0
do not invert the 8th bit - they retransmit the received code "as is".
In multi-repeater networks, each repeater adds its own 4-bit
LEVEL TAG to any incoming code, and the expanded data string
is retransmitted. The level tag is important for inter-repeater communications, since it permits each repeater to distinguish
between original and retransmitted codes, and to determine
whether the signal is coming from a higher or a lower level (see
Section 4). However, the last repeater in the chain (the one at
LEVEL 0) retransmits the code without adding any level tag.
3.2 Interfacing with PowerCode
PowerCode transmitters use 24-bit ID codes, randomly selected
in the factory from over 16 million available combinations. When
a PowerCode transmitter is keyed on, its code is received by the
repeater and retransmitted to the target receiver.
Each WRP-600 repeater has its own unique, factory determined
24-bit PowerCode ID. However, this ID code is only utilized for
reporting the repeater's own service alerts (see Para. 3.5).
When a WRP-600 repeater is placed into service in a PowerCode
system, its PowerCode identity must be "revived" (see Para. 6.3
for detailed procedure). If this isn't done, the repeater will
retransmit PowerCode messages but will not send out its own
service alerts.
3.3 Single Repeater Links
A. What is "LEVEL 0" ?
In many cases, a single repeater is enough to bridge the communication gap between the deployed transmitters and the target
receiver. In a single repeater setup, all 4 levers of the on-board
DIP switch level selector must be set to OFF - i.e. LEVEL 0.
Multi-repeater networks are dealt with in Para. 3.4.
B. LEVEL 0 in 12-bit Systems
In 12-bit systems, LEVEL 0 means that the repeater will retransmit any received message, without adding a LEVEL TAG
(the level tag is only significant in multi-repeater networks).
At LEVEL 0, the repeater will retransmit a received message with
inversion of the 8th bit of the system code - ON instead of OFF.
This feature is important for systems in which repeater-dependent
and repeater-independent transmitters operate together.
C. LEVEL 0 in PowerCode Systems
In PowerCode systems, a repeater at LEVEL 0 will simply retransmit any received message, without adding its own level tag
(which is only significant in multi-repeater networks - see Para.
3.4). Refer to Para. 4.1 for detailed communication routine at
3.4 Multi Repeater Network
A. The Multi-Level Concept
An auxiliary repeater positioned along the communication path
retransmits data received from any higher level repeater to any
lower level repeater, but may also be used to retransmit data
received from transmitters deployed near it, in its local coverage
area (see Figure 2).
Data flows from the highest level repeater through intermediate
repeater links to the lowest level repeater (LEVEL 0) and finally
reaches the target receiver.
By virtue of differences in message format and the level tag (see
Figure 3), each repeater in a multi-level network can distinguish
between signals coming from nearby transmitters and signals
coming from higher or lower level repeaters. The repeater's
response is based on this distinction.
At all levels except for level 0, messages are retained in the
repeater's memory until they are taken care of by the next
repeater. Detection of the same message being forwarded further
down the communication path serves as an acknowledgement for
the higher level repeaters. Upon detection of a "downgoing"
message, the higher level repeater stops its attempts to forward
the specific message and deletes the message from its memory.
B. Selecting Level Tags
The 4-position DIP switch on the repeater's PCB allows the
installer to select the desired level by setting its 4 switch levers to
16 different combinations, as shown in Figure 3.
All repeaters leave the factory with the 4 level selection switches
set to OFF (Level 0 is selected).
Figure 3. Selecting the LEVEL Number
3.5 Service Alerts
A. Service Codes in 12-bit Systems
Visonic Ltd. 12-bit transmitters use the 4-bit CHANNEL code (bits
9 -12) to determine which output channel (from possible 16) will
be activated by the receiver. Channels 0 and 2 are reserved for
reporting low battery and tamper alerts, so only 14 output
channels are in fact available.
When operating in a 12-bit system, the repeater must be "taught"
the system code in order to be able to send out service alerts
(see Para. 6.2 for details). Having learned the system code, the
repeater can send out two types of service alert:
AC FAILURE - The CHANNEL 0 code informs of a power supply
problem in the repeater.
TAMPER - The CHANNEL 2 code informs that the repeater is
being tampered with.
Note: Since in a 12-bit system the receiver does not indicate
which repeater (or transmitter) sent the service message, each
repeater or transmitter has to be inspected until the faulty unit is
B. Service Codes in PowerCode Systems
Each WRP-600 unit has its own 24-bit ID just like any other
transmitter in the system. When operating in a PowerCode
system, the repeater's ID must be "revived" in order to be able to
send out service alerts (see Para. 6.3). With the repeater's ID
active, the repeater can generate 3 kinds of service message:
• Tamper alert
• AC failure warning
• Once-per-hour test report
If the TAMPER or AC FAILURE states last long, the respective
codes will be sent out again with each test report.
When the repeater transmits a service message in a PowerCode
system, the repeater ID is automatically included in the outgoing
message to identify the specific repeater to the receiver. Service
personnel therefore know exactly where the problem lies.
Once the repeater is powered up, its receiver section stands by for
incoming messages and its transmitter section is inactive.
4.1 Single Repeater Routine
A. The repeater checks received messages sent by transmitters
deployed in its coverage area. Messages are rejected in the
following cases:
• In 12-bit systems - if they are incorrectly formatted and/or if
the 8th bit is set to ON.
• In PowerCode systems - if they do not include the proper
24-bit ID format and/or do not pass the checksum test.
B. Valid messages are saved in the message buffer, for
retransmission as soon as transmission is allowed.