Visonic RL-8 (M) User Manual

8-Relay Output Adapter for the MCR-308
The RL-8 is an ”open collector t o dry contact” adapt er, designed as an interface unit between t he output s of t he MCR-308 wi r eles s receiver and alarm c ontrol panels or remote c ontrolled devices. Similarly, the RL-8 can serve as a suitable output interface for other electroni c security devices that have open-col lector outputs.
The benefit offered by the RL-8 is the ability to overcome feat ures imposed by open collector outputs - the current limit and the “pull-to-gr ound” action - both of which ar e undesirable in certain applications.
The 8 on-board relays of the RL-8, with normally open (N.O.) contacts, c an control up t o 8 zones of an alarm cont rol panel, or 8 different electronic devices, or a combination of both.
When activat ed by PowerCode mess ages, open coll ect or output s of the MCR-308 energize the associated relays on the RL-8 board. The relay contacts close, thus closing the circuit int o which they are wired (see Fi gure 1).
Operating power for the RL-8 is obtai ned from the same source that supplies input vol tage to t he MCR-308. The RL-8 is sold as a ”bare” module, but can be housed in the MCR-308 cas ing, next to the MCR-308 printed circuit board (see Section 3).
Number of Relays: 8 Relay Coil Impedance: 2500 Ohms Relay Contact Ratings: Form 1A (N.O.), 1A max. / 30 V Input Voltage Range: 10.5 - 16 VDC Current Drain: 5 mA per r el ay @ 12 VDC
Installation Instructions
Figure 1. Typical Remote Contr ol Configuration with RL-8
Operating Temperatur es: -10° to 50°C (14° to 122°F) Storage Temperatures: -20° to 60°C (-4° to 140°F) Module Dimensions: 92 x 67 x 15 mm (3-5/8 x 2-5/8 x 19/32 in.) Weight: 86 g (3 oz)
The RL-8 module may be mounted in any host c abinet, provided that 6 mm (1/4”) cl earance is left bet ween the bottom sur face of the printed circuit board and the cabinet wall. This is easily achieved by using cyli ndric al plas tic bushi ngs as spacer s t hrough which mounting screws are inserted.
It is sometimes preferable to mount the RL-8 in the MCR-308 case (see Figure 2). I f this is done, t he RL-8 will be protect ed by the same tamper switc h used to protect the MCR-308. Open the MCR-308 case as shown in t he MCR-308 installation instructions, and clip off the 2 plastic standoffs indicated in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Standoffs t o be Clipped Off before Installing the RL-8
After that, place the RL- 8 as shown in Figure 3 and attach it t o the upper standoffs with two screws.
Figure 3. RL-8 Installed within the MCR-308 Casing
Each relay operating c oil in t he RL-8 i s per manent ly c onnec ted t o the 12V terminal of the unit. Applying 12 VDC (+) to the 12V terminal therefore maintains one end of each coil at 12 V (+) potential. Each relay will be energized if the other end of it s c oil is grounded through the appropri ate input. If wiring i s complet ed as in Figure 4, and provided that the MCR-308 out puts are defined as normally open (N.O.), the other end of the c oil will be pulled to ground by the respective open-collector output of the MCR-308.
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Refer to Figure 4 and make the f ollowing connections:
Figure 4. Typical Wiring Configuration
Interconnect the MCR- 308
the RL-8 Connect each output ter minal of t he MCR-308 to the select ed
12 V
12 V (+)
terminal and any one of
input terminal of the RL-8.
Note: To prevent confusion, it is recommended to connect each output to the cor respondingly numbered input: Output 1 to Input 1, Output 2 t o Input 2, and so on.
IMPORTANT! If the open collector outputs of the MCR-308 have been defined as normally closed (N.C.), each relay controlled by such an output will be permanently energized (fail safe). This means that the relay contacts will be permanently closed, and will open only upon de-activation of the respective open-c ollect or output by wireless signali ng or by power loss.
Connect the output terminals of each relay to the corres-
ponding zone input of the alarm c ontr ol panel. Figure 4 shows just one output connected as an example. All other 7 outputs may be similarly wired. Remember to connect an E.O.L. resistor of the correct value, as required for the particular control panel (see Figure 5).
Figure 5. Wiring E.O.L. Zones
Note: The output relay contacts may also be wired to switch
auxiliary electronic devices on and off. This application does not require E.O.L. resistors.
Visonic Ltd. and/or its subsidiaries and its affiliates ("the Manufacturer") warrants its products hereinafter referred to as "the Product" or "Products" to be in conformance with its own plans and specifications and to be free of defects in materials and workmanship under normal use and service for a period of twelve months from the date of shipment by the Manufacturer. The Manufacturer's obligations shall be limited within the warranty period, at its option, to repair or replace the product or any part thereof. The Manufacturer shall not be responsible for dismantling and/or reinstallation charges. To exercise the warranty the product must be returned to the Manufacturer freight prepaid and insured.
This warranty does not apply in the following cases: improper installation, misuse, failure to follow installation and operating instructions, alteration, abuse, accident or tampering, and repair by anyone other than the Manufacturer.
This warranty is exclusive and expressly in lieu of all other warranties, obligations or liabilities, whether written, oral, express or implied, including any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, or otherwise. In no case shall the Manufacturer be liable to anyone for any consequential or incidental damages for breach of this warranty or any other warranties whatsoever, as aforesaid.
This warranty shall not be modified, varied or extended, and the Manufacturer does not authorize any person to act on its behalf in the modification, variation or extension of this warranty. This warranty shall apply to the Product only. All products, accessories or attachments of others used in conjunction with the Product, including batteries, shall be covered solely by their own warranty, if any. The Manufacturer shall not be liable for any damage or loss whatsoever, whether directly, indirectly, incidentally, consequentially or otherwise, caused by the malfunction of the Product due to products, accessories, or attachments of others, including batteries, used in conjunction with the Products.
The Manufacturer does not represent that its Product may not be compromised and/or circumvented, or that the Product will prevent any death, personal and/or bodily injury and/or damage to property resulting from burglary, robbery, fire or otherwise, or that the Product will in all cases provide adequate warning or protection. User understands that a properly installed and maintained alarm may only reduce the risk of events such as burglary, robbery, and fire without warning, but it is not insurance or a guarantee that such will not occur or that there will be no death, personal damage and/or damage to property as a result.
The Manufacturer shall have no liability for any death, personal and/or bodily injury and/or damage to property or other loss whether direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or otherwise, based on a claim that the Product failed to function.
However, if the Manufacturer is held liable, whether directly or indirectly, for any loss or damage arising under this limited warranty or otherwise, regardless of cause or origin, the Manufacturer's maximum liability shall not in any case exceed the purchase price of the Product, which shall be fixed as liquidated damages and not as a penalty, and shall be the complete and exclusive remedy against the Manufacturer.
Warning: The user should follow the installation and operation instructions and among other things test the Product and the whole system at least once a week. For various reasons, including, but not limited to, changes in environmental conditions, electric or electronic disruptions and tampering, the Product may not perform as expected. The user is advised to take all necessary precautions for his/her safety and the protection of his/her property.
VISONIC LTD. (ISRAEL): P.O.B 22020 TEL-AVIV 61220 ISRAEL. PHONE: (972-3) 645-6789, FAX: (972-3) 645-6788 VISONIC INC. (U.S.A.): 10 NORTHWOOD DRIVE, BLOOMFIELD CT. 06002-1911. PHONE: (860) 243-0833, (800) 223-0020; FAX: (860) 242-8094 VISONIC LTD. (UK): UNIT 1, STRATTON PARK, DUNTON LANE, BIGGLESWADE, BEDS. SG18 8QS. PHONE: (01767) 600857; FAX: (01767) 601098
VISONIC LTD. 1998 RL-8 DE5712- (REV. 0, 12/98)
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