Visonic Remote Programmer Software User Manual

Remote Programmer Software
For PowerMax and PowerMaster
User Guide
Copyrights & Warranty
DE5450S Remote Programmer Guide Rev. 8 i
Copyrights & Warranty
© Copyright 2011 by Visonic Ltd., 24 Habarzel Street, Tel-Aviv 69710, ISRAEL. All Rights Reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of Visonic Ltd.
Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corp.
All other products or services referred to in this manual are the trademarks, service marks, or product names of their respective holders.
DISCLAIMER: The information, products and specifications, configurations, and other technical information regarding the products contained in this manual are subject to change without notice. All the statements, technical information, and recommendations contained in this manual are believed to be accurate and reliable but are presented without warranty of any kind, and users must take full responsibility for the application of any products specified in this manual.
WARRANTY Visonic Ltd. and/or its subsidiaries and its affiliates ("the Manufacturer") warrants its products hereinafter referred to as "the Product" or "Products" to be in conformance with its own plans and specifications and to be free of defects in materials and workmanship under normal use and service for a period of 12 months from the date of shipment by the Manufacturer. The Manufacturer's obligations shall be limited within the warranty period, at its option, to repair or replace the product or any part thereof.
This warranty does not apply in the following cases: improper installation, misuse, failure to follow installation and operating instructions, alteration, abuse, accident or tampering.
This warranty is exclusive and expressly in lieu of all other warranties, obligations or liabilities, whether written, oral, express or implied, including any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, or otherwise. In no case shall the Manufacturer be liable to anyone for any consequential or incidental damages for breach of this warranty or any other warranties whatsoever, as aforesaid.
This warranty shall not be modified, varied or extended, and the Manufacturer does not authorize any person to act on its behalf in the modification, variation or extension of this warranty. This warranty shall apply to the Product only. All products, accessories or attachments of others used in conjunction with the Product, including batteries, shall be covered solely by their own warranty, if any.
The Manufacturer shall not be liable for any damage or loss whatsoever, whether directly, indirectly, incidentally, consequentially or otherwise, caused by the malfunction of the Product due to products, accessories, or attachments of others, including batteries, used in conjunction with the Products.
The Manufacturer does not represent that its Product may not be compromised and/or circumvented, or that the Product will prevent any death, personal and/or bodily injury and/or damage to property resulting from unauthorized entry, burglary, robbery, or otherwise, or that the Product will in all cases provide adequate warning or protection. User understands that a properly installed and maintained access control system may only reduce the risk of unauthorized entry without warning, but it is not insurance or a guarantee that such will not occur or that there will be no death, personal damage and/or damage to property as a result.
The Manufacturer shall have no liability for any death, personal and/or bodily injury and/or damage to property or other loss whether direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or otherwise, based on a claim that the Product failed to function.
However, if the Manufacturer is held liable, whether directly or indirectly, for any loss or damage arising under this limited warranty or otherwise, regardless of cause or origin, the Manufacturer's maximum liability shall not in any case exceed the purchase price of the Product, which shall be fixed as liquidated damages and not as a penalty, and shall be the complete and exclusive remedy against the Manufacturer.
Document revision 11/2011
About This Manual
ii DE5450S Remote Programmer Guide Rev. 8
About This Manual
This manual provides a detailed description of the procedures for using the Remote Programmer with your PowerMax or PowerMaster system. Consult PowerMax and PowerMaster Installation and User Guides for additional information about specific programmable parameters.
Chapter 1 provides an overview and briefly describes the system.
Chapter 2 lists the requirements for installing the software and describes the software installation process.
Chapter 3 covers the menus included in the software.
Chapter 4 introduces Sites and how they are managed (creating, saving, deleting and copying).
Chapter 5 explains how to manage Remote Programmer users, including how to add users, delete users, change a user’s password and how to log in as a different user.
Chapter 6 details all the different tables displayed in the software and provides a general overview of what is included in them.
Chapter 7 describes how to connect to the PowerMax/PowerMaster. This chapter details the different connection types and available settings, how to connect/disconnect to the control panel and what online functions are available when connected.
Chapter 8 describes how to download/upload customized data settings.
Chapter 9 describes how to use two types of download codes.
Chapter 10 covers the Reports utility, detailing how to define and generate reports.
Chapter 11 describes how to change the screen appearance, change the screen color, column alignment and user interface language.
Chapter 12 provides answers to troubleshooting questions, which may occur.
Appendix A provides solutions in the event of characters not appearing correctly due to the interface language used.
Note: Throughout the manual, PowerMax, PowerMax+, PowerMaxPro, and PowerMaxComplete are referred to as “PowerMax”. PowerMaster-10 and PowerMaster-30 models are referred to as “PowerMaster”. When necessary to relate to a specific model, this model will be mentioned specifically.
Formatting Conventions
DE5450S Remote Programmer Guide Rev. 8 iii
Formatting Conventions
The following formatting conventions are used throughout the documentation: Note: Additional information relevant to the presently
discussed subject.
Information that is essential for your safety and to avoid damaging the hardware or software.
bold text
Indicates operations that you must perform (e.g., name of a button to be clicked or option to be selected) or to emphasize a field or concept being described.
Table of Contents
iv DE5450S Remote Programmer Guide Rev. 8
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction .......................................................... 1
Chapter 2: Getting Started ...................................................... 3
2.1 Hardware / Software Requirements .............................................................. 3
2.2 Installation .................................................................................................... 3
2.3 Starting Remote Programmer ....................................................................... 4
2.4 Remote Programmer Main Window ............................................................. 5
2.5 Navigating Around Remote Programmer ..................................................... 8
2.6 Exiting Remote Programmer ........................................................................ 9
Chapter 3: Menus ................................................................. 10
3.1 Sites Menu .................................................................................................. 10
3.2 Edit Menu ................................................................................................... 10
3.3 View Menu ................................................................................................. 11
3.4 Communications Menu ............................................................................... 11
3.5 Advanced Menu .......................................................................................... 12
3.6 Help Menu .................................................................................................. 13
Chapter 4: Sites .................................................................... 14
4.1 Introduction to Sites ................................................................................... 14
4.2 Creating a New Site .................................................................................... 16
4.3 Saving a Site ............................................................................................... 21
4.4 Saving a Site File with a New Name .......................................................... 22
4.5 Displaying and Editing Existing Site Files ................................................. 22
4.6 Copying a Site ............................................................................................ 22
4.7 Deleting a Site ............................................................................................ 23
4.8 Exiting the Site List Window ..................................................................... 23
Chapter 5: Users ................................................................... 24
5.1 Adding New Users...................................................................................... 24
5.2 Deleting a User ........................................................................................... 25
5.3 Changing User Passwords .......................................................................... 25
5.4 Login as a Different User ........................................................................... 26
Table of Contents
DE5450S Remote Programmer Guide Rev. 8 v
Chapter 6: Data Details Tables .............................................. 27
Data Indications ................................................................................................. 29
6.1 Site Information .......................................................................................... 29
6.2 User Settings ............................................................................................... 30
6.3 User Codes .................................................................................................. 31
6.4 Panel Defintiions ........................................................................................ 31
6.5 Communications Definitions ...................................................................... 32
6.6 PGM ........................................................................................................... 33
6.7 Internal Siren/Strobe ................................................................................... 33
6.8 X-10 General Features ................................................................................ 33
6.9 X-10 Device Settings .................................................................................. 34
6.10 External Voice Box ................................................................................... 34
6.11 Zone Enrollment ........................................................................................ 35
6.12 Siren Enrollment ........................................................................................ 35
6.13 Keyfob Enrollment .................................................................................... 35
6.14 Repeater Enrollment .................................................................................. 37
6.15 Keypad Enrollment .................................................................................... 37
6.16 2W Keypad Enrollment ............................................................................. 39
6.17 Zone Definitions ........................................................................................ 39
6.18 Zone Status/Trouble .................................................................................. 40
6.19 Panel Status/Trouble .................................................................................. 42
6.20 Event/History Log .................................................................................... 43
6.21 Screen Saver .............................................................................................. 44
Chapter 7: Connecting to the Control Panel .......................... 45
7.1 Defining Communication Settings ............................................................. 45
7.1.1 Local Connection (Serial Port) .......................................... 46
7.1.2 Remote Connection (Telephone Modem) ........................... 47
7.1.3 Callback .......................................................................................... 52
7.2 Connecting to PowerMax/PowerMaster ..................................................... 52
7.3 Online Operations ....................................................................................... 54
7.4 Disconnecting from the PowerMax/PowerMaster ...................................... 57
Chapter 8: Data .................................................................... 58
8.1 Defining Data Settings................................................................................ 58
8.2 Using Customized Full Upload/Download Data ........................................ 59
Chapter 9: Two Download Codes .......................................... 61
Table of Contents
vi DE5450S Remote Programmer Guide Rev. 8
9.1 How It Works ............................................................................................. 61
9.2 Operation .................................................................................................... 62
Chapter 10: Reports .............................................................. 65
10.1 Defining and Generating a Report ............................................................ 65
10.2 Viewing a Report ...................................................................................... 66
10.3 Printing a Report ....................................................................................... 68
Chapter 11: Display (Screen Appearance) ............................. 70
11.1 Changing the Color ................................................................................... 71
11.2 Column Alignment ................................................................................... 71
11.3 User Interface Language ........................................................................... 72
11.4 File Naming .............................................................................................. 72
Chapter 12: Troubleshooting ................................................ 73
Appendix A: Language Settings ............................................ 77
Index 78
Chapter 1: Introduction
DE5450S Remote Programmer Guide Rev. 8 1
Chapter 1: Introduction
The Visonic Remote Programmer is a utility program that enables you to manage the PowerMax/PowerMaster alarm system from a remote station. It runs on IBM­PC or compatible workstations and runs on Microsoft
Windows® 7 (32-bit) or
Windows XP.
The Remote Programmer works with the new PowerG wireless technology and PowerMaster alarm systems for intrusion alarm systems. When connected to Visonic’s PowerG-based systems, the program provides superior diagnostic and configuration capabilities, including performing walk-test from a remote location, diagnostics of wireless network condition and complete configuration of all peripheral devices in addition to configuring the alarm system control panel.
The Remote Programmer continues to support PowerCode-based systems and PowerMax alarm systems.
Remote Programmer allows offline preparation of specifications, each of which is a set of parameters especially tailored for a particular installation site. After preparing the configuration, the remote programmer can download it into the alarm system control panel locally using a cable or remotely via telephone.
Remote Programmer communicates with PowerMax and PowerMaster alarm systems either locally through an RS-232 serial data cable, as shown in figure 1-1, or remotely via telephone lines and a modem, as shown in figures 1-2 and 1-3.
Local Data Transfer enables the operator to prepare the parameters for the alarm system on a PC where he specifies parameters in the Site Screens, even though he is working at the same installation site. He then transfers the data to the alarm system through a cable.
no modem is required for local download
Figure 1-1: Setup for Local Data Transfer
Chapter 1: Introduction
2 DE5450S Remote Programmer Guide Rev. 8
Remote Data Transfer enables the operator to work from a remote site where he can control several PowerMax/PowerMaster systems at different installation sites. Using the Remote Programmer, he can compare the parameters of the different systems and copy them if necessary. The data is then transferred to each system through a modem.
Figure 1-2: Setup for Remote Data Transfer with an External Modem
Figure 1-3: Setup for Remote Data Transfer with an Internal Modem
Chapter 2: Getting Started
DE5450S Remote Programmer Guide Rev. 8 3
Chapter 2: Getting Started
2.1 Hardware / Software Requirements
In order to run Remote Programmer, you need the following resources:
· PC (2GHz or higher)
· Microsoft® Windows® 7 (32-bit) or XP.
· At least 20 MB of free disk space.
· For best performance, use a display driver with a resolution of at least 1024 x 768
2.2 Installation
Install an internal modem in the computer, or use an RS-232 cable to connect an external modem to one of the computer’s COM ports as instructed in the manual supplied with the modem. Then connect the modem to the telephone line. The modems suitable for use with Remote Programmer are listed in the Modem field in the Communications tab of the Options window (refer to 7.1.2 Remote Connection).
To Install Remote Programmer
1. Start Windows. Close all running applications, if any.
2. Insert the Remote Programmer DVD into the DVD drive.
If your system includes the AutoPlay feature, the setup program starts
automatically. Otherwise, proceed as follows:
3. From the Start menu, select Run; the Run dialog box appears.
4. In the Run edit box, type the drive letter of the DVD drive you are using, followed by a colon, backslash, and the word “setup”, for example: "d:\setup".
Chapter 2: Getting Started
4 DE5450S Remote Programmer Guide Rev. 8
5. Click OK. The installation welcome screen appears and the Installation program guides you through the entire process.
6. Click Next, then follow the instructions on your screen to complete the installation.
7. Restart your computer when the Installation wizard prompts you to do so.
During installation a PowerMax/PowerMaster shortcut icon is placed on the Desktop to enable you to start Remote Programmer easily.
2.3 Starting Remote Programmer
1. On the Windows Desktop, double-click on the Remote Programmer icon; the Login screen appears.
Figure 2-4: Login Screen
2. In the Operator edit box, type visonic.
3. In the Password edit box, type powermax, then click OK.
Both entries are case-sensitive - use lowercase letters.
The main Remote Programmer screen appears with the most uploaded
recent PowerMax/PowerMaster configuration, including current zone enrollment.
This window enables you: to open an existing site file; create a new site file; copy a site file; delete a site file or exit the program. Refer to “Chapter 4. Sites” for further details.
Chapter 2: Getting Started
DE5450S Remote Programmer Guide Rev. 8 5
2.4 Remote Programmer Main Window
The Remote Programmer main window displays all the main features of Remote Programmer. This enables you to manage the PowerMax/PowerMaster alarm system easily and efficiently.
Figure 2-2: Remote Programmer Main Screen (PowerG Version)
Title Bar
The title bar displays the following features:
· The name of the Remote Programmer file that you have opened.
· The windows Minimize button.
· The windows Maximize button.
· The windows Close button.
Menu Bar
Displays the menus that enable you to access Remote Programmer features.
List of Tables
This area displays a list of all the data tables containing information which characterizes the site. As you point to each table title, it appears underlined. Click on a title to display that table data.
Menu bar
Tool bar
List of Tables
Status bar
Table Data Details
Screen Tabs
Title bar
Chapter 2: Getting Started
6 DE5450S Remote Programmer Guide Rev. 8
Table Data
This area contains detailed data included in the selected table.
Type in settings, or double-click on the down-pointing arrow to display a drop-down list, and select the appropriate value.
Remote Programmer provides a toolbar that displays buttons which are shortcuts to the most frequently used features of the system.
Button Name Function Also accessible
through menu
New Displays the New Sites window. Sites
Sites Displays the Sites List window. Sites
Save Saves the site file displayed on the
Search Displays the Sites window (without Site
View Sites
Options Displays the Options dialog box. View
Print Displays the Print dialog box. Sites
Back Displays the previous table according to
the List of Tables.
Next Displays the next table according to the
List of Tables.
Login / Logout
Connects/disconnects the Remote Programmer to/from the control panel.
Chapter 2: Getting Started
DE5450S Remote Programmer Guide Rev. 8 7
Downloads data from the Remote Programmer to the control panel.
Uploads data from the control panel to the Remote
Programmer and automatically updates files.
Note: To upload event logs/scheduler in PowerMax+, see Chapter 8: Data.
Download Table
Downloads data from the table currently visible on
the screen to the control panel.
Upload Table
Uploads data from the control panel to the table
currently visible on the screen (available in
PowerMax+ only).
Displays the Remote Programmer Help files.
Device Configuration
Performs device configuration.
Terminates device configuration procedure.
P. Test
Starts a walk-test on the enrolled zones or devices referred to in the displayed table. The test starts after you initiate it on the device
Status Bar
The Status Bar appears at the bottom of the Remote Programmer screen. It displays the following:
· Menu name
· Caps lock
· Number lock
· Communication Status: The communication status is displayed by the color
of the two communication status icons:
Program Status Left Icon Right Icon
Communication is offline Gray Gray
Chapter 2: Getting Started
8 DE5450S Remote Programmer Guide Rev. 8
Communication is online Dark
Dark green
Downloading to control panel Dark
Light green
Uploading from control panel Light
Dark green
· PowerMax/PowerMaster model name.
· Control Panel State: Displays the control panel state. This can be one of
nine states: disarm, exit delay home, exit delay away, entry delay, home, away, user test, download and programming.
2.5 Navigating Around Remote Programmer
You can move around the Remote Programmer screen and carry out functions in a variety of ways:
Use the mouse to point to a position on the screen, then click the left mouse button. This enables you to do the following:
· Click a button.
· Select a table tab in the main screen.
· Place the cursor within a table edit box.
· Display a drop-down list.
Arrow keys
The arrow keys enable you to move around the Remote Programmer tables and highlight the edit boxes. However, they do not enable you to place the cursor at the insertion point; you must do that with the mouse or by pressing Enter.
Chapter 2: Getting Started
DE5450S Remote Programmer Guide Rev. 8 9
2.6 Exiting Remote Programmer
At any time, you can exit Remote Programmer.
To Exit the Program
1. From the Sites menu, select Exit. A popup message appears prompting you to save the recent changes to the system.
2. Click Yes to save or No to disregard recent changes. Remote Programmer closes.
Chapter 3: Menus
10 DE5450S Remote Programmer Guide Rev. 8
Chapter 3: Menus
The Remote Programmer main screen displays six menus, which enable you to access the different features of the application.
3.1 Sites Menu
The Sites menu provides you with the tools to manage new and existing Sites.
Menu Item Function
List of Sites
Displays the Sites window (with Site information).
New Site
Displays a new Remote Programmer Site File that contains default values.
Displays the Sites window (without Site information).
Saves an existing Site file.
Save As
Enables you to save a site file by a new name.
Prints a report.
Print Preview
Displays the report on the screen before you print it.
Print Setup
Enables you to determine the Print specifications.
Enables you to manage users.
Exits Remote Programmer.
3.2 Edit Menu
The Edit menu contains commands that help you edit and fill in details in each screen.
Menu Item Function
Undoes all previous actions, up to the most recent save.
Removes selected text to a temporary memory known as a clipboard.
Copies selected text to the clipboard.
Places the text being held in the clipboard at the point of insertion.
Chapter 3: Menus
DE5450S Remote Programmer Guide Rev. 8 11
3.3 View Menu
The View menu contains items that enable you to control the appearance of your Remote Programmer screen.
Menu Item Function
Displays or hides the Tool bar
Status Bar
Displays or hides the Status bar.
Next Table
Displays the next table of the List of Tables.
Previous Table
Displays the previous table of the List of Tables.
Messages Window
Displays the incoming and outgoing messages.
Displays the Options dialog box.
3.4 Communications Menu
The Communications menu enables you to manage the Communication process with the control panel. All of these functions appear on the toolbar.
Menu Item Function
Begins the login/logout process to/from the control panel.
Update Login Data…
Enables updating the download and installer code when system is armed.
Downloads data from the Remote Programmer to the control panel.
Uploads data from the control panel to the Remote Programmer. (In PowerMax+, this process uploads all parameters except for the Event Log. To upload the Event Log use Upload Table)
Download Table
Downloads the currently displayed table from the Remote Programmer to the control panel.
Upload Table
Uploads the currently displayed table from the control panel to the Remote Programmer.
Available in PowerMax only.
Available in PowerMax+ only.
Chapter 3: Menus
12 DE5450S Remote Programmer Guide Rev. 8
Change System Time & Date…
Sets the time and the date that will be downloaded to the control panel. This option is only enabled when the communication between Remote Programmer and the control panel is enabled.
Update Time & Date On Logout
Automatically updates the control panel date and time when disconnecting from the control panel
Customize Zone/Sensor
Enables modification of the five custom names.
Upload Customized Zone/Sensor
Retrieves the updated custom names from the PowerMax/PowerMaster.
Port Auto Detection…
Automatically begins a search for the control panel that is connected by Serial Communication mode.
Opens the Options dialog box, on the Communications tab.
3.5 Advanced Menu
The Advanced menu includes items that enable you to receive additional control panel information.
Menu Item Function
Power Commander
Enables you to receive information on the status of the control panel and to set its state. Enabled only when working online.
Opens the Options dialog box, on the Advanced tab.
Available in PowerMax+ only.
Chapter 3: Menus
DE5450S Remote Programmer Guide Rev. 8 13
3.6 Help Menu
The Help menu enables you to receive information and guidance in managing Remote Programmer.
Menu Item Function
Help Topics
On-line Help to increase your knowledge about Remote Programmer, and help you use it to its maximum potential.
About Remote Programmer
Provides Remote Programmer copyright and version information. Click on the Remote Programmer logo to display our Home Page.
Catalog and Serial
Provides control panel manufacture information. Enabled only when working online.
Chapter 4: Sites
14 DE5450S Remote Programmer Guide Rev. 8
Chapter 4: Sites
4.1 Introduction to Sites
The Remote Programmer enables you to manage security system installation sites in a variety of ways. These features are accessible either from the menus or from the Site List window.
The Site List window is displayed either when the program is first initiated, or by clicking the Sites button in the tool bar or by selecting List of Sites in the Sites menu.
Note: The Site List window opens with data contained in the folder of the Sites Location.
Click the Search button in the tool bar or by selecting Search in the Sites menu.
Note: The Site List window opens with no data.
Figure 4-5: Site List Window
This window displays a list of the site names whose files are located in the directory displayed in the Sites Location field. The first time the program is initiated, the path displayed will be the path where the Remote Programmer is installed on your computer. In later sessions, the Sites Location field will display the path last chosen (either typed in or selected using the Browse button). Using the Browse button, it is possible to locate and access a site file anywhere in the network and not just access site files saved to your local computer.
Chapter 4: Sites
DE5450S Remote Programmer Guide Rev. 8 15
Each column of the site list table can be sorted in either descending or ascending order by clicking on the column title. You can drag the vertical lines that separate the columns to enlarge or reduce the size of the columns.
The screen displays buttons, which enable you to begin working with Remote Programmer:
Button Function
Open Opens an existing Site
New Opens a new Site
Delete Deletes a Site
Exit Closes the Remote Programmer application. When you
display the Sites List from within the system, the Exit button appears as a Cancel button. This enables you to remove the Sites List from the screen, and continue using the application.
Browse Opens the Browse for Folder dialog box, which enables
you to locate a folder where the Site files are located.
Search Lists all the file names containing the text entered into the
Search window. If "Look in sub directories" is not checked, the search will be performed only on Sites location (the root directory).
Chapter 4: Sites
16 DE5450S Remote Programmer Guide Rev. 8
4.2 Creating a New Site
You can create a new, empty site file or you can copy an existing file, save it under a new name, and make the relevant changes to tailor it to a similar setup as the original. You can create a new site either via the Site List window or directly in the New Site window.
1. Click New in the Site List window,
In the Sites menu, click New Site.…
The New Site dialog box appears.
Figure 4-6: New Site Window - Work Online
The New Site dialog box has two tabs:
Work Online: Enables direct operation with the control panel via a serial port or telephone modem.
Work Offline: Enables defining and changing parameters offline and at a later time downloading these parameters to the control panel.
By default the New Site dialog box opens with the Work Online tab open.
Note: It is recommended to work online when creating a new site file, so that the software will communicate with the control panel and will automatically select the suitable PowerMax/PowerMaster model.
Chapter 4: Sites
DE5450S Remote Programmer Guide Rev. 8 17
Working Online
To work via a serial port
1. In the New Site window click Options…. The Options window appears.
Figure 4-7: Options - Serial Port Communications Mode
2. Ensure that Serial port is selected in the Communication mode field and that the serial port details are correct (refer to chapter 7: Connecting to the Control Panel for further details).
3. Click OK.
The New Site window will appear displaying the Work Online tab with the
Phone Number field disabled and the Auto detection checkbox enabled.
Chapter 4: Sites
18 DE5450S Remote Programmer Guide Rev. 8
Figure 4-8: New Site Window - Work Online via a Serial Port
4. Enter the download code located in the control panel (for further details, see relevant PowerMax or PowerMaster User Guide). The Login button will become enabled.
5. Check the Auto Detection checkbox if you want the program to automatically scan the computer ports to detect PowerMax/PowerMaster presence.
Caution! For local download, the panel must be set to the installer mode,
otherwise the software will not detect it (not applicable to PowerMax+).
6. Click Login.
7. If you marked the Auto Detection checkbox, the program will start scanning the different ports to look for a PowerMax/PowerMaster and will then connect to the panel and verify the download code.
If you did not mark the auto detection checkbox, the program will try to
connect to the panel via the serial port defined in the Communications settings.
Chapter 4: Sites
DE5450S Remote Programmer Guide Rev. 8 19
To work via a telephone modem
1. In the New Site window click Options…. The Options Communications dialog box will appear.
Figure 4-9: Options - Telephone Modem Communications Mode
2. Select Telephone modem in the Communications mode field.
3. Click OK.
The New Site window will appear displaying the Work Online tab with the
Phone Number field enabled and the Auto detection checkbox disabled.
Chapter 4: Sites
20 DE5450S Remote Programmer Guide Rev. 8
Figure 4-10: New Site Window - Telephone Modem Mode
4. Enter the Phone Number and the Download Code located in the control panel (for further details, see PowerMax or PowerMaster User Guide).
The Login button will become enabled.
5. Click Login. The Modem Dial Up... window will appear and attempt connecting.
Figure 4-11: Modem Dial Up...
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