1. Sup port H DMI1. 3, comp atibl e with HDC P1.2.
2. Hig hest re solut ion up to 1 080p fu ll HD.
3. Str ong anti -inte rfere nce abi lity by r unnin g at 5GHz
oper ation f reque ncy .
4. Sup port p oint to p oint wi reless c onfig urati on.
5. Sup port I R passba ck with 2 0-60K Hz freq uency.
6. 50 me ters lo ng rang e trans missi on dist ance.
7. Plu g and pla y, easy in stall ation .
· Pac kag e Conte nts
· Imp orta nt Sa fety No tice
· Int roduc tion
· Fea tures
· Ins talla tion Re qui remen t
· Pan el Desc ripti on
· Con necti on
HDMI di splay
HDMI E xtend er TX
send er x1pc s
HDMI E xtend er RX
rece iver x1 pcs
DC5V /2A pow er
adap ter x1p cs
IR bla ster ex tensi on
cabl e x1pcs
IR rec eiver e xtens ion
cabl e x1pcs
User m anual x 1pcs
This H DMI wir eless e xtend er incl udes tr ansmi tter un it and rec eiver u nit,
allo ws to tra nsmit a nd exte nd HDMI s ignal u p to 50 met ers lon g away
wire lessl y, it has st rong an ti-in terfe rence a bilit y by runn ing at 5G Hz
oper ation f reque ncy, and s uppor ts poi nt to poin t conne ction . IR pass back
with 2 0-60K Hz freq uency h elps to r emote co ntrol t he sour ce devi ce
from t he rece iver si de. It is re ally a ve ry goo d solut ion for m eetin g,
conf erenc e, home e ntert ainme nt and mu lti-m edia ed ucati on etc.
Note :
1) Tran smiss ion dis tance w ill be di fferen t due to th e envir onmen t.
2) Wal l, bric k or glas s will sh orten t he sign al cove r range o r cause b ig
sign al loss .
1. HDM I sourc e devic e (DVD, PS 3, Set to p box, PC et c)
2. HDM I displ ay devi ce like S DTV, HDTV, and p rojec tor wit h HDMI po rt.
1. HDM I Exten der TX se nder
2.HD MI exte nder RX r eceiv er
Conn ectio n instr uctio n:
1) Con nect HD MI inpu t to HDMI s ource d evice a nd conn ect IR bl aster
exte nsion c able to I R OUT int erfac e of the se nder (T X).
2) Con nect HD MI outp ut to HDM I displ ay devi ce and co nnect I R
rece iver ex tensi on cabl e to IR IN in terfa ce.
3) Pow er on the d evice ( power le d light s) and it w orks.
1) Whe n the wir eless s ignal t ransm its thr ough wa ll, gla ss or oth er
obst acles , it will c ause si gnal lo ss. Ple ase ins tall th is devi ce in
good e nviro nment w ith few o bstac les.
2) The e xtern al envi ronme nt wire less si gnal wi ll affe ct tran smiss ion,
such a s micro w aver, wi reless m ouse an d keybo ard etc.
Note :
Plea se read b elow sa fety in struc tions c arefu lly bef ore ins tallat ion and
oper ation :
1. Ple ase pay a ttent ion to al l the war nings a nd hint s on this d evice .
2. Do no t expos e this un it to rai n, mois ture an d liqui d.
3. Do no t put any s tuff in to the de vice.
4. Do no t repai re the de vice or o pen the e nclos ure with out pro fessi onal
pers on guid ence to a void el ectro nic sho ck.
5. Mak e sure go od vent ilati on open ings to av oid pro duct ov erhea ting
dama ge.
6. Shu t off pow er and ma ke sure en viron ment is s afe bef ore ins talla tion.
7. Do no t plug- in/ou t the net work ca bles an d IR cabl es when i t is in usi ng
to avo id cabl es dama ge.
8. Use D C5V/2 A only. Ma ke sure t he spec ificat ion mat ched if u sing 3r d party
DC ada pters .
IR blaster extension
cable interface
Connect w ith IR blaster e xtension cabl e. Please
put the IR bl aster close to so urce device to b est
transmi t the IR signal fr om receiver
Conn ect wit h HDMI so urce de vice
HDMI i nput
Conn ect wit h HDMI di splay d evice
HDMI o utput
Wireless connections
It’s on whe n the transmit ter and the recei ver
connect w ell with each ot her, otherwise , it’s off
Conn ect wit h USB pow er cabl e
Powe r input
Power indicator
LED indicator turn on when power on
Wireless connections
It’s o n when th e trans mitte r and the r eceiv er
conn ect wel l with ea ch othe r, other wise, i t’s off
Conn ect wit h DC5V/ 2A powe r adapt er
Powe r input
Data transmission
Led blinks slowly when it is building connection.
Led blinks fast when it is successfully connected
and transmitting data
Rece ive wire less si gnal
Ante nna
USB Ca ble
x1pc s
IR receiver extension
cable interface
Connect with IR receiver extension cable. Please
make sure the remote control is within the required
range of IR receiver