Virgin-Media Netgear-VMDG485, Super-Hub-2 User Manual

VIrGIn medIA Super Hub
113775_VM_Super Hub_MainGuide_AW02.indd 1 29/10/2010 10:50
VIrGIn broAdbAnd
We’re sure you’re itching to get online, so we’ve put together this guide to take the hassle out of getting set up.
Before you start, you need to have had your computer connected to our network by one of our engineers, or by yourself if installing services using QuickStart. All done? Then we’re ready to begin.
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Everything you need to get up and running
HoW to SEt Up 5
Connecting your Super Hub to your computer
aCtIvatInG YoUr broadband 14
Ready, steady, go!
paSSWordS and EmaILS 15
A few things to note
Your questions answered
troUbLE GEttInG onLInE? 22
Tips that are always worth trying
GEttInG tHE bESt of broadband 23
Why is my connection slower than normal?
StaY SafE 23
Protecting your computer
nEEd SomE HELp? 24
How to get help when you need it
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EvErYtHInG YoU nEEd to GEt Up and rUnnInG
First, check you’ve got all the bits and pieces you need to get set up:
Cable service
Your cable service should be installed and ready for this set up process, if not, just give our team a call on 0845 454 1111* .
Super Hub
This will have been connected by our engineer or by yourself if installing services using QuickStart.
Ethernet cable
This is the lead which connects your computer to your Super Hub, but only if you decide not to go wireless.
Longer Ethernet cables are available to purchase at your local computer shop.
Super Hub
Ethernet cable
Missing anything?
Just give our team a call on 150 from your Virgin Media phone, or on 0845 454 1111* from any other phone. We’ll arrange to get you what you need.
*For details about how much it costs to call our team, visit our website at
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HoW to Set up
ConnECtInG YoUr CompUtEr to YoUr SUpEr HUb
Setting up your wireless connection
First plug in and switch on the Virgin Media Super Hub. The power button is located underneath. The large button on the front of the unit should flash and then become a blue colour. Now switch on your computer.
If the large button fails to light up, please check that the power cable is securely connected to the back of your Super Hub and the power is switched on at the wall.
Power button
How you connect wirelessly depends on your computer’s operating system.
Check that the Super Hub’s wireless light is on. If it isn’t, press the large button on the front of your Super Hub for 5-10 seconds, release and re-check.
If you are using the Super Hub USB Adapter, please skip to page 6.
If you are using a Mac, a different USB adapter, or an internal wireless card please follow the instructions that relate to your operating system:
Windows XP page 8 Windows Vista/Windows 7 page 10 Mac OSX page 12
Wireless light
Your Wireless USB Adapter / internal Wireless Card will need to be connected and enabled for you to proceed.
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ConnECtInG vIa tHE SUpEr HUb WIrELESS USb adaptEr
Connecting your computer to the Super Hub is easy because it uses the latest ‘Push 2 Sync’ wireless technology.
This allows you to connect your computer securely by pressing a button on the Super Hub and the wireless USB adapter.
The Super Hub Wireless USB Adapter is not compatible with Mac computers. If you have a Mac, use the inbuilt wireless card instead.
Installing the Virgin Media Super Hub Wireless USB Adapter
To install the adapter, connect it to a spare USB port and the adapter will install itself. Once installed the adapter will display the following information panel:
Connecting to the Super Hub
Step 1
To connect your Computer to the Super Hub, press the large button on the front of your Super Hub. This should be a static blue colour.
Step 2
Press and hold this button for 2-3 seconds and then release it. After a moment, the button will start flashing purple. This puts your Super Hub into a ‘Listen mode’ for 2 minutes – waiting for your Super Hub Wireless USB Adapter to sync with it.
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Step 3
Now locate the ‘Sync’ button on your Super Hub Wireless USB Adapter:
Step 4
Press and hold this button for 2-3 seconds until the adapter’s LED starts flashing blue and then release it. The adapter will now wirelessly connect to your Super Hub with a successful sync indicated in the adapter’s information panel and on your Super Hub. The Virgin Media button on your Super Hub becomes static purple for around 5 minutes until returning to its original static blue state.
Now you’ve completed this section, go to page 14 to activate your Virgin Broadband.
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WIndoWS Xp SEt Up
Step 1
Click Start and then Control Panel. From Control Panel double click Network and Internet Connections.
Step 2
Right click on the Wireless Network Connection icon and select View Available Wireless Networks.
Step 3
This will display all wireless networks in range of your computer: The SSID (wireless network name) of your wireless network should be shown in the list. Your SSID can be found on the label on the back of your Super Hub and will be something like ‘virginmedia1234567’. If you don’t see your wireless network name, click the Refresh Network List in the upper left corner. Select your wireless network and click Connect in the lower right corner.
Step 4
Windows now prompts you to enter a network key (Passphrase) to connect to your wireless network. Your Passphrase can be found on the label on the back of your Super Hub. Enter your Passphrase into the Network Key fields and then click Connect.
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+ 17 hidden pages