VIRDI 4000 User Manual

VIRDI 4000 TM User’s Manual
Version eng-1.00
VIRDI 4000
User’s Manual 2
Information in this document is provided in connection with UNION COMMUNITY products. No license, express or implied, by estoppels or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Except as provided in UNION COMMUNITY’s Terms and Conditions of Sale for such products, UNION COMMUNITY assumes no liability whatsoever, and UNION COMMUNITY disclaims any express or implied warranty, relating to sale and/or use of UNION COMMUNITY products including liability or warranties relating to fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, or infringement of any patent, copyright or other intellectual property right.
UNION COMMUNITY products are not intended for use in medical, life saving, life sustaining applications, or other applications in which the failure of the UNION COMMUNITY product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use UNION COMMUNITY products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold UNION COMMUNITY and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that UNION COMMUNITY was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part.
UNION COMMUNITY reserves the right to make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time without notice to improve reliability, function, or design. Designers must not rely on the absence or characteristics of any features or instructions marked "reserved" or "undefined." UNION COMMUNITY reserves these for future definition and shall have no responsibility whatsoever for conflicts or incompatibilities arising from future changes to them.
Please contact UNION COMMUNITY, local UNION COMMUNITY sales representatives or local distributors to obtain the latest specifications and before placing your product order.
With regard to any fingerprint-related issues, UNION COMMUNITY is always in readiness to find out well fitted solutions, depending on customers’ requirements and needs.
As a leading provider of fingerprint core technology, UNION COMMUNITY has set up wide variety of fingerprint product lines from fingerprint OEM modules to several choices of fingerprint finished products including access control, time & attendance, door lock, PC peripherals, safety box, etc, that incorporate UNION COMMUNITY’s groundbreaking biometrics technology. Based on its proprietary algorithm, its own
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sensor and in-house one-stop processing capability regarding hardware, software, product design, etc., our services to government sector and various commercial sectors like security, construction and enterprise are in full swing through fast problem-solving approach to meet market trends or demands. As a result, UNION COMMUNITY exports its market-proven fingerprint products to over 40 countries including Japan, USA, Europe and China.
As the biggest and the most promising company in the commercial sector of biometrics industry in Korea, UNION COMMUNITY was awarded “Korean World­class Product Award” for its excellent performance by Minister of Commerce, Industry and Energy in December 2005.
To be the world-class company in biometrics field, UNION COMMUNITY and all the members continue to do all-out efforts for the world-best quality product, creation of new paradigm and customers’ satisfaction through accumulated expertise and working experience from various reference sites and versatile hardware & software development.
About This Manual
This is an introduction to operation of VIRDI 4000 series supplied by UNION COMMUNITY. This manual describes how to do user registration in local terminal, terminal settings, network settings, etc. The purpose of this manual is to provide instructions on using VIRDI 4000 series and troubleshooting minor problems.
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< Glossary>
z Admin, Administrator
- As a user who can enter into the terminal menu mode, he can
register/modify/delete terminal users and change the operating environment by changing settings.
- If there is no administrator for a terminal, anyone can change the settings. In
this regard, it is recommended to register at least one administrator.
- Caution is required with registration and operation because an administrator
has the right to change critical environmental settings of the terminal.
z 1 to 1 Verification
- A user’s verification fingerprint (template) is compared to the user’s enrollment
fingerprint (template) previously registered. The terminal performs 1:1 matches against the user’s enrolled template until a match is found.
- It is called 1 to 1 Verification because only the fingerprint registered in the
user’s ID or card is used for comparison.
z 1 to N Identification
- The terminal performs matches against multiple fingerprints (templates) based
solely on fingerprint information.
- Without the user’s ID or card, the user’s fingerprint is compared to fingerprints
previously registered.
z I-Capture (Intelligent Capture)
- Reinforces detection capability for residual fingerprints (fingerprints left on a
sensor window due to sweat or contaminants on a finger) and automatically adjusts sensor settings to detect good-quality fingerprints regardless of the conditions (dry or wet) of the fingerprints.
z Authentication level
- Depending on the fingerprint match rate, it is displayed from 1 to 9.
Authentication is successful only if the match rate is higher than the set level.
- The higher the Authentication level, the higher the security. However, it
requires a relatively high match rate, so Authentication is vulnerable to failure.
- 1:1 Level: Authentication level used for 1:1 verification
- 1:N Level: Authentication level used for 1:N identification
z Authentication Method
- Various kinds of authentication including FP (fingerprint) authentication, PW
(password) authentication, RF (card) authentication, or a combination of these methods
- Ex) FP|PW: fingerprint or password authentication; password is used for
authentication if fingerprint authentication fails
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z Function keys [F1], [F2], [F3], [F4], [ENTER] are used, and they are used for direct authentication and each key represents each authentication mode.
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Table of Contents
< Glossary>............................................................................................................... 4
Table of Contents.....................................................................................................6
1. Before use............................................................................................................. 8
1.1. Safety precautions......................................................................................8
1.2. Terminal description ...................................................................................9
1.3. Screen (during operation) description ....................................................10
1.4. Voice information during operation......................................................... 11
1.5. Buzzer sound during operation ............................................................... 11
1.6. LED signal during operation .................................................................... 11
1.7. Correct fingerprint registration and input methods...............................12
2. Introduction ........................................................................................................14
2.1. Features ..................................................................................................... 14
2.2. Configuration.............................................................................................16
2.2.1. Network configuration......................................................................... 16
2.2.2. Standalone configuration .................................................................... 16
2.3. Specifications............................................................................................ 17
3. Device configuration settings...........................................................................18
3.1. Check items before device configuration settings................................. 18
3.1.1. Entering menu .................................................................................... 18
3.1.2. Changing setting parameters ............................................................. 18
3.1.3. Saving device configuration settings .................................................. 19
3.2. Menu configuration...................................................................................20
3.3. User account..............................................................................................22
3.3.1. User registration ................................................................................. 22
3.3.2. Deleting User...................................................................................... 27
3.3.3. Modifying User ................................................................................... 27
3.3.4. Administrator registration.................................................................... 31
3.3.5. Delete All Users.................................................................................. 31
3.4. Network settings .......................................................................................32
3.4.1. Terminal ID settings............................................................................ 32
3.4.2. Connection [NS / SN / NO] mode settings.......................................... 32
3.4.3. Connection method settings ............................................................... 33
3.4.4. IP address settings............................................................................. 33
3.4.5. Subnet mask settings ......................................................................... 33
3.4.6. Gateway settings................................................................................ 34
3.4.7. Server IP settings ............................................................................... 34
3.4.8. Server port settings ............................................................................ 34
3.5. Option settings.......................................................................................... 35
3.5.1. Application mode settings................................................................... 35
3.5.2. Option settings for authentication ....................................................... 36
3.5.3. Doorlock settings................................................................................ 39
3.5.4. Volume settings .................................................................................. 40
3.5.5. Current time settings .......................................................................... 41
3.5.6. Other setting....................................................................................... 42
3.6. Terminal information view........................................................................ 43
3.7. Extra functions..........................................................................................44
VIRDI 4000
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3.7.1. Terminal lock settings ......................................................................... 44
3.7.2. Read card number.............................................................................. 44
3.8. Device settings..........................................................................................45
3.8.1. Function key settings.......................................................................... 45
3.8.2. Card reader settings........................................................................... 46
3.8.3. Fingerprint sensor settings ................................................................. 46
3.8.4. Wiegand output settings..................................................................... 48
3.8.5. System configuration settings............................................................. 48
3.8.6. Terminal initialization .......................................................................... 49
4. How to use the terminal.....................................................................................50
4.1. Access control application....................................................................... 51
4.1.1. Authentication mode........................................................................... 51
4.1.2. [1:1] fingerprint authentication ............................................................ 51
4.1.3. [1:N] fingerprint authentication............................................................ 53
4.1.4. Password authentication .................................................................... 54
4.1.5. Card authentication ............................................................................ 55
4.1.6. User ID group authentication.............................................................. 56
4.1.7. Multiple fingerprint authentication....................................................... 57
4.2. Time & Attendance control.......................................................................58
4.2.1. Authentication mode........................................................................... 58
4.2.2. [1:1] fingerprint authentication ............................................................ 58
4.2.3. [1:N] fingerprint authentication............................................................ 59
4.2.4. Password authentication .................................................................... 59
4.2.5. Card authentication ............................................................................ 59
4.2.6. User ID group authentication.............................................................. 59
4.2.7. Expansion of working mode by multi-key function.............................. 59
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1. Before use
1.1. Safety precautions
z Warning
Handling with wet hands or allowing liquid to flow into it is prohibited.
-> It may cause an
electric shock or damage.
Do not place a fire source
near the terminal.
-> It may cause a fire.
Do not disassemble, repair, or modify the terminal at discretion.
-> It may cause an electric shock, fire or damage.
Keep out of reach of children.
-> It may cause an accident or damage.
- If the above warning is ignored, it may result in death or serious injury.
z Cautions
Keep away from direct sunlight
-> It may cause deformation or color change.
Avoid high humidity or dust
-> The terminal may be damaged.
Avoid using water,
benzene, thinner, or alcohol for cleaning
-> It may cause an electric shock or fire.
Do not place a magnet close to the terminal.
-> The terminal may break down or malfunction.
Do not contaminate the fingerprint input area.
-> Fingerprints may not be well recognized.
Avoid using insecticide or flammable spray near the terminal.
-> It may result in deformation or color change.
Avoid impacts or using sharp objects on the terminal.
-> The terminal may be damaged and broken.
Avoid severe temperature changes
-> The terminal may be broken.
- If the above cautions are ignored, it may result in property loss or human injury.
Under no circumstances will UNION COMMUNITY be responsible for accidents or damages
caused by inappropriate use of the product without referring to the user manual.
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1.2. Terminal description
No. item description
LCD Display character message for all the operations
[F1], [F2],
[F3], [F4]
[F1] : Start, [F2] : Leave, [F3] : Outside work, [F4] : Come back
[1] ~ [9] Input digits (1~9)
[0] Enter ‘0’ or LCD menu scroll
Terminal menu setting (Enter into menu mode for terminal menu setting when pressed over 2 seconds.)
Key pad
- Clear typo when entering settings
- Move up to higher menu
- Use when escaping from menu setting
Use after entering the settings when configuring the terminal environment
Enter, Call
[CALL] Visitors use this to ring the interphone bell
Micro phone Convey visitor's voice to door phone
LED Lamp
Show operation status like power supply, Lock status and card contact
Fingerprint input window Fingerprint input
IRDE sensor
Person's approach makes it automatically turn on button LED and LCD window with ID input screen.
Card input area Card input
Speaker Voice output
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1.3. Screen (during operation) description
== 00:00
- Initial screen
== 00:00
- Waiting for a user’s ID to be input
== 00:00
- Fingerprint input
== 00:00
- Password input
== 00:00
- Successful authentication
== 00:00
- Authentication failed
== 00:00
- When a non-registered user ID is entered
- When connection mode is SN and 1:N identification is tried even though there is no user allowed for 1:N identification
== 00:00
- There is no response from the server during the authentication process.
- Network to server is disconnected during the authentication process.
ÆÅ 00:00
- There is no user registered on the terminal or no connection to the server, so it is trying to connect.
== Connected to network server ÆÅ Disconnected to network server
Access mode display in case of access control ( F1, F2, F3, F4 )
T&A mode display in case of time & attendance control( START, LEAVE, OUT, BACK,
Successful authentication number for mealtime in case of meal control ( MENU-1,
MENU-2, MENU-3, MENU-4 )
== START 00:00
Current time
Information message
VIRDI 4000
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== 00:00
- Waiting for card to be input
== 00:00
- A registered user tried authentication at that time when access is not allowed.
== 00:00
- Waiting for a reply from the server for
== 00:00
- Terminal is locked
- It is not mealtime in case of meal control mode
== 00:00
- Terminal program is in upgrade
(Power must not turn off when this message is
1.4. Voice information during operation
“Please enter your fingerprint”
Enter fingerprint using the fingerprint input window
“You are authorized” Successful authentication
“Please try again” Authentication failed
1.5. Buzzer sound during operation
When a button is pressed or a card is being read When fingerprint input is completed and user is allowed to take off his fingertip
Authentication is failed or wrong user fingerprint input happened
“ppiriririck” Waiting for fingerprint input
Authentication is successful or settings for the current user are completed
1.6. LED signal during operation
POWER LED : Power on/off
DOOR LED : Door open/close
CARD LED : Card contact
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1.7. Correct fingerprint registration and input methods
z Correct fingerprint registration methods
Place your index finger on the window just as you do with a finger stamp. Finger tip touching is not an appropriate registration or input method. Make sure the center of your finger touches the window.
z Use your index finger, if possible.
As usual, the index finger guarantees an accurate and stable fingerprint input.
z Check if your fingerprint is unclear or damaged.
It is tricky to recognize fingerprints on dry, wet, unclear, or injured fingers.
Use another finger in this case.
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z Cautions about fingerprint condition
Depending on the user’s fingerprint condition, some fingerprints may not be used or may cause an inconvenience.
¾ If the fingerprint is damaged or very unclear, then it cannot be recognized.
Please use a password instead in this case.
¾ When a finger is dry, breathe on the finger for smooth operation.
¾ For kids, it may be tricky or impossible to use the terminal because their
fingerprints are too small or very unclear. It is recommended to register their fingerprints every six months.
¾ For the elderly, it may not be possible to register their fingerprints if there
are too many fine lines on the fingerprints.
¾ If fingerprints are very unclear, it may be convenient if you register 2~3
¾ It is recommended that you register more than 2 fingerprints.
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2. Introduction
2.1. Features
z Access control system using LAN
- Communication between the unit and authentication server is done through
a UTP cable and TCP/IP protocol, so an existing LAN can be used as it is. It guarantees network-based administration and monitoring as well as easy expansion, high reliability, and higher speed.
z Convenient Auto Sensing function
- Simple authentication process without any key input; simple fingerprint
touching is sufficient.
z Simple authentication using fingerprints
- Fingerprint authentication technology prevents users from forgotten
password or card, stolen key or card, etc., which is one of good ways to improve security level.
z High processing capacity of terminal and server
- There is not any limit on management of users’ access information in case
that access server is used. Even in standalone operation by using local terminal, it is possible to manage fingerprint authentication of more than 8,000 users (in optional case).
z Various information messages
- It ensures easy fingerprint recognition because voice and LCD window
information are provided during the authentication process. In addition, the backlight installed in the LCD window helps with easy key operation in the dark.
z Door phone
- Easy visitor identification and convenient response.
z Various and flexible access controls
- No risk of rent, forgery, or loss of keys or cards
- Perfect control by assigning different security clearances to each user or
- Flexibility provided by allowing limited time for entry/exit
- Low maintenance
- No need to issue visitor card for visitor
z Various applications including access control, time & attendance, meal control, etc.
- Various operation modes depending on the terminal menu settings
VIRDI 4000
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z Various registration and authentication methods
- There are a total of 11 registration and authentication methods (4 methods
if the card reader is not installed), so you are required to select one method before registering users and an administrator.
FP Fingerprint registration
Fingerprint authentication
ID&PW Password registration
Password authentication after ID input
FP|PW Fingerprint and password registration
Fingerprint or password authentication
FP&PW Fingerprint and password registration
Password authentication after fingerprint authentication
RF Card registration
Card authentication
RF|FP Card and fingerprint registration
Card or fingerprint authentication
RF&FP Card and fingerprint registration
Fingerprint authentication after card authentication
RF|PW Card and password registration
Card or password authentication
RF&PW Card and password registration
Password authentication after card authentication
ID&FP|RF&FP Card and fingerprint registration
Fingerprint authentication after ID input or fingerprint authentication after card authentication
ID&PW|RF&PW Card and password registration
Password authentication after ID input or password authentication after card authentication
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2.2. Configuration
2.2.1. Network configuration
2.2.2. Standalone configuration
Switch Hub
1 3456
7910 1112
4 T
R x
Network Server
(authentication server)
door lock system
IRDI 4000
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2.3. Specifications
4M FLASH (Default)
8M FLASH (Option)
Fingerprint sensor Optical
Authentication speed <1 sec.
Scan Area / Resolution 12.9 * 15.2mm / 500 DPI
FRR / FAR 0.1% / 0.001%
TCP/IP, RS-232, Wiegand
Communication Port
RS-485 (Option)
Temperature / Humidity
-10 ~ 50 /
Lower than 90% RH
LCD 128 X 64 Graphic LCD
SIZE 181 X 109 X 43 mm
INPUT : Universal AC 100 ~ 250V
OUTPUT : DC 12V (Option : DC
AC / DC Adapter
UL, CSA, CE Approved
RF Card Reader
EM Card,
Smart Card Reader
Door phone
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3. Device configuration settings
3.1. Check items before device configuration settings
3.1.1. Entering menu
The following screen appears when [*] is pressed for over 2 sec.
1. User
2. Network
3. Option
4. Terminal Info
5. Ext Function
6. Device
Press [0] to view menus not shown in
the LCD window.
Press a number key in order to go submenu. The following administrator authentication allows for entry of submenu.
<Input AdminID> ID : 0001
Press [ENTER] after entering the administrator’s ID, and the administrator authentication is processed according to the previous setting such as fingerprint authentication or password authentication. If the authentication succeeds, submenu screen appears.
Administrator authentication is required only once for all in main menu, so all
other menus are accessible until he/she completely exits from the main menu.
3.1.2. Changing setting parameters
To change setting parameters, press the [#] button to delete old values and input new values.
Press [0] to see menus not shown in the LCD window, and press the corresponding number to select a menu.
Press [ENTER] for confirmation of setting parameter or to move to the next setting, and press the [#] button to move to upper menus.
Hold the [#] button for over 2 sec. to cancel the current setting and move to the upper menu.
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