Viper FC500 User Instructions

FC500 Fish Finder
User Instructions
Viper Bait Boats, Unit 2/3 Wakefield Commercial Park, Bridge Road, Horbury, Wakefield,
West Yorkshire, WF4 5NW. Tel: 01924 281182. Fax 01924 281400. email:
Understanding the Screen
Keybard Instruction
The FC500 fish finder will make a noise when you press the key to indicate the unit has accepted a command.
Power and Exit Key
The Power and Exit key is used to turn the FC500 fish finder on or off. It is also used to exit a menu setting.
Menu Key
The Menu Key is used to enter into a menu setting and switch between the menus.
Ent Key
The Ent key is used to confirm a setting.
Up Arrow Key
The Up key is used to select a certain option on a menu.
In some menu options the Up arrow key is mostly used to increase the value, such as: Sensitivity value, noise reject value, depth, alarm value etc.
Down arrow key
The Down arrow key is used to select a certain option on a menu. In some menu options, the Down arrow key is mostly used to decrease the value, such as: Sensitivity value, noise reject value, depth alarm value, etc.
Sensitive determines how echoes will be displayed on the screen. Increasing the sensitivity will enable you to see more details on the screen. In deep water, increase the sensitivity and in shallow water, decrease the sensitivity. In most situations, just setting sensitivity to “Auto” will work well.
To set the Sensitivity:
Press Menu to enter into menu setting. Repeatedly press Menu to switch to Sonar menu. Use the Up/Down arrow to select Sensitive option. Press Ent to enter into setting. Use the Up/Down Arrow to change the value. Press Ent to confirm and exit the setting.
Note: The menu display will change from figure A to B as soon as entering menu setting.
Noise Filter
Noise Filter is used to filter the noise from the air or water environment to get a clear sonar image on the screen.
In many situations, your FC500 fish finder display will be effected by undesired signal which may be caused by your boat engine, turbulence, wiring, or other electrical and mechanical sources. Such an undesired signal will produce an unwanted mark on the screen, which may cause a misunderstanding of the underwater condition.
In such situations when you see too much clutter on the screen, inncreasing the noise filter will have an effect. The larger the value is, the more unexpected sonar returns will not be displayed. If the Noise Filter is increased too high, most sonar returns (which may be fish) will not be displayed.
In a situation where the water is clear, try decreasing the Noise Filter, however in situations where the water is 'cloudy', then increasing the Noise Filter should be helpful.
When the water is deep enough, the high value setting may greatly affect or even hinder your FC500 Fish finder's performance to find the bottom. So, in deep water, decreasing the Noise Filter value will be helpful.
In some situations you may have big trouble with noise. Try finding and fixing the interference source, rather than operating your fish finder with a very high Noise Filter value.
To set the Noise Filter:
Press Menu to enter into menu setting. Repeatedly press Menu to switch to Sonar menu Use the Up/Down Arrow to select Noise Filter option. Press Ent to enter into setting. Use the Up/Down arrow to change the value Press Ent to confirm and exit the setting.
Grayline (Magic Grayline for FC500)
Grayline is used to let you see both strong and weak signals on the display.
If Grayline is “inversed”, weak returns will be shown with dark pixels and strong returns with lighter pxels. This is very helpful or ensuring that weak signals will be clearly visible on the display.
The magic grayline on the FC500 fish finder is featured by claculation of the sonar program.
To set the Grayline:
Press Menu to enter into menu setting. Repeatedly press Menu to switch to Sonar menu. Use the Up/Down Arrow to select Grayline option.
Press Ent to enter into setting Use the Up/Down Arrow to select the option Press Ent to confirm the setting Press Exit to exit the setting.
Fish ID Sens.
Fish ID Sens is used to adjust the threshold of fish size detection.
If you select a higher setting, then some weaker returns can be detected and displayed as small fish on screen, which will be very helpful when you are intending to identify small fish species.
If you select a lower setting, then only strong returns can be detected and displayed as big fish on screen, which will be very helpful when you are intending to catch larger fish species.
To set the Fish ID Sens.
Press Menu to enter into menu setting. Repeatedly press Menu to switch to Sonar menu. use the Up/Down arrow to select Fish ID. Sens. option Press Ent to enter into setting. Use the Up/Down Arrow to select the option Press Ent to confirm the setting. Press Exit to exit the setting.
Depth Range
Depth Range determines in whichbh portion the botttom will display in the screen. (For example, if the actual depth is 10m and the current Depth Range is 20m, then the bottom will display on 50% portion of the screen).
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