Viper 5301 Owner's Manual

ADN4202 2008-06.
The following list addresses errors/inconsistencies found in both the 4202 Instal­lation guide (N4202 2008-06) and Owner's guide. (G4202 2008-06):
Installation guide
Page Description/error Correction
56 Error is found in Feature
Error is found in the Bitwriter® chip version requirement: version 2.5
3-15: "temperature auto
The Bitwriter (p/n 998U) requires chip version 2.6 or newer to program this unit.
This unit does not have the tempera­ture auto report feature.
59 Error is found in the "To
activate Valet-take over"
Before turning the engine Off, press and release the
button. section; Step #1: the (RS icon) button.
61 Important information
was left out of the Timer
The system must be locked for Timer Mode to operate.
Mode explanation.
Owner's guide
Page Description/error Correction
12 Error is found in the Un-
Press one time Unlock
lock icon Command text: "Press one time to Lock"
25 Important information was
left out of the Timer Mode
The system must be locked for Timer Mode to operate.
© 2008 Directed Electronics. All rights reserved.
Page Description/error Correction
27 Important information was
left out of the Smart start activation explanation.
Smart start uses temperature and volt­age settings to determine when the vehicle should start and run. If any changes to temperature or voltage are made using the Bitwriter programming tool Smart start activation is affected.
The Smart Start function works similar to the Timer mode. The system must be in the locked mode, and using the system default settings, it has a maxi­mum of 6 starting cycles and checks the voltage/cabin temperature every 3 hours to see if the thresholds have been met.
If thresholds have been met then the remote start will start the vehicle and run for the pre programmed time. It counts the first start as one successful start, leaving 5 start cycles. If the threshold has not been met then the system will not start the vehicle, and 6 start cycles are left. The unit continues to check threshold levels ev­ery 3 hours. Note: Each voltage and cabin tem­perature setting can be adjusted and turned off using the Bitwriter program­ming tool.
© 2008 Directed Electronics. All rights reserved.