Viki Technologies Espresso Cafe, Espresso Cafe Professional Operation And Service Manual

VKI Publication # 100218-001 February 2012
Oper atio n & Service M anual
Safety In fo rmatio n ......................................................................... 4
Coffee Maker Specifications.......................................................... 6
Coffee Maker Overview ................................................................. 8
Parts Ident ificat ion ................................................................................................8
System St at us LED I ndicator Panel ..................................................................9
Produc t Selec ti on Handle ....................................................................................9
Pod Slot Cover (Pr ofessional M odel Only) .....................................................10
Cup Warmers (Profe s si onal M odel Only) .......................................................10
Connecting to a W ate r S upply..................................................... 11
Drain Installation ......................................................................... 13
Installing the Milk Canister .......................................................... 15
Using the Co ffee Maker ............................................................... 16
Coffee Pods .........................................................................................................16
Brewing a Beverage ...........................................................................................16
Type s of Beverages Available ..................................................... 17
Connecting the Progra m m er ....................................................... 18
Power-Up Diagnostic Routine...........................................................................19
Software Features ....................................................................... 20
Sof tware Menu Navigation ................................................................................20
Downloadi ng S oftwa re Update s .................................................. 23
Maintenance ................................................................................ 24
Empty the W aste B in..........................................................................................24
Clea ning a M ilk Overflow...................................................................................24
Empty the Drip Tray ...........................................................................................25
Quick-Rins e Cycle ..............................................................................................26
For c ed Quick -Rinse............................................................................................26
Prim ing the W ater System (on Power-Up) .....................................................27
Di spe nsin g Spout and Pr oduc t T ube P lace ment...........................................27
Usi ng the Cleaning Tab ............................................................... 28
In-Place Cl eaning (Sanit izing Cy c le) ...............................................................28
Emptying the Milk and Water Using the Clea ning Tab .................................31
Cleani ng the M ilk Conveyor ........................................................ 32
Open the Cover...................................................................................................32
Clea ning the Milk Conveyor Using a Wet/Dr y V ac uum ................................33
Manual Cleani ng of t he Milk Conveyor ...........................................................34
Removing the Coffee Maker ........................................................ 37
Empty the Milk Conveyor...................................................................................37
Drain t he Wat er ( Reservoir and Heater) .........................................................38
St or ing the Cof fee Maker...................................................................................39
Genera l Informa tion .................................................................... 40
Replacing Maj or Compone nts ..................................................... 41
Opening the Cover .............................................................................................41
Re moving t he Cover and Contour P anel ........................................................42
Removing the Cover....................................................................................... 42
Removing the Contour Panel ......................................................................... 43
Brewer ..................................................................................................................44
Brewer Heads ................................................................................................ 44
Brewer Motor .......................................................................................................45
Selection Rin g & B oar d......................................................................................45
Water Heater .......................................................................................................46
Temp er ature P r obe ............................................................................................47
Ther m al Cut-Off Switch .....................................................................................47
Water Res er voir ..................................................................................................48
Water Level Float Swit c h...................................................................................49
Inlet Valv e ............................................................................................................50
Outlet Valv es .......................................................................................................51
Rebu ilding an Out let Valve................................................................................52
Contr ol B oard & O ptions Board........................................................................53
Water P ump Assem bly ......................................................................................54
Water P ump H ar ness/Diode-Brid ge A ssembly ..............................................55
Milk Conveyor and Dispenser Mot or ...............................................................56
Whipper Motor .....................................................................................................57
Flow Meter ...........................................................................................................58
Exhaust Fan .........................................................................................................59
M ain Power Switch .............................................................................................60
5 Amp Circuit B r eaker ........................................................................................61
15 Amp Fuse Holder A s se mb ly ........................................................................61
Replacing the 15 Amp Fuse ........................................................................... 61
Power Sup ply ......................................................................................................62
Sensor Boards .....................................................................................................63
Cup Warmer (P r ofessi onal M odel)...................................................................63
Troubleshooting .......................................................................... 64
Error Messages...................................................................................................64
FAQ (Fre quently Asked Question s) ............................................. 67
Safety Information
Your safety is very important to us. It is imperative that you read and understand this safety information before
proceeding with the
ins tallation and operation of this coffee maker.
 This coffee maker is designed for interior use ONLY and must
never be inst alled outdoor s.
This equipment must be pos itioned so that the wall plug and the
main power switch are both easily accessib le.
Do n ot c onne ct the coffee maker to a volta ge supply ot her tha n the
voltage ind icated on the serial number decal.
Do not im me r s e t h is coffee maker or any pa rt of this e qu ipme nt in
This coffee maker must be installed securely on a level surface. If it
does not appear to be a stable location, select another installation location.
Whe n the coffee maker is sw it che d ON , a s mal l quantit y of wa te r
may be dispens ed as t he system is pur ged. T his w ate r may be hot so keep clear of the dispensing area.
To pr event s erious in jury or bur ns, do not place f inge rs direct l y int o
the c offee pod slot a nd do not place any pa rt of your body d ir ec tly ove r the coffee pod slot.
Keep hands clear of the dispensing area at the front of the coffee
maker. Liquids be ing d ispensed are extremely hot and can cause severe burns.
Never disc onnec t the coffee maker by pu ll in g o n the se rvice cord,
a nd never us e t he coffee maker if the service cord is damaged.
Never a tte mpt to ove rr ide the sa fe ty f ea tur es inc orpor at ed int o the
e qui pment . T hey are there f or your prot ection and should never be bypass ed under any circ umstance s.
This equipment must be used specifically for the purpose for
which it is designed. The manufacturer is not responsible for
damage or injury resulting from improper use of this equipment.
Safety Information
Always switch the power OFF and disconnect the service cord
whe n c le a ning t he inte ri or of t he coffee maker. Compone nts ins ide the coffee maker can cause electrical shock resulting in personal injury.
If the coffee maker is not working properly or appears to have a
fa ult , s witc h off the pow e r, d is con ne ct the se rvice c ord a nd cal l a n authorized technician immediately for service. Only qualified
per sonn el sh ould p erform ser vice on this equipm ent.
The major ity of the electrical c om ponent s in the E spr es so C af é are
low vo lta ge (and not
120 vo lts AC). Never connect these electrical
c omponent s t o 120 vo lts AC.
The wa ter s ys tem in this coffee maker is pressurized dur ing a br ew
cycle. T his pres sure must be released usin g t he drai n ins ert prior to servicin g t he syst em.
Use caution when servicing the water heater or the outlet valves as
they may be ext reme ly hot and can cause s ever e burns .
Us e caut io n whe n w orking ins ide the coffee maker as t here ma y be
sharp edges on s ome components t hat can cause cuts.
To prevent electrical shock, remo ve all jewelry (rings, watches, etc.)
when servicing the coffee maker.
Use onl y ori gi nal manufac ture r repl ace ment parts in t h is coffee
maker. Una pprove d re plac e ment pa rt s ca n res ult i n per sona l inj ury, fire and/or fur t her damage t o t he equip ment .
Do not lift the coffee maker using the drip tray. Lift the coffee
maker by t he sides only.
Do not allow children to access this equipment. They are not aware
of t he potential dangers that exis t.
Whenever the unit is switched OFF, wait at least 5
seconds b efore switching it ON again.
U nau t ho rized modif icati on s made to t hi s coff ee maker can re sul t
in se r ious pe r s ona l in jury a nd/ or da m a ge to t he e qui pm e nt , a nd
v oids all warran t ies and cert ificati on s.
Coffee Maker Specifications
Voltage Rating 120 volts AC Heater Wat tage 1000 watts Weight 38 lbs (17 kg) Cup Siz es – Espresso 1.5 fl. oz (45 ml)
7.0 fl. oz (210 ml)
Caffè Latte
7.0 fl. oz (210 ml)
Ameri cano 6.0 fl. oz (175 ml) Water Heater Capacity 14 fl. oz (420 ml) Water Reservoir Capacity 34 fl. oz (1 liter)
Temperature Control
Electronic Temperature Probe
Heating Time
2 minutes after initial installation
Brew Temperature*
194°F (96°C)
Brew Times – Espresso 30 seconds Cappuccino 50 seconds Caffè Latte 45 seconds
Ameri cano
50 seconds
Heater Protection
Overflow Prote ction
Circuit Protection • 5-amp circuit breaker for electronics, valves &
• 15-amp fuse for heater
Certification • UL Listed • CSA Appro ved
• NSF Approved
*NOTE: For installations at higher elevations, please contact your distributor or the manufacturer for special “
HIGH ALTITUDE” software.
Coffee Maker Dimensions
16 ¾ inches (42.5 centimeters)
20 ⅛ inches (51 centimeters)
15 ¼ inches (39 centimeters)
Installation Requirements
16 ¾ inches (42.5 centimeters)
20 ⅛ inches (51 centimeters)
17 ¾ inches (45 centimeters)
To ma int a in the NSF Ce r tific a t ion of t his e quipm ent , only origina l
OEM parts must be used. Using parts from an alternate source
wil l void NSF Certi f ication as well as the equ ipment wa rranty.
Serial Number Decal
Drip Tray
Inlet Valve
Service Cord
Pow er
Sw itc h
Fuse &
Rear View of Machi ne
Coffee Maker Overview
Parts Identification
Coffee Pod Slot
System Status Indicator Panel
Product Selection
Canister Receptacle
Cup Warmers
(Professional Model On ly)
Coffee Maker Overview
System Status LED Indicator Panel
The s ystem status indicator panel (located to the right of the pod slot) provides inf ormation a bout a ny mai nt e na nc e t ha t may be r e quired.
Product S election Handle
To select a product, move handle left or right until it is aligned with the desired beverage and press the green
START button to be gin the br e w cycle.
N o w ater –
check water supply
Replace milk canister
Em pty w a ste bin
Call for Service
*See page 17 for a
descr ipt ion of the products av ailable.
NOTE: The handle is designed to snap off if it is subjected to too muc h
pressure. If this happens, simply snap it back into pos ition at an upw ard
Coffee Maker Overview
Pod Slot Cover (Pro fessional Model Only)
The Espresso Café Professional model is shipped with a cover for the coffee pod slot. The cover should remain installed on the equipment when it is not in use, and should only be removed when making a beverage. After the beverage is prepared, re­install the pod slot cover to prevent foreign matter from falling into the brewer.
Cup Warmers (Professional Model Only )
The Espresso Café Professional model is equipped with cup warmers. Place glass or ceramic mugs upside down on the cup warmers and leave them in place unt il the y a re require d (at which time they will be w arm to the t ouc h).
Cup Warmers
Connecting to a Water Supply
All Espresso Café machines mus t be installed with an Everpure water filtration system. This system consists of a QL3 filter head (with shut-off valve) and 4H water filter cartridge. This system is compatible with the Everpure Model JT Sanitizing Cartridge, which is required to perform the In-Place Cleaning (sanitizi ng) Cycle in compliance with NSF standards.
NOTE: The water filter must be installed between the water source and the
coffee maker (maximum 3 feet away). Also note that the inlet valve is
equipped with a flo w regulator and back flo w p revention system .
Connecting to a Water Supply
1. C onnect a ¾” inle t fitti ng to t he inl e t va lve at the rea r of the coffee make r,
maki ng c e rtain the rubber w a sher is inserted be tween the fitt ing and the inlet valve.
2. Tighten the fitting onto the inlet valve – hand-tig hten only. Connect t he
water tubing to the fitting and install the lock clip to lock it in place.
3. Turn the water on at the source, check for l eaks and repai r, if necessary.
4. P lug the ser vice cord into a wa l l outl e t a nd switch ON the power to the
coffee ma ker.
5. C heck for leaks once more and repai r, if necessary.
NOTE: Installation of this equipment must comply w ith all local,
state/provincial and federal plumbing codes.
CAUTION: Place a cup o n the drip t ray w hen the co ffee maker is
init ially f illed with wate r. Approximately 50 ml (1.7 oz) of water will be dispensed by the spout due to the purging of the water system .
* Illustration is for refer ence
purposes only.
Do not over-tighten the inlet
fitting as this may prevent water
fr om entering the inlet valve.
Drain Installation
To ins tall a drain kit on an Es pres so Café, the drip tray mus t first be modified to r emove the float post and create a drai n hole.
1. Remove the drip tray grill .
2. Remove the retaining clip that sec ures the floa t to t he post.
3. Remove the float.
4. Turn the drip tray upside down.
5. Using a ¼” drill bit, align the bit in the ce nt e r guide of the drip tra y a nd
carefully drill a pilot hole.
6. Change t o a 3/8” drill bit and ca refully drill another hole where the pilot
hole was drill ed to enlarge it.
7. This r emoves the float post f rom the drip tray and creates a channel for the
dr a in syst e m.
Drain Installation
8. Connect the d rain hose to the drai n fitt ing under the front of the machine.
The hose must g o straight down – d o not route the hose un de rneath the machine.
9. S e c ure the drain hose to the fitting with the plastic clamp.
10. Conn e c t t he other e nd of the ho se to t he drai n syste m that will be used at
the installation location.
11. Conn e c t t he programmer and power u p the machine.
12. Scroll to the “
DRAIN INSTALLED?” menu and press t he green < START>
button on the machine.
13. Press the “+” butt on on the progra mmer – the lower li ne on t he display
should re a d “
YES ”.
T his lets the s oftware kn ow that a drain is installed, reducin g user interaction with th e e q uipme nt during an “
/SANITIZING CYCLE” , should this cycle ever be required.
14. Press the “
SCROLL UP” button to save the setting.
Plastic Clamp
Drain Hose
Drain Fitting
Installing the Milk Canister
1. O pen the milk door on the top lef t of the coffee ma ker.
2. Pull the empty milk canister str aight out (if replac ing).
3. Remove the canister lid from the em pty canister.
4. R emove the fr eshness se al from the new milk cani ster.
5. Install the canister li d ont o th e ne w milk can ister.
6. I nstall the new milk canister into the coffee ma ker by pushing it down into
the canister receptacl e.
7. Close the milk door on the coffee ma ker.
NOTE: Do not install and remove the milk canister repeatedly as this will pack
the mi lk at the bott om of the auger and may c ause it to ja m. Once ins talled,
leave it in place until it is absolutely necessary to remove it.
NOTE: When the milk canister is empty, any selections requiring milk are
disabled and the green START button wil l not ill um inate.
NOTE: When the milk c anister is initially inst alled, or when it is r eplac ed, the
mi lk dispens er motor may automatically activate to prime the milk thr ough the
system. Once primed, the motor will stop automatically.
Using the Coffee Maker
Coffee Pods
Brewing a Beverag e
NOTE: Never ins ert a coff ee pod into the pod s lot w hile the coffee maker is
already in the proc ess of preparing a bev erage. Do not ins ert def ormed c off ee pods into the slot as they could get jammed in the brewer.
Open the pod package
and r em ove the pod .
Drop the pod into the slot
on top of the coffee maker.
Select the desired product
by moving the selection handle to the lef t or right.
Press the green START
butto n located above the selection handle.
Single Dose Coffee Pod & Packaging
Types of Beverages Available
Espresso – The or iginal, with intense l ong-
la sting flavors, c r owned
with a golden foam ca lled crema
Cappuccino – A single espresso topped with hot milk and milk froth
Caffè Latte – A sing le Espresso blen ded with a generous portion of creamy hot milk
Americano* (Regular Model Only) – A single e spresso m ixed with hot water
*this option app lies only to the Regular Model. The “Americano” beverage is replaced
by “Hot Wa te r” on the Professional Model.
NOTE: The illustrations above are intended to be used simply as a description
of the pr oduct . The finished pr oduc ts may not look exac tly as s how n in these illustrations.
Connecting the Programmer
The ha ndhe ld programmer (sold separately – p/n A210024) acts as an i nterface with the coffee maker, allowing you to view system errors and allo wing access to th e
softw are featur es incorpor a t e d into the coffee maker .
Espresso Café Handhel d P r ogr ammer
The system status LED’s provide feedback for any minor action
required on the c offee maker. How ever, if the r ed LED is lit, the programmer must be connected to view the a ctive erro r.
Connecting the Programmer
To c onne c t the handheld programmer to the coff ee maker:
1. Swi tch O FF the power to the coffee m aker.
2. Remove the waste bin.
3. Locate the program m er interface por t on the re a r wall of the wa ste bin
area (illustrated above).
4. Connect the phone type ca ble f rom the progr ammer to the interfa c e
5. Swi tch ON the power to the coffee maker.
Power-Up Diagnostic Routine
After the programmer is connected and the coffee make r is powered-up, the software version is displayed and a diagnostic routine is then initiated to
search for any errors with the equipment. Should a problem be detected, t he pr ogrammer c a n be used to identif y the problem are a.
More detailed informat ion about error messages, and how to correct them can be found in the “Troubleshooting” section of this manual (page 64).
Software Features
Switch OFF the power and connect the handheld programmer to the coffee maker
- use the <
SCRO LL U P> and <SCRO LL DOWN> buttons to navigate through the
Software Menu Navigation
Empt y cycle Pre ss st art
Press green <START> button to enter menu.
Empty milk Press start
Remove milk can ister and press START to empty the conveyor.
Close milk Door
The milk door must be closed to continue this cyc le.
Emptying Please wait
Wa it until the cycle is comp lete.
rem ove mil k caniste r
* If the milk can ister has not
been removed, this reminder appears on the display.
Emp ty water Press start
Discon nect the water supply from the coffee maker. When
the “
EMP TY MILK” cy cle i s
complete, this message appears on the display. At this point, place the waste bin under the dispens ing spout.
Emptying Please wait
Water will be dispensed from the spout, into the waste bin. Wa it until the cycle is comp lete.
Instal l drain insert - star t
Install the drain insert to the drain plug underneath the coffee maker. Press START to drain the remaining water from the water heater.
Emptying-power Off when done
Wa it until the cycle is comp lete, switch the coffee maker power OFF and disconne ct the service cord from the power outlet.
Product and w ater settings are calibrated w hen the coffee maker is
manufactured at the factory
. Th e se se tting s cann ot be chan ged (e xcept for settin g
a 6 or 7 fl.oz cup) as no adjustments are required on this equipment.
Software Features
Software Menu Navigation (continued)
S UB MENU Procedures
Handle position
Once the menu is displayed, move the selection handle to each pro duct position to test.
Handle position Cappuccino
This message is displayed when the select ion handle is moved to the Cappuccino position.
Handle position Espresso
This message is displayed when the select ion handle is moved to the Espr esso position.
Handle position Americano
(hot Water – o n
Professional model)
This message is displayed when the select ion hand le is moved to the Americano po sition (Hot Water on Professional model).
Handle position Caff e latte
This message is displayed when the select ion handle is moved to the Caffè Latte position.
Handle position Error
An error has been detected with the position of the handle.
Se ri al nu mbe r Pre ss st art
Press START to enter menu.
Pnb control
xxxx- xxxx- xx x
The serial number of the control board is displayed.
Options type 1
xxxx- xxxx- xx x
The serial number of the options board is displayed.
Se t cu p size Pre ss st art
Press START to enter menu.
Set cup size 7 oz
Press the “+” or “-” button on the programmer to set to either 6-oz or 7-oz cup s ize.
NOTE: Press the “SC ROLL UP ” or “
SCROLL DOWN” button to
save the changes.
Software Features
Software Menu Navigation (continued )
Sele ct reg/pro Pre ss st art
Press START to enter menu.
Sel ect reg/pro reg
Press the “+” or “-” button on the programmer to set to REG (regular model ) or PRO (Professiona l model).
Se t hot wate r Pre ss st art
NOTE: This menu appears
only if the machine is set to PRO (Professional Model).
Press START to enter menu.
Se T h o t water press-hold
Press the “+” or “-” button on the programmer to set quantity of hot water to be dispensed.
Hot water can be set to “
& HOLD” (water is dispensed as
long as the green <
button is pressed) or “by-the­cup” in ounces (starting at 1-oz
and incrementing by 0.5-oz to a maximum of 10-oz).
Drain installed? Pre ss st art
Press START to enter menu.
Drain installed?
Press the “+” or “-” button on the programmer to toggle between “
YES” or “NO”.
Pour over mode Pre ss st art
Press START to enter menu
Pour Over Mode
Press the “+” or “-” button on the programmer to toggle between “
OFF” or “ON”.
Check for errors Pre ss st art
Press START to enter menu.
When this feature is activated, the coffee ma ker performs a quick diagnostic routine. Should any errors be dete cted, they will be displayed in this menu.
NOTE: Sw itch OFF the pow er to the coffee maker before disconnecting the
Downloading Software Updates
Should a software update be required for the Espresso Café, the update will be shipped in the form of an EPROM. With the exception of the Espresso Café downloader, no s pecial tools or change of parts is required to perform the software upgrade.
To upda te the software in the Espresso C afé:
1. Install the EPRO M with the sof tware up grade into the Espres so Café
a) Re move the s crew s at the top and bott om of the housing (figure 1),
then lift and remove the cover.
b) With a f lat screwdriver, gently pry the top and bottom of an existing
EPROM (if installed) and rem ov e it w he n it is loos e .
c) With the notc h on the
EPROM poi ntin g upw ards, line up the two rows
of pins w i th t he tw o rows on the socket, an d slowly inser t the
(figure 2). Make cer tain not to bend any of the pins be t ween the
EPROM and t he socket.
d) I nspect the pi ns o n c e more to make cer t ain they ar e all inse rted
prope rly into the socket.
e) Re-ins tal l t he cover onto the programmer.
2. Switch O FF the power t o the machine and remove the waste bi n.
3. Connect the programmer.
4. P ress and h old the <
MENU SC ROLL DOW N> bu t ton (lowe st button) on the
pr ogrammer a nd switch
ON the p ow er to the Espresso Café. Once the
dow nload begins ( L EDs star t to flash), rel ease the button.
5. When the download is complete, switch off the power t o the Espre sso
Café , disconnect the progr a mmer and r eplace the w aste bin.
Remove Screws
EPROM location
Notch on
Figure 1
Figure 2
Empty the Waste Bin
The waste bin inside the coffee maker holds approximately 30 used coffee pods. The system is equipped w ith an optical sensor that detects when the was te bin is full, and advises you b y li ght ing the yellow “Empty Waste Bin” LED on the system status indi cator panel .
To e mpty the w a ste bin:
1. G rasp the handle on the front of t he waste bin.
2. Pull the w aste bin out towards you.
3. Discard the content s.
4. If required, use a sponge or absorbent paper towe l to clean a ny liqui ds
from the ar ea beneath where the w aste bin is i nstalled (base).
5. S lide the waste bin back i nt o position.
Cleaning a Milk Overflow
This equipment is equipped with a Milk Overflo w detection system. Should the w hipper bowl over flow, milk will pour on to t wo overflow contacts and a “Milk Overflow” error will be displayed on the Programmer.
To clean the milk overfl ow:
1. With the top cover open, clean the milk fro m the whipper bowl, whipper
chamber a nd milk tubi ng.
2. Locate the milk overflow
sensors (on the deflector beneath the whipper bowl) and clean the overflow by pouring water directly onto the deflector and sensors. If the milk has hardened, us e a s mall brush to loosen it. The milk and water will flow down the deflector and into the w a ste bin.
3. Once cleaned, cl ose the top
NOT E: If a Mil k Ov erflow is detected, the red Se rv ice LED w ill ligh t when a
Cappuc cino or Caff è Latte selected. The “ Rinse Cycle”, “ In-Place Cle aning”
and “Empty Cycle ” are also disabled until the m ilk overflow is cleaned.
Empty the Drip Tray
The drip tray on the front of the coffee maker holds approximately 50 0 m l ( 1.7 o z ) of liquid. When too much liquid has accumulated inside the tray, a float will rise and protrude through the drip tray grill. At this point, the drip tray must be emptied.
To e mpty the dr ip tra y:
1. Grasp the outer sides of the drip tr ay.
2. Pull the drip tray out tow a rds you.
3. Empty the c ont e nts of the tray, and cl ean it under running wat e r.
4. Remove the waste bin.
5. If required, use a sponge or absorbent paper towe l to clean a ny liqui ds
from the ar ea beneath where the w aste bin is i nstalled (base).
6. Re-install the waste bin and re-i nstall t he drip tra y by sliding it back
into posi t ion until it locks in place.
NOTE: With the drip tray r emoved, t he serial number decal c an be v iew ed.
This decal also shows the electrical specifications of the equipment, as well as
the equipment certification (C SA, UL, etc.).
Quick-Rinse Cyc le
The rinse cycle must be performed to clean the milk system every time the customer i s visi te d by servic e or deli very pe rsonnel.
1. With the power to the coffee maker O N, place the selection handle
two s elections . The green <START> button LED w ill switch
2. Pull out the w aste bin and place it below the di spensing area.
3. Press and release the green <
START> button to acti vate t he cycle.
4. R epeat the cycle (i f nece ssar y) by pressi ng the green <
START> button
once more.
Forced Quick-Rinse
Should a Cappuccino or Café Latté cycle be interrupted for any reason (loss of power, error detected, etc) and is not comp leted, the red sys tem s tatus LED w ill flash. If this occurs, a quick-rinse cycle mus t to be performed to clear it and to pre vent milk from accumulating in the w hipper a nd milk lines.
NOTE: I f the RED error LED (wrench) is flashing, a quick-rinse cycle m ust be
performed, as this is the only way to clear this erro r.
NOTE: The quick-
rinse cycle can be canceled at any time by
pressing the green <STAR T> button.
NOTE: Do not sw itch OFF the pow er to the coffee maker for at leas t 20
minutes af ter a quick-
rinse is performed. Moisture present inside the coffee
maker after a quick-rinse needs to be vented by the exhaust fan.
Priming the Water System (on Power-Up)
When servicing the wate r system (or w he n removing an Espre ss o Caf é ), the water system must first be completely emptied. If not properly emptied, you risk energizing the heater with no water in the s ystem and damag ing water system components . Normally, a minimu m of 50 ml (1.7 fl. oz) of water is dispensed when the Es presso Café is powered-up (possibly more depending on whether the heater is full or empty). If little or no water is dispensed on power-up, the
water s ystem mus t be pri me d immediately
. To prime the water s yste m,
1. Pull the w aste bin f orward unti l it is directly below t he dispensing spout.
2. Place the sel ection handle in between two sel ections.
3. P ress and h old the green <START> button (it will not be lit at this poi nt )
to start pr iming the wa ter system.
4. Once water starts dispensing, r elease the green <
START> button.
Dispensing Spout and Product Tube Placement
If the dispensing spout is removed, it is imperative that the product tubes be r e placed in their pr ope r posi t ions. To r emove the spo ut,
1. Sli de the spl a sh guard towards you unt il it comes of f.
2. Lift the t ube s out of the sp out a nd l ift the spout str a ight up.
3. To install the spout, sl ide i t into the selection ring assembly.
4. I nstall the tubes i nto t he spout (milk on left , hot wate r on r ight).
5. Slide the splash guard into the top of the selection ring assembly to
secure the t ubes i n pl ac e.
6. I nstall brewer t ube t hrough the center of the splash guard i nto the spout.
Milk Tube – left side Coffee Tube – center Water Tube – right side
Using the Cleaning Tab
The cleaning tab performs t wo functions – t h e in-place c leaning/sanit izin g cyc le (green side of tab) and the emptying of milk from the Espresso Café without the use of a programmer (red side of tab).
In-Place Cl eaning (Sanitizing Cyc le)
This cycle must be perf ormed as require d by local he a lth authorities and health regulations.
1. S witch mac hine pow e r off and shut off water by lif t ing the valve handle
on top of the Ever pure QL3 filter head.
2. R emove the E ver pure water filter from the fil ter head (the filter head
must be installe d less than 3 f eet away fr om the i nlet of the machi ne).
a) L ift car tridge slightly and turn completely counter-clockwise. b) L ower the c artri dge to disen gage it from the head br acket.
3. Fill the Everpure JT San itizing Ca rtridge with SC Johnson J-512
sanitizing sol ut ion ( a va il a ble thr ou gh your loc a l distributor ).
a) U npl ug th e c artridge top on t he Sanitizing Cartridge. b) Pour sanit izing solutio n i nto the Sanitiz ing C artridge (4 m l of
sanitize r per 1 liter of water ) and r e-install the car t ridge t op o nto the Sanitizing Cartr idge.
c) Re-install the cartridg e top onto the S anitizin g Car trid ge.
4. I nstall the Sa nitizing Cartridge into the f ilter head.
a) I nser t Sanit izing Cartridge all the w ay into the head bra cket. b) Turn cartridge c ompletely clockwise until it stops.
5. Turn on the valve at the water fil ter.
6. Swi tch machi ne power ON.
7. I nsert the c leaning tab ( must be inser te d al l the w a y do wn) into the pod
slot with the green
side of the tab facing you.
CAUTION: Th e E sp resso Café must be plumbed-in (“POUR OVER MODE = OFF
in the set -up) and should be connected to a drain system to perform this cycle.
If a drain is not availabl e, place the waste bin under the dispensing area.
In-Place C le aning (green)
Emptying the Milk (red)
Cle aning Ta b
Using the Cleaning Tab
In-Place Cl eaning (continued)
8. P osition the selection handle be t ween two sel e c t ions ( t he green light will
switch off).
9. Place the waste bi n under the dispensing area.
10. Press the green <
START> button to a c t ivate the i n-place cleani ng cycle.
a) T he machine will di spense approximat e ly o ne l it e r (34 fl. oz) of
water – this introduces t he sanitiz ing agen t int o the water sy stem. The yellow status i ndicator LEDs will flash.
b) T he Espresso Café will now pause for approximately t hre e
m inutes . T he wate r w ill heat and the sanitizing a ge nt will start cleaning the water system . The yellow LEDs will flash.
c) After the th ree minute p ause, t he Espresso Café will dis pe n se a
small amount of water (100-150 ml ) thro ugh ea c h v al v e (alter nating f rom one to another), t o introduce sanitizi ng agent thro ugh the product valve s and tubing. The yellow LE Ds will flash.
d) T he Espresso Café will dis pe nse a sma ll a mount of w at e r (35-60
m l ) throug h e ac h v alve (alterna t ing f rom one t o another). The yellow LEDs will f las h.
e) When the cycle is complete, the green <
START> button will flash
rapidly, and the yellow L E Ds will f lash.
11. Turn off the w ater at the filter head.
12. Remove the Everpure saniti z ing cartridge and install a new Everpure
water fil ter.
a) Empty the conte nts of the saniti zing car tridge and r inse it w ith
water so that it is ready for us e the nex t time this cycle is performed.
b) Empty the was t e bi n under the dispensing area, if app lica bl e .
13. Turn on the water at the filter head.
14. Press the green <
START> button (when it lights) to pe rform the purge
phase of t he c leaning process.
The water bei ng dispensed is extremely hot. Keep clear
of the water flow and use caution when working around the dispensing area.
Using the Cleaning Tab
In-Place Cl eaning (continued)
15. The Espr e ss o Caf e wil l now purge t he remaining sanitizing agent by
intr o duc ing fresh w ater i nto t he system. The pu rging cycle dispenses about 1.8 li t e rs (60 fl. oz) of water.
16. When the gr ee n <
START> button and yellow LEDs fl a sh, empty the
w a ste bin under the dispen sing area, if appl icable.
17. Press the green <
START> button a ga in to per form the final phase of t he
cl eaning process.
18. The Espr e ss o Caf e wil l now rinse the water sys te m by int roduci ng fresh
w a t e r into the syst e m. The rinsing cycle dispen ses about 1.8 l iter s (60 fl . oz ) of water.
19. Once the purging cycle stops, remove the cleaning tab a nd let the
machine si t for 30 minutes (do not use it dur ing this period). D uring these 30 minutes, perf orm the following:
a) Em pty the waste bin under the dispens ing area, if applicable. b) Wipe any liquid spills t hat may hav e occurred during the cycl e ,
including a ny liqui d t hat may have accum ul ated inside the m achine at the waste bi n area.
c) Fill a c le an spr ay bot tle with a maximum of 2 ml (0.06 fl. oz) of
SC Johnso n J -512 sanitizing so lution per one liter ( 34 fl. oz) of water.
d) L ight ly spray t he solution t o t he e x t e rior and to the dis pensing
spout s of the E spre sso Café. Do not w ipe away the solution – let it dry nat urally.
e) Remove the drip tr ay and grill an d rinse both with warm wat e r. f) Lightl y spray the sani tizing s o luti on onto the dr ip tray & grill,
and the waste bin and allow to dry (do not wi pe aw ay the solution).
20. After 30 minutes have e lapse d, re-i nstall the drip tr a y a nd grill .
21. The sani tizing cycle is compl ete.
CAUTION: If the In-Pl ace Clea ning/sa nitizing cycle is interrupted and is
not completed, you will be prompted to restart the cycle when the
machine is powered up (a ll 3 yellow LEDs will flash simultaneously).
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