Viking Designer DEDO527, Designer DEDO127TSS, Designer DEDO527TSS, Designer DEDO530, Designer DEDO530SS Quick Reference Manual

Bothovens sharethetemperature control. Touse this feature,select theupperor lower oven,and then setthedesired temperature.The controls can be setat any temperaturefrom 150° F (65.6°C) to 550°F (287.8°C).
OvenFunction Selector Control
Bothovens offer11separate cookingmodes fromwhich you canchoosethe one thatbest meetsyour cookingneeds.
Whenusing this function, full­powerheat is radiatedfrom the bakeelement in the bottomof the ovencavity,while supplemental heatis radiated fromthe broil element. Thisfunction is recommendedfor single-rack baking.Use this settingfor baking, roasting, andcasseroles.
Thisfunction is a dry-heatcooking method,using director radiant heaton three different settings: low,medium andhigh. The distance betweenthe foods and thebroilelementsdetermines broiling speed.This functionis recommendedfor small, individualizedcuts, suchas steaks, chops,and patties.
With this function, only the rear element operates at full power. There is no direct heat from the bottom or top elements, and the motorized fan in the rear of the oven circulates for even heating.
OvenControl Panel
*Note:Premieremodel featuresandcontrol panelare shown.
Accesses, programs, andsavescooking
cyclesfrom favoriterecipes
Controls the interior lightsin the upper
controls frombeing activatedwhen the
ovenis not in use
Accesses customfeaturessuch as display
brightness,Sabbath mode,and tones
OvenFunction Options
OvenFunction and
Eachoven functionhas a separate setting.
TheSETcontrol up anddownarrows can be
usedto set any temperaturefrom
150°F (65.6°C) to550° F (287.8°C).
ElectronicTiming Center
TheElectronicTiming Centeris used to
programand controlall timingfunctions.
mustbe set before anyother
programcan be used.
ElectronicKeypad Entry
Bothovens sharetheelectronic keypadentry.The alphanumeric
keyscan be used to programand
controlall ovenfunctions.
OvenSelector Controls
areused to turn the upperor
loweroven on and off.
(breads, cakes,cookies,pastry,pies,
entrees, vegetables)
Multi-rackbakingfor heavieror frozen
foods(e.g., frozenpies, pizzas,entrees,
Naturaldefrostingof the foodusingfan
Automatic searingthe outsideof roasts;
Multi-rackbakingfor breads,cakes, cookies(up to 6 racks of cookiesat
Roasting wholeturkeys, wholechickens,
A self-cleaningcycle usinghighheat to
burnoff soils and deposits
Createsan optimalenvironmentfor the
risingof yeast in manykindsof dough
Threeconventionalbroilsettings forcutsof flatpieces of meat or meat1-2 inches thick
Fasterthan regularbroilingwith less smoke
generationforthicker meats
Usingthe convectionfan over a periodof
time,water is removedfrom the foodby
Automaticallyturns the ovenoffwhen the
internaltemperature of themeatbeing
roastedis reached
Settingthe Clock
Digital Display
Thetime-of-daymust be setbeforeany other programcan be used. Whenyour oven is first connected to thepower in yourhome, the timer displaywill show12:00.
Toprogramthe time-of-day:
1. Presseither the “UPPEROVEN” or “LOWEROVEN” button.
2. Pressthe“CLOCK SET”button.The clockwill begin to flash.The
word“CLOCK” willbe lit on the display.
3. Typein the correcttime on the electronicnumberkeypad.
4. Pressthe “CLOCK SET” buttonagain. The clockis now set.
Alternate method:
1. Press eitherthe “UPPEROVEN” or “LOWEROVEN” button.
2. Pressthe “CLOCK SET” button. The clock willbeginto flash.
Theword“CLOCK”willbe lit on the display.
3. Use the up and downarrowsto changethe current time.
4. Pressthe “SET” buttonon the temperaturecontrolor the
“CLOCKSET” buttonon the electronictiming center. The clock is nowset.
Note: Thetime-of-daycannot be changedwhile thereis a Bake Hoursor Start Time cycleprogrammedinto the timer.
Press and Release Press and Hold
Time increases by one minute
Time increases by 10 minutes
Time decreases by one minute
Time decreases by 10 minutes
Viking Quick Reference Guide
Designer Series
Built-In Electric Touch Control
Single and Double Ovens
Use this setting for foods that require gentle cooking, such as pastries, soufflés, yeast breads, quick breads, and cakes. This setting produces breads, cookies, and other baked goods with an even texture and golden crusts. No special bakeware is required. Use this function for single-rack baking, multiple-rack baking, roasting, and preparation of complete meals. This setting is also recommended when preparing large quantities of baked goods at one time.
Convection Bake
With this function, the bottom element operates at full power, and the top broil element operates at supplemental power. The motorized fan in the rear of the oven circulates heated air, providing a more even heat distribution. This even circulation of air equalizes the temperature throughout the oven cavity and eliminates the hot and cold spots found in conventional ovens.
A major benefit of convection baking is the ability to prepare food in larger quantities using multiple racks. When roasting using this setting, cool air is quickly replaced, searing meats on the outside and retaining more juices and natural flavor on the inside, with less shrinkage. With this heating method, foods can be baked and roasted at the same time with minimal taste transfer, even when different dishes are involved, such as cakes, fish, or meat. The hot air system is especially economical when thawing frozen food. Use this setting for baking and roasting.
Convection Broil
Using this function, the top element operates at full power. This function is exactly the same as regular broiling with the additional benefit of air circulation by the motorized fan in the rear of the oven. Smoke is reduced since the airflow also reduces the peak temperatures on the food. Use this setting for broiling thick cuts of meat.
Thisfunction furthersimplifiesroastingby automatically searing theoutside of meats,raising thepre-set temperatureby100°F fora shorttime to sear the outsideof the meat.Thetemperature thenreturns to the pre-settemperature in thestandard convectionroastmode.
Theprobetemperature functionis used to automaticallyturn the ovenoff when the internaltemperatureof meat beingcooked is reached.
Thisfunction usesa lowtemperatureto create an optimal environmentfor the yeast to risein many types of dough.
Thissetting accesses, programs, and savescooking cyclesfrom favoriterecipes.
Interior Oven LightControls
Theupperand lower ovenshave interioroven lightscontrolledby therighttouch pad.Pushthe light buttonto turn the interioroven lightson and off.
Thischild protectionfunctionpreventsthe oven controlsfrom beingactivatedwhen the oven is not in use.
Usethisfunctiontoaccess, program,and customizespecial features of youroven. Specialfeatures includebeeps,timeouts, displaybrightness, and theSabbathmode.
convection broil
convection bake
F50012 (091207J)
With this function, the convection element runs in conjunction with the inner and outer broil elements. The reversible convection fan runs at a higher speed in each direction, allowing the moisture to be sealed inside large cuts of meat, such as roasts. This saves time when compared with single fan convection roast modes. Use this setting for whole turkeys, whole chickens, and roasts.
NOTE: Because this function uses a high-speed convection fan for optimum cooking performance, some noise may be noticed from the high fan speed. This is normal.
With the temperature control off, a motorized fan in the rear of the oven circulates air. This fan accelerates natural defrosting of the food without heat.
NOTE: To avoid sickness and food waste, do not allow defrosted food to remain in the oven for more than two hours.
With this function, a motorized fan in the rear of the oven circulates warm air. Over a period of time, the water is removed from the food by evaporation. Removal of water inhibits growth of microorganisms and retards the activity of enzymes. It is important to remember that dehydration does not improve quality; only fresh, top-quality foods should be dehydrated in your oven.
The self-cleaning cycle is designed to eliminate the need for scrubbing and scouring food baked onto the oven interior. During this cycle, the oven uses high temperatures to burn off soils and deposits. An integral smoke eliminator reduces odors associated with the soil burn-off. A powder ash residue is left in the bottom of the oven after completion of the self­clean cycle. When the oven has cooled, remove any ash from oven surfaces with a damp sponge or cloth.
convection roast
RECIPEand PROBEfunctionsare includedon thePremieremodels.
111Front Street• Greenwood,Mississippi38930
USA• (662)455-1200