Viking DERT300-4B, Designer DERT301-4B, Designer DERT3014BS, Designer DERT302-4B, Designer DERT3615BS Use & Care Manual

Viking Range Corporation
use & care manual
electric rangetops/ranges
Viking Range Corporation 111 Front Street Greenwood, Mississippi 38930 USA (662) 455-1200
F1484D (M0805VR)
IIff tthhee iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn iinn tthhiiss mmaannuuaall iiss nnoott ffoolllloowweedd eexxaaccttllyy,, aa ffiirree
oorr eexxpplloossiioonn mmaayy rreessuulltt ccaauussiinngg pprro
oppeerrttyy ddaammaaggee,, ppeerrssoonnaall
iinnjjuurryy oorr ddeeaatthh..
11.. RReeaadd aallll iinnssttrruuccttiioonnss bbeeffoorree uussiinngg tthhee pprroodduucctt..
22.. IInnssttaallll oorr llooccaattee tthhee pprroodduucctt oonnllyy iinn aaccccoorrdda
annccee wwiitthh tthhee
pprroovviiddeedd IInnssttaallllaattiioonn IInnssttrruuccttiioonnss..
CCoonnggrraattuullaattiioonnss .. .. ..
Your purchase of this product attests to the importance you place upon the quality and performance of the major appliances you use. With minimal care, as outlined in this guide, this product is designed to provide you with years of dependable service. Please take the few minutes necessary to learn the proper and efficient use and care of this quality product.
We appreciate your choosing a Viking Range Corporation product, and hope that you will again select our products for your other major appliance needs.
TTaabbllee ooff CCoonntteennttss
Warnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Important Safety Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Surface Cooking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Before Your Use Your New Rangetop/Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Basic Functions of Your Oven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Oven Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Cleaning and Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Self-Clean Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Power Failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Service Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
IImmppoorrttaanntt SSaaffeettyy IInnssttrruuccttiioonnss
1. Your unit should be installed by a qualified technician. The appliance must be installed and electrically grounded according to local codes.
2. Do not attempt to repair or replace an part of this appliance unless specifically recommended in this manual. All servicing should be referred to a qualified technician. Warranty service must be performed by an authorized service agency.
3. The “push-to-turn” knobs of this range are designed to be child­safe. However, children should not be left alone in the kitchen while the range is in use. Do not store items of interest to children over the unit.
Children climbing to reach items could
be seriously injured.
4. GREASE is flammable and should be handled carefully. Do not use water on grease fires. Never pick up a flaming pan. Smother flaming pan by covering utensil completely with well-fitting lid, cookie sheet or flat tray. Flaming grease outside of utensil can be extinguished with baking soda or, if available, a multipurpose dry chemical or foam type extinguisher.
5. Never leave the surface area unattended at high heat setting. Boil-overs cause smoking and greasy spill-overs which may ignite.
6. If you are “flaming” liquor or other spirits under an exhaust,
The draft could cause the flames to spread out of
7. Wear proper apparel. Loose-fitting or hanging garments should never be worn while using the appliance.
8. Never use your range for warming or heating a room. This is based on safety considerations.
9. Use proper pan size. Select utensils having flat bottoms large enough to cover the burner. Using undersized utensils allows the flame to come up the side of the utensil, scorching the outside of the utensil and making cleanup harder.
10. Use dry pot holders. Moist or damp pot holders on hot surfaces may result in burns from steam. Do not let potholder touch hot surface areas. Do not use a towel or other bulky cloth.
DDOO NNOOTT TTOOUUCCHH SSUURRFFAACCEE UUNNIITTSS OORR AARREEAASS NNEEAARR UUNNIITTSS.. Surface areas may become hot enough to cause burns. Surface elements may be hot even though they are dark in color. During and after use, do not touch or let flammable materials contact heating elements until they have had time to cool.
12. To reduce the risk of burns, ignition of flammable materials, and spillage due to unintentional contact with the utensil, the handle of a utensil should be positioned so that it is turned inward toward the center of the range, and so that it does not extend over adjacent burners.
13. Keep area clean and free from combustible material, gasoline, and other flammable liquids. Never use your oven as a storage space. Combustible items (paper, plastic, etc.) may ignite and metallic items may become hot and cause burns.
14. A risk of tip-over may result if the appliance is not installed in accordance with installation instructions including excessive loading of the oven door or from abnormal usage.
15. Storage cabinet area above the unit must be 36” (91.4 cm) and cannot project more than 13” (33.0 cm) outward from the rear wall. Beware of potential hazards associated with retrieving items from such cabinets when the unit is in operation.
16. Do not heat unopened food containers; buildup of pressure may cause the container to explode and result in injury.
17. Never sit, step, stand, or lean on any part of the oven, or injury may result.
18. Use care when opening oven door. Let hot air or steam escape before removing or replacing food. Always position oven racks in desired location while oven is cool. If rack must be moved while oven is hot, do not let potholder contact hot heating element in oven.
19. Do not clean door gasket. It is essential for a good, tight seal. Care should be taken not to rub, damage, or move the gasket.
20. No commercial oven cleaner or oven liner protective coating of any kind should be used in or around any part of the oven.
21. Before self-cleaning the oven, remove broiler pan, broiler grid, oven racks, rack supports, and other utensils. Do not use your oven to clean other parts. A fan noise should be hear sometime during the cleaning cycle, if not, call service before self-cleaning again. WWAARRNNIINNGG::
When self-cleaning, surfaces may get hotter than
usual, therefore, children should be kept away.
Heating elements may become hot even though they are dark in color. Interior surfaces of an oven become hot enough to cause burns. During and after use, do not touch, or let clothing or other flammable materials contact heating elements or interior surfaces of oven until they have had sufficient time to cool. Other surfaces of the oven may become hot enough to cause burns, such as the oven vent opening, the surface near the vent opening, and the oven door window.
23. Clean rangetop with caution. If a wet sponge or cloth is used to wipe spills on hot cooking area, be careful to avoid steam burn. Some cleansers can produce noxious fumes if applied to hot surface.
24. Do not cook on a broken rangetop. Spillovers or cleaning solution may penetrate a broken glasstop and create a risk of electrical shock. Contact a qualified technician immediately should your rangetop become broken.
SSuurrffaaccee CCooookkiinngg
CCooookkiinngg UUtteennssiillss
Each cook has his or her own preference for the particular cooking utensils that are most appropriate for the type cooking being done. Only certain types of glass, glass/ceramic, earthern ware, or other glazed utensils are suitable for glass rangetop use without breaking due to the sudden change in temperature. As with any cookware, yours should be in good condition and free from excessive dents on the bottom to provide maximum performance and convenience.
Using cast iron cookware on the glass rangetop is not recommended. Cast iron retains heat and may result in rangetop damage
BBeeffoorree YYoouu UUssee YYoouurr NNeeww RRaannggeettoopp//RRaannggee
All products are wiped clean with solvents at the factory to remove any visible signs of dirt, oil, and grease which may have remained from the manufacturing process. Before starting to cook, clean the range thoroughly with hot, soapy water.
GGllaassss RRaannggeettoopp Clean your glass top before the first time you use it. A thorough cleaning with a glass top cleaner is recommended. It only takes a minute and puts a clean, shiny coating on the glass top before its initial use.
Before first use, wipe interior with soapy water and dry
CCooookkiinngg UUtteennssiill GGuuiiddeelliinneess
TTyyppee RReessppoonnssee ttoo tteemmpp.. RReeccoommmmeennddeedd UUssaaggee
Aluminum Heats and cools quickly Frying, Braising, Roasting
May leave metal markings on rangetop
Cast Iron Heats and cools quickly Not recommended.
Retains excessive heat and may damage
rangetop. Copper, Heats and cools quickly Gourmet cooking, wine tin lined sauces, egg dishes. Enamelware Response depends on base Not recommended.
metal Heats too slowly.
Imperfections in enamel
may scratch rangetop. Glass Ceramic Heats and cools slowly Not recommended.
Heats too slowly.
Imperfections in glass
may scratch rangetop. Stainless Steel Heats and cools at moderate Soups, sauces,
rate vegetables, general
OOppeerraattiinngg tthhee SSiinnggllee FFrroonntt oorr RReeaarr EElleemmeenntt Push in and turn the control knob counterclockwise to the desired setting. The element will cycle on and off to maintain the desired heat setting. When finished, turn all controls to OFF.
OOppeerraattiinngg tthhee RReeaarr aanndd BBrriiddggee EElleemmeenntt Push in and turn the right rear control knob clockwise to the desired setting. The rear element and the bridge element will cycle on and off to maintain the desired heat setting. When finished, turn all controls OFF.
HHoott SSuurrffaaccee IInnd
diiccaattoorr LLiigghhttss
The range has four hot surface indicator lights. They are located in the center of the glass rangetop. The hot surface indicator light will glow red when the corresponding element is turned on. The light will remain on after turning off the control knob until the corresponding element has cooled to a safe temperature.
CCooookkiinngg SSuubbssttiittuuttee CChhaarrttss
In many cases, a recipe requires an ingredient which is not readily available or calls for a unit of measure that is not easily recognized. The following charts have been provided as useful guides in these situations.
IInnggrreeddiieenntt SSuubbssttiittuutteess
Recipe calls for: Use: 1 Tbsp. Cornstarch 2 Tbsp. flour (thickening)
1 whole egg 2 egg yolks plus 1 Tbsp. water
1 c. whole milk 1 c. skim milk plus 2 Tbsp.
margarine or
1/2 c. evaporated milk plus
1/2 c. water
1 oz unsweetened chocolate 3 Tbsp. cocoa powder plus
1 Tbsp. margarine
1 Tbsp. baking powder 1/2 tsp. cream of tartar plus
1/4 tsp. baking soda
1/2 c. butter 7 Tbsp. margarine or shortening
1 c. dairy sour cream 1 Tbsp. lemon juice plus
1 c. evaporated milk
CCaannnneedd FFoooodd SSiizzeess
Contents Sizes Contents 8 oz 1 cup No. 303 2 cups Picnic 1 3/4 cups No. 2 2 1/2 cups No. 300 1 3/4 cups No. 3 4 cups No. 1 tall 2 cups No. 10 12 cups
SSuurrffaaccee CCooookkiinngg GGuuiiddee -- SSuuggggeesstteedd HHeeaatt SSeettttiinnggss
FFoooodd SSttaarrtt aatt SSeettttiinngg CCoommpplleettee aatt SSeettttiinngg
Rice HI - cover; bring water LO - cover; finish timing
to a boil according to directions
Chocolate LO - allow about 10 to
15 minutes to melt
Candy LO - cook Follow recipe Pudding, pie LO - cook according to filling directions Eggs - in shell HI - cover; bring to boil OFF- let set to desired
Fried HI - melt butter; add LO - 2; cook to desired
eggs doneness
Poached HI - bring water to boil; LO - finish cooking
add eggs Sauces HI - melt fat LO - 2; finish cooking Soup, stews HI - heat up liquid LO - 2; finish cooking Vegetables HI - cover; bring salted LO - 2; finish cooking
Fresh, frozen water to boil until desired tenderness
is reached
Vegetables, fried HI - preheat skillet and LO - 2; cook until desired
oil tenderness is reached Breads, french 4 - 5; preheat skillet 4-8 4 - 5; cook to desired toast, pancakes minutes browness Cereals HI - cover; bring water LO - 2; add cereal and
Grits, oatmeal to boil cook according to
Bacon, sausage HI - cook until just 4 -5; finish cooking
starting to sizzle Swiss steak HI - melt fat, LO - add liquid, cover
4 - 5 brown meat simmer until tender Chicken, fried HI - melt fat, LO - cook until tender
4 - 5, brown crust Hamburgers, HI - preheat skillet 4 - 5, brown meat; cook Pork chops to desired doneness Pastas - Macaroni, HI - bring salted water 4 - 5, maintain a rolling
Noodles, Spaghetti to boil; add pasta slowly boil, cook until tender
The rear element only operates at full power. Air is circulated by the fan for even heating. Use this setting for foods which require gentle cooking such as pastries and souffles
BBRROOIILL In Maxi-Broil, heat is radiated from both broil elements, located at the top of the oven cavity at full power. Broiling speed is determined by the distance between the foods and the broil elements. The Mini-Broil setting is designed for “slow” broiling. ONly the center broil element operates for partial power.
CCOONNVVEECCTTIIOONN BBRROOIILL Exactly the same as regular broiling with the additional benefit of air circulation by the motorized fan in the rear of the oven. The cool air is quickly replaced-improving the already high performance of the broil element.
SSEELLFF--CCLLEEAANN This range features an automatic pyrolytic self-cleaning cycle. During this cycle, the oven reaches elevated temperatures in order to burn off soils and deposits. An integral smoke eliminator reduces odors associated with the soil burn-off. A powder ash residue is left in the bottom of the oven after completion of the self­clean cycle. When oven has cooled, remove ash with a damp sponge or cloth.
BBaassiicc FFuunnccttiioonnss ooff YYoouurr OOvveenn
TTWWOO--EELLEEMMEENNTT BBAAKKEE Full power heat is radiated from the bake element in the bottom of the oven cavity and partial heat is radiated from the broil element in the top. Air is circulated with natural airflow. This is your traditional bake setting
CCOONNVVEECCTTIIOONN BBAAKKEE Heat is radiated from the bake element in the bottom of the oven cavity and is circulated by the motorized fan in the rear of the oven. It provides more even heat distribution throughout the oven cavity for all uses. Multiple rack use is possible for the largest baking job. When roasting, cool air is quickly replaced - searing meats on the outside and retaining more juices and natural flavor on the inside with less shrinkage.
KKiittcchheenn EEqquuiivvaalleennttss aanndd MMeettrriiccss
e Equivalent Metric* 1 tablespoon 3 teaspoons 15 mL 2 tablespoons 1 ounce 30 mL 1 jigger 1 1/2 ounces 45 mL 1/4 cup 4 tablespoons 60 mL 1/3 cup 5 tbsp. plus 1 tsp. 80 mL 1/2 cup 8 tablespoons 125 mL 1 cup 16 tablespoons 250 mL 1 pint 2 cups 30 grams 1 pound 16 ounces 454 grams
2.21 pounds 35.3 ounces 1 kilogram
*Rounded for easier measuring
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