Congratulations Warnings
Your purchase of this Droouct at_esT.sto _ne --oor_ance you bRace
upon the quality and oerformance of the major appliances yc_
use. With minimal care, as outlined in this guide, this oroduct is
designeu to provide you with years of deoendable service. Please
take the few minutes necessary to team tne DroDer and efficient
use and care of this quality prouuct.
Some of tne Key features of this aDoliance inctuoe:
• A broac range of oaking and broiling moaes - uo _o 8
cooking modes in al - _o maKe even you" most cnattengtng
baking projects a success.
• Split baking ana broiling elements-which reauces
oreheating time ana provides grea_er control ana more ever
• A reversing fan which is2 times larger _nan mos_ on tne
market - this allows you to cook foods more thorougnly ana
evenly - even when baking large o Jantities.
• Four convectior "noaes offering greater air circulation to
snoRen cookinc times and COOKfoods more even y.
• Dual broiling elements producing intense radiant neat for
faster broiling ana a larger coverage area
• Three broiling modes including a new low-broil moae for
delicate oroi ing and top-browning.
• A new licnting system _o orovide more ight with less glare.
• A orofiled, hidden baKe element for easier cleanm 9.
• Six aq ustaDie racK Positions with the largest usable bakinc
space available in this class.
Your comolete satisfaction is our ultimate goal. If you nave any
auestions or comments about this DEOaUct. Dlease contact iRe
dealer from wnom you Durcnasea _his oroauct - or contact our
consumer suppor_ center at 1-888-VIKING1.
We aoDreciate your choosing a diking® Range Corooratior
orouuct ane qoDe tnat you wi again select our products for your
otner major aoDliance needs. For more information about tne
comolete selection ofVikin 9 prouucts, contact your uealer or 9 o
f theinformation in this manualis not followed exactly,afire or explosionmay
resul_causingproperty damage,personalinjuryor death.
NEVERusethis appliance asa spaceheater to heat or _varmthe room, Doing
_oma resultin carbon monoxide Poisoningand overheating of the oven.
Do notusecommercialovencleanersinsidetheoven.Useof thesecleanerscan
NEVERcoveranyslots,holesorpassagesin the ovenbottom or coveranentire
rackNl_nmaterialssuchasaluminumfoil. Doingsoblocksairflowthroughthe
}venana maycausecarbonmonoxidepoisoning.Aluminumfoilliningsmayalso
To avoid sicknessandfood wastewhenusingautomatictime baking:
• Dc not use foods that will spoil Nhile waiting for cooking to staR,such as
olsneswl_nmilk or eggs,cream soups,custards,fish,pork, Poultry,or foods
• Any food that hasto wait for cooking to star should be verycold or frozen
beforeit isplaced in theoven.
• Do not use foods containingbaking powder or yeast when automatic time
maKing.Theywill notrise properly.
• Do not allowfood to remaininthe ovenformorethantoo hoursafterthe enc
ofthe cookingcycle.
Toavoid sicknessandfood _vaste,donot allowdefrostedfood to remaininthe
ovenfor more than bvohours.
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