Viking DEDO530SS, DEDO527TSS, DEDO530TSS, DESO127SS, DEDO130SS Use And Care Manual

¢ A_- l_flAl_ A
Viking Range Corporation
111 Front Stree_ Greenwood, Mississippi 38930 USA
(662) 455-1200
For product information
call 1-888-VIKING1 (845-4641) or visit the Viking Web Site at
Built-In Electric
Single and Double Ovens
Congratulations Warnings
Your purchase of this Droouct at_esT.sto _ne --oor_ance you bRace
upon the quality and oerformance of the major appliances yc_ use. With minimal care, as outlined in this guide, this oroduct is designeu to provide you with years of deoendable service. Please
take the few minutes necessary to team tne DroDer and efficient use and care of this quality prouuct.
Some of tne Key features of this aDoliance inctuoe:
A broac range of oaking and broiling moaes - uo _o 8 cooking modes in al - _o maKe even you" most cnattengtng
baking projects a success.
Split baking ana broiling elements-which reauces
oreheating time ana provides grea_er control ana more ever neating.
A reversing fan which is2 times larger _nan mos_ on tne
market - this allows you to cook foods more thorougnly ana
evenly - even when baking large o Jantities.
Four convectior "noaes offering greater air circulation to
snoRen cookinc times and COOKfoods more even y.
Dual broiling elements producing intense radiant neat for faster broiling ana a larger coverage area
Three broiling modes including a new low-broil moae for delicate oroi ing and top-browning.
A new licnting system _o orovide more ight with less glare.
A orofiled, hidden baKe element for easier cleanm 9.
Six aq ustaDie racK Positions with the largest usable bakinc space available in this class.
Your comolete satisfaction is our ultimate goal. If you nave any
auestions or comments about this DEOaUct. Dlease contact iRe dealer from wnom you Durcnasea _his oroauct - or contact our consumer suppor_ center at 1-888-VIKING1.
We aoDreciate your choosing a diking® Range Corooratior orouuct ane qoDe tnat you wi again select our products for your otner major aoDliance needs. For more information about tne comolete selection ofVikin 9 prouucts, contact your uealer or 9 o to
f theinformation in this manualis not followed exactly,afire or explosionmay
resul_causingproperty damage,personalinjuryor death.
NEVERusethis appliance asa spaceheater to heat or _varmthe room, Doing _oma resultin carbon monoxide Poisoningand overheating of the oven.
Do notusecommercialovencleanersinsidetheoven.Useof thesecleanerscan oroducehazardousfumesorcandamagetheporcelainfinishes.
NEVERcoveranyslots,holesorpassagesin the ovenbottom or coveranentire
rackNl_nmaterialssuchasaluminumfoil. Doingsoblocksairflowthroughthe
}venana maycausecarbonmonoxidepoisoning.Aluminumfoilliningsmayalso
To avoid sicknessandfood wastewhenusingautomatictime baking:
Dc not use foods that will spoil Nhile waiting for cooking to staR,such as olsneswl_nmilk or eggs,cream soups,custards,fish,pork, Poultry,or foods
Any food that hasto wait for cooking to star should be verycold or frozen beforeit isplaced in theoven.
Do not use foods containingbaking powder or yeast when automatic time maKing.Theywill notrise properly.
Do not allowfood to remaininthe ovenformorethantoo hoursafterthe enc ofthe cookingcycle.
Toavoid sicknessandfood _vaste,donot allowdefrostedfood to remaininthe ovenfor more than bvohours.
iii i i
i i
ii ii i i i i
2 3
Table of Contents Important Safety Instructions
Getting Started
ImDor[ant Safety instructions Sett;q 9 me Clock
Product Controls
Oven Control Pane Built-In Oven Features
Oven Settiqgs & Functions Clocks & Timers Probe Function
Cooking Tips
CooKing with Your Oven Conventional/Convection Cookinc Conventions Baking Char Convection Baking Char Solving Baking Problems
Roastino Instructions
using Meat Probe Conventions Roastino Char[
Convection Roastinc Char
Broiling nstructions Broiling Chart
Product Care
Other Instructions
Convection Dehydrate and Defrost Cleaning and Maintenance Replacing Light
Trouble Shooting
Service Information
5 7
12 13
24 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 35 36
37 37 37 41 42 43
Read before operating your oven
Use this aooliance only for its intended use as described ;_ this manual. Never use your aDDliance for warmin 9 or heatinc me room. This is oaseo
on safety considerations.
Your unit shoula De installed by a aua ified technician. The appliance mus_ oe installed and electrical y grounaea according to lOCal coaes.
Do not aEemot to repair or replace any par[ of this s oDliance unless
soecifically recommended - this manual. All servicing snoulu De referred
to a oualified technician. Warranty service mus_ De oerformed by an authorizeo service agency,
Children snoula not De left alone in the kitchen while the oven s in use.
CAUTION: Do no_ store iteFns of interest to children over the unit. Children climbing to reach items cou d be seriously injurea.
GREASE - Grease is flammaDle ana snou,a De nana,ea carefu y. Do not
use water on grease fires. Flamin 9 grease can be extinguished with bakin 9 soaa or. if available, a multiDurDose dry chemica or foam type extinguisher. Let fat coo before atterr otin 9 to handle it. Do not allOW grease to COlleCt arour a me oven or in vents. WiDe UD sDillovers
Loose-fitting or hanging garments snoulo never De worn while using me
aooliance. Do not draoe towels or materials on oven ooor nanoles. These
terns could ignite ano cause oums.
Use only ary pomolders. Mois_ or aamD aOmolaers on hot surfaces ma'y result in burns from steam. Do not et oomolaer toucn hot surface areas.
Do not use a IOWel or omen DU <y ClOm.
Keeo area clean and free from combustible materials, gaso ine, ana omer flammable liouids. Never use your oven as a storage space. Combustible
terns tDaoer. Plastic, etc.) may ignite and metallic items may oecome no_
aria cause burns.
Warranty 47
4 5
Important Safety Instructions
Setting the Clock
Do not neat unoDenec food containers; builduo of Dressure may cause tne container to exD Due and result in injury.
Always position oven racks in desired location while oven is cool. If rack musi De movea wqile oven is hot. ao not lei ootnolaer contact not
heating e ement n over
Use care when ooeninc oven aoor. LeI hot air or steam escaoe before
"emoving or reolacing fooa. Hot air or steam can cause burns to nanas
face and/or eyes.
Keeo oven vents unoostructed. The oven vent is located at the front of the oven ana vents into the room.
Do r 3_ clean aoor gasket. It is essential for a gooa tight sea. Care shoula De taKen not to rUb, aamage, or move IRe oasKeI,
Digital Display
The time-of-c ay must be set before any Diner program can De usecL
When your oven isfirst O O _ _ O connected to the Dower 2o_ .%% . M_._ _?_E'
your Rome. _ne timer disolay will show --:--. To program me time-of-day:
1. Press the "CLOCK/PROBE"* buEon once. 12:00 wi De
disolayed with the wora SET in tne upper right corner.
2. Turn the "SET" knob until the correct time-of-clay is displayea.
AM anu PM are not indicatea.
3. Press me "CLOCK/PROBE" button again. The word SETwi
disaDoear and tne correct time is now set into the timer
No commercia oven cleaner or oven liner orotective coating sucn as aluminum foil should be used in or arounu any Dart of tne oven. imDroDer The time-of-day can De cnanged by following steos 1 through 3.
over liners may resu t in a risk of electric shock or fire. Keeo oven free from grease buildup.
Before self-cleaning tne oven, remove broiler Dan, broiler g-_a, oven racKs, and other utensils. Do not use your oven to aean Diner Darts. A fan noise snoula De neara aur;_ 9 the cleaning cycle. If not, call service before self- cleaning again.
It cannot De cnangea wnile tnere is a BaKe mours or Start
Time cycle programmed into the timer.
Analog Display
(Designer TimeDiece Models)
DO NOT TOUCH HEATING ELEMENTS OR INTERIOR SURFACES OF OVEN. Heatin 9 elements may De noI even tnougn tney are aark in color.
nterior surfaces of an oven oecome not enougn to :ause burns. During
and affer use, ao not toucn or et clothing or other flammao e materials
contact heatin 9 elements c" interior surfaces of oven unti tney nave nac sufficient time to coo. Other surfaces of the oven may become not
enough to cause Duns sucn as tne oven vent ooening, tne surface near
IRe vent opening, ana IRe oven door winc]ow,
The time-of-day must De set before any Diner oroc "am can De used. When your
oven is first connected to the Dower in yoc" home, the digital disolay will show 00:00. To program tne
...... _KP start proD_
1. Push and I- 3ld the "timer" and "baKe hours" buttons at tne same time.
2.Turn tne "Set" knob until correct time is displayed on tne
digital clod<.
3. Release "timer" and "bake hours" button-_
The analoc clock wil automatical y set after the digital time is set.
"NOTE: The PROBE function is included on Premiere Models
6 7
Oven Control Panel (Professional Models)
Oven Control Panel (Designer Models)
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E cN
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8 9
Built-In Electric Oven Features Oven Settings and Functions
(Behind Baffle)
Oven Light"
Number Plate _
{behind door)
Premiere Professiona aouDle oven is snown aDove.
Temperature Control
Each oven nas a seoarate temoerature contro dial and a
seoarate oven function selector. The controB car oe set at any temoerature from 20013 F (93.3 ° C) to 550b F (287,8 ° Q. There are seoarate settings for broiling ana self-cleaning. Always be sure tne controB are in the OFF
oosition wnen _ne ovens are not in use.
Interior Oven Light Control [
The UDDer ano ower ovens have iq_erior over- ign_s _na_ LOVEN
are control ec oy one switch on _ne con_ro oanel. Push LIGHT tne switch to turn the interior over lights on and off.
Two-Element Bake
Fu aower heat is radiated from tne DaKe element in tne oottom of the oven cavity and suoolemental heat is radiated from the broil element. This
function is recommenaea for sing e racK oaKIng. Many COOKDOOKScontain
cecI oes to De COOKed in
the conventiona manner Conventional baKing/ roast qg is Dar[iculany
suitable for dishes tna_ reauire a hion temperature. Use this
setting for baking, roast qg, ana casseroles.
10 11
Oven Settings and Functions Oven Settings and Functions
The rear elemen_ on y
operates at ful oower. There is no direct heat
from the oot_om or too
elements. The motorized
fan in the rear of the over circulates air in tne over cavity for even heating.
Use this setting Zor fooas
[na_ reauire genue cooking sucn as Dastries. souffles, yeast Dreams,
auick breads and cakes. Breads. cookies, ana o_ner baked goods come ou_ evenly _ex_ured with golaen crusts. No soecial bakeware s reauirec Use this fb action for single rack baking, multiDle rac ( baldng, roastiqg, ana preparation of comolete meals. This setting is also recommenaea wnen baking large auantities of baked gooas at one time.
Convection Bake
The bottom element
operates at fu mower.
ana _ne too Droll element
operates at suoolementa
oower. The neated air is
circulated by _ne
motorized fan in the rear
of the oven providing a
more even neat
distribution. This even
circulation of air eaualizes
_ne temperature
tnrougnou_ the oven cavity ana eliminates tne not ana cola soots found in convenuonal ovens. A major benefit of convection baking is the ability _o Dreoare food in c Jantity using muEiole racks - a featu "e not Dossible _ a stanaara oven. When roasting, COOl air is auicley replaced, searinc meats on tne outside aria re_aining more juices ane qatural flavor on the inside
Mth ess shrinkage. With this heating method, foods can De DaKea ane
-oas_ea a_ tne same time with rr ;_;mal taste transfer, even when differen_ dishes are qVOlvea, sucn as caKes, fish or meat. The hot air system is esoecially economics Nnen thawing frozen fooa. use _his setting for bakinc aria roasting
Convection Roast*
The convection element
"uns n conjuction with
the inner aria outer uroi
elements. The reversible
convection far runs a_ a higner soeed in each
direction. This transfer of neat (mainly from the
convection element) seals moisture inside of
arae roasts.
A time savings is ga nec
over existing, sing e fan convection roast modes. Use this setting forwholc turKeys, WhOle chickens, Rams. etc.
Convection Broil*
The too element
operates at fu oower.
This function is exactly
tne same as regJlar broi ir g with the
additional benefit of air circulation by the
motorizea fan in iRe rear of the oven. Smoke is
"eaucea since the
airflow also reauces peaK temperatures on
the food Use this setting for broiling thick cuts of meats.
*This fL.nction uses a high-soeea convection fan for ootimum cooking oerformance. Some noise may be noticed from this high fan speed. This is normal.
12 13
Oven Settings and Functions Oven Settings and Functions
Heat radiates from Don broil elements, ocated ir
me too of the oven cavil. at full Dower. The diste qce
between the foods and [he broil elements
aetermines broiling soeed. For "fast" broiling, fooa may De as ClOSe as 2 inches (S cm) to the broi element or on IRe _oo rack. "Fast" broiling is
DesI for meats where
rare to [Tedium
aoneness is desirec Use this setting for broiling
sma ana averaoe cuts of
qner and outer broil
elements OUlSe on and off IO DFOClUCe less neat for
"slow" broiling. Allow
about 4 inches (10 cm)
between me _oD surface
of the food and the broi element. "Slow broiling is
oest for chicken ana _am n oraer to broil food
with Du_ over-browning k.
use thL_ setting for broiling
sma ana average cuts of
This mocle uses only a fraction of the available Dower to the inner broi element for delicate
lop-browning, The qner broi element is on for
omy par[ of the time. Use this setting to gently Drown meringue on "aCKS3 or 4 in 3-4
The pyrolytic self-cleaning cycle is designea _o e "ninate the need for scrubbing and scouring food DaKea onto me oven interior. During this cycle, the oven reacnes elevatea temperatures _ oraer to Durn
off soils and cleDOSlIS. An integral smoKe e mlnator recluces odors associated with the soi burn-off. A oowaer asn residue is left in the bottom
of the oven after comoletion of the self-clean cycle. When the oven qas COOlea, remove any ash from oven surfaces with a aamD sponge or CLOD.
With me selector set to TruConvec ana me temperature control on 200b E (93.30 C), warm air is circulated by
a motorized fan in the rear of the oven. Over a oeriod of time. tne water is removed from the food Dy
ew ooration. Removal of water inhibits growth of microorganisms anc retaras _ne activity of enzymes. It is irr oortan_ to remember mat aenydration does not irr Drove tne q Jality, so only fresh,_oo-D Jality foods
snoulo De usecI,
Convection Defrost
With the selector set to TruConvec ana me _emoerature control off, ai-
circulatea Dy a motorized fan :_
me rear of the oven. The fan
accelerates natural defrosting of the food without heat. To avoid sickness ana food waste, do not allow defrosted food to remain in the oven for more man two nours.
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