Important Safety Instructions
Important Safety Instructions
Read all instructions before using the steam oven.
use this oven on') indoors a -d for its intended use as
(described in this manual. Never use your oven for warming
or heating the room. This is base(] on safety considerations.
Your unit snoul(a De installed by a a Jalified technic;an. The
oven mus_ be insta te(a an(a etectrica y grpun(ae(a according
lEOidea co(des.
The o en snout(a or.; be instatted and operated in a roorr
Nith a temperature petween 41 °F :5°C an(] 95°F (35 cC). In
tne event of frost, there is a (]anger ma_ rest(auat water left
in the pumps can freeze, causing (damage.
Before using tne newt_ qstalled over. fo tow me sqceosmat
snoul(a De taken before operating the oven for me z:"st time.
Do no_ aEempt to repair or replace any part of this over
Jr ess soecifically recommenae(a ;- this manual. All se "vicing
snoul(a pe referred to a (a Jalified technician. Warranty service
must De oerformed by an authorized aerv,ce agency.
o Children shc JiO not be left alone in the kitchen while the
over. is in Jse.
o Do not _se the oven if it is visibly (aamage(a an(a/or _nere ts
risible smoke corr;_g from the oven. Keen odor nosed an(a
---ediate, disconnect from e ectrical supply.
Always sosition oven racks n desired Iccation whi e oven is
cool. If rack must pe move(] while oven is not. (no - _ te_ so_
no (aer contact not heating element in oven.
o use care wnen o(aenmg and touching oven (moor. Le_ hot air
or stearr escaoe before removing or replacing food. Do not
toucn glass window On (moor. Hot air or stearr can cause
ourns to nan(as, face. an(a/or eyes. Do not sit or res_ on _ne
oven (moor.
o Keeo oven ven_s c qops_ructed. The oven ven_ is Iocate(a at
the front of the over` and vents ir[o me room. In ProBake
cooldng steam may escape from tne s_eam ven_.
Do not ctean (door g asKet, t is essential for a good tight
seal. Care shoL _ De !:aKen not ]:o rUb, (damage, or move tne
Allow sufficient time for the c yen to cool before cleaning.
us_ a Clcll]-iu soTt cIo[n [o remove al]_ residJal water in _n_
poEom of the oven cavity. Do not use steam c eaners or
spray [ne inside or outside of the oven with water.
4o commercial oven cteaner or ove niner srotective coating
sucn as alumirdm foil snoul(a De use(a _ or aroun(a any dart
of the oven. Improper oven liners may result in a risk of
e ectric shock or fire. Keep oven free from grease buildup.
Packaginc materiaJ can De (dangerous. Danger of suffocatio!!
Dispose of packaging --ateria according to ocat rec Jlations.
use on y ary dot holders. Moist or damo ootnotaers on not
surfaces may result in purns from steam. Do not et oomotaer
toucn sg #ace areas. Do no_ use towel or OUIK) CIOqCn.
Keep area ctean and free from combustible materials,
gasoline, and other flammable lie Jids. Never use your oven
as a s_orage soace. Combustible items (paper, slastic, etc.)
may _gnite an(a metallic iterT s may become no_ an(a cause
burns. Do not sour spirits over kot foods. Do no_ leave over
Jnsu(aervised when drying herps, prea(as musnrooms e_c: fire
S_RFACES OF THE OVEN. Heating elements may pe no_
even _nougn _ne) are dark in color, nteriorsurfaces of an
oven oecome no_ enougn _o cause burns. Durir g an(] after
_se, (no no_ _oucn or let clothing or o_her flammab e
materials contact heating etemen_s or interior surfaces of
oven until they nave na(a sufficient time to cool. Other
surfaces of the oven may Decome no_ enougn _o cause
ourns, sucn as _ne oven ven_ opening _ne surface near the
ven_ opening aria _ne oven aoor _vinaow
• Keeo this use ann care manua for future -eference. If you
set _ne oven or oass it on 1:o a third sar_y, make sure _ne use
an(a care manuat accompany _ne installation ins_ruc_ ons.
, Do ro_ nea_ unopened food containers: buildup of pressure SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS!
may cause the container to exDto(ae an(a resuE - qjury.
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