Viewsonic VA930-1 Service Bulletin 001

ViewSonic® Corporation
381 Brea Canyon Road Walnut, CA 91789 Tel: (909) 444-8727 Fax: (909) 444-8654
To : Authorized Service Providers Issue Date: June 2, 2003 ECO # : 2534-1 Model # : VA930-1
Subject/Symptom: Prepared By :
Red video noise may be visible under 640x350 @70Hz and 800x600 @72Hz video mode.
Tommy Jue
Red video noise may be visible under 640x350 @70Hz and 800x600 @72Hz video mode. Only a very small number of production units are impacted.
Symptom: Depending upon the above modes input, the horizontal lines in a white crosshatch pattern will show a reddish color. This is an indication of a unit impacted by noise in this video line on the main board.
Service Bulletin Application: ASP Distribution:
Recall. - USA ASP Service Inventory, Repairs In-Process & No Problem Found (NPF). - Canada ASP Repairs In-Process & NPF. - Latin America ASP Repairs In-Process. - 3rd Party ASP Technician judgement for unit under service (symptomatic). - Supplier Service ASP
Part Location Part Description Part Number Repair Action Comment Failure
*Note: Repair action(s) that consist of the countermeasures contained in this or any other service bulletin(s), shall use D5 as the repair code. All other repair action(s) outside of the service bulletin(s) shall use the appropriate repair codes contained in the Repair and Defect Codes Handbook (i.e. C7).
30 (100MHz) bead
core resistor
Service Bulletin
Cut-in S/N : S/N Range : Target Date : Sept. 2002 production
Approved By :
Eileen Nguyen
Replace original 60 (100MHz) resistor with this new part value.
- Limited ASP
- ViewSonic Internal
- Complete ASP Listing
G0A D5
Please contact the Quality Assurance Department at (909) 444-8727 for further information.
4.19: Form, Service Bulletin 10/30/2002
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