D. To switches the input signal to the other Timing Mode. Please follow step C ~ D to get the
optimum picture.
E. Select the "
" RETURN function and press the MENU Key, then the Factor Preset
window will be returned to the original OSD window.(user's operating condition)
ROTATION, COLOR TEMPERATURE are common mode saved in the memory. Don't needed
adjust it individual at every timing Mode and save in the memory.
4.3.3. White Balance adjustment:
A. Choose key X of OSD and press it for above 10s,then enter into factory setting area for
B. Brightness & contrast ratio MAX, fix to G-BIAS,fix to 47.
C. Raster Max modulation: Raster Pattern, adjust R or B bias and G2, make x=271, y+301,
Y=3.0±0.2 cd/m2
D. Raster cut off modulation: Raster Pattern, adjust brightness to make Cut off: 0.08±0.02
cd/m2,and then put 9300K & 6500K into it.
E. Choose 3 for LH,set R or G or B gain,make x=281, y=311,Y=260,then save it into 9300K color
temperature,set R or G or B gain, make x=313, y=329 Y=240,then save it into 6500K color
temperature,in the end exit the factory setting area.
F. Choose 2 for LH,set R or G or B gain,make x=281, y=311,Y=200,then save it into 9300K color
temperature,set R or G or B gain, make x=313, y=329 Y=180,then save it into 6500K color
temperature,in the end exit the factory setting area.
G. Choose 1 for LH,set R or G or B gain,make x=281, y=311,Y=140,then save it into 9300K color
temperature,set R or G or B gain, make x=313, y=329 Y=140,then save it into 6500K color
temperature,in the end exit the factory setting area.
H. Exit factory setting area, white screen appears, the brightness cuts off, adjust factory AB value,
make it 9300K, color temperature Y=95±1 cd/m2
I. After modulation, it’s necessary to check if the white balance accords with the normal
specification. If not, which needs reset.
4.3.5. Purity Adjustment:
A. Be sure that the display is not being exposed to any external magnetic fields.
B. Ensure that the spacing between the Purity, Convergence, Magnet, (PCM), assembly and the
CRT stem is 29mm. (See below diagram)
C. Produce a complete, red pattern on the display. Adjust the purity magnet rings on the PCM
assembly to obtain a complete field of the color red. This is done by moving the two tabs in such
a manner that they advance in an opposite direction but at the same time to obtain the same
angle between the two tabs, which should be approximately 180'.
D. Check the complete blue and complete green patterns to observe their respective color purity.
Make minor adjustments if needed.