Macintosh and Power Macintosh a re re gistered trademarks of Apple Co mputer, Inc.
Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, and the Windows logo are registered tradem arks of Microsoft
Corporation in th e United States and other countries.
ViewSonic, the three birds logo, OnView, ViewMatch, and ViewMeter are registered trademarks of
ViewSonic Corporation.
VESA is a registered trademark of the Video Electronics Standards Association. DPMS and DDC
are trademarks of VESA.
As an E
Disclaimer: ViewSonic
contained herein; nor for incid en ta l or conse quential damages resulting fro m fu rni shing this
material, or the perfo rm an ce or use this product .
In the interest o f continuing produ ct improvement , ViewSonic Corporation rese rves the right t o
change product specifica ti ons wit ho ut notice. Information in this doc ument may change witho ut
is a registered trademark of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
partner, ViewSonic Corporation has determined tha t this product meets the
guidelines for energy efficiency.
Corporation shall not be liabl e fo r technical or editorial err ors or omissions
No part of this document ma y be c opi ed , reproduced, or transmit te d by a ny m ea ns, for an y purpose
without prior writt en permission from ViewSonic Corpo ration.
Product Registration
To meet your future needs, and to receive any additional product informati on as it becom es
available, please register you r prod uct on the Internet at: The ViewSonic
Wizard CD-ROM also provides an opportunity for you to print the registration form which you
may mail or fax to ViewSonic.
For Your Records
Product Name:
Model Number:
Document Number:
Serial Number:
Purchase Date:
ViewSonic P225
P225 _UG_204
Product disposal at end of product life
ViewSonic is concerned about the preserva t ion of our environment. Plea se di spose of this product
properly at the end of its useful li fe. Your local waste disposal company may provide informati on
about proper disposal.
2ViewSonic P225
Getting Started
Congratulations on your purchase of a ViewSonic P22 5 color monitor.
Important! Save the original box and all packing material for future shipping needs.
NOTE: This product was desig ned for operation in the magnetic fields of the he misphere
where it was purchased.
Package Contents
Your P225 package includes:
• P225 monitor
• DB-15 video cable
•Power cord
•Setup Guide
• ViewSonic Wizard CD-ROM (including User Guide PDF file and INF/ICM display
optimization files)
NOTE: The supplied INF file ensures compatibility with Windows operating systems,
and the ICM file (Image Color Match ing) ensures accurate on-screen c olors. ViewSonic
recommends that you install both files.
• For best viewing conditions sit at least
18” from the monitor.
WITH YOUR FINGERS. Oils from the
skin are difficult to remove.
COVER. The monitor contain s high
voltage parts. You may suffer serious
injury if you touch these parts.
• Avoid exposing the monitor to direct
sunlight or another hea t source. The
monitor should be facing away from
direct sunligh t to reduce glare.
• Always handle your monitor with care
when moving it.
• Choose a well vent ilate d are a to p osit ion
your monitor. Do not plac e an yt hing on
the monitor that prevents adeq uate
dissipation of he at.
• Ensure the area around the mo nitor is
clean and free o f moisture.
• Keep the monitor a way from magnets,
motors, transformers, speakers, and
• Do not place he avy objects on the
monitor, video cable, or power cord.
• If smoke, abnormal noise, or strange
odor is present, immediat ely switch the
monitor off and call your de aler or
ViewSonic. It is dangerous to continue
using the monitor.
ViewSonic P2253
Quick Installation
1 C onnect video cable
Make sure both the mo nitor and co mpute r are
powered OFF.
Connect theDB-15 video cable to the
computer. (The mo nitor can a l so be
connected to a BNC video cable, purchased
require a Macintosh adapter. Attach the
adapter to the computer and plug the video
cable into the adapter.
To order a ViewSonic
contact ViewSonic. See “Customer Support”
on page 14.
2 C onnect monitor base cord
Connect the monitor base cord from the AC
OUT port to the AC IN port on the monitor.
3 C onnect power cord
Connect the power cord from the monitor
base to a properly grounded AC outlet.
4 Connect USB devices
Connect the USB cable from your computer
USB port to the USB Input on the rear of the
monitor base. To use the USB Hub, connect
the selected USB devices (up to four) to the
USB downstream ports shown below.
5 Power-ON monitor and computer
Power-ON the monitor, then power-ON the
computer. This sequence (monitor before
computer) is very important.
NOTE: At this point Windows 98 use r s may
receive a message asking them to install the
P225 INF file.
users: Models older than G3
Macintosh adapter,
6 Install Display Optimization files
(INF and ICM files)
(1) Insert the ViewSonic Wizard CD-ROM
into your computer’s CD-ROM drive.
NOTE: If your computer does not have a
CD-ROM drive, see “Customer Support” on
page 12.
(2) Wait for the CD-ROM to auto-start.
NOTE: If the CD-ROM does not auto-start:
double-click on the CD-ROM icon in
Windows Explorer, then double-click on
(3) Follow the on-screen instructions.
7 Windows users
Mode (resolu t ion and refr esh rate) Example:
1024 X 768 @ 75Hz.
For instructions on changing the resolution
and refresh rate, see the user guide for your
computer's graphics card.
Installation is complete.
Installation is complete. Enjoy your new
P225 monitor.
To be best prepared for any future customer
service needs: print this user guide and write
the serial number in "For Your Records" on
page 1. (See back of monitor.)
To register your product go online to
The ViewSonic Wizard CD-ROM also
provides an opportunity for you to print the
registration form which you may mail or fax
to ViewSonic.
: Set the Timing
Monitor base cord
USB ports
Monitor power cord
4ViewSonic P225
Power cord
Video cable
USB cable
Using the Monitor
Setting the Timing Mode
Setting the timing mode is important for maximizing the quality of the screen
image and minimizing eye strain. The timing mode consists of the resolution
(example 1600 x 1200) and refresh rate (or vertical frequency; example 85 Hz).
After setting the timing mode, use the OnVie w® controls to adjust the screen image.
The recommended timing modes for this monitor are:
VESA 1600 x 1200 @ 85 Hz.
To set the Timing Mode:
1Set the resolution: Right-click on the Windows
desktop > Properties > Settings >
Desktop Area > set the resolution.
2Set the refresh rate: See your graphic card's user guide for instruct ions.
NOTE: To minimize the adjustments required for an optimal screen im age , select a
timing mode from the Preset Timing Modes table below.
Preset Timing Modes
VGA 640 x 400 @ 70 Hz
VGA 640 x 480 @ 60 Hz
VESA 800 x 600 @ 85 Hz
VESA 1024 x 768 @ 75 Hz
VESA 1024 x 768 @ 85 Hz
VESA 1280 x 1024 @ 75 Hz
WARNING: Do NOT set the graphics card in your computer to exceed the maximum
refresh rate for each resolution (see below). Doing so may result in permanent damage to
your monitor.
VESA 1280 x 1024 @ 85 Hz
VESA 1600 x 1200 @ 75 Hz
VESA 1600 x 1200 @ 85 H z
VESA 2048 x 1536 @ 75 Hz
Macintosh 1152 x 870 @ 75 Hz
640 x 480 @ 66.7 Hz
Timing Modes with Maximum Refresh Rates
1280 x 1024 NI @ 115 Hz
1152 x 870 NI @ 134 Hz
1024 x 768 NI @ 151 Hz
800 x 600 NI @ 180 Hz
640 x 480 NI @ 180 Hz
1600 x 1200 NI @ 99Hz
2048 x 1536 NI @ 79 Hz
ViewSonic P2255
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