Vieworks VXvue Service Manual

VXvue Service Manual
© Vieworks. 2023 All rights reserved.
Under copyright laws, this manual should not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without the written
permission of Vieworks. The specifications and related information in this manual may be changed without
notice. Refer to Vieworks Download System (VDS) for the latest version of our manuals.
This document is basically produced in English and can be produced in the language of the relevant country
VXvue Service Manual
1. Information ....................................................................................................................................... 6
1.1 Disclaimer ................................................................................................................................................. 7
1.2 Document Guide ..................................................................................................................................... 8
1.3 Document Convention ........................................................................................................................... 9
1.3.1 Symbols .............................................................................................................................................................................. 9
1.3.2 Notations ........................................................................................................................................................................... 9
1.4 Purpose of Use ...................................................................................................................................... 10
1.4.1 Intended Use .................................................................................................................................................................10
1.4.2 Patient Group ................................................................................................................................................................10
1.4.3 Contra-Indication .........................................................................................................................................................10
1.5 Clinical Benefits of Product Use ......................................................................................................... 11
1.6 Features ................................................................................................................................................... 12
1.7 Product Use ............................................................................................................................................ 13
1.7.1 Product Usage ...............................................................................................................................................................13
1.7.2 Disclaimer ........................................................................................................................................................................13
1.8 Safety Instruction .................................................................................................................................. 14
1.8.1 Management and Authority ...................................................................................................................................14
1.8.2 Shooting ...........................................................................................................................................................................14
1.8.3 Image Processing .........................................................................................................................................................15
1.8.4 Calibration .......................................................................................................................................................................15
1.8.5 Cybersecurity .................................................................................................................................................................15
1.8.6 Pediatric Application ..................................................................................................................................................16
1.9 Supporting Detectors ........................................................................................................................... 17
2. Instruction ....................................................................................................................................... 18
2.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................................. 19
2.1.1 Main Features ................................................................................................................................................................19
2.1.2 Hierarchy Chart .............................................................................................................................................................19
2.1.3 Main Components .......................................................................................................................................................20
2.2 Recommended Specifications ............................................................................................................. 21
2.2.1 Workstation ....................................................................................................................................................................21
3. Installation ....................................................................................................................................... 23
3.1 Installation Guide .................................................................................................................................. 24
3.1.1 Installing VXvue ............................................................................................................................................................26
3.1.2 How to Turn off Power Saving Mode ................................................................................................................33
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3.1.3 How to Configure the Firewall ..............................................................................................................................34
3.2 Checking Installation Contents ........................................................................................................... 37
3.2.1 Checking the Program ..............................................................................................................................................37
3.2.2 Checking the Folder and File .................................................................................................................................38
3.2.3 Checking Database and Platform ........................................................................................................................39
3.3 Setting Date and Time ......................................................................................................................... 40
3.4 Registering a License ............................................................................................................................ 41
3.4.1 Running VXvue .............................................................................................................................................................41
3.4.2 Getting a License .........................................................................................................................................................41
4. Settings ............................................................................................................................................ 42
4.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................................. 43
4.1.1 Getting Started .............................................................................................................................................................43
4.1.2 Saving the Settings .....................................................................................................................................................44
4.1.3 Exporting / Importing Settings .............................................................................................................................44
4.2 System Group......................................................................................................................................... 45
4.2.1 System Information Menu .......................................................................................................................................45
4.2.2 Product Information Menu .....................................................................................................................................46
4.2.3 Account Menu ...............................................................................................................................................................47
4.2.4 Theme Menu ..................................................................................................................................................................49
4.2.5 License Menu .................................................................................................................................................................50
4.2.6 Access Menu ..................................................................................................................................................................51
4.3 Registration Group ................................................................................................................................ 52
4.3.1 General Menu ................................................................................................................................................................52
4.3.2 Unscheduled Menu .....................................................................................................................................................54
4.3.3 Scheduled Menu ..........................................................................................................................................................55
4.3.4 Physician Menu .............................................................................................................................................................56
4.4 Display Group ........................................................................................................................................ 58
4.4.1 General Menu ................................................................................................................................................................58
4.4.2 Information Overaly Menu ......................................................................................................................................60
4.4.3 Overlay Item Menu .....................................................................................................................................................62
4.4.4 Annotation Menu ........................................................................................................................................................63
4.4.5 LUT Menu ........................................................................................................................................................................64
4.4.6 Monitor Correction Menu ........................................................................................................................................65
4.4.7 Layout Menu ..................................................................................................................................................................66
4.5 Tool Group .............................................................................................................................................. 68
4.5.1 General Menu ................................................................................................................................................................68
4.5.2 Pre-Defined Text Menu .............................................................................................................................................71
4.5.3 Image Tool Menu .........................................................................................................................................................72
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4.5.4 Quick Access Menu ....................................................................................................................................................73
4.5.5 Thumbnail Setting .......................................................................................................................................................75
4.5.6 Status Bar Menu ...........................................................................................................................................................76
4.6 Study Group ........................................................................................................................................... 77
4.6.1 General Menu ................................................................................................................................................................77
4.6.2 Study Delete Menu .....................................................................................................................................................79
4.6.3 External Save Menu ....................................................................................................................................................80
4.6.4 Rejected List Menu .....................................................................................................................................................84
4.6.5 Rejected Reason Menu .............................................................................................................................................84
4.6.6 Image Area Menu ........................................................................................................................................................85
4.6.7 Import Patient Menu ..................................................................................................................................................86
4.6.8 Email Menu .....................................................................................................................................................................88
4.7 Procedure Manager .............................................................................................................................. 89
4.7.1 Tool Area ..........................................................................................................................................................................90
4.7.2 Category Tab ..................................................................................................................................................................91
4.7.3 Procedure Tab ................................................................................................................................................................96
4.7.4 Stitch Protocol Tab ......................................................................................................................................................98
4.7.5 Ste p Ta b ............................................................................................................................................................................99
4.7.6 Body part / Projection Tabs ................................................................................................................................. 109
4.8 Integration Group ............................................................................................................................... 111
4.8.1 General Menu ............................................................................................................................................................. 111
4.8.2 Detector Menu ........................................................................................................................................................... 112
4.8.3 Shock Log Menu ....................................................................................................................................................... 117
4.8.4 XIPL Menu .................................................................................................................................................................... 118
4.9 DICOM Group ...................................................................................................................................... 121
4.9.1 General Menu ............................................................................................................................................................. 121
4.9.2 Queue Menu ............................................................................................................................................................... 122
4.9.3 Setting Common Items of DICOM Server .................................................................................................... 124
4.9.4 MWL Menu .................................................................................................................................................................. 127
4.9.5 MPPS Menu ................................................................................................................................................................. 130
4.9.6 Storage Menu ............................................................................................................................................................. 130
4.9.7 Storage Commitment Menu ................................................................................................................................ 133
4.9.8 Print Menu ................................................................................................................................................................... 134
4.9.9 Print Overlay Menu .................................................................................................................................................. 139
4.9.10 Tag Mapping Menu ................................................................................................................................................. 141
4.10 Backup Group .................................................................................................................................. 143
4.10.1 Backup Menu .............................................................................................................................................................. 143
4.10.2 Clean Menu ................................................................................................................................................................. 144
4.10.3 Restore Menu ............................................................................................................................................................. 145
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4.11 Account Default Group .................................................................................................................. 146
4.11.1 Image Tool Menu ...................................................................................................................................................... 146
4.11.2 Quick Access Menu ................................................................................................................................................. 147
4.11.3 Thumbnail Menu ....................................................................................................................................................... 149
5. Advanced Settings ....................................................................................................................... 150
5.1 Setting a Language ............................................................................................................................. 151
5.1.1 Checking a Language to Use .............................................................................................................................. 151
5.1.2 Adding a Language to Use .................................................................................................................................. 151
5.2 VXvue Demo ........................................................................................................................................ 153
5.2.1 Features ......................................................................................................................................................................... 153
5.2.2 Starting VXvue Demo ............................................................................................................................................. 153
5.2.3 Detector Icons of VXvue Demo ......................................................................................................................... 153
5.2.4 Making Virtual Exposure in VXvue Demo ..................................................................................................... 154
5.2.5 Changing Demo Image.......................................................................................................................................... 155
5.3 Using with KIOSK ................................................................................................................................ 157
5.3.1 Functions of VXvue KIOSK.................................................................................................................................... 157
5.3.2 Setting to KIOSK ....................................................................................................................................................... 158
5.4 Log Viewer ............................................................................................................................................ 159
6. Regulatory Information .............................................................................................................. 160
6.1 Medical Equipment Safety Standards ............................................................................................. 161
6.1.1 Medical Equipment Classification ..................................................................................................................... 161
6.1.2 Product Safety Standard ........................................................................................................................................ 161
6.2 Labels and Symbols ............................................................................................................................ 162
6.2.1 Labels ............................................................................................................................................................................. 162
6.2.2 Product Symbols ....................................................................................................................................................... 163
7. Appendix........................................................................................................................................ 164
7.1 Appendix. Glossary ............................................................................................................................. 165
8. Revision History ........................................................................................................................... 168
8.1 Revision History .................................................................................................................................. 169
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VXvue Service Manual

1. Information

This section gives basic information of this manual and the product.
Document Guide
Document Convention
Purpose of Use
Clinical Benefits of Product Use
Product Use
Safety Instruction
Supporting Detectors
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VXvue Service Manual

1.1 Disclaimer

If the user is not fully acquainted with this manual the system can malfunction or cause otherwise
unforeseen issues. To prevent any potential issues the user should fully understand the contents in this
manual before operating the program and equipment.
When operating this software, take the following precautions or the product may not function correctly.
1 Roentgenography, image processing, reading of image, and data storage must be performed in
accordance with the law of each country where the program is being used. Also, the user is responsible
for protecting the privacy of image data.
2 In no event will Vieworks be liable for direct or indirect consequential damage arising out of the use of
this program. Vieworks will not be liable for loss of image data for any reason.
3 Before using this software, be sure to read this manual thoroughly as well as the manuals for any
equipment used in conjunction with this software. Keep this manual where it is easily accessible.
4 Other systems and product names in this manual are the trademarks from their manufacturer.
The user is responsible for ensuring whether the detector calibration is performed
correctly after the software installation. Do not try to use the software if the detector
calibration has not been performed.
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Item Contents
Customer Support Team at Vieworks
VXvue Service Manual

1.2 Document Guide

This manual explains how to install and configure VXvue, the image acquisition program developed by
Vieworks Co., Ltd and is intended for service engineers who install and configure the VIVIX-S detector and
VXvue software.


This manual describes how to install and set up VXvue, an image viewer program developed by Vieworks.


This manual is intended for service engineers who install and configure the VIVIX-S detector and VXvue.

Contact Us

This manual is provided in print format upon request by the customer.
For comments or inquiries regarding this document and relevant products, contact via email below:
You can download this manual from VDS (Vieworks Download System) website: To obtain an ID and password for manual download,
please contact the customer support team in Vieworks.
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VXvue Service Manual

1.3 Document Convention

This section describes the symbols and notations in this manual.

1.3.1 Symbols

Caution and Warning
This symbol is used for indicating a potentially hazardous situation while operating this
product. Users should be well acquainted with this symbol and the related contents.
This symbol is used for indicating product related references and supplementary

1.3.2 Notations

Bold Types
Words in bold indicate options seen directly within the GUI (graphical user interface) of the VXvue
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VXvue Service Manual

1.4 Purpose of Use

1.4.1 Intended Use

VXvue is intended to acquire Digital images from X-ray Detectors, process the images to facilitate diagnosis
and to display, and transfer the resulting images to other devices for diagnostic purpose.

1.4.2 Patient Group

Patients of all ages, including pediatric patients, and genders.

1.4.3 Contra-Indication

It is not indicated for use in mammography.
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VXvue Service Manual

1.5 Clinical Benefits of Product Use

The medical benefit of a VXvue is that it has a medical image of a patient created by the detector and that
the physician can detect the disease in advance. Accordingly, the patient can be treated with medication or
simple surgery, and the physician can treat the patient with accurate location information and progress of
the disease. Therefore, this medical benefit is greater than the residual risk of a VXvue.
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VXvue Service Manual

1.6 Features

VXvue gets images from a detector, processes and transfers the images and manages patient’s
information and the images for radiologists. VXvue enables images such as x-ray images to be stored
electronically and viewed on screens.
VXvue offers full compliance with DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) standards
to allow the sharing of medical information with other PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication
System Server). Besides, VXvue is a device that provides one or more capabilities relating to the
acceptance, transfer, display, storage, and digital processing of medical images. The software components
provide functions for performing operations related to image manipulation, enhancement, or
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VXvue Service Manual

1.7 Product Use

This chapter provides instructions about the use of the product, disposal, and the liability limit of Vieworks.

1.7.1 Product Usage

1 Only legally authorized users (Radiologic Technicians, Radiologists, Physicians, etc.) may use this product.
2 The equipment should be kept in a safe and operable condition by maintenance personnel.
3 Follow the guidelines in this manual when installing and using this product.
4 Use only computers and image display monitors recommended in this manual.
5 For details about installation and use of the product, consult your sales representative or a distributor.

1.7.2 Disclaimer

1 In no event shall Vieworks be liable for damage or loss arising from a fire, earthquake, any action, or
accident by a third party, any intentional or negligent action by users.
2 In no event shall Vieworks be liable for damage or loss arising from any trial usage, or other usage under
abnormal conditions.
3 In no event shall Vieworks be liable for personal physical harm or property damage that is sustained
when the instructions of this manual are not followed.
4 In no event shall Vieworks be liable for any damage arising from moving, alteration, inspection or repair
the product by a person other than an authorized service engineer by Vieworks.
5 In no event shall Vieworks be liable for loss of image data for any reason while using this product.
6 Roentgenography, image processing, image reading, and image data storage must be performed in
accordance with the laws of the country or region in which the product is being used.
7 The user is responsible for maintaining the privacy of image data acquired from this product.
8 It is the responsibility of the attending physicians to provide medical care services. Vieworks will not be
liable for faulty diagnoses.
9 Specifications, composition, and appearance of this product may change without prior notice.
10 In the event of a serious accident involving the device, please report it to Vieworks and the country in
which you purchased the product.
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VXvue Service Manual

1.8 Safety Instruction

This product is designed and manufactured to ensure maximum safety of operation and to meet all
the safety requirements applicable to electronic medical equipment. Follow these safeguards while
using the products to prevent severe personal injury or substantial property damage. It is important
to read and understand the contents of this manual before using the product.

1.8.1 Management and Authority

The product should be installed, operated, and serviced according to Vieworks
maintenance procedures and by a Vieworks service representative or a distributor who
provides purchase of the Vieworks’ product.
Operation and maintenance should be done in strict compliance with the operation
instructions contained in the manual.
The system, in whole or in part, cannot be modified in any way without prior approval
from Vieworks.
Before authorizing any person to operate the system, verify that the person has read and
fully understood the manual. The owner should make certain that only properly trained
and fully qualified personnel are authorized to operate the equipment. An authorized
operators list should be made and maintained.
If a malfunction occurs, do not use this device until qualified personnel correct the
Vieworks is not responsible for any direct or indirect damage that occurs during the use
of this product. Also, we are not responsible for any data loss.
It is important that this manual be kept at hand, studied carefully, and reviewed
periodically by the authorized operators.

1.8.2 Shooting

Be sure to read the manual carefully before shooting.
X-ray imaging must be performed in compliance with the laws of the country where this
product is used.
Be sure to check the status of the detector before shooting. If the state of the detector is
not normal, images may not be acquired even if X-rays are irradiated.
By default, VXvue performs image acquisition only when an exam is open. If the exam is
not open, an image may not be acquired even with X-rays.
Depending on the area and direction to be photographed, the irradiation conditions may
affect the image quality, so it is necessary to set the appropriate irradiation conditions.
Patient size is one of the main factors affecting image quality. Appropriate imaging
conditions should be set according to the size of the patient.
Avoid performing other operations while shooting. If you perform other operations while
shooting, image damage or unexpected behavior may occur.
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image processing.
When processing images, make sure to understand the meaning of each adjustment value
VXvue Service Manual

1.8.3 Image Processing

Before image processing, users must read this manual before executing
Image processing without proper understanding may affect image quality.
accurately and then change it.
If you do not set the appropriate image processing adjustment value according to the
patient area, the image quality may be affected.
Do not arbitrarily change or delete files related to image processing. If the file related to
image processing is arbitrarily changed, image processing is not performed normally.
After processing the image or adjusting the image result, be sure to check it and save it.
Vieworks is not responsible for any data stored without verification.
Failure to meet program recommendations may affect the speed of image processing.
Recommended specifications must be met for optimal image processing and functional

1.8.4 Calibration

The user is responsible for checking the detector calibration immediately after installing
this software. We are not responsible for any direct or indirect damage that occurs while
using the product without calibrating the detector.
If you do not perform Detector Pixel Pitch Calibration or Film Pixel Pitch Calibration, the
measurement may not be accurate.
Be sure to read the manual carefully before performing calibration.

1.8.5 Cybersecurity

The physical security of the Workstation where VXvue is installed depends on the physical
security policy of the user organization or environment. Be careful not to allow access by
unauthorized users.
Security updates of Windows OS should be performed periodically. (Malware
detection/protection, vulnerability supplementation)
For the availability of VXvue, the Workstation's resources (memory, storage capacity) must
be properly secured.
Whether an activity is caused by inappropriate access can be checked through the log
stored in the product.
The privileges granted to the user ID determine the scope of use of VXvue. Be careful not
to grant users more privileges than necessary.
VXvue stores/manages health data. Be careful not to leak the patient's personal
VXvue provides Emergency shooting function for use in emergency situations. Be careful
not to allow emergency shooting to be used by unauthorized users.
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VXvue Service Manual

1.8.6 Pediatric Application

When radiography of children with the X-ray system that includes this equipment, pay
attention to the following points.
Every request should be reviewed by a pediatric radiologist prior to beginning the
examination to ensure that an appropriate study is being performed.
The technologist should use a proper technique considering the patient’s size to decrease
the radiation dose when he or she acquires diagnostic images.
ALL pediatric patients shall be shielded for their X-ray examinations, except for when the
shield will obscure the region of interest, as in a pelvic or SI joint X-ray for trauma or
arthritis, or when it is physically or clinically unreasonable to shield the patient.
For routine Hip X-Rays, ALL male children shall have their scrotum shielded using the
small gonadal shield while females may not be shielded because doing so would obscure
the hips.
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VXvue Service Manual

1.9 Supporting Detectors

VXvue supports the following detectors and SCU.
XRD (Detector)
XTD (Detector)
Update the firmware to the latest version for best results.
Contact to the manager in Vieworks for details about firmware update.
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VXvue Service Manual

2. Instruction

This section provides basic concepts and recommended specifications of VXvue.
Recommended Specifications
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) is an image processing algorithm that prevents
VXvue Service Manual

2.1 Overview

VXvue is the image acquisition program for VIVIX-S, used for acquiring, adjusting and managing images
generated from the VIVIX-S detector. VXvue is organized with several specialized modules and provides
high quality medical images to users through various advanced functions and quick image processing
between modules.

2.1.1 Main Features

Acquire and see the images acquired with a VIVIX-S detector.
Implement high-quality images by applying the image processing algorithm developed by Vieworks
Skins for various GUIs (Graphic User Interfaces) suitable for both ordinary and touch screens.
Store and manage images in the database.
Adjust images using various processing tools.
Export images using various media.
View detector status and change settings.
Chase and search the system status.
VXvue conforms to the standard of DICOM 3.0.
HS8 and PureImpact™ are the image processing algorithms developed by Vieworks.
Software-based scatter correction (S.B.S.C.
image degradation due to scattered lines.

2.1.2 Hierarchy Chart

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The image
The image viewer program for
Vieworks network filter driver for acquiring
XIPL Vieworks image processing
The existing image processing algorithm
New image
The image processing
The image processing server
VXvue Service Manual

2.1.3 Main Components

ith HS8)
PureImpact™ is the newest version of HS8 and will typically provide higher quality image
processing results. It is recommended that PureImpact be used for all image
Get better results by applying software-based scatter correction (S.B.S.C.).
he setup program for engineers who set VIVIX-S detectors.
acquisition software for VIVIX-S detectors.
viewing and managing images.
images from the detector quickly.
module for processing images acquired from VXvue.
processing algorithm
module in XIPL for users.
module for image processing.
HS8 parameters are provided for users with quality comparisons with HS8 and with
established diagnostic protocols based on the existing HS8 protocol.
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OS Windows 10 Pro (64bit)
Windows 10 Pro (64bit)
LAN Card
Intel® Core
(or compatible CPU)
Intel® Core
(or compatible CPU)
4GB 16GB o
General monitor :
General monitor :
CD or DVD Reader / Writer
VXvue Service Manual

2.2 Recommended Specifications

This section provides information about the recommended specifications for installing and using VXvue.
Failure to meet these minimum specifications may prevent the installation of VXvue or
affect performance and processing speed.
It is important to meet the recommended specifications for optimal image processing and
function operation.

2.2.1 Workstation

VXvue Only
or SDD
inimum Spec.
Gigabit Ethernet card for detector
interface (Intel® Series)
Speed: 1Gbps
Jumbo Frames: 9K
Receive Descriptors: 1024
802.11ac (Wireless)
LAN card for network interface
™ i5 3330
1280 x 800
ecommended Spec.
indows 11 Pro (64bit)
1000BASE-T Gigabit Ethernet card for
detector interface (Intel® I210 Series)
Speed: 1Gbps or higher
Jumbo Frames: 9K
Receive Descriptors: 2K or higher
802.11ac (Wireless)
Gigabit supported LAN card for
network interface (optional)
™ i9 11900 or higher
r more
DD or at least NVME 100GB and
1920 x 1080, 2560 x
urface pro 4 : 2160 x 1440
Rev.1.0.7 Page 21 of 173 D-17-519
Intel® Core
(or compatible CPU
Intel® Core
(or compatible CPU)
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070
or compatible
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070
or compatible
Same as
Same as
VXvue Service Manual
VXvue with AI Engine
or SDD
If neccessary)
inimum Spec.
™ i5 8400
DD or at least NVME 100GB and
VRAM 8GB, Cuda,
VXvue Only
Microsoft Windows 7 ended service support on January 14, 2020, and Microsoft Windows
ecommended Spec.
™ i9 11900 or higher
16GB or more
DD or at least NVME 100GB and
or more
At least VRAM 8GB, Cuda,
VXvue Only
8 / Microsoft Windows 8.1 on January 10, 2023. Therefore, VXvue no longer supports
installing and upgrading from that version.
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VXvue Service Manual

3. Installation

This section provides information about installing the VXvue image acquisition software.
Installation Guide
Checking Installation Contents
Setting Date and Time
Registering a License
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VXvue Service Manual

3.1 Installation Guide

Follow these instructions for the proper installation of VXvue. Failure to comply with these instructions may
result in critical errors in installation or operation.
Read and fully understand this manual before installing and/or using VXvue.
It is recommended to use two hard drives as separate local disk drives.
Do not install VXvue to an external USB HDD and memory or network drive.
In case of installing VXvue on a single hard disk, make create an addition partition.
Check the operating system in advance.
Be sure to install VXvue to the local drive. (C or D drive)
Do not install VXvue to the root folder of C drive. It is recommended to install the
program to the setup path guided by VXvue.
Ensure there is enough free disk space before installing and/or using VXvue. Low disk
space can cause severe performance issues.
You should secure enough disk space for storing images and data.
Log on to VXvue by the Windows account with administrative rights when installing or
removing VXvue.
Set the Windows nation / language in advance.
Ensure that the PC is free from any malware/adware/virus software, or any other issues
that could have a negative impact on the installation or operation of VXvue. Please
contact your local IT support staff for further instruction.
VXvue complies with the UAC (User Account Control) policy of Microsoft Windows.
Therefore, the user should install and log on to VXvue using a Windows account with
administrative privileges. You can use VXvue with the general user account after the
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Image folder of bodypart category
Configuration folder
LUT Data folder
Image folder for
Theme folder for
Execution file of
VXvue Service Manual
The computer name and the user account name must be different to avoid issues with
database installation.
Make sure to check that the computer name and user account name are not identical
before installation. If they are identical, the VXvue may not be successfully installed.
Check the computer name as follows:
Check the installation package provided by Vieworks before installing VXvue.
Check the user account name as follows:
le / Folder Name
Demo version
anguage folder
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VXvue execution
omponent installation folder
VXvue Installation
VXvue Service Manual

3.1.1 Installing VXvue

Before installing, upgrading, or deleting VXvue, check if you log on to the PC with a
Windows administrator account. If you have no administrative rights, stop the task, and
log on with the administrator account.
The installation procedures are written based on Microsoft Windows 10.
Make sure that .NET Framework 4.8 is installed in the system before proceeding the
VXvue installation.
1 Check the file component after copying the folder of installation package files to the local drive.
The built-in installation package files are as follows.
Data > Database > BodypartCategory : Collection of bodypart images
Data > Database > Language : Language file
Data > Skins: Skins of VXvue screen
Config.xml: The file to set the viewer mode. (Human, Vet, Equine, Vehicle)
Program: Pre-installer and installation files of VXvue
If there are image files in the BodypartCategory folder, they will be copied automatically
after installing VXvue.
If there is ‘Language.txt’ file in the Language folder as the Unicode format, it will be
overwritten after installing VXvue.
If the width, height, and format (bmp) of a logo image file in the Skin folder are same,
you can use the desired image from the path below.
[Installation package folder]\Data\Skins\Logo\Logo\Image
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VXvue Service Manual
Before installing VXvue, you can specify the application type according to the usage
purpose by manipulating the items under <ShowViewerMode> in the Config.xml file.
If the item exists, it is indicated in the Viewer mode selection window of Register
Options. If you delete the corresponding line <Item Name ... />, the item is not
When all items are installed, the default value appears
Adding an item other than the default one does not appear.
When all items are deleted, only ‘Human’ can be selected.
If you copy the configuration file exported from VXvue to the following path and file
name before installing VXvue, you can import settings automatically after installation.
[Installation package folder]\Data\AutoImportSetting.xml or AutoImportSetting.vxs
Refer to <4.1.3 Exporting / Importing Settings> section for export / import settings.
It is not allowed to add or delete any file in the ‘Skins’ folder except the logo. Failure to
do so may cause problems with installation and operation.
Do not delete the Data folder because it contains files required by VXvue. Deleting the
Data folder may cause problems with installation and operation.
Config.xml and Install.xml are installation-specific configuration files. Do not modify or
delete anything except the <ShowViewerMode> item. There may be problems with
installation and operation.
If you want to randomly delete the pre-installed files in the Program folder, you must
install the pre-installation files separately before installing VXvue.
2 Right click the Install.exe file to start installing VXvue in administrator mode.
With the ‘Install.exe’ file you can install VXvue or upgrade from a previous version of
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Installation may not proceed in the following cases:
The current version is equal to or higher than the version being installed.
If another type of VXvue is installed.
VXvue Service Manual
Failure to meet minimum specifications required for installation and startup (operating
system, CPU, RAM, etc.)
If the network name of the PC and the name of the logged-in Windows account are
the same.
If VXvue is installed without rebooting after other software installation is made.
3 Click on Yes when the User Account Control dialog box is displayed.
The dialog box may not be displayed depending on the Windows environment settings.
4 Check the End-User License Agreement in the Install Wizard dialog box. If you agree with the content,
click the I accept button and then click the Next button.
If you are upgrading VXvue, you will only see Welcome, Upgrade Options, Summary
Install Software items in the list on the left side of the screen.
In Upgrade Options, you can select the type of XIPL parameter to use.
After installing and upgrading VXvue, you can still use the existing customized HS8
parameters and PureImpact™. If you use the existing image processing parameter (HS8),
you can get the same result as before upgrade.
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VXvue Service Manual
5 Check the drive and folder where VXvue will be installed, and where images and data for Vxvue will be
stored, then click the Next button.
The default path for installing VXvue is Program Files\VXvue on the drive where
Microsoft Windows is installed.
Database Installation folder is not recommended since the drive, in where Windows
installed, may not have enough storage space due to the files needed for system
 The default path to the storage folder is D:\Database.
If you want to change the drive in which the database will be installed, check the
available free space of the drives.
CDs, DVDs, NAS drives and external hard disks cannot be used as storage drives.
Click the button to specify the path to the Database folder.
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VXvue Service Manual
6 Choose the Register Option and click the Next button.
Select the type of application you want to use.
Choose Vet or Equine to operate VXvue as a veterinary version.
Choose Vehicle to operate VXvue in a vehicle for examining patients.
If you already have a database installed, the software will automatically choose the
version for you.
Select the default image processing type and parameter type to be used in XIPL.
Select the image processing type to be set as default.
If you select Linear, the Linear LUT is applied to the images shot with the HS8 image
processing parameters as default.
We recommend you select Normal for optimal images with recommended Post LUT.
If you already have VXvue installed, the parameter cannot be selected and the
previously installed parameter is used.
Select a language to be used in VXvue. You can change it after installing the program.
Select a theme to be used in VXvue. You can change it after installing the program.
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