Assembly and installation information
H The Solar−Divicon comprises:
pre−assembled and sealed valves
and safety assembly
Flow regulating valve to control
the solar heating system during
the initial start−up and operation
Non−return valve in the flow and
return pipe
H Always install Solar−Divicon so that
steam cannot enter the expansion
vessel in the event of stagnation.
H The Solar−Divicon and the solar
circuit pump line are not suitable
for direct contact with swimming
pool water.
H Flush the system with process
medium after draining.
H If the expansion vessel is installed
as high or higher than the
Solar−Divicon, a thermal insulation
loop is required.
H A pre−cooling vessel connection is
fitted to the flow line to protect the
expansion vessel against excess
H Use only gunmetal, brass fittings,
copper pipes or Viessmann
stainless steel solar circuit pipes
for the installation. Never use
galvanized/zinc−plated pipes,
fittings or graphitised gaskets. Use
hemp only in conjunction with
pressure and temperature−resistant
sealants (e.g. ViscotexSolarpaste,
Locher & Co. AG, CH9450Altstätten).
Components that come in contact
with process medium must be
resistant to the medium.
H Check the sealing surfaces for
cleanliness and damage before
Installation of the locking ring fittings
H All pipes must be cut at a right
angle and deburred.
H Insert the support sleeves into the
H Push the union nut and the locking
ring onto the pipe and lightly
lubricate the threads with oil.
H Push the pipe into the locking ring
fitting as far as it will go.
H Initially turn the union nut by hand,
then tighten with an open ended
spanner by a further ¾ turn.
H Never fit annealed copper pipes
onto the locking ring fittings.