VidiCode Soft Call Recorder User Guide

Soft Call Recorder
International Headquarters
VIDICODE Datacommunicatie BV
Blauwroodlaan 140, 2718 SK Zoetermeer The Netherlands Tel. +31 79-3617181 Fax +31 79-3618092
VIDICODE Datacommunications
P.O. Box 3288 Wilmington, N.C. 28406 Tel. 910.452.5600 Fax 910.254.3525
Soft Call Recorder Manual 2
1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................... 7
2 MODELS ........................................................................... 9
3 SOFTWARE INSTALLATION .......................................... 11
3.1 Start............................................................................ 11
3.2 Set-up Wizard............................................................. 11
4 SOFT CALL RECORDER CLASSIC................................ 15
4.1 Connecting the SCR Classic....................................... 15
4.1.1 Connecting diagrams SCR Classic .......................................... 16
4.2 Adjusted connection SCR Classic............................... 17
4.2.1 Adjusted connection diagrams SCR Classic ............................ 18
4.3 Settings SCR Classic.................................................. 19
4.3.1 Settings "record from telephone line" ....................................... 19
4.3.2 Settings "record from handset"................................................. 20
5 SOFT CALL RECORDER GAME PORT.......................... 23
5.1 Connecting the SCR Game Port................................. 23
5.1.1 Connecting diagrams SCR Game port..................................... 24
5.2 Windows configuration SCR Game Port ..................... 25
5.3 Settings SCR Game Port............................................ 28
5.3.1 Settings "record from telephone line" ....................................... 28
5.3.2 Settings "record from handset"................................................. 29
Soft Call Recorder Manual
6 SOFT CALL RECORDER USB........................................ 31
6.1 Connecting the SCR USB........................................... 31
6.1.1 Connecting diagrams SCR USB .............................................. 32
6.2 Settings SCR USB...................................................... 33
6.2.1 Settings "record from telephone line" ....................................... 33
6.2.2 Settings "record from handset"................................................. 34
7 RECORDER FUNCTIONS............................................... 37
7.1 Recording................................................................... 38
7.1.1 Introduction .............................................................................. 38
7.1.2 Manually starting a recording................................................... 38
7.1.3 Automatic recording ................................................................. 39
7.1.4 Stopping a recording................................................................ 39
7.1.5 Beep while recording................................................................ 39
7.2 Playing a recording..................................................... 39
8 DATABASE...................................................................... 41
8.1 Functions.................................................................... 41
8.2 CD Archives................................................................ 41
8.3 Names........................................................................ 42
8.3.1 List of names............................................................................ 42
8.3.2 Adding names from the list....................................................... 42
8.4 Notes.......................................................................... 42
8.5 Query/Search ............................................................. 42
8.6 Import ......................................................................... 42
8.6.1 Users........................................................................................ 43
8.6.2 Playing imported recordings..................................................... 43
Soft Call Recorder Manual 4
8.7 Security ...................................................................... 43
8.7.1 Opening Lock........................................................................... 43
8.7.2 Configuring password .............................................................. 43
9 MENU.............................................................................. 45
9.1 File ............................................................................. 45
9.1.1 Current archive......................................................................... 45
9.1.2 CD Archive............................................................................... 45
9.1.3 Recycle bin............................................................................... 45
9.1.4 Exit ........................................................................................... 46
9.2 Action ......................................................................... 46
9.2.1 Delete selected ........................................................................46
9.2.2 Recover selected ..................................................................... 46
9.2.3 Export....................................................................................... 46
9.2.4 Import....................................................................................... 47
9.2.5 Build CD Archive...................................................................... 47
9.3 Query.......................................................................... 47
9.4 View ........................................................................... 47
9.4.1 System Tray............................................................................. 47
9.4.2 Recorder Only.......................................................................... 48
9.4.3 All ............................................................................................. 48
9.5 Options....................................................................... 49
9.5.1 Language ................................................................................. 49
9.5.2 Hardware.................................................................................. 49 Recorder Type .................................................................................49 Record Source: ................................................................................50 Automatic Recording........................................................................50 Silence Timeout ...............................................................................50 Detection Threshold.........................................................................50 Levels ..............................................................................................51 Game Port Access ...........................................................................51
9.5.3 Database.................................................................................. 51
9.5.4 Audio Mixer .............................................................................. 52 Mute while playing............................................................................52 Adjust Automatic Gain Control on SCR Classic................................52
Soft Call Recorder Manual
Password .................................................................................53
9.5.6 General .................................................................................... 53
10 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS........................................... 55
10.1 Privacy..................................................................... 55
10.2 Liability .................................................................... 55
Soft Call Recorder Manual 6
1 Introduction
The Soft Call Recorder (SCR) is an application consisting of an interface connecting your telephone to your PC and a computer program. The SCR enables you to record and archive telephone conversations. Up to 240 Hrs of conversation can be recorded for each Gigabyte free disk-space.
Recorded conversations are stored in a database. Using the recorder buttons you can record and play conversations. The database is basically a list of recorded conversations and is referred to as an "Archive". The archive can be manipulated to your specific requirements, names and notes can be added to recordings and recordings of other SCR users can be imported. It is also possible to save archives on writable CD's.
This manual is organized as follows.
Chapters 1-5 will instruct you to connect your SCR and talk you through your first recordings.
Chapters 6 and 7 describe all major functions of the SCR including the database that stores all recordings.
Chapter 8 will give you a description of all SCR features on the basis of all the menu options.
Chapter 9 contains a short explanation of rights and duties that come with the use of the SCR.
Soft Call Recorder Manual
Soft Call Recorder Manual 8 Soft Call Recorder Manual
2 Models
There are three SCR models available. Make sure which model you possess. Connections and settings vary for each model.
The model is named on the packaging. The rear view of the SCR-interface also identifies each model:
Soft Call Recorder Classic
Soft Call Recorder Game Port
Soft Call Recorder USB
Soft Call Recorder Manual 10 Soft Call Recorder Manual
3 Software installation
In case you are using a SCR USB the interface needs to be installed and connected before installing and running the software. See Chapter 6 about installation details of the SCR USB interface.
Placing the CD-ROM in your computer starts software installation. If the installation is not started automatically, locate the file setup.exe start it by double-clicking. Follow the instructions on the screen.
3.1 Start
Click “Start“ in the lower left corner on your desktop. Go to Programs/Vidicode and click on “Soft Call Recorder”. The SCR will start right away with a Set-up Wizard.
3.2 Set-up Wizard
In this Set-up the separate devices for the recording and playback of the telephone calls are selected. The choice of devices is determined by the configuration of your PC. Read through the connecting instructions for your kind of SCR first. The correct selection of recording- and playback-devices depends on the way you have the SCR connected to your PC.
on the CD and
First select the "Audio device for Recording". Select the device that the SCR interface is connected to. Presumably this is your soundcard. In case you have a USB SCR this device will be pre­selected for you as your input device.
Next select the "Mixer for Recording". Select the Mixer of the device you have selected as "Audio device for Recording". This mixer probably carries the same name as the Recording device.
Now select the "Audio device for Playback". This is the general device you use for playback of sound or the device that have your speakers connected to.
Finally select the "Mixer for Playback". Select the Mixer of the device you have selected as "Audio device for Playback". This mixer probably carries the same name as the Playback device.
Press the button "Done step 1".
Soft Call Recorder Manual 12
Select "Record Source on Audio Device". All channels of the selected Recording Mixer are displayed in this drop box. Select the channel that you have the SCR interface connected to.
Select "Wave Channel of Audio Device". All channels of the selected Playback Mixer are displayed in this drop box. Select the general channel that is used for sound. Probably this channel is called 'Wave'.
Select "Mute while using program". All channels of the selected Playback Mixer are displayed in this drop box. Select the channel that you want muted when the Playback of a recording is started.
Soft Call Recorder Manual
Select "Record Source". Select "Line" if you have an analog telephone line. Select "Handset" if you have a digital telephone line.
Selection of "Recorder type" is made automatically. If you have a SCR USB the USB recorder will be selected. Else the Classic recorder has been selected.
Press the button "Done Step 2".
The program will automatically start in Recorder View. Click the “All” selection in the menu option “View” to enlarge. The SCR dialog is scaleable. Place your mouse in the bottom right corner of the dialog and drag the corner to resize the dialog to your convenience.
Although the software is the same for every SCR, settings must correspond to your model. Connect your SCR-interface following the instructions corresponding to your model. Then continue with the settings for the SCR software.
Soft Call Recorder Manual 14
4 Soft Call Recorder Classic
The Soft Call Recorder Classic requires a properly installed sound card in your PC.
For normal use of the SCR follow the Connecting the SCR Classic (4.1) instructions. When recording a conversation with the SCR it is possible to notify your conversation partner of the recording through a regularly returning beep or through a spoken message. It is only if you want to use one of the notification methods that the adjusted connection SCR Classic (4.2) instructions should be used.
4.1 Connecting the SCR Classic
Determine the kind of telephone you want to connect the SCR to. This will either be a normal (analog) or digital (e.g. Key System, PBX, ISDN) device.
When using a normal (analog) telephone, connect the SCR-interface as in the "record from telephone line" diagram of Method 1 telephone line" is used the SCR can detect "on/off hook" straight from the telephone line. The switch at the bottom of the SCR-interface must be in position A. When using a digital telephone, connect the SCR-interface as in the "record from handset" diagram of Method 2 is used the SCR needs to detect "on/off hook" by “listening” to the handset. The switch at the bottom of the SCR-interface must be in position A.
In case your PC does not come with a “line in” connection, it is possible to connect the SCR-interface using the “Aux” or “Microphone”. If you have chosen the “Aux” port, connect the SCR-interface as described above. If you want to use the “Microphone” port it is mandatory to connect the SCR­interface as in the "record from handset" diagram of Method 2
Tip: In case the "record from handset" method is deployed it is possible to use the provided longer curled cable to connect the handset to the SCR-interface and use your original curled cable to connect the SCR-interface to the telephone. This should prevent tearing the SCR-interface from its place when picking up the phone. The left and right connector may be switched in this particular case.
. When "record from
. When "record from handset"
Soft Call Recorder Manual
4.1.1 Connecting diagrams SCR Classic
1 2
4 5
7 8
PC soundcard
Method 1: "record from telephone line"
PC soundcard
Method 2: "record from handset"
Warning: Use supplied and original cables only. Connecting the SCR­interface in any other way than described can cause damage.
Soft Call Recorder Manual 16
1 2
4 5
7 8
4.2 Adjusted connection SCR Classic
This adjusted connection should be used only if you want to use one of the notification methods as described above.
Determine the kind of telephone you want to connect the SCR to. This will either be a normal (analog) or digital (e.g. Key System, PBX, ISDN) device.
When using a normal (analog) telephone, connect the SCR-interface as in the "record from telephone line" diagram of Method 3 telephone line" is used the SCR can detect "on/off hook" straight from the telephone line. The switch at the bottom of the SCR-interface must be in position A.
When using a digital telephone, connect the SCR-interface as the "record from handset" diagram of Method 4 SCR needs to detect "on/off hook" by “listening” to the handset. The switch at the bottom of the SCR-interface must be in position A.
Important: In case Method 3 or 4 is deployed to connect the SCR-interface it is mandatory that "Sound return on SCR Classic" “Options/Advanced” in the “General” tab.
In case your PC does not come with a “line in” connection, it is possible to connect the SCR-interface using the “Aux” or “Microphone”. In case you have chosen the “Aux” port, connect the SCR-interface as described above. In case you want to use the “Microphone” port it is mandatory to connect the SCR­interface as in the "record from handset" diagram of Method 4
Tip: In case the "record from handset" method is deployed it is possible to use the provided longer curled cable to connect the handset to the SCR-interface and use your original curled cable to connect the SCR-interface to the telephone. This should prevent tearing the SCR-interface from its place when picking up the phone. The left and right connector may be switched in this particular case.
. When "record from handset" is used the
. When "record from
is enabled in menu option
Soft Call Recorder Manual
4.2.1 Adjusted connection diagrams SCR Classic
1 2
4 5
7 8
PC soundcard
Method 3: "record from telephone line"
PC soundcard
Method 4: "record from handset"
Warning: Use supplied and original cables only. Connecting the SCR­interface in any other way than described can cause damage.
1 2
4 5
7 8
Soft Call Recorder Manual 18
+ 41 hidden pages