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Wiring directions
Please follow the appropriate wiring diagram from one of the pages at the rear of this manual.
For information purposes, the connections on the Art380 have the following functions:-
230V Live terminal for mains input to
the device.
This should be connected to the mains via a
fused spur
0 Neutral terminal for mains input to
the device.
This should be connected to the mains via a
fused spur
2 Receive speech from the door
Approx. 8-12V DC during standby or approx.
1V DC when the speech to the door panel is
1 Transmit speech to the door panel Approx. 8 – 12V DC during standby or
approx. 4V DC when the speech to the door
panel is open.
3 Ground Use this connection as a reference point for
voltage checks.
6 Call line to trigger a call from a
door panel.
0V in standby and approx. 12V AC or DC
when the call button is pressed.
C Common connection of door open
Dry contact. Continuity checks can be made
between C & NO.
NO Normally open or normally closed
connection of door open relay
depending on programmed state.
Dry contact. Continuity checks can be made
between C & NO.
A2 Auxiliary 2 output Open collector output. Becomes a 0V when
activated. Can be either latched or momentary
depending on programming. Also can be used
to automatically trigger a camera depending
on programming. (Max. 200mA)
A1 Auxiliary 1 output Open collector output. Becomes a 0V when
activated. Can be either latching or
momentary depending on programming. (Max
+12 +12V DC output. Can be used to trigger a relay in conjunction
with A1 or A2. Maximum current output
available is 100mA.
+12 +12V DC output Can only be used to power Videx serial bus
modules designed to work with the Art380.
- 0V 0V connection. Can only be used to power
Videx serial bus modules designed to work
with the Art380.
SK Clock signal For use with Videx serial bus devices.
Normally sits at 12V DC. Will alternate
during data transfer.
SI Data signal For Videx serial bus devices. Normally sits at
12V DC. Will alternate during data transfer.