• Comm Port; Refresh List; Check Connection; Manually Connect36
• BAUD36
• Not Detected36
• Detected; Opened File; Saved File; Downloading Settings; Uploading Settings37
• No Response38
NOTES40 - 42
This programming guide is intended to give an introduction on the additional programming features
found in the 2X00PC software (version or later) for programming the 4212 series digital door
The connection to the device is via a micro USB cable between the PC and the 4212 panel. The
software can also be used to program both 2200 and 2300 digital panels as well as the UIM-138
display and voice annunciation module. For technical support using this program please call 0191
224 3174.
First of all install the USB driver which can be found on the installation CD supplied.
USB Driver Installation
1. Insert the 2X00PC installation CD into the CD rom drive of the PC.
2. Select ‘RUN’ from the start menu.
3. Type in ‘D:\CDM20824_setup.exe’ then press the ‘OK’ button.
4. The relevant drivers for the USB cable will be installed.
2X00PC Software Installation
1. Insert the 2X00PC installation CD into the CD rom drive of the PC.
2. Wait for the autorun to begin.
3. After a short while the following start up menu screen will appear.
From the start up menu screen the following options will be available:
EN-UK - V.1.0 - 17/09/154212 PC Software Programming Guide
INSTALL: Installs the 2X00PC programming software on the PC.
MANUAL: View the pdf version of this PC Programming Guide.
BROWSE CD: Browse the installation CD for other files and programs.
EXIT: Exit out of the start up program.
EMAIL TECHNICAL: This will open your default email program so that you can send an email
to the Videx Technical Support.
EMAIL SALES: This will open your default email program so that you can send an email
to the Videx Sales Department.
ADOBE READER: If you do not already have a pdf reader to view the pdf version of the manual,
click this option to install a free pdf reader.
If the the autorun does not begin automatically, explore the CD and run the ‘autorun.
exe’ program.
Install the program to your PC by clicking on the INSTALL button from the start up
screen or alternatively browse the CD and select ‘setup.exe’ from the route of the CD.
The 2X00PC program will appear in your start menu and as a short cut to the desktop.
After the software is installed connect the 4212 digital panel to the PC using the USB cable as shown
in Fig.1A.
USB to micro USB cable
The USB cable should be connected into the 4212 digital panel and 12Vdc power connected as
shown in Fig.1B.
4212 PC Software Programming GuideEN-UK - V.1.0 - 17/09/15
4212 Digital Panel
12T+12Vdc camera power supply input.
0V camera power supply input and
video ground on coax video system.
Balanced video signal sync- (V2) or coax
video signal (V). Also see switches.
EN-UK - V.1.0 - 17/09/154212 PC Software Programming Guide
Launching the Software
Launch the 2X00PC software by double clicking on the desktop icon.
The initial launch window will appear (as shown on the right). At the top of the window the software
will show that it is checking for any devices
connected to the PC or laptop.
After a brief period the main programmer screen will appear.
If a device has been detected this will be shown at the bottom of the main programmer screen with
a green square (see below). On this screen several programming options can be selected.
The main programmer screen shows several menu options at the top and two selectable windows
on the main screen; ‘settings’ and ‘apartments’. The default window is the ‘settings’ tab.
4212 PC Software Programming GuideEN-UK - V.1.0 - 17/09/15
Before programming the 4212 digital panel the correct system
type must be selected from the top menu. To do this select
‘System’ from the top menu bar and then from the drop down
menu highlight and select ‘VX2200 Graphical Display’, (as shown to the right).
Once the correct system type has been selected the ‘settings’ tab on the main programmer screen
will change appearance and include additional programming options. Three additional selectable
tabs will also appear; ‘logo’, ‘coded access’ and ‘proximity access’, as shown below.
Line 1, 2 and 3 Text Fields
In the top left corner of the ‘settings’ window there are three editable text line fields. Line 1 Text field
will have ‘ENTER FLAT’ set as the default text that will first appear on the 4212 digital panel when
powered up. The other two text fields will be blank. All three text lines can be edited if required and
the text can be centred in the middle of the 4212 display by clicking on the justify button to the right
of the text field (as shown below).
EN-UK - V.1.0 - 17/09/154212 PC Software Programming Guide
Screen Switch Time
Just below the three text line fields is the screen switch time field,
as shown on the right. This is the time (in seconds) that the main
display will switch between the three lines of text (entered in the
text fields) and a display logo. The default time is set for 5 seconds
(setting range from 1 - 255 seconds max.).
Lock Time
Below the screen switch time is the lock time field, as shown on
the right. This is the time (in seconds) that the relay on the 4212
digital panel will operate for. The default time is set for 5 seconds
(setting range from 1 - 255 seconds max.).
Speech Time
Below the lock time is the speech time field, as shown on the
right. This is the time (in seconds) that the speech conversation
time between the 4212 digital panel and intercom phone will
last for before automatically clearing down and ending the call.
The default time is set for 30 seconds (setting range from 30 - 255
seconds max.)
Master Code
Below the speech time is the master code field, as shown on the
right. This is the code used to access the programming features
when entering into the programming mode using the keypad on
the front of the 4212 digital panel when progamming the panel
manually. It is also the code used when uploading or downloading
data from the panel when using the PC programming software.
The default master code is set to ‘111111’ (6x1).
Admin Code
Below the master code is the admin code field, as shown on the
right. This code is used to allow users limited access to certain
programming features when programming the 4212 digital panel
manually (please also refer to technical programming document ‘66250203-EN’ for more information). The default admin code is
set to ‘222222’ (6x2).
Trade Code and Setup
Below the admin code is the trade code field
and the trade setup options, as shown to the
right. This allows the user to setup a trade code
(min 3 digits, max 6 digits) with start and end
times for the trade facility to work without the
need for a separate timeclock. The trade setup
functions are linked directly to the 4212 digital
panel’s relay. The start and end times can be set
4212 PC Software Programming GuideEN-UK - V.1.0 - 17/09/15
with the ‘trade start’ and ‘trade end’ fields using the up/down
(▲▼) scroll buttons to the right hand side of the respective
fields, as shown on the right, (the time format is hours: minutes:
seconds). When the trade times are set the trade code will only
operate the panel’s relay within these times and will operate
the relay for the lock time duration, (e.g. if the ‘trade start’ is set
to 08:30:00 and the ‘trade end’ is set to 09:30:00 with a lock time
set for 10, then the trade code will be ‘active’ for one hour between
8:30am - 9:30am and operate the panel’s relay for 10 seconds).
Trade Features
Below the trade time fields are four trade setup buttons;
set trade start, set trade end, get trade start and get
trade end, as shown on the right.
The set trade start and end buttons allow the engineer to set and update the trade start and end
times that have been entered in the trade time fields (refer to example above). Pressing the set trade
start button and pressing the set trade end button a confirmation window will appear (shown below).
▲▼ up/down scroll buttons
The get trade start and get trade end buttons allow the engineer to obtain the most recent trade
times that were set when the set trade start and set trade end buttons were last used (again refer to
example above). Pressing either of these buttons, the following confirmation windows will appear
(shown below) showing what start and end times were set.
Setting Up a Trade button
The 4212 panel can also be programmed to allow the ‘X’ button to function as a trade button if a
trade code is not required. To enable this feature through the software the trade code field should
be left blank. The trade start and end times will still need to be entered and the correct time and
date (refer to page 13) set on the 4212 panel (it should be noted that the 4212 panel can only operate with a trade code or trade button not both).
EN-UK - V.1.0 - 17/09/154212 PC Software Programming Guide
Speech Playback
In the top right corner of the ‘settings’ window is
the speech playback drop down menu with three
available options; None, Individual and Combined.
This setting is used to set the onboard speech
board in the 4212 digital panel. The default setting
is combined speech playback. By clicking on the
drop down menu button (▼) on the right of the eld this setting can be changed (if ‘none’ is selected
then there will be no speech playback when a call is made to the flat. If ‘individual’ is selected then the
speech annunciation will playback the individual numbers that make up the flat number e.g. if calling
flat 25 the speech will playback “calling two five”. If ‘combined’ is selected then the speech annunciation
will playback the combined flat number e.g. if calling flat number 15 the speech will playback “calling
Door No.
Below the speech playback is the door number drop
down menu with up to 15 available door selections.
Use this menu to select and set the door number of
the 4212 digital panel (this feature is used on video
systems where the camera recall function is required
or on systems including a 2210 concierge and a panel
recall is required).
Below the door number setting is the language
selection with 6 languages available; English
(default), Italian, Spanish, Portugeuse, French and
German. Use this menu to set the display language
on the 4212 digital panel (please note that this option
sets the display language on the 4212 digital panel
only and not the language of the PC programming
Door Mode
Below the language setting is the door mode
selection. There are 2 door modes; LOCAL and MAIN.
(MAIN mode should only be used for 4212 panels that
call all users and on systems that include 2206N bus
exchange devices, LOCAL mode can be used for all
other applications. When using the 4212 panel in MAIN
mode, the programming of each user will require the address of the 2206N [block ID] for which that user
is connected. When this option is selected the block ID column on the ‘apartments’ tab will become
available to set the block ID. When in LOCAL mode the block ID column will not be available and will be
‘grayed out’. Also refer to block ID programming on page X).
4212 PC Software Programming GuideEN-UK - V.1.0 - 17/09/15
Master or Slave
Below the door mode selection is the master or
slave drop down menu. Use this menu to set the
4212 panel as a master or slave panel.
Date Format
Below the master or slave setting is the date format
selection. Use this option to set the date format
shown in the top right corner of the display on the
4212 panel. The two options available are european
or american (when set to european the date format
will show the day: month: year and when set to american will show month: day: year).
Below the date format setting is the mode selection.
The two options available are normal mode or
compatibility mode. Normal mode enables all the
advanced features of the 4212 digital panel while
compatibility mode restricts features to those found
on older panels such as the 4202, SP30X and 8202
Security Level
Below the mode setting is the security level drop
down menu. This setting allows the onboard relay
in the 4212 panel to be activated by using a door
access code or a proximity key fob or both (where
entering an access code as well as presenting a
proximity fob to the onboard reader is required to
activate the relay). The options available are fob or code or fob + code. If the fob or code option is
selected then a ‘coded access’ tab and a ‘proximity access’ tab will be shown at the top of the main
programmer screen if, however, the fob + code option is selected then the main programmer screen
will change appearance and show a combined ‘code + fob’ tab at the top of the screen (shown below).
EN-UK - V.1.0 - 17/09/154212 PC Software Programming Guide
Wiegand Format
Next is the Wiegand format, as shown on the right.
From the drop down menu two Wiegand formats
are available; Wiegand 26 bit or Wiegand 34 bit.
The Wiegand format selection will depend on the
requirements of the external access control CPU and
is only relevant if an external controller is used.
Fob Format
Below the Wiegand format is the fob format, as
shown on the right. From the drop down menu 3
fob formats are available; 2 bytes, 3 bytes and 4
bytes. The fob format can only be set using the PC
programming software and sets the reading format
of the fob.
Prox Type
Next is the prox type. From the drop down menu
there are two selections; standalone and reader
only. These options set up the mode of the onboard
proximity reader. When in standalone mode the
programming of the key fobs is done using either
the PC programming software or via the 4212
panel itself going through the onboard menu selections. All the fob information is stored in the 4212
panel and there are no additional reader wiring connections to be made to an external controller.
When in reader only mode any key fob programming is done via an external proximity controller
that supports the Wiegand format (for example the Portal Plus proximity system or any other 3rd party proximity control). If this option is selected all key fob data is held within the external controller
and not the 4212 panel, the reader in this instance is being used purely as a reader. Four additional
wiring connections will be required; D0, D1, LR, LG and a common 0V.
Set the Time and Date
Below the prox type is the ‘set the time and date’ button,
as shown on the right. Pressing this button will set the
time and date of the 4212 panel to the current time and
date of the PC. After the button is pressed a confirmation
window will appear, as shown below right. The format of
the date will be displayed in the date format (european or american) that has been selected from the date format
drop down menu (refer to the date format on page 11).
4212 PC Software Programming GuideEN-UK - V.1.0 - 17/09/15
Check Time and Date
Below the set time and date button is the check
time and date button, as shown on the right.
Pressing this button will confirm the current time
and date setup on the 4212 panel. After pressing
this button a confirmation window will appear
showing the current time and date, as shown on
the right.
Direct Call
In the bottom right corner of the settings tab is the direct call check box, shown below. If this box is
ticked it will allow the numbered buttons (1-9) on the front of the 4212 panel to act like functional
call buttons (e.g. pressing button 1 will call phone ID.1, pressing button 2 will call phone ID.2 etc.). This
check box will be unticked as default and can only be set using the PC programming software.
Home2 Present
Below the direct call check box is the home2 present check box, shown below. If this box is ticked it
will allow the 4212 panel to switch between the lines of text (entered in Line 1, Line 2 and Line 3 text fields) and logo screen (refer to pages 8 and 18 - 20). The timing of the transition between the display
text and logo will be based on the time set in the screen switch time field (refer to page 9).
RFID Enabled
Below the home2 present check box is the RFID enabled
check box, shown below. This check box enables or
disables the onboard proximity access reader within the
4212 panel. If this box is ticked it will enable the onboard
reader, this can be confirmed on the front display of the
4212 panel with a key symbol at the top centre of the
display, as shown in Fig.2.
Enter Flat No.
EN-UK - V.1.0 - 17/09/154212 PC Software Programming Guide
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