Videoswitch VS - 12, VS - 16, VS - 14, VS - 28, VS - 12A User Manual

VS Series 2
User Manual
This manual covers the following products:
VS - 12 2-Camera, 1 Monitor Switcher VS - 14 4-Camera, 1 Monitor Switcher VS - 16 6-Camera, 1 Monitor Switcher VS - 28 8-Camera, 2 Monitor Switcher
VS - 12A 2-Camera, 1 Monitor Switcher, 2 Alarm In puts VS - 14A 4-Camera, 1 Monitor Switcher, 4 Alarm In puts VS - 16A 6-Camera, 1 Monitor Switcher, 6 Alarm In puts
VS - 28A 8-Camera, 2 Monitor Switcher, 8 Alarm In puts This manual relates to switchers fitted with software revision R1.0. Every effort has been made to ensur e the accuracy of the information in this manual. However, Video
Switch Ltd assumes no liability for losses incurred as a result of out of date information, errors or omissions. As part of a policy of continua l product improvement, Video Swit ch Ltd reserves the right to make changes to product specifications and documentation without notice. No reproduction of this document or any portion of it is permitted without the specific written permission of Video Switch Ltd.
© Video Switch Ltd 1996
Video Switch Ltd Units 15-16 Redfields Industrial Park Church Crookham Tel: 01252-851510 Hants GU52 ORD Fax: 01252-851296
Video Switch VST605C.DOC
Video Switch VST605C.DOC
1. OVERVIEW...............................................................................................................2
2. GETTING STARTED.................................................................................................3
3. MANUAL SWITCHING..............................................................................................4
3.1 Selecting Manual Mode......................................................................................................................... 4
3.2 Selecting Camera.................................................................................................................................. 4
4. AUTO SWITCHING...................................................................................................5
4.1 Auto Sequencing (Monitor A)................................................................................................................ 5
4.2 Set Dwell Time (Monitor A) ................................................................................................................... 5
4.3 Auto Sequencing (Monitor B)................................................................................................................ 5
4.4 Set Dwell Time (Monitor B) ................................................................................................................... 5
5. ALARM HANDLING ............. .....................................................................................6
5.1 Alarm Hold Time.................................................................................................................................... 6
5.2 Multiple Alarm Dwell Time............................................................ ......................................................... 6
5.3 Alarm Relay Hold Time ......................................................................................................................... 6
5.4 Unlatched Alarm Mode.......................................................................................................................... 7
5.5 Latched Alarm Mode............................................................................................................................. 7
6. ALARM CONNECTOR PIN - OUT..............................................................................8
7. SETUP OPTIONS.....................................................................................................9
7.1 Number of Cameras....................................................................................... ....................................... 9
7.2 Random Sequencing........................................................................................................................... 10
7.3 Alarm Modes ....................................................................................................................................... 10
7.4 Interval Switching Mode ...................................................................................................................... 10
7.5 SET Key Lockout................................................................................................... .............................. 10
7.6 Camera Termination ........................................................................................................................... 11
8. SPECIFICATIONS..................................................................................................12
8.1 Auto Dwell Times ................................................................................................................................ 12
8.2 Alarm Hold Time.................................................................................................................................. 12
8.3 Alarm Cycle Time................................................................................................................................ 12
8.4 Alarm Relay Hold Time ....................................................................................................................... 12
8.5 DC Restoration.................................................................................................................................... 12
8.6 Camera Inputs............................................................... ...................................................................... 12
8.7 Monitor A Output(s)............................................................................................................................. 12
8.8 Alarm Inputs ........................................................................................................................................ 12
8.9 Alarm Outputs ..................................................................................................................................... 12
8.10 Power Requirements............................ ............................................................................................... 12
8.11 Dimensions.......................................................................................................................................... 12
8.12 Environmental ..................................................................................................................................... 13
9. SAFETY WARNING................................................................ ................................14
VS Series 2 User Manual Page 2
1. Overview
The VS Series 2 compact desktop switchers are suitable for colour and monochrome CCTV installations, and cater for two to eight cameras and one or two monitors. Individual camera select keys are provided for the second monitor rather than j ust a spot key, providing increased speed and convenience of ca mer a sele ct ion .
Independent automatic sequencing on each monitor is possible and the cameras that are to be included in each sequence may be specified. Random sequencing may be specified if required. In dependent dwell times are programmed via the f ront panel keys and are stored digitally in non-volatile memo r y .
Advanced latched and unlatched alarm facilities are provided in all alarm models. Alarm inputs are provided for connection to PIR or other detectors associated with each camera. Alarm output relay contacts in the switcher permit control of an external warning device or a VCR. The alarm hold time, cycle time and the relay hold time are all independently programmable via the front panel keys and are stored digitally in non-volatile memory.
The unlatched alarm mode is suitable for unattended operation as, in this mode, the switcher reverts to normal oper ation when the alarms end. It may be used with both manual and auto operation. In auto, all alarmed cameras will be sequenced. In manual, the last alarmed camera will be selected. A flashing indicator provides a visual indication of whether the selected camera currently has an alarm.
The latched alarm mode provides similar facilities but provides an audible and visu al warning which the operator must manually cancel.
These switchers are robustly constructed and have BNC connectors for cameras and monitors, microprocessor control and bounce free interval switching in all models. Most user options may be simply selected by means of switch settings.
Video Switch VST605C.DOC
VS Series 2 User Manual Page 3
2. Getting Started
1/ Connect the switcher up as shown:
This diagram show the VS-28A. For other switchers, fewer camera inputs and monitor outputs are available.
2/ Identify the 8 switches on the switcher which are visible thro ugh the cut-out in
the base of the unit near the front edge. Set all switches OFF except for sections 1,2 and 3 which should ON (assuming 8 cameras).
3/ Switch ON the mains power. The switcher powers up in AUTO mode. Press a
camera select key to cancel the auto mode and view a partic ular camera.
Video Switch VST605C.DOC
VS Series 2 User Manual Page 4
3. Manual Switching
3.1 Selecting Manual Mode
Select manual mode for Monitor A by pressing the “AUTO A” switch to turn off its LED, or any one of the Monitor A camera select keys (lower row).
The VS-28 and VS-28A switchers cater for a second monitor. Manual mode for the Monitor B output may similar ly be selected by pressing the “AUTO B” switch to turn off its LED, or any one of t he any one of the Monitor B camera select keys (middle row).
3.2 Selecting Camera
Press one of the Monitor A camera select keys, identified 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 & 8 (lower row) to display the required camera on Monitor A.
The VS-28 and VS-28A switchers cater for a second monitor. Press one of the Monitor B camera select keys, identified 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 & 8 (upper row) to display the required camera on Monitor B.
Video Switch VST605C.DOC
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