Videosec SS-B, SS-C User Manual

RF Smart AC Switch & Push Switch
Interface specification
Match k ey
Exter na l Pus h Sw itch
The S S-B / SS- C is a RF swi tch des igned w ith 100 -240VA C input a nd 100- 240VAC o utpu t, to swi tch on/ off sin gle
col or LED la mps, tr aditi onal in cande scent a nd halo gen lig hts. Th e RF swit ch come s with 1 ch annel a nd maxi mum
1.5 A or 3A ou tput an d can be co mpati ble wit h a varie ty of RF se ries re mote co ntrol s. Push f uncti on is ava ilabl e
whi le the RF s witch i s conne cted wi th a push s witch .
RF sm art swi tch wit h relay o utput , witho ut dimm ing fun ction .
Sui table t o inser t stand ard pan el bott om box.
Adop t 2.4GH z wirel ess tec hnolo gy, remo te dist ance up t o 30m.
One R F switc h can acc ept up to 1 0 remot e contr ol.
Gre at comp atibi lity wi th a vari ety of di mming r emote .
To swit ch sing le colo r LED lam ps, tra ditio nal inc andes cent an d halog en ligh ts.
Con nect wi th exte rnal pu sh swit ch opti onal.
Technical parameter
Mod el
Inp ut volt age
100 -240VA C
100 -240VA C
Out put vol tage
100 -240VA C
Out put cur rent Out put pow er
1.5 A
3.0 A
150 -360W
300 -720W100 -240VA C
52. 00 mm
52. 00 mm
26. 00 mm
Push- Key
Uin=100-240VAC Iin=1.5A
Uout=100-240VAC Iout=1.5A Pout=150 360W­Temp Range:-30~+55
RF Remo te
AC inpu tAC outp ut
Match guide
The re are tw o kinds o f metho d to matc h the RF sw itch wi th the RF r emote .
Use Mat ch ke y
1. Ma tch: Sh ort pre ss matc h key of th e RF swit ch, wit hin 5s, p ress an y zone on /off ke y of the re mote.
2. De lete: L ong pre ss matc h key of th e RF swit ch for 5s , delet e all mat ched re mote.
Use Pow er- up
1. Ma tch: Sw itch of f the pow er, then s witch o n power a gain,
sho rt pres s on/of f key 3 tim es on the r emote q uickl y withi n 5s afte r pow er on, t he link i s done.
2. De lete: S witch o ff the po wer, the n switc h on powe r again ,
sho rt pres s on/of f key 5 tim es on the r emote q uickl y withi n 5s afte r pow er on, t he unli nk is don e.
Ava il ab le R F re mo te
4 zon e remot e
8 zon e remot e
PF1 -2
2 zon e remot e
Wiring diagram
Uin=100-240VAC Iin=1.5A
Pus h Switc h (Opti onal)
Push- Key
Uout=100-240VAC Iout=1.5A Pout=150 360W­Temp Range:-30~+55
Sho rt pres s,tur n on ligh t.
Sho rt pres s again ,turn o ff ligh t.
Safety information
1. The pr oduct s hall be i nstal led and s ervic ed by a qua lifie d perso n.
2. This p roduc t is non- water proof . Pleas e avoid t he sun an d rain.
3. Good h eat dis sipat ion wil l prolo ng the wo rking l ife of th e contr oller, p lease e nsure g ood ven tilat ion.
4. Plea se chec k if the ou tput vo ltage o f any pow er supp lies us ed comp ly with t he work ing vol tage of
the p roduc t.
5. Ensu re all wi re conn ectio ns and po larit ies are c orrec t and sec ure bef ore app lying p ower to a void
any d amage s to the LE D light s.
6. If a f ault oc curs pl ease re turn th e produ ct to you r suppl ier. Do no t attem pt to fix t his pro duct by y ourse lf.
100 -240VA C
Non -dimm able LE D light
Not e: The up per Pus h-key i nput po rt can no t conne ct any AC or D C power s upply,
oth erwis e, the pr oduct w ill be da maged .
Malfunctions analysis & troubleshooting
Malfu nc tions
No li ght
No re spons e fro m the rem ote
Cause s
1. No p ower.
2. Wr ong con necti on or ins ecure .
1. Th e batte ry has no p ower.
2. Be yond co ntrol lable d istan ce.
3. Th e contr oller d id not ma tch the r emote .
Trou bleshoo ting
1. Ch eck the p ower.
2. Ch eck the c onnec tion.
1. Re place b atter y.
2. Re duce re mote di stanc e.
3. Re -matc h the rem ote.
Euro Tech Corporation Ltd.
6724 Szeged, Hungary Üstökös str. 12/b Web: